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Everything posted by JocelynCavanaugh

  1. Her name is literally Jill though. It’s a play on “Jack and Jill.” I happen to know a bit about people thinking it’s hilaaaaaaaaarious to ask girls named Jill where Jack is and other such stupid references.
  2. Audrey may be an obnoxious, offputting person, but there is nothing wrong with her body. She looks healthy and fit. I’ve never understood accusing someone of anorexia. Either they aren’t, so it’s pointless and rude, or they are, so it’s piling on someone with a mental illness. I’m afraid so many of our population are overweight that we’ve lost sight of what a normal body type even is.
  3. For anyone who might still be reading this thread, I just wanted to note that we don't know what caused Kelly's heart failure, and it was likely not just that she was obese. I have dilated cardiomyopathy (a condition that commonly leads to heart failure), and some tests have indicated I have trace amounts of fluid in my lungs (that is the criterion for congestive heart failure, although thankfully I don't have enough to warrant that diagnosis) and I have never been obese or even overweight. Many or most cardiomyopathy cases are "idiopathic," meaning we can't ever know what caused it. Kelly's weight or diabetes may have been the cause, but I don't like to see misinformation repeated -- it's similar to people with lung cancer being blamed for their choices, when some have never smoked a single cigarette.
  4. Jazz mentioned her earnings from social media and activism. The TLC big bucks were either implied, or else they still try to keep up the illusion that people like her are just the selfless volunteer subjects of these educational documentaries. Given how immature and impulsive we know Jazz to be, if she does indeed have around $100k-200k saved up, she probably thinks that's a fortune that will never run out. It wouldn't be too different from all the Teen Moms who are rumored to make $300k per season and spend like they're Kardashians. As Jazz is coming up on her 18th birthday in show-time, I'm really losing patience with her uncouth behavior. Whether it's due to the delayed puberty, or being the spoiled baby of a permissive family, or both, she is insufferable. She still splays herself all over the furniture, jiggles around on camera without proper foundation garments (sorry, but that's just how it is in society), talks over everyone, squawks about her "vagina" constantly (almost always meaning her vulva), and chews like a particularly unrefined barnyard animal. She appears to be reasonably bright, and I don't think she's evil at her core or anything, but the current Jazz is NOT growing into the kind of adult people are going to want to be around. She better cling to that cushy life with Greg and Jeanette because that's the best she will ever have it at this rate.
  5. I thought it was nice that Terra wanted to work and was doing something she enjoyed. I just don't think being shy and raised by nannies quite explains her... situation.
  6. Is Terra... normal? I feel like the internet has been very gentle with her because of what she went through (totally understandable), but I can't get past her bizarre affect. She seems impaired, either developmentally or chemically. Her speech is slurred and her intonation is dull, almost like someone with hearing loss. The way she forces out lines like "I'm nottaVIC-tim. I'masssurVI-vor" is just not normal. I wonder if she's always been like this, or if she sustained a brain injury in the attack, or is on a ton of sedatives, or who knows what else.
  7. This show is SO frustrating. The concept is great, and I really want to get into it. Every episode gives just enough interesting development (such as Bulgarian guy) to keep me hooked, but I space out so hard during all the stupid interpersonal scenes that I miss important info. I have to come read here to find out what happened. There really aren’t any major characters I’m rooting for at this point. Grace is definitely the worst, but everyone else is close. Cal is sweaty, shrill, and utterly charmless. I wish TV shows weren’t so squeamish about killing off child characters, since if we’re being honest, 90% of child characters need to be killed off. Rudy Huxtable he is not. I can’t root for a potential coupling that starts while one or both halves are already in a committed relationship, even if it’s a bad one, so Beenvi is a non-starter for me. Michaela and Jared are a gray area in terms of first dibs — I keep thinking of Rory Gilmore whining “but he’s MmYYYYyyy Dean” after fucking someone else’s husband. Michaela is one of those female characters obviously written by men, and I guess it’s supposed to be relatable and charming that she’s impulsive, selfish, bad at technology, and a terrible liar. A regular Jess Day, so adorkable! Except not at all. Also wasn’t there something about statues coming to life and screaming at people? Did I dream that? What year is it?
  8. For full-time academic positions, they start opening the jobs in fall to begin interviewing for the next August. It’s definitely not a quick turnaround! He could possibly get an adjunct gig that would start in January — $1500 to $5000 per class, per semester (NOT per month!), no benefits, no guarantee of continuing past May. Like someone else mentioned, it can be hard for an academic or someone with higher degrees to get hired for mainstream retail/service jobs because of those misconceptions. You could leave it off your resume, but much like being on flight 828, you’d have to account for that time somehow! ”Fortunately,” it’s TV so there was never a chance they’d get academia (or medicine, religion, law, etc.) right in the first place. They’ll make up whatever unrealistic titles or job situations for the narrative.
  9. This season is really boring. The only person I find mildly interesting is Pauly — he was my favorite on Jersey Shore and he seems to have matured just a smidge.
  10. It’s a trendy pattern. I’m pretty sure people on Internet forums are more obsessed with “Quiverfull” than anyone in this generation of Duggars.
  11. I generally like them, and Juniper was already reminding me of Jack before I read here! They would be adorable to watch together. Lauren does seem low-key miserable, and it’s also hard to watch her go through that bangs journey on TV. She picked an odd time to grow them out if that’s what’s going on. Nate is definitely “on” but his emotion when Lauren’s mom told him how Lauren is crazy about him seemed real. Something about him reminds me of Greg Gutfeld (not his stature!!). I cannot believe all that Lauren has been through and is still willing to go through to have more kids. It seems like nonstop pain. I’ve never related to that level of desire to procreate but I wish her well.
  12. How come nobody capitalizes Bible any more? I don’t believe in Hogwarts but I still capitalize it... If a child told me I looked like a cat, I would not make shitty racist comments about him. I’d thank him for giving me the highest compliment of my life!!! CATS ARE BEAUTIFUL WHO WOULDNT WANT TO BE A CAT
  13. I’m scared to admit this here, but I think Bristol is really pretty. She’s probably not very smart or likable but since she’s lost her baby weight she’s actually gorgeous.
  14. Deb sure turned on the spokeslady routine when it came to the vag procedure, yet she somehow managed to never actually say how it works. Maybe it’s an eMBA thing that’s too sophisticated for us to comprehend.
  15. Farrah is legitimately functionally illiterate. She has no business “home schooling” anyone. For some reason, out of all that garbled printer error runoff she calls a social media post, it’s “a women” that bugs me most. So many people make this stupid mistake constantly, I swear it’s taking years off my life just seeing it so often. Nobody seems confused about the difference between “man” and “men,” but you put “wo” on the front and suddenly it’s just too much to keep straight? Sophia is not getting cuter, but she definitely seems to think she’s something special so good for her, I guess.
  16. Yep. If something says “Dry Clean Only,” I either hand wash it or don’t buy it. I’m not one of those “OMG CHEMIKULZZZ ????” people but dry cleaning chemicals are nasty and I don’t believe they actually clean anything. They’re like hand sanitizer. Also not a germaphobe, but the unwashed thrift store clothes made my skin crawl. I just feel like they would’ve been oily and faintly smelled of someone’s unvacuumed carpet. If I found a single hair on any piece I would’ve thrown up all over Kendra’s clean floors.
  17. Lauren talks like she’s falling asleep drunk. She can barely keep her eyes open and she runs out of breath before she finishes a sentence. I’m not sure if she’s really as dour and unkind as she seems, or if it’s just her incredibly lazy way of presenting herself, but either way I would hate to spend any time with her. I loved how Jinger managed to work in that internet-pleasing orthorexic comment about how she eats. She must be as sick as I am of people making snide comments about the tater tot casserole (which honestly looks amazing; I’m not too good for the food of my people)... PLUS if I had to guess which Duggar is most prone to disordered eating... It was kind of shocking how blatantly Austin described the misery of marriage. I’m sure someone as dumb and dependent as Joy is very frustrating to be married to, but he DID meet her before proposing. This was not new information! And then knocking her up immediately — WHY do they do this to themselves? I’m sorry but that is so depressing to me, to skip the fun honeymoon stage, ESPECIALLY when it’s your first time living on your own, and go straight to morning sickness, fatigue, labor, exhaustion, and diapers. Jana may be the only one thinking strategically here.
  18. LOL so true... poor Kylie. I actually thought she was an adorable adolescent. She had cute freckles and reminded me of a little sprite. Now she looks like a 45-year-old blow-up doll. It’s funny to me which celebrity products actually end up being good. Kat von D and Rihanna’s cosmetic lines, Britney Spears’ perfumes, Jessica Simpson’s jeans and accessories, and George Foreman’s grill have all been hits. Maybe Kailyn’s Line will be, too!
  19. Kailyn has always had great hair and I think it’s all hers. It was very thick in her 16&P episode. It’s the one thing about her looks she’s managed not to mangle.
  20. “But why did you got married with him.” ?!??! That’s way more painful than any slang/emoji! Good lord. The amount of people who believe “it’s just social media, who cares, you know what I mean, you must be an actual member of the Nazi party if you have a problem with my scraggly ass illiteracy” is beyond depressing. @Bridget Nessa made a joke about it being her place but then the cameras panned back and showed that it was a loft/set. It might have been rented, like an AirBnB or photo shoot location. @luvly I didn’t mind it, either. Obviously Kailyn is defensive and aggressive a lot of the time, but given her usual standard, I thought there was a surprising amount of self-awareness and willingness to admit fault! When she cringed at the scene with Jordan, she even said it was because she was so wrong and handled it so badly. She also admitted to being an “immature asshole” at some point. I think that’s something every Teen Mom has been at one time or another (as well as most of us), but I can’t picture Farrah or Jenelle or even Saint Chelsea of Pinterest owning it that matter-of-factly. Javi is a snake. I’m glad it’s coming out. Kailyn makes lots of bad choices and treats people badly, but she’s never been able to hide it. Javi has a lot of people fleeced.
  21. Sometimes I think Jace and Maryssa look as similar as bio siblings. They definitely resemble each other more than Jace and Kaiser. DNA is so weird! But what do I know? I didn’t go to strip mall medical school.
  22. Can you... exfoliate babies? Does Johnson & Johnson make a No More Tears scrub?
  23. The only problem with this theory is that... Tori isn’t actually beautiful or rich. ?
  24. I really enjoy these episodes where we see the cast try to do different "adulting" things, and what their individual struggles and skills are. That said, I cannot recall a time in my avid, lifelong television-viewing career more painfully awkward than Megan and Rachel ordering Chinese food over the phone. Good Lord, that was excruciating. I had to fast-forward after the fourth "My name is Megan and I'm here to order dinner." Her unique blend of self-satisfaction and incompetence is sociologically fascinating, but I can't handle it in real time. Totally agree that Rocco needs a haircut and his own show that I will never watch. Last season, he just had that "parents can't bring themselves to cut the bebe's hair" look, but now it's straight up "give him a girlish bob and don't hold back on the girlish!" Sorry, Woke 21st Century, but nah. That boy has girl hair. John's vision worries me. According to Dr. Google, eye disease can occur with DS. He said he hadn't been to the eye doctor in years, so I hope that changed right away. Forget driving and maybe even walking if he ends up with tunnel vision or cataracts. Rachel's dad is really cool. I just like him as a dude. He would make a good neighbor or colleague.
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