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Everything posted by JocelynCavanaugh

  1. Yikes! I'm in Texas but I guess those nasty bugs are all over the place. Mine got through tall socks under pants! Jordyn's(?) look clustered like mine, which is why I also thought they weren't from mosquitoes.
  2. I was going to say the same thing. My ankles look like that right now, and all I did was leave the garage door open while I refinished some furniture! 😥
  3. That/who, wonder/wander, addicting/addictive... I swear the schools are not well anywhere in Teen Mom Territory. (Correlation = causation?)
  4. I’m not even going to play like I wouldn’t eat that. Maybe I am garbage but my eating preferences can be quite affordable.
  5. Yay, teamwork! I agree, LB’s story was tragic but Sean’s was just about as bleak as it gets. We’re due for a more lighthearted story!
  6. Now I’m curious to see if that will be it! Sean and LB did have a slight resemblance, but I remember LB as one of the most motivated and easy to root for if anyone ever on the show. Hearing about his death actually made me really sad. EDIT: wording was not meant to imply that Sean’s death wasn’t sad!
  7. She said something at the very beginning about finally feeling like she was a full-time parent, but I can’t remember whether Leah was named or just implied.
  8. Were you maybe thinking of James “L.B.” Bonner? He definitely played football and I think I remember him saying the thing about making his dad proud. Sadly, he has also since passed away.
  9. I have no idea whether Mary was an introvert, but if it were me with the five-million-person family, I’d definitely need some alone time. Not that I’d wish this kind of passing on anyone, but after a morning at church and probably a huge family lunch, I need a break! Not just “Fundies.” Lots of Christians believe this because it’s mentioned several times in the New Testament.
  10. Amy stop writing captions while you’re drunk on salon Chardonnay. It’s not a “chair,” sweetie. It’s actually a chair. If you’re sitting in a “chair” and “getting your beauty on” in front of a mirror, we can probably infer the rest. And the ellipses are looking a little unhinged. IstilllikeyoubetterthanMattKbye
  11. Of course Tyler is the kind of person who says “addicting” when they mean “addictive.” That’s the exact kind of detail that explains him. rainbow baby tattoos live laugh love style starting a toddler fashion line saying “addicting” ...he is a Basic Betch! I have venti nonfat extra whip caramel macchiato with a shot of vanilla for... Tylar?
  12. When a notable person passes away, people are going to be curious about how. I understand that there are different opinions on what counts as "enough" information, but I've always thought that at least a brief allusion to "how" can deter worse speculation and intrusion. A well-known travel blogger died suddenly last month, and until her family confirmed that it was probably due to an asthma attack, people were guessing overdose, suicide, drunk drowning, etc. There shouldn't be shame in how anyone dies, but keeping tight-lipped about the manner while sharing news of the passing is bound to invite speculation. Survivors can choose to share how ever much or little they like, but they can't stop human nature. Death is the great unknown and many of us assuage our trepidation by ruminating on the circumstances of others'. "Found floating in the pool" is shocking and a bit more vivid than I was expecting, and probably not the Duggars' preferred phrasing, but it can also help explain the reactions they may be exhibiting. I agree with others who have said they give a wide berth to anyone for how they deal with grief. Just because many here don't like the family or hate their beliefs or lifestyle doesn't mean the Duggars are faking grief and didn't actually love Mary. They have a very different worldview from mainstream culture -- that's their whole schtick, after all -- but they are human beings and I'm almost positive they have souls. Yes, even Jim Bob! I've been pleasantly surprised to see so many comments giving them some grace on how they're reacting.
  13. Maybe they're staying with friends while the house is for sale, so they don't have to keep it spotless while trying to live there, and leave on short notice for showings. Maybe it's already sold and they needed a place to stay until they move. Maybe they're just hanging out at the friends' house. With a photographer mom + a firstborn, photogenic child, I don't see how the kid's life would be anything less than a constant photo shoot! 😆
  14. Loves cats and enchiladas and is happy to be living in Texas? Those would all be on my super-sized episode too!* I guess Janine is an all right gal! *I will never be on this show but you know what I mean.
  15. I don’t get it, either! Maybe some people just don’t see it? In Jill’s case, she did grow up in a house that was far from spotless, but considering how many kids were in the TTH at the time, it never looked that bad to me. It seems like Jinger keeps a very tidy house and Jessa’s is hit-or-miss (dirty diapers piled on furniture being a low point), and you and your sister clearly have different “styles,” so I guess it’s just an individual thing. But I still cannot relate AT ALL. When people say “I don’t want my house to look like it’s in a magazine. I want it to look LIVED IN,” I’m like, why?
  16. I’d be really impressed if they pulled off timing their family at a pace they can afford and are comfortable with, and stop at 2 or 3 and don’t make the oldest girl(s) raise their siblings. But that’s just me. 😏
  17. The bump cradle is everywhere and it’s always obnoxious, IMO. I generally find it weird to caress oneself in public. I don’t follow those other people but that bride is simply stunning. What a great example of how to be effortlessly modest. You don’t have to Frankenstein six different dresses together to broadcast that no normal gown meets your impeccable standards. The silhouette is flattering without being provocative, and the design is cohesive, almost as though one person executed it and didn’t rip pieces off of other garments in her tacky boutique or something.
  18. Some people just have a really high tolerance for mess or even filth. I don’t, but I guess it’s a spectrum. If Jill and Derrick both don’t mind it, good for them because it’s one less source of tension in a marriage, but God bless any kids they have that like to keep things neat. It would be tough to be outnumbered by Pigpens.
  19. They probably just picked a name they liked and then retrofit it to be based on a “martyr.” If there were a famous Puritan named Kynzie they’d be all over it. I truly hope they’re done and happy with three. They got a girl, it’s a nice family size, and they’re already going to be bursting out of that little house soon enough. Unfortunately they probably won’t stop here. I wonder how many children Jessa can reasonably be an attentive parent to.
  20. The color is too harsh, and I agree balayage would’ve looked better, but I think it’s fine that Jinger is trying a different look. It doesn’t seem like a monumental revelation on her character to me. Even if she did it because Jeremy likes blondes... okay? She seems happy with it. They’re married. I think it’s fine if people want to make slight changes in their appearances to please their spouses. If my husband decided to get on the beard trend, there would be a discussion. I can just imagine the swell of nitpicking and jabs at their motives if these two did post pictures of themselves doing whatever work it is that Christians are supposed to do according to the internet. There is no possible way they’d do it that wouldn’t be criticized. One part of Christian doctrine is that members of the church are parts of a Body: some are the hands, the feet, the eyes, etc. Some are gifted with serving others and feeding the poor, and others with intellect and study so they can dig deeper into scripture and teach. There’s nothing wrong with that in a doctrinal sense. Some may object to Jeremy’s particular style of doing so, but he’s not Failing at Jesusing just because he’s not handing out sandwiches to the homeless. For those who wondered about the stack of books labeled with books of the Bible: they’re concordances. They have background notes, cultural context, information about vocabulary in the original language, references to other related scriptures, etc. They do serve a purpose, and I’ve never heard of a scratch ‘n’ sniff version and would be terrified of how that might smell.
  21. This season’s LPBW cast scorecard, IMO: ⬇️ Caryn: what a snake. Already didn’t like her but now I strongly dislike her. Those comments about Amy and Chris’s hypothetical wedding invite? THAT is the real Caryn, make no mistake. Aren’t mean girls supposed to be pretty? ⬇️ Tori: was she always this lazy and dumb? The last things she needed in life were a Clifford the Big Brown Dog and an MC Escher house for her 2/3 (soon to be 3/4?) achondroplasia family. Also: get a job. ⬇️ Matt: every season we see more of his petty, selfish, hateful side. It’s not even fun like on Teen Mom. Also: clear your throat or I will clear it for you and you will not like my method. ↔️ Zach: I knew he was kind of lazy and dumb and cannot eat with his mouth closed. (That last part may be related to skeletal issues but it’s still not TV-ready footage.) He willfully misheard the FACT that he WILL need surgery, and the shot is just a stopgap. He went along with the idiotic house purchase. His idea of packing and moving is an embarrassment to 18-year-olds moving out of dorms. Maybe this should be a ⬇️ but I think it’s the same Zach we’ve known for years. ↔️ Amy: I still mostly feel bad for her and think Matt was about 90% of the problem. She still does some cringey stuff like getting way more tipsy than everyone else at the Awkward Campfire and letting her real feelings out. Not a power move, and when you’re dealing with a snake like Caryn, you must make power moves. Also I don’t see it as a foregone conclusion that she expects Chris to propose, but if so, she should listen to what he has always told her. If she wants to get married just to compete with her ex, look Amy, I’m not sure marrying reptiles is even legal in Oregon so don’t sweat it. 🐍 ⬆️ Jackson: finally getting a personality so I’m in. ⬆️ Murphy: fuzzy wuzzy wittle bearbear I ruv hem make hem star of show Wittle Pupper Big Dog
  22. It’s sad but true, and it can happen to just about anyone. Look at Whitney Houston — far more talented, rich, and (to most people, anyway) beautiful than June, but she chose Bobby Brown and drugs for so long it became too late. It's tempting to place all the blame on Bobby for corrupting the sweet girl who sang in church, but Whitney was, as least at some point, a competent adult who knew that “crack is wack” and did it anyway. No doubt that was a HUGE factor in how her poor daughter’s life ended, too. Fortunately June’s daughters seem a little more resilient than Bobbi Kristina but nobody is in the clear just yet. And I’m sure Geno would be just delighted to learn he was the poor man’s Bobby Brown in this scenario.
  23. They’re not married; he’s just her boyfriend. When she referred to her “family” I couldn’t tell if she was trying to claim the Kaepernick side as her own despite no blood or legal relations, or if she was extrapolating the perceived insult to include her actual family, who I guess technically count as “African-American” but aren’t what we normally mean by that term.
  24. What a mess this all turned out to be. I feel terrible for Alanna and Lauryn. Alanna may be known for being an overweight, uncouth child, but I think she is really a decent kid who’s a victim of her upbringing. We’ve seen her be sassy but never malicious or destructive, and she seems to be really attached to her family. I truly hope things get better for her. Lauryn is way too young to be dealing with all of this, but I commend her and Josh for taking care of Alanna while they’re still newlyweds with their own baby. Geno was definitely portrayed much better in the past, and I think the truth is somewhere in the middle. He’s kind of a low-level criminal junkie, but not an evil mastermind, and he’s been pretty clear with June all along that he didn’t want to marry or have kids with her. She’s the one who has chosen to cling to him like a bipolar barnacle. They both have culpability in this situation. It was scary to hear June talk about how much she hates herself. She seems to know on some level that she’s made a lot of bad choices and squandered many opportunities, although she refuses to admit it on camera. On top of that, she’s got several health problems, including near-blindness that leaves her dependent on others. Her whole makeover ordeal was basically a waste of time, since she hasn’t done anything to maintain or keep losing weight, or take care of her hair or teeth. She looks awful, and she’s hung up on a guy with growths on his head and neck and possibly racist tattoos, who, sadly, seems to be her best catch yet. (He’s better looking than Sugar Bear, as are the vast majority of men, and so far we have no evidence of child molestation.) I don’t respect June very much but I still wouldn’t want to see her hurt herself or worse. What a bummer. This was supposed to be mindless entertainment and now I’m over here worrying about a 13-year-old I’ve never met.
  25. I’ve heard Jill of All Trades many times. Jill is considered a female equivalent of Jack (colloquially, not etymologically), and sometimes a generic female name, like an “average Joe.” “Jana of All Trades” would be kind of cute, but it doesn’t scan the same or have the same connotation as Jack/Jill. (ETA: found an interesting link) I don’t see any evidence that they have some bizarre fear of the devil smiting them for using a masculine term about a woman. Honestly that is just silly. The hype around the Duggars’ beliefs frequently seems to go far beyond the silliness they actually come up with. I’m not a fundamentalist, but I prefer not to have masculine titles ascribed to me. It’s not because I’m afraid of Satan, it’s just weird. I don’t like being called “bro” or “dude” either. I’m not a man. And the Duggars probably don’t care about this part, but I don’t appreciate men being the “default” human all the time. This seemed to me like a a cutesy play on Jill’s actual given name, which worked because of the aforementioned Jack/Jill association, and nothing more. We’ve almost certainly given it more thought than Anna ever did.
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