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Everything posted by PradaKitty

  1. I was intrigued watching Amelia's recovery. I started laughing when she was speaking French - basically because as my mother's Alzheimer's progressed, she stopped speaking English and only spoke in French (the language of her childhood).
  2. Yeah, I still haven't mastered folding those damn things!
  3. They were obviously going for a "Hamilton" with the musical numbers. They just needed Lin Manuel Miranda to write them.
  4. I was wondering what college Manny was at too. Since there are so many colleges in southern California, he could be anywhere! Between the UC system, The CSU system and all of the private universities close to his home, he could be anywhere. I think he probably wanted the "full college experience" so has opted to live in the dorm (with the revolving roommates). I actually had friends in college who lived in the dorms and their parents were literally only a few BLOCKS away.
  5. It is so true that many kids show up at college unprepared to do anything pertaining to cleaning, laundry, etc. My mother (and before her, my grandmother) made sure all of her children could do their own laundry, cook, clean, write a check and basically survive prior to going of to college, jobs, etc... I remember staring in disbelief at a work colleague last year when she mentioned that her son (who she had just dropped off at a very, very, top drawer university) called and asked her how to do laundry. Guess he was bright enough to get into the school, but befuddled by the laundry facilities...
  6. I can't believe how many people hadn't heard about Juneteenth. I'm a white Californian and it was actually covered in my high school history class ( in the 1970's) (by my white teacher). Kudos to the powers that be on ABC and Black-ish for educating people!
  7. It appears so... I also liked seeing the speech therapy. I has speech therapy as a child to correct a lisp. I found it amusing that this therapist has a slight lisp. That said, I love the way she engaged Zoey.
  8. Yeah, the pottery was great. Where is that store and do they have on line shopping? This would have been the perfect marketing opportunity for them.
  9. Camping in skirts... yeah, that's practical...
  10. Wow, this is extremely timely. I was on standby jury service all of last week. First, I had to call in the Friday before the week stated on my form. The recording stated my group (yes, numbered groups) did not need to call back until Tuesday after 5:00. I called Tuesday and the recoding stated my group needed to call Wednesday after 5:00. So... I called Wednesday and the recoding stated my group was to call in Thursday between 11:15-12:00 for a possible 1:00 appearance at the courthouse. I called Thursday and was told my group was not needed and that my jury service was over (thank God and all other deities). I'm a person who likes to plan ahead and these day to day not knowing if I would be at work or at the courthouse dramas we're literally making me sick. Either that, or I was possibly actually sick and trying to keep it together in case I had to go to the courthouse. I was never called for jury duty until I started working at my current workplace. Every month, someone from work was summoned to jury duty. I have no idea why we were targeted, but it looks like more than voter registration and driver's licenses were at play here...
  11. Nice to have Anastasia Beaverhausen back!
  12. Jana may be like one of my co-workers. She (the co-worker) is a very nice, fun young woman in her early thirties. She is not interested in men, nor is she interested in women, either. She is perfectly content living with her parents and paying rent to them.
  13. And let's not forget kids, in the wedding special. Joy was asking Austin how she should wear her hair - on the day of the wedding!! Way to think ahead there, Joy. I swear, arranged marriage mail order brides are more excited about their weddings than Joy was...
  14. Jeremy, get a fucking haircut! You look like an idiot.
  15. She wants someone who works with his hands (like in building things).
  16. The Trump speech was some time after the election. However, I'm pretty sure that Gary/Chaz would have still been sporting a very large bandage while his stump healed.
  17. Jan rally needs to stop using food as a reward. Will is already "food obsessed" and using food as a reward generally leads to weight/eating issues. The occasional popsicle (say after being good at a medical appointment) is fine, but it's being overdone at this point.
  18. I do love the Sheldon refused to have a Texas accent. I have a friend from South Carolina who also "refused".
  19. Derrick couldn't join the military if he wanted to - he could never pass the physical.
  20. I wanted to slap Joy for being such an indecisive idiot and double slap "Miss Rene" with her condescending kindergarten teacher voice. No wonder Joy ended up with that weird unflattering Frankenstein of a wedding gown...
  21. I absolutely loved Howard's reaction to the baby news. And Stephen Hawking was great!
  22. Loved it! I thought his twin (Missy) was funny in the way she dealt with him, too. Also liked that they referenced Professor Proton and the potato clock!
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