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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. I can. As has been said more than once, nobody ended up trusting him. At all. On either tribe. If you play in such a way that no one trusts you from very early on, you fucked up. Plain and simple. That is nothing to give any credit for. Nothing at all.
  2. It's also worth noting that BB15's Howard and Candice had decent minds for the game. But unfortunately, they were stuck in one of the worst BB situations of all time, through little to no fault of their own. Also, I'm pretty sure Kalia took Jeff out, not Jason. There wasn't even a Jason on BB13.
  3. Da'Vonne got the power? Nice. This won't necessarily be needless. She can still use this if she was told about what it was. She can leverage it somehow, or use it to make some deals.
  4. Oh. I'm going through the series for my first time on Netflix, and so far, she's appeared in every one, sometimes for most of the episode, sometimes for just a few minutes if she's only at the beginning and end of them. I'm in the middle of season three, and she has yet to be absent once.
  5. Agreed. I can't feel bad for Lulu since despite everything that she was told, she really didn't have to lie to Dante about any of this. The lie was so unnecessary, and that was what got the ball rolling for all of this. The one redeeming thing we hopefully get is that when Lulu finds out, she acknowledges that her lie was the spark for all of this. And Lulu is more self-aware than most of Port Charles, so I think she will.
  6. Were there episodes without her? I mean completely without her? Because I recall Xena appearing in every one.
  7. Someone should tell the captain that Benjamin Sisko did the baseball thing first and better.
  8. The only one I know who does that is @kikaha. I've seen no one else who says or does such a thing.
  9. I loved the warden's disgusted reaction, as well, just as he was getting busted: "Get him out of my prison."
  10. Liz (or Julia, if she's in right now) won't do anything with the info. She rarely does unless it involves her or Austin's game.
  11. I don't care. I don't think the cheating is what's killing their marriage, anyway. I think Will's actions in the wake of the cheating are what is killing it.
  12. I remember when Goren put together the perp's motive: "He misses his partner." Yes, it referred to the perp, but it referred to his own frustration of Eames not being there, too. Something I'd have found touching if Bishop weren't sitting right there with him, looking very hurt and sad, to boot. So I agree with @Maherjunkie that Goren was being a major asshole in that moment. I'm sorry, @WendyCR72, but he was. Full-on.
  13. Oh, rapture. Oh, the humanity! Will cheated twice! The marriage should be over! . . . @Black Knight, many real-life and fictional marriages have lasted despite multiple infidelities from one or both parties. Two infidelities from Will shouldn't have to kill this marriage.
  14. Jeff, Jackie, and Meg would all vote to keep Da'Vonne over Liz, I think. Jackie's the only one of those three with any relationship with Liz. I think Becky could be persuaded to keep Da'Vonne, as well. John might, too, but only if Jeff makes the pitch to him, I think.
  15. Da'Vonne slipped up in a conversation last week and gave Austin a huge clue. That's how he knows.
  16. No flashbacks were shown, so I'm assuming that that wasn't the one who'd played Frank at the time?
  17. It's really odd how hellbent Shelli is on protecting Audrey, considering that they don't seem personally close at all. Audrey certainly doesn't spend a lot of time with Shelli, and she isn't nice to her. It's very, very weird. Also, Da'Vonne was apparently the first to go in the Veto Competition. She's . . . really, really not good at them.
  18. Shelli sounds so stupid right now. She's making it Da'Vonne's fault that Audrey lied so much. She's saying that Da'Vonne should go home for exposing her. I just can't with this woman.
  19. Before the Veto Competition, Vanessa wanted to try and get James nominated, and Shelli did say that she was amenable to that, since she doesn't trust James, either. I think James might be the only possible way Da'Vonne stays. ETA: Apparently, Vanessa is trying to argue for Liz now. The Diary Room will shut that down since I think they want their twist to survive. Against Da'Vonne, Liz would go home for sure.
  20. Oops. The leaked competition picture was just of last night's HoH Competition. So back to square one in terms of wondering what this Veto Competition will involve.
  21. What's sad about this is that Meg has said she would use the Veto on Da'Vonne if she wins it. Steve is likely going to leave the nominations the same, but he likes Da'Vonne and could use it on her if she works him enough. Or if Jason works on him for her. He has next to no relationship with John, so I don't see him using it on him.
  22. Shelli, John, Da'Vonne, Steve, Meg, and Clay are the Veto players this week. Not looking good for Da'Vonne, as she's the only one who'd save herself. John would save himself, and Shelli and Clay would leave things the same. Steve's already throwing it, and Meg might throw it, too, even though she doesn't want Da'Vonne to go. ETA: The Veto Competition looks like the trampoline-based one Kaitlin won in BB15. I could see Da'Vonne or Shelli winning it. Despite saying she'd throw it, I think Meg would actually go for it once she sees the nature of it.
  23. Apparently, John did indeed throw BotB. Blech. I was starting to like John, too. Now? Fuck that.
  24. That one I don't blame him for. He'd just found out at that moment and, by his own admission, had never even suspected a thing, so I think the reaction to Liz and Julia's reveal was genuine.
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