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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. This was another boring episode. The photo bomb thing is alright although we have seen it several times now. The runway challenge was only a bit tied to the song and none of the outfits wowed me.
  2. Since Kristen is still married I don’t care about her being seduced by the weird dance troupe. Why were these women taking classes since they do their own private shows and have some kind of mystical powers. I can’t imagine them allowing the teacher to be abusive to them. Sheryl has done too much evil for me to root for her. If she loved her granddaughters she wouldn’t have been involved with hurting their father or stealing Kristen’s egg. I didn’t understand why the girls put Boggs name on their video-I must have missed something . Also think Sheryl is awful for encouraging them to post a video about a dead mother!
  3. Once again the teams are given tasks they aren’t qualified for, have no proper information on and whoever talks the most in the grilling seems to go. At least last year Gordon asked a lot of questions to try to figure out who was responsible. I really can’t stand Jess. There is always some loudmouth that thinks they know more than everyone else. I agreed with Nicholas that the package should have matched their idea of Neapolitan flavors. I’m a former reporter and I interviewed a food scientist once who worked on creating flavors for snacks. The nutrition people had degrees which allowed them to understand percentages of sugar, salt etc and they had all the information available regarding usual percentages, market testing on taste preferences etc. They also had nothing to do with actual marketing or label design. These tasks are just designed to fail, not to show skills.
  4. My problem is that they aren’t doing a good job of giving us real red herrings. They are making Rusty so unlikable that I don’t care about looking at other people. I read a lot of mysteries and if I pick up one where there is a murder, only one real suspect and that person is horrible what am I reading for? They need to show us more of Carolyn’s life and people she may have been involved with. I agree the MA acts weird and aggressive.
  5. I read about this case but the documentary added a lot. Anna seemed mentally ill-who would say that someone you barely know was the most important person in your life? What about your children? Then she said DMan talked to her about books; when would he be reading books? She was only with him an hour or two a week. It did not appear he was reading books at home. I thought it was the same thing as that student saying he read all the materials for the class he took-when? I was a bit concerned when the mom said she had him medicated so he wouldn’t masturbate. Of course he needed to understand not to do it front of people but it’s natural for an adult who doesn’t have a partner. I was impressed with the woman who was an anthropologist; people would likely dismiss her intelligence because of her disability.
  6. If I would have been alive during that period I would’ve been all excited about a vampire show but this show is so strange that I can’t imagine regular people wanting to attend. For that matter I wonder why the coven wants to do the show since it was so repetitive. I understand they used it as a cover to kill random people but they could easily have killed random people out in the streets. I felt bad for Claudia and Madeline although Madeline was very sad and beaten down in life too.
  7. I found myself falling asleep during this episode. The acting challenges all felt the same although they were supposed to be from different movies and the black wedding challenge has already been done. I don’t think I have actually been bored before on all stars. I do like Angie and am happy she is on a winning streak.
  8. I think having Rusty being the killer just doesn’t work because then there is no reason to have more than a one hour show. We have to be able to follow some sort of clues and it can’t be obvious from the the beginning. I hope we find out more about Carolyn than Rusty’s memories.
  9. I thought Kristen was rude to be singing that song in front of the priests. No one is forcing her to work with the church and she knew this was a work assignment. I know I’m an outlier here but I think Cheryl and her association with Leland is the weakest plot. It was Ok when they were first dating but now they seem to veer between her doing really bad things and somehow still caring about her daughter and grandkids. It’s like they don’t want her to be all out bad but the things she did to Kristen and Andy are unforgivable.
  10. I didn’t understand the idea of branding a wine for only one day of the year. I know they were limited edition but it could have been geared towards a season rather than a day. The Valentine one might appeal for a romantic dinner but I can’t imagine kissing a bottle and giving it or serving it for another occasion. Re-Brand wasn’t a good name unless you are rebranding a company. The idea of writing out “this year I will” wasn’t bad but they didn’t really emphasize that and instead emphasized people signing and framing the label.
  11. I’m always amazed so many bakers have home pictures that fit in with the challenges . Someone always has a childhood picture eating the item or doing the activity. I know these are provided after the show is over but I don’t think I have any pictures that would fit these challenges.
  12. The roasts all seemed really short, even I can come up with 3 jokes. I thought for sure Ru would pick Jorgeous for one of the tops. The atomic blonde theme fell flat, the queens didn’t know what to do with it. How many times per episode does Ru mention “beautiful benefactress badge”? That could be a drinking game.
  13. I hope they don’t change it to have Rusty as the killer because it would just be too predictable and take away the idea of ‘presumed innocent’. I did notice some changes; in the book and movie Rusty did not reignite his affair with Carolyn although he continued to pine for her. He also was not at her apartment that night and his fingerprints were found on a glass that came from his home. I liked the story as it was but I will reserve judgment until I finish the series.
  14. I was surprised to see Ben’s demon leading to sexual feelings for Kristen; we already went through that with David. I continue to love Sister Andrea, she is fearless! I hope Kristen finds out what is going on with Andy. Sometimes they make Leland out to be just a buffoon but he’s a buffoon who wants to kill a child and is drugging and controlling Andy. I didn’t quite get the infusion thing with Cheryl, she looks the same as she always did.
  15. One of the obnoxious ones said he feels sorry for the boomer contestants because they won’t understand how to use the internet. First off, Masterchef has nothing to do with the internet and secondly, if these people work, buy stuff, pay bills or do just about anything they know how to use the internet. It annoys me when young people think that if you don’t watch or make Tik Tok videos you don’t know the anything about the internet.
  16. I agree the show makes no sense. When the Food Network had a Next Food Star show they had people who cooked and wanted to be on TV. These people have invented products and want to sell them. If they have zero experience with online cooking they are going to fumble. Of course the older woman is out even though her team had no intention of listening to her. I have no idea why it’s a bigger sin to have trouble making decorative stars than missing two ingredients on a published list.
  17. I found it odd that Ru said Nina and Shannel kept up the same few notes; they didn’t do it anymore than the rest of the groups. Jorgeous and Mik clearly did the worst and Ru didn’t seem to care about that. I like Nina but her costumes aren’t doing her any favorites and why was she going to lip sync in a gigantic elf costume? I thought Mik’s suit was way too big in front but Ru will never give him a critique. Roxxy still bugs me ( since Jinkx and I know she apologized and changed) and I think she would have snipped Angie again if she could get away with it.
  18. This show annoys me; people who have never worked in a bar are supposed to magically have bar knowledge because Lisa owns bars? Maybe if they had shown Lisa and Gordon giving some kind of training or something. They were tiny bars with one or two drinks available and I think both teams did a reasonable job.
  19. Knowing this is the last season, I thought this was kind of a filler episode. Sheryl getting the literal ‘glass ceiling’ just seemed kind of silly-I like the evil group better when they are more creepy. I hope Kristen finds out what is going on with Andy soon it is dragging on too long.
  20. The guy Gordon cut was useless but I don’t think he is the reason they lost. They didn’t have enough people making food, were slow and charged too little. Last year Gordon spend more time grilling people. I can’t stand Lisa and her frozen face.
  21. Rebecca was a real character and was involved with developing the show before she passed away. Her involvement with the kids was made up; she came on the scene to write a book after they were arrested. I’m still having an issue with defendants and witnesses being housed together while a trial is going on-that’s just asking for witness tampering and threats. I didn’t have a problem with them showing how Reena became involved with Jo and Kelly and how she ended up in the group home. If the group home really allowed 14-15 year olds complete freedom to do anything they want I can understand some teens wanting to go there. I did think the show was repetitive and felt like we were seeing variations on the same scene over and over.
  22. I have seen on this and other forums that people think Eddie’s whole storyline with Kim is a dream but Buck also saw Kim at the station and I don’t think any of that is supposed to be a dream. If everything happening to Eddie and Bobby is a dream then where is the actual show? I think only Bobby dreaming of his father was a dream . I hate the story about Hen and Karen getting another child taken away. Stories like that are what scares people away from adopting. Hopefully a lawyer or even a tip to a journalist can change things.
  23. I’m also happy the show is back; no other show is legitimately scary and funny at the same time. Kristen seems a bit unhinged and between that and Andy being mind controlled plus evil grandma, I hope the girls will be alright. I love Sister Andrea and happy she is back. I don’t really understand the splitting the atom stuff but they did a good job of showing how creepy the facility was and the gates of hell hole.
  24. I wish they would go back to original Snatch Game, this love version isn’t funny. I thought Gottmik was boring and I wasn’t fond of his runway either . Marla Gibbs and the two Liberace’s were kind of funny and Angie had the best runway outfit and should have been on top.
  25. Ellen Pompeo has forgotten how to act: she always seems very wooden. I still don’t like any of the whiny, entitled interns, they couldn’t hold a candle to the original MAGIC. I assumed Monica was a lesbian but they had to find a way to squeeze in another workplace romance so I’m guessing there will be a triangle with Amelia. I still like Owen, Bailey and Richard as well as Nick and sometimes Amelia.
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