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Everything posted by JocelynCavanaugh

  1. (Posted 2 days ago with a screenshot of her iPhone with a folder called "Nonsense" that includes Instagram) (Also posted 2 days ago next to a picture of Diane as a toddler) There were other posts between and since these. It's meltdown level. I did not see that coming! She is unhinged. She seemed so down-to-earth on the show! I'm disappointed and a little worried for her. And now that I looked at that third person's account, Instagram is going to assume that all I want in my Explore page are more pictures of tits and ass, because their algorithm was invented by Tila Tequila.
  2. I didn’t need that answered though. I was just trying to help all the confused people who can’t spell this particular person’s name right. I also didn’t need to be told how to pronounce “Mae” but here we are so ??‍♀️
  3. CC is done later, not by TLC. The TLC-generated chyrons on the show say May. Yeah but it’s not May’s name. If your name is really Kate, your probably prefer not to be called Cait.
  4. It’s definitely May. Not Mae. No idea where that misspelling came from, but it persists even though several people have confirmed the correct spelling. I can understand the confusion around “Robbalee” because what the hell even is that name, but “May” is three letters, phoenetic, a common verb, and a month of the year. It could not be easier! (This isn’t really directed at you, HoT, just the rantings of a good speller with an equally simple first name that people still manage to fuck up!)
  5. I'm sure she'll be totally surprised if they offer her pain meds, and probably not even fill the prescription. Isn't "gimp" considered offensive now? Not that she would care.
  6. That's consistent with Farrah's history of complete denial about reality. Is Michael aware that the English language has a past tense? In addition to boffing they're/there/their, he seems constitutionally unable to add "-ed" to the end of words that refer to things that already happened.
  7. Maybe I'm hallucinating, but does he... kind of have a sense of humor about himself?
  8. The first time I saw that thread title, my brain read it as "Surprise My Vagine" and now that's all I will ever see. So my vote is: anything but that.
  9. Ooh yes. Also, the look on her face when the doctor asked if she'd been pregnant before was such a dead giveaway, I seriously thought we were about to get a "big reveal." Her eyes bugged out for a second and she said "yes..." but then added "a month ago!" like "good save, Pao, you spicy Latina liar! You really fooled that doctor who specializes in this exact condition, and also a million viewers who know the look of guilt when they see it!" I don't have an opinion on whatever reproductive choices she may have made in the past, but it is a little hilarious to watch her try to spin this as her first and much-wanted pregnancy.
  10. She actually looks younger and more pleasant with the light makeup.
  11. It actually gets pretty cold in the higher-altitude areas. I think they even get snow in certain parts, sometimes. (I know this because I looked it up after wondering about Azan's snazzy array of wool sweater-blazers in a previous season.) You both nailed it. Annie is just an unimpressive person all around. Except at genital Stupid Human Tricks, apparently. I've noticed this, too! Her grammar, syntax, and vocabulary are outstanding. If she could get some accent reduction training and work on her inflection a little, she could probably pass for a native or near-native speaker. That's why I think she should leave Jorge and go work for a Russian embassy in the US or American (or other English-speaking country) embassy in Moscow. Maybe through that job she could meet a legit rich dude, too. They are very gracious. I'm still trying to figure out how much of it is just their culture or family's culture, or if they're genuinely sweet and a little oblivious, or playing it up because someone who is A) female and B) "rich" wants to marry Azan. Before, I considered it somewhat possible that Azan might be gay. After this episode, it's more like 80%. If someone had just randomly asked me on the street yesterday, before I watched this episode, "who is the last person on earth who has any room to talk about a brother's relationship with his sister being oogy?", even without context, my answer would have been River de Chantel!
  12. So Leah seems to think she's outgrown Jeremy and is too evolved to get back together with him. Hilarious. She's like the most mature 6th grader in gym class.
  13. In that picture, little Sturgeon really looks like his dad for a change!
  14. Maybe he's subconsciously fixating on the "bi" part because he's bi-somethingelse.
  15. Okay, in their defense, isn't that the one that has people named Dally AND Darry, or some other absurdly similar naming scheme? I remember having trouble with that too. (I have some issues visualizing faces/characters and spatial settings, which is probably relevant...) I also had a really hard time with Ivy Larkin because the main character has a brother named Francis, and then all of a sudden she's talking about some guy named Frank, and I was like WHO IS FRANK. THIS BOOK MAKES NO SENSE. Eventually I think I asked my mom WTF that was about and she explained the nickname thing. BUT in general, yeah, "kids today" are a MESS when it comes to reading and critical thinking. They seem to have zero experience with reading for comprehension AND zero concept of why it matters. While I wouldn't recommend Gary Shirley as a role model per se, there are people who look up to him, so if one of his followers comes away from that tweet motivated to read to their kids or take them to story time at the library, then it's a Tiny Triumph. My shameful Teen Mom viewership has sparked some funny discussions with students, but it got me in trouble the other day. I have an online student whose first and middle name are very similar, with his middle name being the name of a TM kid -- think "Jason Jace Rosada" or "Benjamin Bentley Rivera." Since we only communicate online, and his email account shows his full name, I kept calling him "Jace" instead of "Jason." He was sweet and didn't mention it, but when I finally noticed my reality-TV-fueled idiocy, I apologized and said "This was definitely NOT because I watch too much Teen Mom. (Okay maybe it was.)" ?
  16. Their relationship is probably longer-term than they’re willing to admit.
  17. LOL I cuss sometimes! With Farrah I try to avoid doing hate crimes since that's so important to her but it's tough.
  18. There was just so much to love about these educated, self-aware young women making strides in the world tonight, but I'll hit a few of the highlights: Jenelle ordering survival supplies because "a world leader" and President Trump have both threatened to push the nuclear button. Did she not know Kim Jong Un's name, or was she just afraid to use it because he might sue her for slander? Briana belching as long as possible over her friend who was trying to speak, then giggling and saying "excuse me" like an especially unlikable adolescent. It reminded me I meant to FF her scene per usual. Leah smugly declaring "Ahalrdytoldumwehuktup" and then grinning like the cat that ate the canary. She's not 100% strung out on pillses these days but I'm not ready to give her the Most Improved Award just yet. Kailyn leaving her house full of randos and hangers-on while she takes her latest souvenir child to visit his father, declaring at least 27 times that she is about to throw up, but never throwing up. What does this mean? How does she arrive at these choices? There were more people in her house sitting around using her wifi and half-assedly responding to her rants than I've had in my home all year. Chelsea asking her daughter if she had a "poop sandwich" for lunch. Not a high crime but pretty fucking gross. Sorry, not a fan of bathroom humor as a way to relate to children. Now I will go back to my barren, childless life and sophisticated taste in reality shows and junk food.
  19. Good lord, that is disgusting. That poor kid has no idea what she's doing. She just thinks it's a cute outfit and a fun little dance. I hate Farrah. I really hope people can see past admiring her "hustle" and see that she's pimping out her little child. She is a deeply sick, untreatable individual.
  20. The legal bar for assault is surprisingly low. Technically it doesn't even require physical contact (that's the "& battery" part of the phrase).
  21. Tyler continues to remind me of intense dog portrait photography. I hate black pepper and similar herbs/spices so Catelynn's food made my stomach turn. She just seems so dirty and gross anyway. I don't enjoy thinking about her preparing or consuming food with those grubby fingers.
  22. I can totally believe that Leslie was fired on a technicality because her employer was actually just trying to get rid of the uncomfortable gender situation in the gun shop. But... after hearing her and Stacy talk about it, I can kinda see where maybe she really did re-sell the gun and didn't intend to keep it. The story was a little too rehearsed. Of course, maybe lots of employees do the same thing while management looks the other way, but then it got used against her when it was convenient. I don't know; I just find her a little selfish and impulsive so it seems possible. Overall she's still more likable than most of the people on this show. I just can't imagine my spouse hitting me with "Surprise! I'm trans! You're pregnant by me! I lost my job!" all within a few months. I'd melt down. When it comes to Troy/Lucy and how to talk about trans-people, I'm a little confused. The episode description and chyrons say "Troy," and the person on the show still presents as male and has not decided as of now whether to transition. Is it really correct to go ahead and apply female pronouns to this person when s/he hasn't asked us to? While I'm at it, I think I missed something with Cas. In the TH, Cas said something to the effect of "I'm their kid. I don't really identify as their 'son' or 'daughter'." I don't recall Cas saying outright which pronouns to use, but Beverly seemed to be under the impression that he/him was preferred, not they/them, which makes me think Cas does more or less identify as male, even if [he] isn't ready to use "son" instead of "daughter." Those are obviously related but technically a different step in how the person identifies. In both cases I'm in no way trying to mis-identify a person; in fact, it's the opposite. I think it's important to use the right terms but I don't think it's cut and dried that the second a person says they're non-gender-conforming that we automatically apply the other pronoun. If [Troy] has said something to this effect and I missed it, please let me know!
  23. I don't understand why anyone ever makes women's fitted clothing with a seam right on top of the natural "seam" in anatomy.
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