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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. With so much talk in the other threads about the legacy children I wanted to share my opinion about that. I have watched the show off and on since Sammi was a teenager. I admit I have missed a lot . Anyway here it goes Brady mannerisms, his voice his loyalty to his friends remind me so much of John. Claire drive to succeed,her not listening to the wiser adults in her life remind me of Belle. Claire seems quick at times and that reminds me of her dad Joey I know there is a lot of hate for him here besides the murder (I know) he acts like so many young men. So impulsive. Which reminds me of Steve. His letting Claire free surrendering himself remind me of something Kayla and Steve would do. Ciara falls in love easily and quickly. She is fiercely loyal to those she cares about. She also gets mad easily and tells it straight. Those traits are from her parents. I don't really know shayne and Kim. However when Kim came to the hospital when Tate was born, talking a mile a minute and taking control that did remind me of Teresa wow this is long ! My mom once told me take your husband and your worst traits and that will be your child. (Thanks mom LOL)
  2. Pumpkin, doc, partner, kiddo does John known anyone's name ? My favorite John scene was when he slid to his phone. So if Clyde had been a better shot all of Hopes problems would have been solved.
  3. I said out loud while watching "Belle if you wake up please dump his ...." So I was thrilled with Belle's son test. Unlike most here I enjoyed last night show
  4. I love it. I can see why the preview went viral. It is different from the shows out right now. It will be nice to watch a show not all about crimes. I am so tired of those. Was feeling like there was nothing on TV for me lately. All the characters are interesting and like able. The struggles are relatable. I had something in my eye at the end. Watched this on demand with my mom. When the firefighter offered the dad a cigarette she said she knew something was up because cigarettes are too expensive now to just give away LOL.
  5. Why does andrienne live in the mansion?
  6. The gift from Taylor were pretty flowers. Grace was very excited. I found it sweet. Really enjoyed the performances the night before and thought there might be an upset. I thought wrong LOL
  7. from NSNBC site I did not know any of this. I meet him after an AGT show at Foxwoods casino. He seemed very comfortable talking to fans and was very kind.
  8. Simons face after Calyst performance said it all. I was as axed when he gave her a glowing review.
  9. Wasn't it heather who was doing the shark tank thing on a radio station? I seem to remember Beth making fun of her for that. I have never liked Bethany. Did not fully watch season 1-2. JMHO when people say they are brutally honest I just find them brutally hurtful. The renioun was kind of a mess. Totally understood why LuAnne was not happy when Jules helped Bethany. Bethany didn't need anymore help but LuAnne sure did. So tired of everyone being afraid of her. And Bethany your hair does look like LuAnnes only LuAnne looks better.
  10. I just don't want it blamed on Teresa. Kate was so close to Will. I thought she maybe having some kind of breakdown to explain this kidnapping. She could have said my grandson is gone and you all forgot about him.
  11. I loved Edgar performance. It brought a tear to my eye but I freely admit to being a sap. I found their story before their performance quite sweet. It didn't seem like a sob story JMHO.
  12. I laughed and enjoyed the first episode. All the guys had their funny moments. It seems like a nice summer show.
  13. Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts had zero chemistry in Larry Crowne. He was sweet and getting his life together. She is mean spirited while getting her life together. I could not understand what he saw in her. this is kind of a nitpick although Julia Roberts is far more attractive than I ever hope to be but the scene in the movie where she walks into the dinner and the guys are just so dumb founded by her beauty just took me out of the movie.
  14. I love boat rides. The sand bar trip sounded and seemed like more fun then the other girls sitting and eating at another restaurant Bethany was very nasty this episode What was with her calling dorinda The village idiot. That wasn't very nice. It also wasn't the meanest thing she did. I can see why Luanne should be told about tom. It was the way it was done that was the issue JMHO
  15. There is so much nastiness in the world I wish there were more comedies and/or romantic comedies. It would be nice to see people happy and in love. Tired of shootings things blowing up and gross you out comedies.
  16. How I meet your mother UO. I liked Ted. Loved Ted with Tracey and the first time with Victoria. I even liked Ted with Stella.
  17. The one where Ray had am important interview the owner of the Yankees. I hate that one. It was important for his job. I cant remember now why Debra could not take one of the sons.
  18. Maggie's children. Julie's son and grandson
  19. Tony and Ziva. Just no She brought out all his worse qualities. Plus I just can't stand her.
  20. Bethany just seemed to eager and happy to spread the news about Tom. JMHO
  21. We can only go by what's shown on screen.
  22. I think Sonny left Ariana also. Maybe he felt it would be easier to leave? She is with her bio mom. It does seem strange that he doesn't see her. Perhaps a scene of him talking with his mom about this would help.
  23. Very sad about Teresa. Glad she is talking and leaning on her mom. Wish we could see that relationship on screen.
  24. I love the reaction of the girl who received the golden buzzer. She was so excited about getting a hug from the one direction guy. Her mom tried so hard to shush her a hide it from camera LOL.
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