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Everything posted by PradaKitty

  1. No one in their 20's should have deep crows feet like that .....
  2. I am always amazed that based on the way they cram food into their mouths, none of these people have choked to death prior to meeting Dr. Now.
  3. Adela has to be a very strong person to be around all of that drinking! It doesn't appear that any of the other ladies are considerate enough to NOT drink when they are with her, or at least ask her if she minds if they drink. I have one or two friends who are alcoholics and when I am with them, I do not drink. It must be awful to be the only sober person in a room full of over the top (and soused) women picking fights with one another.
  4. You know, I had a idea while absently comparing Duggars and Bates yesterday (I had free time) - The Bates family appears much healthier and the kids don't seem to have rampant acne - could it be because they serve their children REAL FOOD? No prepackaged cardboard or tater tot casseroles or ramen noodles, but actual home made meals! What a concept... I can only imagine the many other ills those poor Duggarlings may be suffering due to the most unbalanced diet I have ever seen.
  5. Well, to be fair to all of them, they ARE looking into the sun. The flight to Australia is a Loooonnnnnggggg one, and I fly form California!
  6. Well cheap and replacement do spell Jim Bob. As to the mason jars full of what looks like vomit - not a good idea!
  7. Now that Jeremy (the Golden Child) is out of the house and married off, he still seems to expect to be treated as the "chosen one". A lot of this I fully blame on Matt. During Jeremy's growing-up years, Matt was living vicariously through Jeremy. Jeremy was the child Matt wishes he had been - average height, good looking, athletic, etc. Zach was Matt 2.0 and Matt had already had a childhood as a dwarf. Molly was the girl, and was going to get married some day, so no need to think of her future, and Jacob was a HUGE afterthought who was put on earth to annoy Matt. All of this is not lost on Jeremy who is desperately trying to hold on to his golden boy status while Matt has seen Zach hold down an actual job, become a homeowner at a relatively young age, marry a woman of average height and is now preparing to become a father. Molly graduated from college, is on her way to a successful career and recently become engaged, and Afterthought (Jacob) has moved to California and is enjoying living life on his own terms. The only one still relying on Matt is the not so golden boy...
  8. Matt really doesn't know what a compound is, does he? He told Jeremy that each of their children would have their own compound on the farm. No Matt, if they all live there, that will be the compound. (You know, like compounding the houses...) And while we're at it - you're not the Kennedys...
  9. As to the Hermer family move, MArissa is probably think to herself, "then WHY did I become a British citizen?"
  10. ...and I share MY birthday with Jessa's anniversary!
  11. For a textbook narcissist (and sociopath, for that matter) refer to Scott Peterson.
  12. Me too since they are wearing hats INDOORS!!!
  13. I have a really hard time with the way Matt uses words. He usually screws up at least once or twice per (edited) episode. I would love to see what's cut oit. It's no wonder he only lasted a few weeks in community college. And worst of all, he owns a pumpkin farm and cannot pronounce the word pumpkin correctly. It's puMPkin, shithead, not punnkin!!
  14. Well, we do get rain in California. And fog - that's our winter gift.
  15. I love Caroline S. I think she's amusing and that we could be great friends since I am like her in many ways. Juliet - ugh. For someone who is supposedly "passionate" about fashion, and who has/had a fashion blog, all I can say is her taste is all in her mouth. (My mother's line, by the way). I have never seen so many unattractive outfits on one person - is she going for the "I'm an American tourist and running out of clean clothes" look?
  16. But she doesn't look normal when she does that!
  17. Arrrggh!! I HATE that Kmart elf and her smarmy squeaky voice! Listen up Squeaky, you either pay for the stuff or leave. No one wants your crap s move on....
  18. I recall when Sheldon and Amy first started becoming friends that there was a video chat with Amy's mom.
  19. ... and why is only one side of the tree lit?
  20. Also, prior to Amy making the giant smoothie from hell, she was talking about keeping (or getting) her weight down. Then she proceeds to toss in tons of sugary fruit, two bananas (about 80 calories per banana) and faux maple syrup. Nope, not fattening at all....
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