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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Was so worried for Martin alone in the woods. Loved that Jason showed up to help find Martin. Martin seems to love Jason too. Wonder if Nan is going to take the job. This was the first episode that I didn't like Nans boss. He was acting dangerous crazy not funny crazy. Did Nans friend get back together with her rich boyfriend?
  2. Poor Martin. All scratched up. My little dog was attacked by our neighbors fat cat. That giant cat use to taunt our dog and walk on top of our fence. One day big cat jumped in our yard. First you see the dog chase the cat around the pool. Then next the cat was chasing the dog. The cat ended up scratching our dogs eye. It was a close call and the dog almost lost her eye. Its interesting that Nan always goes to Jason when she needs help. I didn't really like what he said and was disappointed he didn't help her with Martin.
  3. Gaby is really understanding. Not sure I could sit and watch my boyfriend mooning over his xwife. Good thing JJ will be there to pick up the pieces. Nicole lies about everything even when she doesn't have to.
  4. Howie buzzed the singing Air Force singers Isn't he the same judge who put through those giant puppets seasons ago? Felt so bad for the comedian. He was so nervous. His timing was off but maybe there is something there. Glad Howie encouraged him. The guy singing cartoons cracked me up.
  5. Some of us don't really choose not to have children life decides for us. Some times it's very sad especially when you go on social media and see everyone has what you can't have and have always wanted. The worst is when people tell you they have a life since they have children. However I agree that Tinsley was not trying to be mean or offend carol. I posted earlier that I was disappointed in the lack of empathy for Tinsley. Watched the episode again and still feel the same way.
  6. Not usually a big will fan but found him funny on Wednesday show until he had to play that stupid game. Actually no one was funny in that segment.
  7. It is fun to see Lisa and Kim again. It was a little interesting that Kim talked about not wanting to appear on TV in a bathing suit. Would have thought that would have came from Tracey. Felt really bad for AJ in the boat race. That would totally be something I would do LOL.
  8. OMG the beginning with Dorinda was all kinds of awesome. It was just so out there and funny. Not like the usual screaming fights that happen at restaurants. Did not like the lack of empathy the ladies showed Tinsley. Have wonder if they showed they cared even a little how different that scene would have been.
  9. My guess is the killer is Will who isn't really dead. I have no motivation for will.
  10. The first time I heard The View theme song I thought it said look at those crazy Jews. I wonder who wrote such awful lyrics.
  11. My grandmother gave me a house. My grandmother gave me a bat once. LOL
  12. The only time I really dislike whoopie is when they talk about things she isn't interested in. She is very rude during those segments. It was a little interesting that she didn't want to talk about Ghost. What was Jed talking about having sex with a robot? That conversation was beyond strange. Joys talking about the view not renewing her contract was interesting. Always thought she was popular with the audience.
  13. I don't hate any good girl in shows. I actually prefer them to win. The middle : I love Brick. He is quirky and weird. He makes me laugh America Got talent : JMHO Nick was the perfect host and although the new host is okay she is not filling his shoes. Billy Bush should not have been fired or blackballed from tv and I don't even care that much about him. Downward Dog should have been given more of a chance to find an audience.
  14. I quite enjoyed Eric and Jayde talk. Of course I adore Eric. That was only their first talk. She asked to talk to him again so she felt comfortable with him. Hopefully he can help her. Or maybe I am naive and it was just a scene for Nicole to see Eric has a soft side. No clue why Morgan Fairchild wants jacks paper.
  15. Sad news. I was loving this show. Poor Martin. He is too adorable. Now I will never know how community college works out, if Nans friends get married and if she makes up with her dad.
  16. I love Jedi outfit today. Some times I wonder why it feels like she is only talking to Whoopie? I enjoyed the interviews today. They were both interesting and for the most part not interrupted and allowed to answer questions. Some days there is a bell ? on the table. Does that mean the boxing round is over?
  17. Sarah's baby is adorable. Still wondering if she is pregnant. This was a strange show. It really didn't flow. Kinda like this post LOL. ITA about Whoopies bored look. Was thinking today it's her job. I would gladly switch places and paychecks with her. Has she always acted so bored with certain topics?
  18. This show makes me miss my dog. I can see why Nan has a difficult time giving up Jason. They are very comfortable together. She was right to be upset with him. He really messed up. It still made me a little sad for him. Maybe this will help him make some changes.
  19. Here I thought it was a new show LOL The poor girl in the cult was so sad. I just don't understand how some one could leave their child in that environment. The dad obviously felt something was wrong but didn't do anything. The mother still believes the cult leader even after he plead guilty?
  20. There must be something wrong with me because I thought those ice cream flavors sounded disgusting. Why does Dorinda's hair look purple in TH? She's terrible at making toast weather drunk or sober. Luannes wedding did look beautiful. Enjoyed Romona and Dorinda's lunch talk about it. Romona was kind and very sweet here. Does anyone like Sonjas other guy better
  21. @mrbean5411 I don't watch all the news channels but remember being annoyed with Donald Trump coverage. At the time it did seem positive to me like the were trying to normalize everything he was doing saying. I am not an overly political person and found the coverage of DT very annoying and wanted badly for the press to cover issues and policies.
  22. After taking a long break from show decided to give it a try again. Theo and Claire are still together. A girl I don't know recorded them in a hotel room to help make Claire famous? That doesn't sound like a plan that will end well. Erik still looks sad and very handsome. Brady's in love again. Some people stranded on an island. So now chad is with Gabby ? Paul looks crazy. Thought he got confused and thought he was on Hawaii 5-0. Sonny looks very different. Nicole still can't win
  23. Is there a separate place or is this where we discuss 20/20 in an instant
  24. Sarah was excellent in hot topics. She expressed how two thoughts on Comey could exist. I was happy no one interrupted her. Not a big fan of the ladies talking over each other but kinda of wanted Jedi and sunny to have that argument that Joy squashed
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