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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. In round two, yes. In round one, though, India went first.
  2. Final update for tonight (from me, at least): http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856 4. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On" 10. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace" 15. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River" 26. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life" 29. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues" 40. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts" 53. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On" 56. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory" 73. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire" 86. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down" 121. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'" 140. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana"
  3. Three-hour mark, and from here on until I turn in tonight/tomorrow morning, I will just update this from this post: http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856 4. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On" 10. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace" 15. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River" 27. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life" 30. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues" 40. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts" 55. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On" 57. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory" 73. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire" 86. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down" 125. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'" 147. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana" Meghan will be having her second song multiplied by ten, and Sawyer will likely get both of his songs in the top ten. Koryn keeps climbing to the point that one of her songs jumped ahead of India's first one. India and Kimberly, meanwhile, seem like at least one of them will hit the bottom. Perhaps even both, at the rate Koryn's going. Slight chance Joshua could hit the bottom if one of the girls make a good climb, but that will remain to be seen.
  4. I believe it's only two in the bottom tomorrow, @pivot, not three.
  5. At the two-hour mark, it seems like some of the downloads are kicking into high gear: http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856 9. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On" 14. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace" 24. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River" 36. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life" 39. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues" 49. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts" 72. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory" 73. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On" 87. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire" 116. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down" 166. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'" 196. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana" Looks like fans of Christina's team are really trying to raise Kimberly and India's downloads.
  6. Ah, yes! I forgot Missy did that to poor, doomed Rebecca! I just don't think they revealed how she did it, though.
  7. I know that. That's why I mentioned a bottom two. There is only going to be a bottom two this week. I just hope they're not both in it, and that only one of them and someone from another team is.
  8. Almost an hour-and-a-half after the show, here are everyone's charting results: http://www.lpb5.com/lpb1024.php?Region=143441&Albums=0&ref=lpb2&t=1430795856 9. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Shine On" 23. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Amazing Grace" 29. Sawyer Fredericks - Team Pharrell - "Take Me to the River" 40. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "In My Life" 41. Meghan Linsey - Team Blake - "Steamroller Blues" 58. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Everybody Hurts" 92. India Carney - Team Christina - "Glory" 97. Koryn Hawthorne - Team Pharrell - "Dream On" 100. Joshua Davis - Team Adam - "Desire" 138. India Carney - Team Christina - "Lay Me Down" 186. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Free Fallin'" 226. Kimberly Nichole - Team Christina - "Dirty Diana" How the hell is Kimberly doing so poorly on the charting? And after butchering both of his songs, I see the desperate Adam fans are already at work to save Joshua. Sawyer's gonna have one of his songs' votes multiplied by ten already. I think Meghan's gonna be all right going into next week, since both of her songs are in the top fifty. Neither of India's seems to be very high, either. Koryn seems to be . . . all right. Could still hit the bottom if her phone and text votes aren't very high. Scared for Team Christina's remaining members tomorrow. If one is in the bottom two, I hope it's just one with either Joshua or Koryn.
  9. That's it? Then it was as clear as day Courtney was going to win with those choices. I'm not bitter in the slightest. I might've been had Brenda been an option, but since she wasn't . . . Courtney is fine with me.
  10. The really sad thing about losing Hannah last week is that no Nancy could be seen this week. As Reba said, she really was a hoot. :( Anyway, as I watch: Team Adam Joshua: Once again, boring both times. "Desire" actually started off for, like, thirty seconds as engaging before he fell into pure repetition for the rest of the song. I don't know how such a smooth voice can be so unexciting, but Joshua manages it. "In My Life" was a tad more interesting, but not much. I appreciated the simplicity, but not much else. I don't know what his wife was thinking by pushing for that one. Being the last Adam contestant standing, though, he'll log in the votes and downloads he needs from the desperate Adam fangirls (and likely from @blueray, @kelnic86, @limecoke, @Noreaster, @Padma, and other fans of being bored). Really don't get why he gets the accolades he does. Also, interesting how they waited for his wife to make her appearance before his second number. Attempt at padding votes for the otherwise boring guy? Team Pharrell Koryn: Surprised that a slow song engaged me so much, but it did. The audience sure felt the same way. "Everybody Hurts" was pretty damn good. You can tell she was putting her heart out there. "Dream On" was good in terms of vocals, and she worked her body and the stage very well. I thought she did a great job tonight, but she might suffer from not being as popular as Sawyer, Kimberly, Meghan, India, and, very shockingly and perplexingly, Joshua. And on a side note, I'm stunned by how much she looks like her mother. :) Sawyer: "Shine On" was probably one of his least interesting, engaging performances. Oh, his voice still sounded very good. He just needs to learn to work the stage more. That's been a problem of his from the beginning, and in large part, it's because he, like Joshua, won't put aside his crutch: the guitar. Not even for one number. Not unless it's a team number. . . . Oops! Spoke too soon! He actually dropped it for "Take Me to the River!" Good for him! Baby steps, Sawyer. Baby steps. For the most part, he sounded great without it! But I thought he waited way too long to start working the stage. That said, this was much more riveting than the first one! He's charted the highest every week but the top ten. So assuming he charts the highest again, he'll make it through. Team Christina India: I've heard numerous complaints about her not relaxing and letting loose in her performances. Well, she moved and sang like she was pretty loosened up to me. "Glory" was good, if a little repetitive toward the end, and she engaged me the whole way. "Lay Me Down" was actually even better. She actually went into her lower register, and I never even expected that of her! And it could be a good sign that she got the audience going before the song was even over! Still might hit the bottom if her popularity isn't high enough, but I hope she can get out of it! Oh, and she confirmed it -- a two-vote margin saved her over Corey last week! Kimberly: I know there aren't many fans of runs on here, but "Freefalling" was one in which they were probably necessary. But it wasn't the most engaging of songs. She sang it well, and it was nice and steady, but nothing mind-blowing. "Dirty Diana," though? Something about that was so completely awesome! Not just her vocals, but in how she worked her body and the stage. Plus, she made it all her own! Hoping she can get the votes tomorrow! Team Blake Meghan: "Steamroller Blues" was amazing. She did such an amazing job with it. And with Corey gone, I'm thankful she didn't have slip into the country slot vacated by him. She got to stay with her soul and her blues. "Amazing Grace" was a good way to pander to the Christian voters, and just another near-flawless performance, besides. The first verse being a capella was a risky choice, but right up there with Bo Bice doing that on AI4. So all in all, a fine job tonight. Might get the votes, but we'll see when the iTunes charts go up. Really feeling tense as I wait for the chart results. Hope they go a good way, not a bad one.
  11. Who else was available? Honestly, I don't hate Courtney as much as everyone else here seems to (actually, not even at all), so I didn't mind seeing her. And Alicia Leigh Willis is looking pretty good! But who else was available?
  12. If Elizabeth really, honestly goes along with this, then IMO, she'll be just as bad as Nikolas, if not worse. (No, not really. Nikolas has known longer, so he'll still be worse.) At that point, they'll both be bad enough to deserve each other. Ugh.
  13. The scars are from Cal patching her back together. It was established during one of the scenes between them.
  14. Yes, but most, if not all, of those characters were also made to face what they'd done before they could start on their road to redemption. And even then, Regina is still more than just a little on the bubble when it comes to hers. Ward has had what he's done addressed, but so far, he's still not been truly made to face it or make any true amends over it. Until he does, no redemption should be within sniffing distance for him. None whatsoever.
  15. Still catching up, but: I saw no blind spot. She ripped her apart just as she did Morgan. Yes, he got more of it, but given that it was all his idea and that he had no remorse for that, while at least Kiki did (though I really would have preferred it being the other way around), I didn't have too much of a problem with it.
  16. So I've just finished catching up on the episodes, and I'm quoting as I go along, but . . . this. So this. I think Ron is trying to meet the Sonny fans and Sonny haters halfway and give Sonny and Michael a relationship close to his relationship with Dante. He'll be civil to him, they'll have an understanding, but they'll never hate each other. But while on some level, they'll always love each other, there's no way Michael can ever trust Sonny or fully let him in ever again. And you know what? While I'd prefer him hating him all the time, I'm fine with it being this way, too. Also, I like Michael with Sabrina, too. I was taking a seventh-month break from watching over my rage from poor A.J.'s murder just to give Sonny yet another win he didn't deserve (I only came back when I heard that Michael cut him and Carly out of his life), so I never saw her attempt to kill Ava or Avery, so I'm not gonna let that bother me.
  17. That was Passions, for sure. Kay used magic to turn into Miguel's true love, Charity, who was also her cousin, and slept with him. She turned back into herself when her sister, Jessica, walked in on them and saw her (as the spell only made Miguel think Kay was Charity, but not anyone else who saw her). Once she revealed her name, Miguel saw her, as well, and freaked out, rightfully pissed over it. Sure enough, months later, she turned up pregnant with their daughter, Maria. Sad thing is, Kay basically got rewarded for everything by ending up with Miguel in the end, with no acknowledgement of her deeds or comeuppance from her schemes. The writer of that show was one of the worst on television and was hated and reviled by many soap fans. And I think he went to his grave not grasping or understanding how truly hated he was.
  18. I'm barely catching up with the show after being away a week-and-a-half due to some . . . things. But in catching up with this always-snarky forum, I came across this: Oh, I don't know. I thought losing his memory and him going through the nightmare with Mary was a fine instance of him and Emily paying for how badly they'd fucked Zander over. On a karmic level, of course.
  19. I kind of agree. This ticked me off as much as an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air did years and years ago. In the third-season premiere, Will wanted to keep dressing up, talking to people, getting his hair cut, and wearing all clothes that gave him a link to his Philadelphia lifestyle, even though it was inappropriate for Uncle Phil and Aunt Vivian's lifestyle and and embarrassed them in front of their social circle. Still, Will thought he had a right to stick to doing whatever he wanted, and Phil and Vivian did grudgingly accept it . . . or pretended to. Since Will wasn't technically their child, they couldn't force him to give up what he loved about his background. However, they had a backup plan to make him do just that. Since Hillary, Carlton, and Ashley were their children, they could deal with them as they saw fit. So as long as Will wanted to keep his inappropriate Philly attire and lifestyle . . . their own kids were grounded. Another unfair group punishment due to one person. And that one person wasn't even grounded with them! Junior, Jack, and Diane being subjected to the rules even though only Zoey had broken one reminded me heavily of that episode.
  20. Any word on who will be on next season's panel? Adam and Blake, who clearly have nothing better to do outside of the show, will obviously be back, but what about Pharrell and Christina?
  21. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Brett gets dropped to recurring status next season since Ward really isn't needed on a regular basis anymore (if at all). His name only appears on the screen now if Ward does appear in an episode. Everyone else in the cast can miss entire episodes and still have their names appear, showing me the writers and producers intend to keep their characters. Only way I see him staying on the roster of regular cast members is if he really is running some kind of long-term con (likely with Kara involved) and we're going to find out about it next season. Well, we'll see when next season's main roster is announced.
  22. Yes, they knew. It was why Coulson offered to help her in the first place.
  23. Kara/Agent 33 did get consideration! During a battle with May, she was even offered the chance to be deprogrammed from Hydra's brainwashing, but she turned them down! That is not Coulson's fault.
  24. Wait. Peter, Stephen, and Mary Beth all signed contracts? I knew Wally did a few weeks ago, but . . . the other three, too?
  25. If "SAH" means "stay-at-home," Cam coaches for the high school, remember? He has a job, too.
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