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Everything posted by JocelynCavanaugh

  1. That is true, and I grudgingly respect the parallel structure. But “Darcey” is still annoying like “spicey” and “smokey.”
  2. The horrible human beings in this instance are Darcey and Stacey's parents who spelled their names this way. Believe me, I do not enjoy it but I am a stickler for spelling.
  3. There is not a single couple on this show that actually likes each other on a remotely comparable level. In every case, a clueless, insecure American is either outkicking their coverage on a desperate foreigner who just wants a McMansion filled with apple pie and MAGA hats, or pining for someone who can barely stand to look at them and must be on the show to promote something. And I’m really being generous here because Karine, Hazel, and Michael aren’t even outside Pop Warner coverage IYKWIM. Of all the fools and thirst traps on this show, the one that truly confounds me is Jesse + Darcey. Neither is poor or ugly or running from legal issues as far as we know. They’re utterly miserable together and I don’t believe it’s “just a storyline” (kinda tired of that being thrown out about everything that ever happens on every reality show ever but that’s another thread). I’ve seen this go down IRL and may have been guilty of it myself. They’re so invested in the idea that “they are in a relationship” that they can’t see how terrible and dead-in-the-water it is.
  4. You can have any ass money can buy and that’s the one you choose. It reminds me of the way lottery winners decorate their new houses.
  5. Damn Jeremy making me choke up about this dumb show! That piano was beautiful, and he nailed the "paper" theme for a first anniversary. "Come Thou Fount" [not "Thy"!!!] is one of my favorites, too. It's not every day you hear a song use the word "Ebenezer" and use it well. (Okay, just to clarify that I am not being weirdly emotional here: my dad bought my mom a piano for their 15th anniversary and it's a very sweet memory, I walked down the aisle to "Come Thou Fount," and my husband also got me a pretty great paper gift for our first anniversary. I'm practically a Duggar, y'all.) I also choked up about Jinger's very real emotion at seeing her family. It's easy to assume she is glad to be away from them, living a normal life in a clean, quiet home, but they are her family, after all. I didn't expect her to be so overwhelmed. Jim Bob looked really emotional and I think I even saw a glimmer of human feelings from Michelle? One thing that confused me was when Jinger was saying how important it was for her mom to be there so she could ask her questions about being pregnant. I kept waiting for the part where she explained what was different about it compared to a phone call or FaceTime but... *crickets*
  6. If you're surgically altering yourself to resemble someone academics write entire monographs about, using phrases like "the colonized body" and "sexualized savages," in addition to exclusively dating men of a particular minority to the point of probable fetishizing, it may be time to sit way the hell down on that fake ass and think about your choices. I would never expect Khloe to read an actual book, of course, but she could at least peruse a Wiki page or two.
  7. John is hilarious. He's become my favorite, which I never would've foreseen during the days of Shake That BootyBooty. He's a little more perceptive about other people and has a pretty great sense of humor. I love his parents, too. I'm also liking Elena more than ever, and agree that Rachel looks so much better without that goofy haircut. (I have an irrational dislike of turned-out ends on anyone/any hair type.) Cristina's wedding dress shopping was a really good example of how it must be tough to be the loved ones of a person with DS. Her original favorite dress was hideous and totally wrong for her (very few women actually look good in a strapless, plunging sweetheart neckline), but it was the one she loved. If she were an average person, how would that go down? I would think the friends and family could say they really liked X or Y dress better, but it's her day and her decision, and then she would be able to weigh their input and make her choice. Is Cristina able to separate those factors the same way? I appreciated that her mom tried to avoid pressuring her into a dress she didn't really love. Megan and Sean are so far behind the others it's hard to watch. They're both convinced they're so cool and mature, and their parents reinforce the delusion, while they're easily the most immature and least self-aware of the group. I don't like either of them at all. I think it's important not to treat people with DS as a monolith; they're not all "sweet" and "docile" all the time. They are also capable of being assholes, just like anyone else, and Sean: you the asshole, my friend. If I never hear him declare that he is a sexy ladies' man again it will be too soon. He gets away with a fuckton of #MeToo behavior because of his disability and maybe it's unfair of me, but I'm not okay with it.
  8. Maybe Rachel was terrified of raising her child around people with such atrocious grammar. "Babies" is plural, not possessive, Grandma!
  9. I'm getting super uncomfortable with the Jesse-Nazi references here and in the other threads. It's really not funny to me, especially about a Dutch person. (Look up the Netherlands in World War II, or hell, just think about Anne Frank for a second.) Jesse may be a jerk, but as far as I can tell he's not into anti-Semitism or genocide.
  10. You don't sound crazy, @LIGirl! I appreciate the updates. But wow, that is really awful to hear about Diane. She went from one of the most likable and down-to-earth people I've ever seen on reality TV to one of the most serious cases of mental illness I've heard of in a long time. I'm not sure what mental illness it is, but there is no way she is doing all that stuff in a sound mind. I really hope she gets help soon.
  11. This is probably too late to help much, but Angela’s Volvo has to be more than 10 years old because I used to drive a 2009 model that was at least one body style newer than that. For reference, the 2003 XC90s I could find now sell for under $5000. It may still have a smooth ride and fairly good safety features for an older vehicle, but it’s by no means evidence that she is an iced-up G balling out of control. It should be illegal to show, or play audio of, anyone vomiting on basic cable. That came out of nowhere and it really upset me. I can’t handle vomit, and I do everything I reasonably can to avoid it. Seeing, hearing, or smelling it makes me start shaking and sometimes I even cry. (Not proud of this!) I don’t watch episodes of Intervention about bulimia or alcoholism, and I know when to hit FF before That Scene in Pitch Perfect, but that was totally unexpected and so disgusting. A few months ago I was trapped in a train car with someone who started vomiting uncontrollably and I am still recovering. Jon was also way too calm afterward. Nobody should be that comfortable with puking on the street (unless they have HG or some other condition beyond their control).
  12. It doesn't matter how much Kim starves herself. She will never look "slim" as long as her ass is stuffed like a turkey
  13. Kim literally looks dead. She looks like she was strangled and thrown onto a messy bed and that is the CSI photo. Where can I get me a pair of them murder-Nikes?
  14. Kourtney is the least exciting to look at... if your definition of “exciting” is “voluntarily mangled, deformed, cheap, and greasy.” Kim always looked disgusting to me and Khloéëęê??! has started to lately, too. Kourtney’s recent work isn’t great but at least she still looks human.
  15. In the other thread people were saying Treat Williams. Is that it? FTR Cortney went to Spain to meet Antonio, not Italy.
  16. Every time I see “Angela and Michael” I think something has gone terribly wrong in Scranton. It’s so weird to me when people say “that [woman/child/baby] is beautiful and she deserves better.” Like if Darcey or Lucy were ugly all of this wouldn’t be so bad. Ugly girls shouldn’t expect people to treat them well! I doubt most people would agree if they thought it through but the wording is disturbing. Praying this season and thread don’t get overtaken by MAGA talk and political derision/accusations of Nazism. I try to avoid that stuff as much as possible.
  17. One nice thing about Nicole and Azan is that they both have heads the same width as their necks. I've noticed that for however many seasons they've been on, whenever someone rides to or from the airport, they seem to be in the same dusty blue Kia Sportage. It doesn't appear to be driven by any of Azan's family, or at least they never seem to acknowledge the driver. Is a blue Sportage the yellow Prius of Moroccan taxis? The black Camry of Moroccan Ubers? Is there only one shuttle service from Marrakech to Taroudant(?), and it's a blue Sportage? I'm too hung up on this stupid Sportage.
  18. “There are so few couples like that” It makes me sad that this person thinks C&T are a rare example of a good marriage.
  19. Kailyn actually looked nice from the neck up in that other photo, but jumpsuits like that barely look okay on Gigi Hadid, who is 2" taller, probably 70 lbs. lighter, and basically flawless. (They both have fabulous hair, though.)
  20. This is really a good point, too. She visibly goes into a fugue state the moment someone starts to tell her something she can't handle. Dr. Tsao is the best example, but I could come up with others. He was very calmly explaining Ali's current status, and very obviously in the middle of a paragraph of important information, when Leah blurted over him mid-sentence to talk about how scared some other symptom made her feel. That's not your therapist, Leah! This is the time to bust out that Hello Kitty notepad and glitter gel pen and jot down some pertinent items. She kept doing the same thing to Kailyn when they went to dinner before the podcast -- nervously interrupting someone else's flow to make it about her. It's not necessarily a narcissistic thing; I have no problem believing that she has a clinical anxiety disorder, but she needs to Stand in Her Power, Live Her Why, and get a handle on it because it's making her life so much harder than it has to be. I also have a crossover show I'm planning to pitch to the networks, if Viacom and Discovery are willing to hear me out: bring in Dr. Now and let him and Dr. Tsao join forces to politely but firmly s-p-e-l-l this s-h-i-t out for Leah in heavily accented English. I need Dr. Now to ask Leah what Ali's "eating habit" is and calmly keep asking the same questions until she actually answers them. Then Tsao can tag in with the relevant MD info, and if Leah starts to be all butI'mjustlikerillyscaredanditslikerillyscaryyuhknow, Now can be like "NO EXCUSES LEAH THIS IS ABOUT LIFE AND DEATH. STOP TELL ME SHE USE HER WHEELCHAIR. IT'S MAT-E-MATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE." The NOW AND TSAO Power Hour: Hey Y'all Doin'. I will start a GoFundMe, I'm not joking.
  21. I am a stickler for following doctors' orders and using words correctly!
  22. Leah is actively contributing to Ali's demise. I can't really get past that. She doesn't keep her in the wheelchair most of the time, or even have her wearing protective gear for when, not if, she falls. She enrolls her in softball and cheer. Her attitude toward the wheelchair makes it no wonder Ali wants to avoid it. She acts like it's a hassle and a hindrance, not a life-prolonging mobility aid. Then she flat-out lies to Dr. Tsao, who, last I checked, is not an idiot. When there's an issue with the school aide, she proclaims "they're taking away Ali's aide for no reason!!!" which can't possibly be true. Whatever went down, I'm sure there was a reason, whether it was lack of funding, or the school thinking "Ali's own parents don't even make her use a wheelchair. Why does she need an aide?" I won't re-litigate the IEP rules here, but Leah obviously did not relay that incident correctly, either through unintentional or willful ignorance. She does all this while tearlessly crying and flailing about to any man who will listen -- within Ali's earshot -- about how terrible it all is. I think Leah loves her kids, but she's primarily motivated by getting positive attention and trying to repair her image from when she was on (more) pills. She cares about Ali, but she also cares about having three girls who cheer and wear makeup and do the things she thinks are cool. The fact that one of those girls is terminally ill with a degenerative muscular disease won't stand in her way. I don't care if it's hard. Little kids cry when you won't let them touch a hot stove or jump in a dirty pond or eat Tide pods. Too bad. Adults are supposed to protect them. Ali is a smart child, but she is a child. She is not the expert on what's best for her health. Her parents have taken her to an actual expert, then flouted his advice at every step, then continually wondered aloud why is Ali so tired and sick??? Like I said last week, dangerously stupid.
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