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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. There are numerous cases of toddlers getting ahold of guns and shooting them selves or others. Google toddler shooter and many cases come up. My husband has taught gun safety classes and the rule is to not leave any firearms where children can gain access to them. Period.
  2. My husband is a police officer and we always kept his guns locked up. Even a heavy gun could be dropped and go off-too many kids have been shot by finding their parents guns lying around.
  3. Yes it drove me crazy that the doctor was asking him questions when he is supposed to be doing his job. Why would she be evaluating him while he was working? She wouldn’t even know the exact responses to different calls. As a therapist for police officers she would be understanding about their stress levels but it is highly unlikely she would be trained on all types of police calls and the appropriate responses. I didn’t blame Angela for her response to the gun; her toddler could have reached into that purse and grabbed it.
  4. I assume the dad talked to her before he was arrested. Once again Maroun is on the side of the perpetrator. I felt bad for the guy being evicted from his job but the idea that someone could break into my house and have the right to shoot me because they decided it was now their house doesn’t sit well with me.
  5. There was a good movie made about this case called Murder on Pleasant Drive. Adam Arkin played John. I remember him playing John with such flat affect it was chilling. I thought Fran’s sister and daughter were very brave and persistent.
  6. I’m still happy the show is in my home state but the editing seems wonky this season. Every episode my husband and I notice something a bit off; this time it was that they didn’t introduce the two extra judges at the elimination challenge. Now there are times when they are cooking for a big table and don’t introduce everyone but this was a small group. They didn’t do a good job of explaining the challenge but just like every other competition show I watch from project runway to Inkmaster to Drag Race: if it tastes or looks great it doesn’t matter that much if you meet the challenge.
  7. This was just awful. I get it that it was some dated trope on “women can’t have it all” but none of it made sense. All it took to destroy Kim K and her cronies was to utter a chant? Then the real baby magically appeared in a christening gown?
  8. I thought it was fascinating but also very difficult to watch. I don’t agree that a stalker wouldn’t pick Donny; stalkers can pick anyone that pays them the least bit of attention. Donny seemed to be mentally unstable himself and I hope he got help and is in a better place. I do think it was brave of him to show the world that he was partially responsible for the way the stalking played out. I do wonder if everything in the movie was true or if parts were changed for dramatic reasons.
  9. I guessed after Plane got the body suit number she would not win. Then Michelle commented on expecting several bodysuits but it would be hard to layer decorated bodysuits and not have it look strange. I didn’t like Sapphira’s breasts in the first outfit, they looked like plastic balls. I have watched every season and this is the first one I didn’t have a preference for the winner. Congrats to Nymphia!
  10. I noticed the women kept bringing up accusations then changing the accusation when the men said it wasn’t true. “You wanted to sleep with my friend Lily” “No that didn’t happen” “Ok, well you tried to kiss Claire’s friend in the hot tub “ No, that didn’t happen.” “Ok, but you tried to double date with Cameron” On and On. What I heard Brennan say about Emily had to do with her behavior and negativity during the marriage and the fact that she was selfish and liked to party too much. I don’t like Brennan but Emily seems negative, immature and mean. Becca and Austin at least stayed out of the fray somewhat which shows some maturity.
  11. I said the same thing. The lemon piece was a garnish, it had nothing to do with the taste of the dish. I’m not rooting for anyone in particular but it’s obvious they are manipulating who they want in the finale.
  12. The woman playing Mia Farrow seemed nothing like her. Also hated them having Sharon Tate say that. Glad we got some answers on who was messing around with Anna but this story is just all over the place. Still don’t believe any actress would allow her agent to treat them the way Siobhan treats Anna.
  13. I was just thinking if you rented this with a bunch of friends or kids and extended family where would they sleep? I have rented houses for girl’s trips and they all had four or five bedrooms. These houses have two bedrooms.
  14. I’m glad the twins won although I don’t really like their design aesthetic. I liked the guys space the best. If I were buying this to live in or use for a rental I think my first priorities would be having a few bedrooms. People who have kids or people who travel with friends need separate bedrooms. I would make the closets smaller but with more room to hang clothes and more storage space for clothes rather than champagne bars or fireplaces. I thought the primary bedroom spaces all seemed kind of small compared to the giant bathrooms and closets. I would also like a library and writing space and a media room with a big screen TV. As far as outdoor space, all the houses looked cluttered to me and I would want a more peaceful place to look at the water. I thought they all had too much stuff outside; if it is a vacation rental people aren’t having parties with 100 guests.
  15. Tom scammed people his whole life so it was always more about opportunity than whether Dickie deserved it. Still, his decision to kill Dickie when he did was more about him wanting to spend more time with Marge and wanted Tom to go home. I thought that in the book ( and in the movie), Highsmith indicated Tom had developed an emotional tie to Dickie while at the same time wanting to replace him. I don’t think this series did a good job of showing Tom being even briefly accepted as part of the in crowd, something he never was. To me this series emphasizes the criminal part of Tom even as he goes about everything in an amateur way.
  16. I don’t think anyone can play Dickie as well as Jude Law. He has a charisma in the character that I don’t see here. I also think the movie explored the Tom/Dickie relationship better and Paltrow made a better Marge. This Tom seems so dour I can’t see Dickie wanting to spend time with him. Still, this series has its charms and this Ripley is more sinister. The boat scene was fantastic. I have two more episodes to go and I will finish and then watch the movie again.
  17. I don’t know why they introduced the idea of Bode being a father and just took it away. That’s just going to make him spiral more into his usual fugue. I liked the episode in general.
  18. Surrogate laws are different in each state and in New York the birth mother is the legal mother. I assume the father could demand a paternity test and file for custody since the baby will be going from jail to foster care. I don’t blame the husband for caring more about the baby than getting a long prison sentence for the killer; his wife is gone the baby is all that’s left of her. Glad this woman was convicted, the clean up afterwards and trying to sell the baby proved it wasn’t just PTSD.
  19. This episode was really gross and not all that entertaining. Why did Adeline’s family want to kill her? Are we supposed to believe she had a normal life besides her weird hidey hole with the pentagram? Then Dax didn’t know his parents were witches too? Hard to believe. I liked the Mia Farrow haircut but that was about it. I do think the actress who played Adeline is miles better that Emma Roberts; she should have been the lead.
  20. Meredith is just so unpleasant. Why does Nick even want to be with her? Why are Jo and Linc even talking about babies, they rarely see the ones they have. Still don’t think Helm should be sleeping with an intern but that’s a given on this show.
  21. Something is missing in this show but I'm not quite sure what it is. It's trying to be part Survivor and part game show but the survivor part doesn't work because there are no teams, we don't get a chance to get to know much about most of the people besides Rob and Aron and a big part of every challenge is luck rather than just skill. The suitcase part isn't all that interesting because instead of 26 cases, they usually have 12 and have to open 7 at first so the rounds are really short, Than of course people aren't really getting money they are just avoiding elimination and we usually can guess who will be eliminated, I didn't like Alyssa and don't care that she is gone. Why does everyone act like Aron is some God and untouchable? Because he is friends with Rob? I don't see anything about him that makes him one of the top players and people act like him and Rob are in charge of the game.
  22. I thought the meditation room was beautiful and a clear winner. The craft room did not look like a nursery and the bathroom wasn’t set up for a baby or child. It looked like an adult room with a crib thrown in. Also thought the music room had very little room to actually play music.
  23. Just caught up on the last two episodes. I know they have to wow the judges and show off stuff from sponsors but it’s too much . No one needs 25 separate seating areas each with their own grill. We are boaters and people don’t keep more than a couple of chairs and a storage box on the dock. I like the idea of using local art but wasn’t impressed with any of the pieces especially the ugly statue on the dock. And I can just imagine a storm coming in and having to run around and put away 20 cushions and other accessories. Also hated the dock hammock. It looked uncomfortable and you would be staring up at the sky.
  24. The angst of Bodie continues! You know that the young girl will end up living with Vince and Sharon somehow. Vince is ok but Sharon is the most self-centered person on the planet. Why couldn’t they let Jake be happy?
  25. I don’t understand why they had to kill off Asher. It’s the final season and he could have gone off on a honeymoon. As for the rest: Dr’s no longer recommend letting babies cry themselves to sleep. You don’t have to jump at every noise but letting a baby cry for long periods teaches them no one will come for them if they need help. I agree Shaun should be more patient but Charlie should not have rearranged the tray or started blabbing during a crisis point in the surgery. She almost seems to be trying to upset Shaun. Can’t they just give her to someone else. I didn’t particularly like the story about the obese girl either. Not all fat people think about food all the time and not all overweight people have fatty liver disease to the point of needing a transplant , especially a teenager.
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