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Everything posted by JocelynCavanaugh

  1. I enjoy how almost everyone admitted being attracted to their switch partner. Why can't the matchmakers on Married at First Sight do that? Speaking of MAFS, I can't stand Dr. Jessica. She's so judgy and unprofessional, and brings her own feelings into counseling others. It scares me that she's teaching faculty in a graduate program. One of the guys (Charles, maybe?) reminds me so much of Keegan Michael Key!
  2. Sometimes I can't believe that Kim and I are almost the same age. My friends/peers simply do not sit around staring at themselves on their phones, making videos about literally nothing. A few may post selfies often, but nothing close to this. But none of us are multimillionaires so I guess we're the dumb ones after all...
  3. TLC, we all know you read here. Make. It. Happen.
  4. What process, Leah? What standard? What goals? She is the most aimless person in this pack of “white trash who won the lottery” (mean but I don’t see a lie in that statement). Her only goal seems to be talking about goals.
  5. Is Tyler left-handed? Or does he just not know how to work a paper cutter?
  6. Jinger looks so much like her mother there. If she keeps having a bunch kids her face is gonna freeze like that and there’s no going back. Jeremy is making an odd face. It doesn’t read as a smirk to me. It looks like the sun is in his eyes or he just realized he left the toaster oven on.
  7. It’s unusual but a few CCs are starting to offer a BSN because of the nurse shortage/more hospitals not hiring LPNs. Chantel may be doing that. She may also be lying or delusional because it’s Chantel. But yeah, in general, you can’t get a 4-year degree at a community college!
  8. I can't picture Marie LeVau out in the yard shouting in Peggy Hill Spanish, that's for sure.
  9. Aww, I forgot how truly cute she was! It’s just awful how people criticized her to the point where she mutilated herself. I agree she looks so much older than her age now. Removing(?) the lip fillers helps but she still looks so hardened now. I guess it was a bad sign when we saw her pole dancing at age 9 and no one in her family was horrified.
  10. It's fascinating to me that David declares the move from the firehouse to the storage office the point at which things become "humiliating." I thought that ship sailed back somewhere around not being able to afford the trumped-up bride price for a "25-year-old" ping-pong champion who uses '96 Camaro paint for lipstick. Not that it matters, but having a PhD can actually make it harder to get a job because employers think you'll be too full of yourself to mesh with colleagues, or will leave at the first chance to go back to academia (LOL like there are jobs). I'd love to know what is Master's is in, and whether it's from an accredited university. If it's the least bit reputable, he should be able to get a job in an office or in sales, or possibly adjuncting at a CC. The problem is that he doesn't want to. I guess his "humiliating" circumstances aren't quite rock-bottom. Not to mention owls and Buddhas! Straight outta the Home Goods in Hell! I can't decide what was more annoying: Chantel's squeal-moaning or her mother's shouting MOOEY MAWLO repeatedly into the darkness. What a disaster that all became, and it really didn't have to. Both of their families suck hard, but Chantel and Pedro seemed to have a real relationship. They just weren't mature enough to "leave and cleave" as the preachers used to say. Paola, however, is the worst person on this show and one of the worst in the history of TLC. What a horrible, nasty, lying piece of shit she is. Everything is about her, and she doesn't ever give Roos the benefit of the doubt. I don't believe for a second that she's truly devastated about her abuela or her miscarriage. They're both just convenient excuses for her to moan and whinge and push Roos away, so when she leaves him for Pitbull's second cousin she can blame the relationship and not her own skanky ass. Russ should've dumped her long ago. He's not the most dynamic guy at the TED-Talk but he's honest and hardworking and not unfortunate looking. Paola is none of those and then some. Nicole, I am almost positive they sell shampoo in Marrakech. Look into it.
  11. Nobody said it wasn’t. But it’s not May’s name.
  12. Same here, except mine use “Miss” even though I AM married! Some students are pretty nasty about it, too, like women need to get over themselves and stop being so “bitchy” about titles. What really doesn’t help is when a male colleague chimes in with “yeah, who cares about titles? Only people who are egotistical or insecure make a big deal out of being called Dr.!” Ugh. Luckily for the Duggar women they will never have this problem... ?
  13. Well, Tyler, you're in luck, because a lot of people can relate to generic platitudes and cliches!
  14. How exactly does one pronounce ? I bet they would say "duuuuuuuude." This just annoys me way more than it should. Like when people write that they "loveeeeeeeee" something. Really? You "lov-ee" it? I've never heard anyone say out loud that they "lov-ee" something but I've definitely heard people "loooooooooove" things. For example, I looooooooove effective communication. I enjoy expressive language and think it's funny when people write like they speak (like ending a question with a period because it's not really even a question just a WTF.), but there still has to be some kind of logic to it or you make no sense. Dudeeeeee.
  15. Just chiming in as an adult who wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until about 30: I definitely self-medicated with caffeine! I was obsessed with Dr Pepper since middle school, and even now, I take my meds with RockStar Recovery or Diet Dr Pepper. NO RAGRETS. Apparently it’s not that bad for ADHD kids and can even “lower explosiveness.” The link between sugar and hyperactivity is tenuous at best, and red dye does not cause ADHD. Sugar is bad for teeth and it’s empty calories, but as others have said, an occasional treat is just not a big deal. Extreme restrictiveness tends to make kids seek out the “forbidden” stuff when they’re away from their parents, and they’re not going to be great at moderation. Jace is up against so many worse things in his little life, I just can’t bring myself to worry about two treat drinks at an occasional dinner. I actually enjoyed Jenelle and Jace’s outing. Under normal circumstances I’d be like, damn, that is one awkward relationship, but for them it was about the best we’ve seen. I wasn’t sure before, but there it seemed like Jenelle has genuine affection for Jace — maybe not the way a mom really should, but it’s something. It reinforces how terrible David is. If she could just stand to be single for a minute I honestly believe she could be a decent person. Given that the topic is a controversial one, I thought Jenelle’s explanation of the NRA was fairly tame and age-appropriate. The only part that lost me was when she said “the National Rifle Association,” Jace asked “what’s that?”, and she said “the NRA!” That does not answer the question! The way Briana’s mom kissed her was NOT okay. I know some families are on-the-lips kissers — definitely not my scene but whatever — but this went waaaaayyy beyond normal. The way the mom closed her eyes and leaned in was straight-up romantic, it lasted much longer than a family kiss, and Briana was trying to slide away like that poor cat with Pepe le Pew. It was totally inappropriate. Even if I were leaving my mom and knew I was going off to die for some reason, we would not make out. Leah’s fidgety mannerisms and talking over Kailyn drive me insane. The way she talks with that vocal fry/nasal congestion/Valley Girl cadence combo from Hell makes me suspicious of whether she’s truly clean and sober. If so, she picked up some bad vocal habits that never went away!
  16. If I were super rich and didn't have to work, I would travel a LOT! But, like Tori, I'm NOT super rich and and I have a lot of debt (albeit mine is student loans, not warehouses full of crap). The difference is that I accept that and have a job.
  17. The live show was so pointless. It was kind of fun to see Jodie from RealiTV but she and the other guests each got about six words in. Why even waste their time? It felt rushed and poorly planned. I'm not entirely opposed to a live after-show but that is not the way to do it. They need to find a personable B- or C-list celebrity who's willing to admit they're obsessed with the show and have watched since Day 1, and get that person to host. Someone like Chrissy Teigen but less polarizing, or like Tori Spelling but less timid. Hell, even another reality person who's fairly well-known, like Brandi Glanville or Melissa Howard Beck. Then have just one or two popular bloggers or podcasters per episode, shell out the $400 to fly them into the studio because Skype is never not awkward, and have a real conversation. Bring in people related to the show we just watched, not losers from two seasons ago who won't go away. Instead of Danielle, why not Winter, or Robbalee, or heck even Storage Cody? That would be hilarious. Call me, TLC!
  18. She looks much younger/closer to her actual age. Now if only she would take out those monstrosities implanted in her butt. Big butts are nice on people who are meant to have them, and Kylie is not one of them.
  19. Earlier this week I said I’m 80% sure he’s gay.
  20. According to this article: Often? So sometimes they look like the parent after plastic surgery? This is a fascinating breakthrough in epigenetic research! I hope the major scientific institutions have been notified.
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