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Everything posted by PradaKitty

  1. And speaking of the "moo point", I was in law school (first year) when the girl sitting next to me leaned over and asked me, "When do we do Moose Court?" ( I seriously wanted to ask what her LSAT score was...) ...Probably a relative of Ramona.....
  2. Don't forget that we also get to snark on how Oddery decorates the new "palace".
  3. Both Ramona and Tinsley remind me of friends "recovering" from their divorces. At least five of my (then) recently divorced friends somehow thought life had frozen at the time they married. One of the friends, who married at nineteen and divorced at forty two started dating men(?) who were the age of the men she dated prior to marriage - in other words, she was dating 19-25 year olds! - and more than one friend has done this! Eventually they have all figured out that they don't have much on common with the boys they are old enough to have given birth to, and calm down and stop dating the "young bucks". The same goes with clothing and hairstyles - if you're dating in the 19-25 year old dating pool, the of course you should be shopping at Forever 21 ( even though 21 is far back in your rear view mirror at this point) and doing everything possible to not look your age (or anywhere NEAR your age). It's amusing though when in conversations with the younger crowd, these women refer to something that happened long ago, when the "youngsters" were babies! (Sort of like Ramona and her us of the word "Brassiere". )
  4. Whoa! That is one big white belly....
  5. I would not be at all surprised if Jinger, living in Laredo, ends up knowing more Spanish than Jill, the Central American "missionary"!
  6. I was just wondering earlier today... what type of security methods do they have to keep fans, or anti-Duggar people from crashing these weddings? Do the invitees have to present their invitations? Are they frisked? Is there security of any kind?
  7. Ramona with Avery and her friends was just disgusting, This is nor a "cool mom". First off, there's a good chance that Ramona is OLDER than the parents of some of these girls. Secondly, at that age, I would NEVER have wanted to "hang out" with any of my friend's parents or their parents' friends. Different generations, different worlds. I'm sure some of those girls think Ramona is demented (hell, I think Ramona is demented) and are just humoring her because they like Avery. Ramona, you will never look like you are in your twenties, thirties, or forties again, no matter how much unneeded, unnecessary and bad plastic surgery you get. Can you imagine Dorinda or Lou trying to hang out with their daughters' friends?
  8. Okay, Michelle was the cute and popular cheerleader in high school. She married Jim Bob, who I assume was not one of the "in" group, did not play any sports, and apparently had never had a girlfriend prior to Michelle. I wonder if over these past 30 years Michelle ever thought to herself, "What happened? How is this MY life?!" Fast forward to Jill, who isn't even popular in her family, much less anywhere else, who married Derrick who also appears to have never been one of the "in" crowd, either in high school or college. Being the school mascot is sort of a dorky thing, at least in my neck of the woods. Based on his build, Derrick probably never played sports, and it appears there weren't many (if any) girlfriends prior to his marrying Jill. Any way you look at it, this is a sad situation for all of them...
  9. Yep, Joe's hair is going fast. That's the "bare-scalp-iest" part I have seen in many a day.... Hair Club for Men should become a sponsor of this show so the boys could benefit.
  10. Jill is CRAVING attention and not getting it. Remember her at Jessa's wedding, walking all swaybacked and sticking her pregnant stomach out as far as it would go at the time, yelling to the wedding party, "Preggo coming through" ? Yep, Michelle isn't the only attention whore in this family!
  11. As has been mentioned before, when you are walking your daughter down the aisle, button up your damn suit jacket. If your gut is too big for that, then shell out some bucks for a new, TAILORED suit, man! Point two - (groomsmen included on this one). Do not wear brown shoes with light gray suits. Not a good look. Joy, maybe you could have opted for beige or white sandals if you did not want to wear shoes. (Even blinged out bride flip flops would have bee better...) I also thought it was weird that the bridal party walked down the aisle to "What a Friend We Have in Jesus". Weird selection. Weird wedding. I wish them the best, though!
  12. What annoys me (based on the commercial previews) is Joy saying, "Today I marry my best friend." ALL of the (married) Dugger girls have said that. How do these fiancés suddenly become their "best friend"?
  13. Penny in my Pocket was cut from the original Hello Dolly before it hot Broadway.
  14. What was the sing? I turned it off after Bette's win - had to get up at 5:00 for work!
  15. Well, that "ring" looks nothing like the Pinterest one, you can't even tell what the hell (yes, I said hell!!!) it's supposed to be! And, it is on a paper plate! Way to look cheap and grungy, fundies...
  16. Why the heck can't any of the groomsmen have their suits tailord to fit? And... Gray suits with brown shoes?!
  17. So, regarding this: TLC should change its name to TLA -- The Lazy Ass network. Those are my initials... sigh......
  18. It was nice seeing their friend Mueller all grown up and a father! I loved his "coaching: of Zach about fatherhood.
  19. Y know, it occurred to me over the weekend that the wedding may have been moved up since the Matron of Honor (Jill) has plans to be "missionary-ing" in October. Joy obviously wanted her "buddy" in the wedding party so they moved it up, insuring that she would be there. (Just a thought...)
  20. I thought that Jill might have been Matron of Honor and that is why her dress was a bit different from all the others.
  21. Regarding the Michael Kors bags - don't forget consignment stores!
  22. I am truly amazed at how awful Ramona looks. I've always been appalled by her actions and manners - now she has the physical appearance to go with them. I don't know who her (face and breasts) surgeon is, but based on this sample of their work, I would stay far, far away. With the new breasts, she looks extremely matronly, and yet she seems proud of them. They just seem to make her look frowsy. I have no idea of what was done to her face, but she is moving very close to Wildenstein territory...
  23. Matt has never appeared to be too careful with money. At one point, he bought matching Mercedes for him and Amy, even though Amy was perfectly content with her "Mom Van". Now they're rebuilding and moving the pirate ship because the grandkids need to have it. Um.. Matt... I'm pretty sure the grandkids won't be playing on the pirate ship for a few years. No hurry, Mr. "We have to do it Now!" What ever happened to those Mercedes, by the way?
  24. Jeremy is beginning to look like a homeless person. Time to clean up your act - it's not all about you anymore!
  25. Back to freezing offices. I too am at my desk with my space heater on. Our office is so cold that when I leave for the day in the summer months, I drive home with the windows of my car rolled up (no air conditioning on) in 100 plus degree heat until my body temperature normalizes. It usually levels out about half way home.
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