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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Do you mean Infinite Crisis ? If so, I can't say I've read any DC Comics. I'm in Australia and comic books aren't as big a thing as they apparently are in the US. I've just recently started reading Marvel comics this year because of an Xmen fan fic I'm writing which is more about lampooning how useless/ineffective Iceman was. From the wiki I'd say it suffers from classic superhero/villain dynamics. The bad guys have to do the hero's dirty work so that the heroes can claim moral superiority. I don't necessarily want superheroes to kill every bad guy because that would escalate fights to an unreasonable level because the villains would need to step up their game from what essentially is elaborate and convoluted trolling to death matchs but it is a bit ridiculous how often the same villains get recycled. This show would be vastly improved if Kara got some off screen training/advice from Clark as to how to deal with a Krypton prison ship worth of alien bad guys. It's one thing not to have Superman help her with fights it's another to have him incidentally painted as an incompetent hero by not noticing the upswing of alien menaces in the area. There's been two in the last 2 weeks. I wonder if Kara told Kal El that there's another Kryptonian General on the loose ?
  2. I thought she decided on wearing a wig after her first outing when her hair was wet and slightly darker so she could it as part of her disguise. That said I don't actually remember because this is background watching for me and I'm not sure if I'll continue watching if they continue with hero needs a pep talk every episode and has a talk with her boss about who SuperGirl is every episode as well. There is only so much stupid I can tolerate.
  3. His actions are often irresponsible or ill advised but he's the Doctor and the stupid apes aren't allowed to question or criticize him. Anyway it's kind of pointless yelling at him because he just claims he's a madman in a box and not personally responsible for anything that happens and bails immediately so he doesn't have to help with the clean up or consequences of previous events. I'm still annoyed that the Doctor got self righteous about what Harriet Jones did to defend her home planet. Altered history because of his ire...
  4. In response by what I meant by my actual comment. I meant ANYTHING... could have happened. She could have been beaten, mutilated, raped, had her organs harvested, had her wig taken off and Reactron could have taken photos of her mutilated corpse to post online so that Superman could feel the pain he went through. This is often the problem of this disney type superheroics, the heroes are never really in danger of experiencing any real consequences for interacting with psychotic people with super powers. I thought the whole point of the whole "Stronger together" was that she wouldn't go off half cocked like the Flash into dangerous situations without a plan and some backup (preferably her sister with some super weapons to continue one of the best relationships on this show). Reminds me of when Flash was knocked unconscious and they glossed over why his highschool bully didn't check to see if he was dead or not. Do Kryptonians have super healing ? They don't tend to take much damage normally so I can't remember if they recover quickly from damage. At least from this show it took 2 hours for Kara to recover from nuclear blasts. As for the Kryptonians and whether Superman should repopulate his people... Well they have crystal based technology that tends to be superior than human tech, they can also send babies throughout space which could revolutionize space travel and they have SUPER POWERS. Also Superman is a popular famous superhero so there should be some public interest in whether he's going to have some rugrats or not. He doesn't have to have a million kids but he could at least have a few children. Superman apparently already alters the balance of world power by himself so having a few kids could provide a new challenge that he can't beat into submission. Parenthood the ultimate challenge. Also if his kids go rogue, there'd be so much angst and it would give his super cousin an excuse not to have kids herself.
  5. Do we know if enhanced Kryptonian women could survive the foetal kicking? Have they ever explored whether Kryptonian insides are similarly bullet proof? Has anyone ever shot Superman in the mouth while he was talking? Would a fetus even absorb the gravity/solar radiation that causes Kryptonians to develop super powers ? These are the questions that comics refuse to answer probably because the implications of the human race being completely obsoleted by a more potent alien race would probably make too many people uncomfortable considering history.
  6. Actually that's the question that always bugs me about the last male of his species trope. Shouldn't Superman be spreading his super oats? To try and preserve something of his lost heritage ? Did they ever address that with Lois and Superman? Did they ever have super offspring? or children at all? My point being. I'd totally ask that of Superman, because it's far easier for him to single ... handedly help repopulate his lost alien species than it would be for SuperGirl. I may have spent far too much time thinking that if Kal El and evil Aunt hooked up they could probably have some non incest pure bred Kryptonians to add to the 'family'. I didn't mind that Kara was initially annoyed at having to be bailed out by Jimmy & Superman but it grated that she never seemed grateful for having her life saved by Jimmy reacting that way. She was unconscious for HOURS afterwards. Reactron could have done anything with her limp unconscious body during that time. I really hope they stop the whole needs to be given a pep talk every episode routine. That was one of the tropes that drove me crazy about Flash. How many pep talks about your heart do you need to hear before you get some self esteem. This was a meh episode for me. I liked the first 2 episodes far more. Hopefully they don't rely too much on stupid nonsensical things like having a fight with a guy who is currently out of ammo and not following him...
  7. I have a terrible foreboding in my mind that tells me that the finale will be stupid, nonsensical and ultimately pointless. Current contenders for resolving solar flares drama... Luke with solar absorption. Tommy with spatially or temporal displacement of Earth Malina(sp?) doing something weird with butterflies ? Maybe one handed guy will make a reappearance and save the day ?
  8. I am not allowed to visit the wacky guy in the basement and keep bugging him about being sent into the future in one of the boxes because I'm small and will fit. I am not allowed to 'Borrow' Harris's suits and 'dust' the mostly naked clone just so I don't have to spend money on my wardrobe I am not allowed to randomly chop off bits of Harris and time how long until a Harris clone is fully formed because it is considered antisocial... I am not allowed to make jokes about Harris's private life and his ability to have one man orgy masturbation sessions. It is considered sexual harassment and should not be made the subject of yaoi's no matter how hilarious it is to attach it to emails that I send to coworkers. I'm not allowed to draw doodles on the super elaborate/secret plan to save the world through temporal displacement. Um yeah I'd make a terrible employee at that place.
  9. Thanks for the link. Sadly I can't watch it due to location issues.
  10. I did find it amusing how Greg shut down some of Rebecca's nonsense though I did find his forgiveness a bit abrupt. Oh well. I like the daughter song but the songs this episode left me unexcited.
  11. Stopping the Earth or Sun would be Epic which means that we'd probably not get something that interesting actually happening. Do you think Harris Prime keeps track of how many murdered clones there were... Actually why does his suits die with him ? Of course I'm not thinking Harris could single handedly solve the world's resource issues with his non explained powers of multiplication... Now I'm picturing the cleaning lady from Family Guy loitering about and saying "No no no..." to some random question posed by our intrepid heroes. Wait are we supposed to like any of the new generation of Heroes ? I kind of liked Tommy but his transformation from competent badass to memory wiped teen irritates me.
  12. Well Hiro was lecturing him about the curvature of time... before Tommy sent HRG FORWARD IN TIME... and Tommy was all like "DAD I know how to bend time to my whim already, stop bugging me." So I'm guessing he was taught about travelling through time and space. At the very least he could teleport behind all the Harris duplicates and teleport them on top of the Eiffel Tower... to make one very strange dust bunny of doom. Even if somehow Hiro didn't teach his pseudo son about time manipulation.
  13. I wonder if they'll show Harris Prime's backstory, explain why he's following this stupid plan and trapping Evo's for some rich white lady.
  14. Yeah you have a teenager with control over space and time running away from a guy with a gun... You have an invisible GI Jane running away from a girl with shadow powers instead of just shooting her/ hitting her. On the upside at least Frost guy put up a bit of a fight before getting shivved in the neck.
  15. Just like why would the Evos work for what's her face when they see what kind of severance package she doles out to Evo's that serve their purpose. This whole show relies way too heavily on everyone carrying around the Idiot Ball so that they don't do anything remotely reasonable or coherent.
  16. Now I'm wondering if there are two timelines with Tommy we saw fumbling to figure out his teleporting power and this one with the evil Quentin. I wonder if Penny Man can give back the memories he... wiped ? Seems kind of stupid to erase Hiro's training just to stop him from going back. Which brings up the issue of why they were so scared of Knockoff Multiple Man in the first place. Tommy could stop time and Hiro could chop them in half... Why were they running away in the first place ? This show makes no sense.
  17. I didn't watch the episode but the gist I'm getting is Zygons get to stay on the planet after trying to take over the world or whatever and the Silurians are still underground waiting for humanity to learn how to share? I've always been depressed by the Silurians and how they're handled on Doctor Who. I've watched about 2 or 3 episodes of this season. I'm kind of waiting till Clara or Doctor 12 leave/die. Is there somewhere where I could watch the Doctor speech ?
  18. I wonder if Red Devil Killers could become a franchise for people with grievances. We shall provide a cover for you murdering your ex's in exchange for you wearing a Devil's outfit and staging an elaborate murder.
  19. Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about this show at the moment. This episode had it's moments, mostly involving Chad and Chanel's bitching about various other Chanel's but it was relatively pointless as an episode and most of the episode was kind of meh. Some times the show has these brilliant moments of comedy and other times like when Grace and Pete are 'sleuthing' I'm just bored. It already feels like the show hit it's peak and this is the continuation of a downhill slide into mediocrity. Oh well at least Chad and his goat was amusing, though I did wonder if he was shagging the goat or not after the milking and what he was feeding it.
  20. Has this show been confirmed for a season 3 ? If this is how the series ends, I'd be fine with it. Shane and Karma trying to learn how to be less self involved via lifeguarding. Liam resolving that whole parental problem finally (preferably offscreen) and Amy taking some time away from all these drama obsessed highschoolers to figure out who she is and what she wants without being involved in faking threesomes and other hijinks.
  21. I really hope Amy finds a lesbian girlfriend during her summer away. That way she can stop wasting all her emotions on the straight girl.
  22. Am I the only one confused about what Hiro did. He just randomly hopped about and it was implied that he tried changing the future and just made it worse somehow... which okay whatever... BUT HOW DID HE FIX IT ? Did he just murder the other versions of himself before they could step on those particular butterflies ? Or did he just teleport about and realise the darkness was too far spread. Also why didn't his powers work in the morgue ? Was that why Claire was dead? Did they just plug one of those power dampeners in her nose ? I mean he didn't even lift the sheet. UGH this show.
  23. I loved this episode. These wacky teenagers. I did feel sorry for Felix. He's like the only decent person on this show at the moment. I've never really understood why Amy likes Karma, probably because Karma spends so much time lying about what she wants or who she is I'm never quite clear on what her core personality actually is, other than attention seeking train wreck. Liam... you suck !!! sleeping with your best friends sister is such a stupid move. That boy really needs to keep it in his pants. I think the only way he could make the Shane situation worse is by sleeping with Shane's MMA ex. Come on Liam make it worse. I'd like to see MMA guy again :P
  24. Well this is the first episode I've watched since the whole sewers run rampant episode and the Doctor irritated me with his insistence on calling the character of the week by a name she had outgrown a few centuries prior. Then again I guess the Doctor doesn't listen when it's not about him and he never really takes responsibility for anything he does.
  25. Can't say Quentin's death particularly effected me other than me going Phoebe that was cold... Also I really hate the convention that says people in this show can't ever explain WHY they're doing anything they're doing. Phoebe for instance could have told Quentin that she was trying to save the world by... whatever stupid plan she's participating in. Providing me with some actual answers to what these corporate EVO's are doing and some semi realistic human moments. *sigh* I hate being yanked about by poor dialogue choices.
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