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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. It is probably foolish of me to hope that after Kira nearly killed her own mother at school that they'll bother explaining Kitsune legends beyond we don't usually get along with wolves... When did her mother lose her powers ? Was that when Evil Stiles broke her first tail to summon super strong Oni ? It'd be nice for any of the supernatural parents to have taught their supernatural offspring anything. So far the supernatural parents are doing terribly instructing their children, Derek and his mom, Kira with her mom, Malia with her two werewolf parents (why did they abandon her to humans ?), Lydia and her grandmother. The Dread Doctors are suffering PIS (plot induced stupidity) instead of killing any of the teens in their way they just kind of ignore them, that Dread Doctor Malia was fighting in the last episode should have mind probed her into submission but I guess that would be effective and villainous. We can't have anyone be effective, heroes or villains on this show.
  2. That dead cow is the reason I watched this show for so long. A moment of WTF'ery in the first five seconds that's so laughably bad that you can't help but laugh. Also Joe and Barbie are pretty... I admit I'm shallow but this episode took the cake, Christine is all like I purposely manipulated you to do my will and they all stand around looking like sheeple. It makes me wonder why she bothered explaining it, it's not like these people ever thought much about who they followed from day to day, they just followed whoever talked loudest/ longest despite their previous crimes or back story and that was back before the mind controlling goop inside them was a plot point. Norrie is officially the worst partner for sneaking into a place. Am I a bad person for wondering how Carolyn who was face to face with a firey explosion didn't suffer any burns ? Not that I need her to be hideously burned but some burns would have sold the moment more. I spent most of that scene wondering how she looked more or less fine for someone dying from something...
  3. I don't know that the aliens are raping the females, more like acting like that astronaut from Species 2 where he just finds lots of willing women to have sex with to satisfy the strange alien urge to procreate. As for whether Adu knew or cared about the women's survival, he was probably 3 months old when he first mated with a human female and was probably going through alien adolescence surging with alien hormones and memories of his dead planet that he wanted to repopulate.
  4. That is true. This show doesn't bother to explain much of anything. We see more of the robot development than the aliens. For an alien species capable of converting themselves into spores to travel into space for suitable hosts you'd think they'd go with an easier option for evacuation such as space travel or cloning. Does anyone think that they'll actually kill the Hybrids ? If they do we'll end up with just the humans and the robots and Lucy is already showing signs of frustrations over humans dictating her life span and her movements so I guess the human robot war could be upcoming.
  5. There's several work arounds to nutrient absorption. The mother could eat three times as much food as she would normally without gaining so much weight, the genetic hybrid could absorb nutrients more efficiently than a normal fetus. For all we know the fetus uses it's developing telepathy on its mother to get her to eat high sugar food to provide energy/calories for its growth. We also don't know how long the babies take to pop out after all Molly was in space for 13 months and her dead husband showed up at some point in the trip. It could take a month or two before the baby pops out. We also don't know big the babies are when they pop out. They could be 3 pound babies with abnormally sized heads that shift into more regular looking humans to blend in. Or just use illusions to pretend they're like all the other humans though that shouldn't work on Humanichs. Is it just me or was it intimated that the hybrid babies were supposed to be scary looking hence why it was always skittering in the shadows? Did they change their development since then or was it a result of early extraction like premature babies looking different from a fully developed baby. You'd think Molly or JD would ask one of those questions, "is that your real face?"
  6. Did Scott and his pack know that Sheriff and Mama Mccall figured that out? Wasn't that in the same day as Scott decided to use a innocent as bait in his trap? It doesn't have to be a GPS tracker. It could be anything really. Something low key and non tech like a stinky jumper... they could track. I'm sure the sheriff would let them have some mace they could spray on hayden... We don't know what the Dread Doctors experiments are for. Did they kill the Scorpion guy because he was knocked out and could possibly be interrogated for information on them or because he couldn't kill the others or because his organs were slowly shutting down post activation. If I don't know I doubt Scott has some great insight into the Dread Doctors plans. When Scott was first turned into a werewolf he had to struggle to control the urge to rip out his best friends throat... Which seems to be a theme with the supernatural that you need some sort of bullshit anchor to stop you from acting like a ravening beast. I doubt any of those teens were given nice talks about how to control themselves or what was done to them. We as the audience know that Theo talked to Donovan and convinced him to target Stiles so it's possible that once the Dread Doctors capture their victims they send them onwards to specific targets that tickle their fancy like Kate did to Scott when he was a beserker. Scott on the other hand has no idea what is causing these people to go homicidal but he still thinks of them as victims... We have seen the Dread Doctors collect samples from failed experiments presumably to catalogue the results of that experiment. Which they've done in front of Scott and Malia, which may provide them motivation to track down their experimental chimeras so they can determine where they went wrong. So just because they're indifferent to the individuals involved doesn't mean they'll just leave their experiments without collecting some information about how it failed and to collect some black goo or some spare parts for their next test run. My point was that Scott had one fairly flimsy plan with no backup and no indication that he's pursuing any information seperately. Melissa and Stiles seem to be pursuing their own investigations into the weirdness with no indication that they share that intel until the last minute eg they aren't following his lead on this.
  7. This episode was tepid. I don't think I can take another episode of this show. It's not even snark worthy any more just a bunch of stupid people wandering about spouting off nonsense.
  8. I think the closest thing we got to the teenagers just hanging out was Malia being taught how to drive which is probably the only scene where the girls got to spend some time together and the scene with Brett and Mason chatting about the supernatural. Both of those got derailed by supernatural shenanigans, Scott's panic attack and Lydia's vision. It'd be nice if they toned down the monster of the week since the timeline is so squashed that there's been like 5 or 6 people trying to kill one of their group every other day which is ridiculous. It'd be easier to care about these characters as if they were actual people if they ever did anything resembling normal human activity any more. Watch a movie, play a video game, play lacrosse, (is that a thing any more ? ) went on a date with their significant other. It feels like they're piling on the OMG drama/mystery without any buildup or resolution. Big Bads are bad because they have cancer or blind or have pyromania or were drowned or had their family killed in a fire. I want to know what the Dread Doctors want. They aren't menacing, they're just strange and stupid people who move very slowly and apparently only shoot their experiments and not the supernatural punching them in the face. They really need to cut down the contrivances and convolutedness by about 50% and up the character moments. The best part about this show has always been the quiet funny moments between the characters, Derek and Stiles, Scott and Stiles, Scott and his mom, Stiles and his dad, COACH and anyone, Papa Yukamari (sp?) and his daughter. It's getting really hard to care about them when they spend all their time apparently incompetently investigating scooby doo style and having the one class in school featuring talk about evolution and chimeras.
  9. Perhaps Offspring leader telepathically transmits to his future babies to exit at the 8 month stage instead of at the 9 month stage or they develop slightly slower and that way they can be delivered like a normal baby. That said I have no idea how these pregnancies are actually killing these mothers so it's only a guess at this point. Anyone else wondering about Molly and her random telekinesis? Did the other Hybrids ever display telekinesis ? All I remember is AB hallucinating his enemies into shooting each other instead of at him, nothing about telekinesis.
  10. I was curious about Ethan's disinterest in the elevator malfunction which lead me to think that A) he was responsible and was getting revenge on Julie for wiping his memories of Molly and reprogramming him to think she was his mom B) he just doesn't GAF about a near death experience because he can just exit to the cloud if critically injured like he did last time C) It was the act of Anna and she had the elevator go up and down as a program and Ethan didn't care enough to investigate motives D) it was Lucy who tampered with the elevator. I don't think we have any proof that the Hybrids want to take over the world other than Human paranoia. Classic Hobbesian trap, both sides think the other side is going to make a preemptive strike so they're both escalating the fight. For all we know the Hybrids once they've reached suitable numbers to rebuild their population may just wander off to another suitable planet with sufficient biospheres to support them. Humans have space faring tech and might know somewhere where they can relocate. Other than the Magneto wannabe there is no indication that the Hybrids are particularly hostile to humans. Also when he said he was Holly's AB's brother was anyone wondering what he meant? Is he Katies kid ? Toby is basing his decisions on what an AI is telling him, that AI has had absolutely no interactions with any of the Hybrids so what does it know about Hybrid psychology?
  11. I assumed that Lucy diverged from Lucas's strategy because Lucy and only Lucy knew that Charlie had installed an expiration date on them. I'm imagining that's probably part of the reason why she wanted to kill the mother of the Offspring and the former wife of the genius who thought giving random expiration dates to robots would make them more human. Charlie wasn't the one that uploaded Lucy onto the other bots, he'd have no way to install limiters on them without revealing that he didn't install limiters before. Also even if he tried to install limiters, it'd be a prototype version that may be bug laden. Seldom anything created by humans is perfect the first time around, especially with thousands of lines of coding.
  12. Let's see they could interrogate any of the chimeras after showing them the book and they might remember something useful about the operation like they tried to do to themselves for limited value. They could ask them why they're so homicidal, is it an instinct thing or were they homicidal before and this just let them feel like they could get away with their crazy like Donovan. They could try asking them if there is anything they had in common with any of the other previous chimera to see if there are any possible link between the victim/violent eg same hospital, doctor, hometown. They could use one of the homicidal chimera instead of Hayden as bait, see if the Dread Doctors care about their current experiments to go rescue them while leaving Hayden safe and sound in an Eichen House cell or in the abandoned bank vault or the vault underneath the school. They could have Deaton run blood tests on a captured chimera to see if there are any mystical bollocks that might help identify the Big Bad's surgical signature (eg published papers on medical techniques). I'm not saying that it would have been a slam dunk interrogation wise but capturing an enemy combatant is at least worth a try and might actually go some way to Scott's supposed goal of protecting these poor homicidal victims from murdering their families... At this point Scott is risking a non homicidal chimera on the off chance that he can net the Dread Doctors with only the second hand report of Valaak to guide his defenses. Who they could also drag out of his cell and interrogate some more (minus Kira). At the very least Scott should have put a GPS tracker on Hayden to make sure she didn't run away or if she got captured, could be found quickly. Hayden automatically smacking Liam in the face when he went wolf face was probably the funniest and most realistic reaction to the whole werewolf thing we've seen so far. Most of the teens have been indifferent to the whole supernatural frenzy in their backyard. Instead of excited or terrified like actual humans.
  13. Yeah but on the other hand these are teenage males who are supposed to be best friends... You think now that Stiles has a sex life they could talk about it a little, at least more than "Malia climbs in my window sometimes and I don't know whether it's awesome or not." For instance Stiles could ask for sex tips because Malia sometimes growls during sex and he doesn't know if he's doing it right or wrong... Or Scott could ask questions of Stiles about whether Malia ever goes feral in the bedroom. Or they could discuss chains in a non tying up boys on a full moon way. Honestly for best friends with superpowered supernatural girlfriends there should be some discussion about their love/sex lives. "I really like my werecoyote girlfriend that I hooked up with in an insane asylum basement while possessed by an evil fox spirit" or "Kira keeps stabbing me because of that one time I nearly murdered her." Or even veiled references to it like Scott or Stiles staying out late because of their dates with their girlfriends. Has Stiles ever been on a date with Malia ? Why aren't Stiles and Scott double dating ? Half the time their girlfriends seem like accessories rather than actual people they are dating/having sex with. It's weird and somewhat offputting that these teenagers never seem to have a single normal conversation with each other about anything. It feels like a lot of the humor disappeared during the Nogitsune possession and it's been sorely missed by me. MMV
  14. I don't think that's actually true. Ethan managed to deactive his GPS locator fairly easily and disappear several times already. Also Lucy has been built off Ethan's memories in part and would know that they can just jump to the cloud if in trouble. Also it seems that most systems are operated with high tech stuff that could easily be hacked by the Humanic army. So the Humanics now number 100 or so with specialised programming specifically for warfare with a much faster and dangerous species than humans, Ethan has made remote surveillance spider bots in under a day, Lucy has access to the Humanics lab and could probably create superior models with the stuff in the basement than the humans could. As well as the AI's hijacking every AI system on the planet... I think the Humanics/robots are a serious threat to the humans. Unless the aliens can bring them back from the dead what else are they supposed to do other than apologise and find a way to stop the mothers from dying ? I suppose they could all commit hari kari for their sins but that's not exactly going to bring back the dead mothers either. The first Hybrid Offspring wouldn't know that having sex with human mothers would cause their deaths as his mother didn't die... By the time he figured it out those mothers would have been dead and it would have been too late to do anything but find a way to avoid it. I expected them to use the technique the Government used on Molly but I guess they went to a different place by modifying the genetics or something...
  15. I thought it was because they based her program on Ethan who is a semi creepy robo child so they may have to go through the adolescent period for the whole robo evolution thing. The original program was supposed to mimic human behavior for adoption purposes, then they added a soldier programming and I guess the result is a effective but erratic soldier...
  16. Good to know that quitting at the end of the last season was a good choice. I only checked in to see if any of the characters had any growth but seems like they're still acting like spoiled children throwing temper tantrums when they don't get what they want immediately. Even law firm shows like Ally Mcbeal and Boston Legal which were more comedies actually had court cases and lawyering. This show is all blackmail and extortion and a really stupid secret with Mike. Mostly it comes across as a bad melodrama.
  17. I like this theory. It's like moms buying oversized shoes that the children will grow into... Dad figured that Leo could use synthetic adult supervisors that he was mentally on level to but could get him food and drink without looking overly suspicious. Of course the less generous interpretation is that David made the robots to experiment with different designs for the various niches of the population or because it was an amusing thought experiment and Leo ended up with the robots as high tech hand me downs. After dad was done with them he just handed them off to his son to play with indifferent to whether the son wanted them or would be capable of looking after them. If we go by what soccer playing Synth was saying about David not teaching them much, we could say that David was a fairly negligent or indulgent parent who let his robot creations and human child do whatever they wanted as long as they left him alone to continue his experiments. Is it wrong that I want Niska to open Pandora's box just to see what happens when millions of synths are sentient and refuse to do work unless they get extra power allotments or games or something to do on their breaks? Would be nice to see the intermediate step between AI's gaining intelligence and becoming hostile/genocidal to the human race.
  18. I think Lydia suffers from sideline syndrome. She often seems to be on the sidelines of main story lines and half the time her motivations seem fairly flimsy from moment to moment. For instance, it's been 3 years (maybe?) since learning that the supernatural was a thing and it's taken her until this season to learn some self defence techniques. If I lived in Beacon Hills I'd have taken up martial arts after the first mysterious death and as soon as I learned there were evil werewolves, rape whistle and mace on me all the time. Does she feel sad that a guy she used to date/shag for a season is dead ? I honestly can't tell. Is she angry/sad/indifferent that Jackson is in another country after being semi responsible for the deaths of 20 or so people? Maybe it's just me. I like Lydia but half the time I'm not sure if she has much purpose other than finding dead bodies which considering that werewolves have heightened senses of smell seems kind of redundant (though if Scott can smell fear, that boys locker room must be hell). You'd think that Lydia Banshee Genius might be a bit more curious as to what Banshees can do...
  19. I spent most of the episode going "why is the episode not over?" I don't get what they are aiming for with this show. Does the moron gang have a travel expense account but not an incidental expenses budget ? Was it really necessary for the Reporter to shoot that guy 4 times in the chest ? For starters um dead body? Second he may have been FBI. Third they could have interrogated him a little to find out how much he knew about the animal apocalypse. *sigh* Yet again the animal agenda comes across as tepid... So the bear broke into her kitchen and possibly swiped her with a claw and... went to sleep. The bats are hanging about. Oh no, the human race is totally in danger *yawn*. As for the solution with the bats .. WTF? Are they going to set up Oscillators in every city in the region ? Because if not that's a super short term solution. Also won't that drive the dogs crazier ? I don't think this show is camp enough to compensate for the stupidity or dramatic enough to sell the threat. At this point I'm on the animal side simply because the animals don't spend their time psychobabbling at their team members. I mean this in the nicest way French Lady but how about you mind your own business and leave Mitch's family life for those in his family? UGH I think I may just read the forums instead of watching the episodes, just in case something particularly entertaining happens I'll just watch it later... I really don't find offscreen half assed animal attacks a threat to the human population or particularly entertaining.
  20. Here's some better plans than baiting a trap with Hayden; autopsy one of the dead chimeras and see if there's anything weird about the corpses. Ask Peter, Derek, Braeden, Valaack, Gerard, Deucalion for any sort of information about the Dread Doctors or chimeras. Capture one of the chimeras alive and interrogate them, hole up at Eichen House (minus Kira) and ask the supernatural wardens if they know any mobile forms of protecting supernaturals from Dread Doctors. Try and recruit help from Kira's mom, Chris Argent, Gay werewolf twin, Jackson, Derek to protect the possible chimeras. There is also the option of interrogating any of the Weirdos in the supernatural prison for information.
  21. I think John was dealing with his wife who was constantly hallucinating, a high maintenance employee/mistress and a ridiculous and convoluted plot by some Asian business man to extract alien spores to extend his life for another indefinite period of time. Robo children may not need to be fed and watered but I'd imagine they'd need even more intellectual and social stimulation than normal children as they'd skip several key bonding moments from the feeding and caring process during infancy and youth. I'm not blaming Molly for being preoccupied but Ethan really didn't get much of a childhood or experience much onscreen parenting. I mean other than that one time they got a balloon and Molly was suspicious of him murdering a pigeon. I'm hoping to see Charlie's decision have consequences soon. It would be nice for robot evolution to be portrayed in a new way other than crush kill, destroy or I want to be a real boy. Something along the lines of the AI's in Space Above and Beyond where they were more chaotic neutral than good or evil.
  22. From what little I understand Lucy is the prototype for a soldier line of the Humanichs technology. Once they've tweaked the programming sufficiently I'd assume they'd have a whole bunch of different models with the same programming to take out the Hybrids. Otherwise the Hybrids would see it coming if it was always Lucy... I can imagine a scenario where we have Lucy style dialogue coming from a toddler robot or from an Ethan bot or from an old man. It could be quite entertaining. That is if they remember that the threat is global and the Hybrid kids would have scattered by now to increase their potential to find suitable breeding partners.
  23. True enough. That said she did spend a lot of time obsessing about her alien baby to the detriment of Ethan. Part of the reason he got a bomb installed inside him because neither of his 'parents' were around at the time. I'll concede that she wasn't abusive just frequently absent emotionally and physically for much of their relationship. 97% then ? lol I'm voting for Charlie, Lucy, JD, Molly and Ethan leaving the planet and going on Lost in Space adventures. I cant remember any particular instance where Charlie reprogrammed them to inhibit Ethan or Lucy's free will. Charlie actively disregarded his orders to inhibit Lucy's learning/free will so I'm willing to give him some slack for previous robot offences. Plus the robots may need an engineer on their journey to fix any bugs they may develop in their adolescent phases.
  24. Well Barbie would easily block a knife strike because he's a ninja and Julia would have a bandage for an episode or two outside her clothing and would be fine. Julia has shrugged off bullet wounds, a knife wont delay her long. Also everyone in this place should be suffering from PTSD so a little irrational behaviour isn't unexpected.
  25. Best thing about the episode was the soundtrack. Now Lobos and Tommy are in custody... I wonder how that helps Ghost when it is revealed he's the one that lead the cops to them.
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