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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Using the Humanics as weapons to kill the Alien Hybrids seems like a solution to a current problem that ignores the long term consequences of using Humanics to kill human looking aliens. It seems like such a short step from "it's okay to kill aliens that look like humans" to "killing humans is necessary to ensure my survival". Take for instance Ethan, he's been short circuited by the Government when they took Molly, booby trapped, reprogrammed, kidnapped and he's still not at the crush kill destroy stage. However if I was a robot with the ability to become part of the cloud network I wouldn't side with the humans. I'd probably just skip town by hacking the space shuttles and starting a new robot civilisation. 99% of the humans shown on this show have been complete a** holes to Humanichs with the exception of probably Charlie and that little girl Ethan befriended in season one for a red hot minute. Molly regarded Ethan coldly to start off with and even though what's his face was all like this is our son, he wasn't above remote hacking his son to try and make him more compliant. The other reactions ranged from its property to slurs about toasters and violent hatred resulting in Odin placing a bomb in Ethan. Once there are 50 Lucy soldiers, how will the Government control them ? what will they use as incentives or punishments ? They'll adapt to any control measures as they've already learned how to hack each other and turn off GPS locators.
  2. I don't think anyone was saying she was wrong about the stupidity of keeping secrets. However since she failed to disclose her own discovery about herself; her self righteousness about the issue was annoying. If she said something along the lines of "there has been too many secrets being kept on this ship, I'm going to confess my secret healing power and multiple kung fu murder at the casino" then she would have a valid argument and would have shown actual leadership by example. Unfortunately we just got a typical hypocrite complaining about other people doing the same thing she is.
  3. Purple Daughter said something to the effect of "go back and protect my interests at all costs". As soon as she said that I knew that the vet was in trouble.... I'm hoping she's gone for a while. I could do with a break from her petulance and constant disobedience to direct orders. I guess sleeping with the boss gets you a lot of leeway especially when he's also your father... This is why nepotism is often a terrible idea.
  4. Yeah Two was getting on my last nerve with her speech about honesty, the hypocrisy combined with the moral indignation that they withheld secrets from her and or the group was ridiculous. Mostly because I'm left thinking, "they don't actually owe you anything, just because you declared yourself leader doesn't mean they need to follow you, it just means noone else cared enough to be bothered". Three's dialogue was awesome.
  5. Me too. John just needs to give her a software upgrade with that hybrid tech that tech girl was going on about and he can hook up to the ship and they'd be one... I am mildly curious as to what threat could be so dangerous to the Quad that they'd have to develop a mind control technology that can overcome the bonds of warriors to combat it.
  6. Isn't that always the case ? The more secure we make our defences the more inventive attackers have to become. Isn't that cyber evolution? Of course sometimes the easiest way to hack a complex system is to manipulate the weakest component which is usually the human participant. For instance JD buying dinner for someone so they'll provide him sensitive information about an investigation. Lucy manipulating Charlie. HomSec manipulating Julie. Army guy seducing Julie so he could get access to the Humanics lab. etc etc
  7. I just assumed that she stabbed Molly's grandbaby Hybrid with such force that it slipped between the bones of the verterbrae and severed the spinal cord. I'm fairly sure that would kill a human with one strike if you had the skill to target it on a moving target and the strength and precision to do so. At the very least it would completely paralyse the target. I didn't think it was that unrealistic considering everything else. She is a robot soldier. It's good to see a robot actually be bad ass. So often you get robots who shoot as poorly as Storm Troopers confronted with main characters. GO LUCY :P I'm so glad we're moving slightly away from MY BABY MY BABY... I do wonder what happened to that guy from last season. Did he get eaten by the aliens ? or did his clock just tick out?
  8. I think Daddy Purple upon hearing that the humans fought against all the other Votan races and knowing that there's only 300? or so of his species left that they may be outmatched and it might be a good idea to lay low for a decade or two and start repopulating their race. Daddy Purple is a military commander whose forces are outnumbered 1000 to one... Those aren't great odds. Just because he doesn't want to start a genocidal war right now doesn't mean he thinks the other races are equal to his. Which probably means that most of his species is going to ignore logic and stick with their emotions about how the lesser races should be eaten and kill their commander.
  9. Considering the sexual proclivities of the Avengers it's more likely that Tony Stark slept with all the Avengers... he'd probably have to get Captain America drunk with sake first... I really hope that the characters start using their names instead of the numbers now that their back stories are being revealed. I preferred when Farscape did this plotline when the sex slave turned out to be a memory spider...
  10. From what I remember it was way more than just swapping voices... they were hacking into each other's programming to access each other's software. That could provide Ethan with the last piece of the puzzle to make him Skynet. He'll be able to kill without mercy by accessing Lucy's soldier programming and upload himself into the cloud network if he's in danger making him a menace to society .
  11. Honestly I'm thoroughly befuddled how being a D list celebrity because of a stupid reality show would engender trust from any investors. The sales pitch would be... I was on a dating show now give me millions of dollars to be a silent partner in my vineyard even though any previous management experience acquired was because of nepotism rather than actual skill or qualifications. I'm not sure how rich Adam is by himself. Apparently he's neither rich enough to do basic maintenance on the property or to run it himself so I'm not sure how decent a prospect he is. His family may be rich but that's like saying Rachel's family is rich... It doesn't have much bearing on things. I'm left curious as to whether Adam can afford to run away with Rachel even if he wanted to . Would Adam's parents fork out more money for Adam to marry some woman who was essentially stalking him on a reality show? "Hey mom and dad here's this woman who was technically my boss and we had sex on camera and it'll probably end up on American tv along with that other sex tape I leaked to distract and that clip of Anna and me having sex on our date night and... yeah give me money to run some other business based on my non experience." Adam and Rachel are perfect for each other, they're both clueless train wrecks.
  12. My current headcanon is that Papa Oz had a theory based on horses acting crazy because of radiation some period of time ago and was laughed out of the scientific community because of it. Reiden noticed animals with the same symptoms and concluded that Papa Oz's theory about radiation or evolution of the animal kingdom had been brought to fruition with the MOTHER CELL... (That term doesn't sound ominous it just makes me think of a knitting circle in a cloister with mothers... ) Leo Butler was either the person that figured out that the Mother Cell was responsible and was kicked out of Reiden and given a steady supply of Hush money because Reiden could neither fix the problem or announce their negligence without being bankrupted. I'll probably end up being wrong but I'm still hoping that Monkeys will show up and will outline their plan for world domination with sign language and a Jamaican guy will translate because that would be hilarious. I don't know why Moron Gang figured it was a good idea to steal from armed thugs instead of either using SOMEONE'S CREDIT CARD... or calling their superiors for access to a larger bank account or calling that woman from RIO's intelligence agency and asking for a loan of equipment to solve their bat problem. That said did all these people quit their actual day jobs ? Has Chloe bailed on her job? Has Pathologist guy ? I wonder if Oz junior? James Wolk is at all concerned about his mother still being in a place with lions that are bleeding people to death in slow agonising ways for funsies ? I mean really you'd think he'd be slightly more concerned about that. This show reminds me of Under the Dome. Interesting premise, confusing mythology and acting ranging from mediocre to absurd (along with their characters). In both shows I'm supposed to be worried about the strange situations our heroes find themselves in every other day/week but all it prompts is "REALLY that's your plan ?"
  13. My guess is that the killer is Kieran and the Reporter and maybe even Audrey. Audrey kills the mean girl and Kieran kills the jock. The Reporter kills Audrey's girlfriend because she doesn't put out enough... and Audrey kills Riley so that the Nerd doesn't focus on anything other than the serial killer. Honestly having sex with a guy you barely know after having a sex tape air to the entire town while there's a serial killer out and about stalking you... IS STUPID.
  14. I have several questions that this episode left me with... 1 Who are the moron gang working for again ? 2 Don't they have an expense account to buy things in order to stop the animal apocalypse? 3 How the hell did the French Lady know that bats screwed over the Antarctic Lesbians ? 4 So do the bats have an agenda against humans or a fetish for electronics ? 5 What happened to that injured wolf from the previous episode ? 6 Will Manson lite snort or inject the Mother Cell into himself before going skinny dipping into the nearest lake or dam to spread his animal colluding germs with the general public. 7 Were there any deaths this episode ? 8 How is it that Manson Lite can hide from the FBI but Leo Butler cant even though one presumably has millions of dollars at his disposal and the other has no money? 9 If Leo Butler was so easy to find how come the Evil Mega Corp couldn't find him and end his blackmail earlier ? 10 Why did noone ask about that weird cage in the living room... 11 What is up with the telepathic lions at the moment ? Hmmm turns out I had a lot of questions after this episode.
  15. Jeremy is sort of understandable. He was hung up on their past history when she was probably less of a homeless person living in a truck... Adam on the other hand is probably so psychologically malleable at this point that he thinks Rachel who acts like an amoral sociopath half the time and the other half as a whiny emo is a great catch for whatever nonsensical reason. Oh yeah now I remember she resisted his expensive british charms for longer than the other women essentially throwing themselves at him for money, fame or some fantasy or romance. Rachel is the last person anyone should want to get into a relationship with; she's emotionally and mentally unstable with terrible fashion sense. Then again I'm not her target audience so my opinion on her charms probably doesn't matter... I'd shag Adam but I wouldn't date him, that rich boy is stupid as a bag of kindling. "My parents don't respect me so I'm going on a reality tv show in America to sell a vineyard." Adam that makes no freaking sense. Most people just wait for the furor to die down or go to rehab or hire a bloody PR agent. *sigh* Most of these people are dumb as dirt. The only one I like so far is the psychiatrist simply because she hasn't sold her body for a quick buck and she made one hell of a power move aligning herself with Chet.
  16. Considering the fatality rate of adults in this town, there would be lots of candidates for conversion based on that theory though didn't Donovan's dad get paralysed from the waist down ? I don't remember him saying he was dead. I'm still not clear on why being an Omega is a bad thing for werewolves... Wasn't Malia an Omega for 7 years ? I really wish they'd clear up whether a large pack grants metaphysical benefits or just synergistic benefits because it weighs on my mind. Then again I wrote a fan fic a couple of days ago from Nemeton's POV so my sanity may be in question :P lol
  17. Yeah I didn't get how they'd go to such an extreme counter measure for people being scared... Poisoning is scarier and more long lasting than seeing some bats flying around the slum part of the city. Are the animals supposed to be menacing ? The Rio government is acting as if the bats are going on a city wide murder spree instead of flying about the slums. This show is neither bringing the hilarity or the horror of an animal apocalypse. It's just a boring show involving boring humans expositioning about the big bad corporation YAWN. I want a flock of thirty parrots explaining to the Moron squad round robin style one word at a time that they're sick of being eaten, castrated, spayed and neutered and generally mistreated by humanity and they won't tolerate any more bullshit. Then when humans continue being assholes. I want guerilla style warfare with rats, pigeons, cats, dogs and lions. I would have preferred a polar Bear attacking the Polar station. At the moment all I'm getting from this show is TALKING about how potentially dangerous this animal apocalypse is but the actors aren't selling a sense of danger and the show isn't SHOWING the animals doing much of anything that's scary. We saw one whimsically nonsensical Wolf Prison Break but nothing really intimidating to the human race. This has all the drama of a Scooby Doo episode and about a tenth of the humor. On the upside I do like the FBI guy if only because he's shooting down some of their nonsense with his presence.
  18. It would be interesting if they explored how messy things can be in a threesome relationship. They do exist... And it wouldn't exactly be unprecedented as Rachel is essentially sharing Adam with a gaggle of women, 2 of whom he's slept with and the 3rd oral... Their whole relationship is messy and complicated why not throw in another guy into the mix. Adam might be cool with some sort of unconventional relationship, I'm not sure about Jeremy though, he hasn't had much focus so I have no idea what his deal is most episodes.
  19. I know what that is like. I think I'm most frustrated because this plot line with the Dread Doctors blurring the lines of supernatural and natural would have more of an impact if they actually did some clear supernatural worldbuilding like how exactly is a beta accepted by an Alpha into a pack and how many supernatural species are there supposed to be and how much does it cost to buy so much Mountain Ash ASH. Or why does the werecoyote who spent 7 years in another body fight better with that human body than the True Alpha. Or when is Scott going to learn how to fight ? or HOW DID PETER HALE BRING HIMSELF BACK FROM THE DEAD? You know basic worldbuilding. Instead we get these bad guys blurring the flimsy lines of supernatural something with their science or something and I'm like yeah so what ? I'm only in this show for the relationships between some of the characters but it's getting harder to care because some of those relationships get way too much focus or not enough and sometimes it makes no sense the random jumps these characters make.
  20. While I appreciate random shirtless hunks, they could have had Liam come straight from a steamy locker room shower scene before handing over the cash to whats her face at school. Then at least we could have some semblance of whether Scott is playing lacrosse or not... Unless the show is trying to tell us Liam swings both ways which would be nice... but I doubt it. Also if Liam's non girlfriend has super hearing how does she tolerate a club environment? It's bad enough when you have normal hearing let alone enhanced hearing. I'm assuming that she got a Supernatural Kidney ala Misfits. Ah yes nameless tooth guy snacking on electrical cabling... How does that even work? wouldn't chewing on electrical cabling reduce the amount of electrical output you're getting. As for the Chimeras if you have 7 or 8 of them why don't you just deploy them all at once instead of one by one in random nonsensical places to ambush people. You know what would have been good is if any of them made any attempt to capture and interrogate any of these chimaeras for information. Scorpion guy got knocked out last time and no one asked anything of him before he got terminated. I miss the humor that this show used to have. Where is the bromance between Stiles and Scott? Where is the mentor/mentee relationship between Scott and baby beta Liam? Or the relationship between Scott and Kira ? All the relationships feel fractured as of late.
  21. Unfortunately it's episode 6 of season 5 and we have a vagueish idea of what the Dread Doctors want, better test subjects. As for Theo, does he have any particular motivation ? If he wants to take the True Alpha's power for himself, wouldn't it be made easier by killing some of the pack members. Hell he can blame it on the Dread Doctors who can apparently show up anywhere at any time without detection. It's one thing not to kill main characters because plot contrivance, it's another for the Villain to just stand around while all the good guys are asleep and DO NOTHING. He could at least pour some wolfsbane or cyanide in their coffees in the morning to slowly poison/weaken them. He doesn't even have to succeed but he should try something slightly more menacing than basically being a supernatural version of a shit stirrer... It doesn't feel like there's much stakes if the only people who are dying are random red shirts whose names we wont remember in a week. I'm not sure if anyone died this episode. That's how irrelevant deaths are in this show lately. I can't even remember if they happened or not from episode to episode.
  22. Frankly if Theo was an actual villain he would have killed them all while they were sleeping instead of recording Kira's sleep babbling. Then again why should villains be effective and kill the good guys when they can make elaborate convoluted plans to recruit/kill Scott... *sigh* It felt sort of like Liam was on another show for most of the episode since he didn't really interact with the main pack much. Why did he need to go to that club to give her money when he could have handed it to her at school... It was nice that someone in the pack bothered to learn self defense techniques. It only took 5 homicidal villains to get around to it. (I can't actually remember what the Big Bad villain count is any more.)
  23. Well lets see Ghost originally wanted her gone because he thought she was a loose cannon saying his drug dealer name in his club... So he hands her a wad of cash and a train ticket and apparently some fake ID and lets her go... Then after she tells his mistress that he's the drug kingpin she's been looking for since episode 1, Holly apparently tells him about that off screen and for some reason he's going to trust her to be reliable enough to sell his bullshit story about it all being a misdirect on Tommy's behalf. I highly doubt that. There is no way a drug kingpin would just hand over another wad of cash to a woman who may decide that she wants Tommy back or wants to bring down Ghost or because she's a crazy red hot mess. He's basically allowing her to have power of him. She could ostensibly blackmail him for money forever. In Holly's situation the safest bet would either stay clear of Ghost or get a new identity (and a new hair color) with immunity for her crimes. Not rely on Ghost not tying up loose ends and putting a bullet in her skull for outing him in the first place. When the hell is Kanaan going to enact his revenge on Ghost already ? This show feels like it's building up towards nothing interesting. Ghost may get his club back or may go to prison. I don't care about either of those things. MMV
  24. At this point I'm assuming there's some sort of contract for both Everlasting Winery and the Royal Renovations show simply because they were plot points from previous episodes but at this point you may be right and those plots may have as much resonance as Mary's medications being tampered with and her committing suicide. I guess we'll find out one way or another if Quinn or Chet catch up to them at the airport and tell them to get their asses back to work already. On another point if Rachel doesn't want to date Jeremy any more what leverage does Quinn have over her? At this point I don't see what another sex tape would do for Adam's reputation since he was shagging Anna in this episode on TAPE! I guess that's going to be next week's bumper episode. Sexy times on a special late night episode. It wouldn't be the first time a reality show sunk that low.
  25. I didn't mean he was under contract for the current season though presumably he'd have to sign one for them to start shooting and for them to continue with the show. My original post was in reference to him presumably signing a contract for the spin off. Hence that meeting with Grace. Wasn't that part of Rachel's power play to get promoted for the next season ? Getting him to sign up for another year of this manipulative exploitative nonsense. Unless we're supposed to assume that the studio is promoting a spin off featuring Adam without getting him in an iron clad contract which would be a stretch considering that he balked at signing the first contract. They'd be super eager to lock him down. I don't think they mentioned the particulars of the contract but I assume they own some part of the vineyard. I doubt they'd shell out millions of dollars just so they could slap their name on something they didn't have at least a 50% controlling interest in. Then again I may be overthinking this plot point. Theoretically I'm supposed to care that Rachel has been watching Adam's every move for weeks and manipulating his actions and sabotaging him at random for her own selfish reasons and is now suffering some consequences for having sex with a contestant at her place of work. I don't care about Rachel and Adam being in LURVe. I think they're both being stupid and there's a really strange undercurrent of psychological manipulation at play for their entire relationship, since she lied to him about a back up guy and convinced him to participate in this farce through all the weird cohabitations of shower and beds and being all hot and cold about him. At this point I want them both to crash and burn and go away. Not even touching the fact that they're both shagging other people from time to time during their 'quasi romantic bullshit' / fairy tale romance.
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