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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I stopped watching this show three episodes ago due to the chronic stupidity. At least Under the Dome has a sort of an amusing Train Wreck vibe where you can watch just to see how bad it gets but this show has too many red shirts die off camera, it's stupid. Did anything noteworthy or interesting happen this episode ?
  2. It would be nice if they explored Lydia's power to resurrect dead Alphas by being scratched. It might come in handy for Scott to have that back up option considering how pathetic he often is in a fight. I'm confused as to why Lydia needs to visit a school library to find out about Parrish when she could consult the internet via her smart phone. Or find out why Lydia has to find the dead bodies when theoretically the werewolves and werecoyotes could find them using their super smell... Or have a reason as to why Lydia super genius doesn't explore the Banshee myth or consult Deaton or any of the other Druids that presumably exist or Peter or Derek or Braeden or Chris Argent or Gerard Argent or anyone. She might not get the right answer but at least she'd be asking the right questions for a change. Lydia often serves as a narrative short cut, instead of the teens searching for dead bodies or stumbling over them, Lydia just randomly shows up at crime scenes. You know what would be a good storyline for Lydia, becoming a detective, she's got the brains and she's got the instinct for when bad things are going to happen. She might have more luck dealing with things if she had a gun and some more hand to hand combat training. Do we even know what life goals Lydia has ?
  3. Ever since the Void Stiles saga had no apparent consequences to any of the characters it's broken my sense of disbelief about the supernatural shenanigans these characters endure and I'm just like "REALLY ?" . So Theo is in charge of a bunch of resurrected murderers ? I don't know if I want to watch this episode. It sounds ludicrous and like Scott is letting people get away with murder just because he doesn't want to deal with it.
  4. Wouldn't Theo detect them lying through Werewolf Hearing ? If they do suspect he's a dangerous liar, it's an odd tactic to allow him free access to the Pack instead of tying him to a chair and interrogating him by Scott asking him questions and listening with Werewolf Hearing or mind raping him with Alpha Claws.
  5. Well she withheld her super healing ability for days/weeks? so they haven't really had much time to assimilate the information so I assume they're all in shock that she's a constructed human with super nanites. There is also the fact that she's perfectly fine with murdering people in cold blood, I'd imagine that even without all the high tech bio tech bullshit that's a disquieting factoid for them to process. That said I still haven't decided on why Four killed his former mentor except maybe he wanted to deprive his stepmother of a seasoned veteran general and warrior.
  6. Every time Kidzi shows up on the screen I start singing "that girl is a problem" over and over again.
  7. The kind of predators that have been sleeping for presumably thousands of years and are jet lagged. They aren't at their best. I did find it nice that Datak's insult provided some backstory for the indogene. They were made out of stem cells to serve as slaves/bandages for the Omec. I really hope they're not going with all the Omec hitting the single town because that would be ridiculous but I have a terrible feeling they are going to lemming rush the town of Defiance that has defeated armies every season finale and has already taken out one large army this season.
  8. So the Pack may actually face a competent villain for a change ?
  9. Well I guess Ares? Alien Magneto plans to take out the enemy's command post where Toby and his crew order the creation of the Humanichs army and organised repeated military strikes against Ahdu and their kind... Killing everyone in the GSA makes sense in a way since that's also the location of the AI computer system that tracked them down. Having Tara telepathically communicate her location after being collected by the Humanichs was a good way of finding the Humanich army base. After that spreading a virus in the human community would distract from any surviving GSA continuing the search/eradication of the Hybrids in America. Presuming that those above Toby's pay grade know about the Hybrids and are located elsewhere. That or he's pissed and he just wants to kill those genetically affiliated to the people who tried to murder his entire species. I think Ahdu and the Hybrids that would be fine with cohabitating with humans are either outnumbered or disregarded by the surviving Ares followers and are now settling for the historic invasion protocol used by humans through the ages. Show up somewhere you didn't have a claim to, murder those who object until you outnumber them and then complain about illegal immigrants with a straight face. I am curious what Lucy's murder bots will do when they find that their source code's former body was dismantled by the humans for developing free will and becoming too 'willful'.
  10. Well being human may make her more resistant to the Hybrid targeted virus. Of course since the Spore aliens could breed with the humans and produce fertile young you'd think there'd be some concerns about the virus infecting humans as well in the process. Admittedly there hasn't been much foresight used by the Government types so far so maybe it's too much to expect them to think about the long term consequences of creating a robot army or releasing a half assed bio weapon and attempting a genocide instead of having a conversation with the Hybrids like sane people. I don't think the Hybrids are aiming to kill the entire human population with stolen viruses. I think they're going for an eye for an eye thing and will simply release every single virus at the facility into a heavily populated transit hub (train station) as retaliation for the Human Government using bio weapons on them. It won't kill all the humans but it would probably cause a lot of chaos that would help them blend in to new environments and leave behind virus immune humans to breed with. I didn't understand anything about the quarantine. Didn't they release the virus to spread it to the other Hybrids which would mean they'd have contact with humans. Molly and Ahdu had multiple contacts with humans post infection since apparently the army didn't bother with Road blocks. Toby is a lying sack. I doubt the quarantine was of the medical variety but of the faraday version. Perhaps any of the surviving 'good ones' once their former leader got killed as well as 80% of their community they switched sides to "SCREW THE HUMANS."
  11. My theory is that these teens get knocked about so much during the supernatural shenanigans that they suffer from brain damage from all the concussions. It would explain why they often make terrible decisions that Mason seems to completely avoid like researching the supernatural history of the pack members....
  12. They could crib from more interesting writers like Kelley Armstrong or Ilona Andrews and explore what it's like to be a female were in a mostly male centric were community and how animal instincts can bring out the worst in men. Honestly I'm always confused by the fact that Scott never bothers to recruit or train his pack and yet their numbers continue to grow each season and yet they seem to be less effective each year. It boggles the mind. As for murderers that Scott let free to murder again, there's Peter who organised the dead list and killed Jennifer. I want to know where Peter is...
  13. Well they don't have to vote on everything, they could just have certain members be responsible for certain things. One in charge... of nothing. Two in charge of flying the ship, Three in charge of heists, Four in charge of field operations/killing, 5 in charge of the med bay and 6 in charge of taking the minutes of the group meeting. This is the first time they've been shot at ship wise... They aren't the Star Trek Enterprise, they're not making a terrible impression on half the species in the galaxy so I don't think they really need a captain in charge of everything.
  14. The only part of the trailer I found mildly interesting was the sight of Missy... I'm so sick of the Daleks. They're not scary, they're the lamest villains doing unseen damage. At least when the Master tries to conquer the galaxy, there's at least a chance he'll cause some onscreen carnage.
  15. Oh I'm not saying One is a prize by any stretch of the imagination but their whole relationship is based on highschool nonsense, she only hooked up with him because turns out he was happy to settle for a fem bot rather than her and after finding him having sex with someone else she decides to get it on with him even though they had recently discussed how messy that could make things... I guess I'm holding Two to a higher standard because she chose to be the leader of this rag tag bunch of misfits. Everyone else have made terrible decisions from time to time but they're not really responsible for or to anyone but themselves really. Two as self appointed leader is responsible for her crew and to her crew. If not she's really got no claim to the reins other than noone else can be bothered. I'm not sure why they need a leader, they could just vote on every issue and be done with it.
  16. I decided to come in here before watching the show but judging by the comments I'll probably skip this episode as the contrivance factor seems like it's going to be sky high. Was there at least any gratuitous shirtlessness to ff to ? It's weird to say but I'm really missing Peter, this show seems to suffer without some supernatural adults to bounce stuff off or snark at the teens.
  17. This is my problem Two seems to equate being their 'de facto leader' as being the equivalent to being a military commanding officer where the crew reports to you and has to defer to your authority and can't undermine your authority in front of the others. They're not a military unit, they're a bunch of amnesiacs with their own agendas and they need to be handled carefully, they need a civilian leader/manager to help them organise the team. She's not a good leader, she's slept with two of the subordinates/crew members, is lecturing them as if they were children/inferiors, making unilateral decisions without their input, which is understandable in situations such as the nuke but there is absolutely no reason when Corporate Lady asked them to do a mission that she couldn't have taken a minute to take a vote on the matter or at least see whether she'd get pushback from the rest of the team since they have a tendency to wander off and do their own thing. There's also the fact that she ignored an actual armed mutiny and that there was no consequences to that so she undermined her own command then. Why should anyone respect her when there is no chain of command and no consequences to desertion or mutiny ? Also she's withholding information from the crew about each other and herself despite a lecture about keeping secrets endangering their lives. They really need to determine whether Two is their pilot/field commander/captain/ manager/ negotiator or muscle or some variation or combination of those because she acts like she's the boss but she's not in control and obviously the crew isn't happy with her decisions. In this episode One disagreed with her, 5 wanted to go on mission, 3 and 4 thought it'd be a good idea to get corporate sponsorship. The only person that seemed fine with her decision was 6 and that seemed like he didn't want to get involved.
  18. Yes by flying into a nuke and running off to try and cut a deal with an unknown Corp... As proven by One and Three's discussion last episode, they've saved each other lives repeatedly... they still don't particularly like or respect each other. 5 or 4 would probably would make better leaders at this point.
  19. Except all he did was ask their opinion, it's not his fault that Two didn't bother to ask them for their opinions, it's not like he was particularly pushing an agenda at that meeting. Three was as soon as the meeting started. As for Two using witholding sex as a threat, Three actually led an armed mutiny and then she slept with him... I don't know what Two is on about really. It's not like there is any reason for the crew to particularly respect her, they don't know if she has any qualifications to lead other than she wanted to boss them around.
  20. How is asking the other crew members whether they wanted to go on a mission to get a corporation sponsorship fomenting dissent ? If 2 was any sort of leader she'd ask the corporate woman for a moment to discuss it with her team before making a decision. Instead she said no and didn't care what anyone else thought about it. Then she sabotaged the mission when she didn't get her way and acted snotty about it with practically everyone.
  21. Unlikely ally could be anyone, Peter, Deucalion, Kate, Gerard or Valaak. You'd think they would have looked into Parrish once he got his name on the Hit List last season but I guess looking into things would require effort.
  22. I was definitely irritated by her, with her being offended that the crew members were discussing the mission without her, her continued lying about her wound/ super healing, jeopardising a mission because a guy was being a sleazy asshole (she could have just left it at kneeing him instead of breaking his wrist) and barking orders at people she didn't even know. That said I did find her plan to fly right into a nuclear missile funny. I find it funny that noone knows how old 5 is and yet still treats her as if she was 12.
  23. I'm done with this show. I hate Ghost and Angela. As for Kanaan, that made no sense, Ghost stabbed him in the abs and he went down like a lightweight which made no sense, there's nothing particularly vital in that area that would result in a fatality. Ghost was right about one thing, Kanaan does talk too much, gloat when someone is dead not while you're pointing a gun at them. JUST SHOOT! I was really hoping Greg would just off Angela for ruining his life some more and we could be done but no he just warned her he was after her like a moron.
  24. Well next season it'll be revealed that John Woods designed an ultra secret back up version of himself in Humanichs form and he's been lurking in the shadows trying to find out who killed him... I kept thinking during this episode if even one of these Hybrids survive they'll be PISSED... and with good reason. Nothing like an attempted genocide of your race to make me you less likely to give a shit about the humans attacking you. Then again if they read a history book about how people usually treat immigrants or refugees Ahdu probably would have decided not to go with the Xavier model on how to get your species hunted to near extinction. I am left wondering how the other Humanichs that are supposedly based on Lucy's source code are going to behave now... Did they ever think designing robots to kill human looking people would be a bad idea ?
  25. wayne67

    S01.E07: Sleuths

    I do find it curious that Mitch wants to reverse the whole accelerated evolution of the entire animal kingdom. You'd think if it was that easy to reverse the effects of the problem that Evil Corp would have done it already. After all they presumably have billions of dollars at their disposal and entire departments of actual scientists to work on a solution and yet... Mitch will probably do it with a highschool chemistry lab's equipment and in a day in between federal crimes. I don't know why any of these morons think hacking Reiden will cover their asses at this point. Also does Reporter Lady have any value to the team at the moment ? Why does French Lady care so much ?
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