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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. That of course presumes that Scott has useful knowledge to impart to someone who would listen. Scott has no idea how to fight the Dread Doctors even with half his pack backing him. What could he possibly tell Sheriff that would be of any use ? Admittedly he could tell them they could stash the corpse at Eichen house but after the corpses piled up after Scott's last visit maybe that would be a bad place to lead law enforcement. I guess those people didn't have families either...
  2. We don't know if the women who got pregnant used birth control or not so it's hard to tell if their desires are being countermanded. People do have unsafe sex without a condom. As for the mating it sounded like previous Dead Mother saw a face of a different guy when she hooked up with (presumably) Adu, at least she never mentioned using any form of birth control. I'm not sure if the Hybrids have super sperm that ignores birth control measures or simply that the women they're having casual sex with aren't using any birth control. There is that anecdotal statistic that 1 out of 10 men are raising children that aren't theirs without even knowing. As for Molly I'm not sure if that's a case of alien hormones eg alien puberty or alien telepathy. The latter would be much more rapey obviously. The first would be the equivalent of nocturnal beer goggles. It seemed like a good idea at the time... but in the harsh light of day it's coyote ugly. I thought Molly exploded the mirror in the background during her argument with Hybrid Magneto hence why their argument ended because she displayed her mental strength. Admittedly with telekinesis it's hard to tell who is responsible for what...
  3. You know I expected another mediocre episode of Scream but was pleasantly surprised how entertaining I found this episode. There were clever or amusing quips and a brutal death at the end. Reminded me a little of season 1 of Teen Wolf except with less shirtless males... I have no idea if Keiran is supposed to be a fake out suspect or a double fake out suspect. I'm guessing Brandon James knows some good hiding spots from his days at the bowling alley, a crawlspace the cops overlooked.
  4. wayne67

    S01.E07: Sleuths

    Yeah I think this is the last episode of this show I can watch. I'll read the recaps and the forums just to see if there were any good animal attacks to tune in for but the STUPID HURTS. What exactly does the FBI guy working for Reiden have to do with Reporter Lady shooting him while he was unarmed and leaving his corpse in a hotel stair well to bleed out and die? I mean who he worked for is irrelevant. SHE SHOT HIM TO DEATH. He was merely punching a guy so it wasn't exactly like she was defending others when she shot him 4 times in the chest instead of say threatening to shoot if he didn't get off Jackson. *sigh* As usual the animals of the week show little to no menace to humans. Why exactly are these bears developing super skeletons or enhanced epidermis and not every other bear in the world? What is happening with the Lions now ? or the cats ? or the dogs ? Or the bats? Every time they introduce a new animal threat they seem to move on with no real resolution. The bats may be deterred from one city... The lions are still presumably murdering their way through Africa. The cats are still plotting and the dogs are probably still murdering tourists for sport. I guess it doesn't matter much as long as you prove that the Mother Cell is responsible and find a way to engineer a cure to this in five minutes and distribute it worldwide to all species of animals. Yeah... a security system can be hacked by a video recording is the stupidest thing ever.
  5. Thanks. I just can't help feeling sorry for the Sheriff. Here's a dead body with a katana in it, he knows who the katana belongs to and he can investigate it as it's fairly normalish minus the whole chimera freakish transformation of a teenager and every direction he turns he's cop blocked. Melissa slaps him (assaulting a police officer), Papa Yukimura confesses stopping him from finding out if Kira did it out of self defense, fugue state or because she felt like it, Melissa adds in a whole bunch of irrelevant details about every other supernatural in town except the Dread Doctors making her statement useless unless he feels like sending her to Eichen House or prison. He tries to safeguard the corpse and is undermined by Parrish his own deputy. Dude's sinking into the quagmire of supernatural murder and bullshit and no one is throwing him a life line. Has Deaton ever been in a scene with the Sheriff? It's one thing if Lydia or Stiles only had incomplete sources for information but it comes across as they're not interested in finding out anything about the supernatural. They don't even bother to ask Deaton for his magic scrolls or Argents for their bestiary. They look for information in the school library instead for some reason. It's all so contrived and stupid. As for Theo and Stiles recovering from their last mishap. Did Melissa even know that ? Was Theo even injured for more than 10 seconds ? The problem is we know that the teens may have been busy but there's not indication that she tried consulting anyone other than the Sheriff first. If I wanted to hide/move a dead body I wouldn't be calling the Sheriff. I'd call Deaton or Derek or Malia. Actually did Melissa even know that her son had lost Liam ? Does Liam have parents ? It's so hard to keep track of who knows what about what. I missed that about the board being about who they knew were chimeras. I must have confused that with Sheriff and Melissa looking at the patient files and coming to the wrong conclusion that they had more suspects as to who was chimeras. I find it harder to keep track of the details as most of this will disappear by next season like Scott's dad disappearing into smoke along with the investigation into the assassins so it's hard to care that much about the details. I guess the FBI no longer cares about who set up the hit list on the teens or why there were so many assassins in town. Oh well. I'm not sure I'll watch this after this season if there's another season. It seems to have lost its humor and any actual stakes. Red shirts pile up in a mountain of corpses and we're supposed to ignore the impact that would have on the town of 10000 or so. It doesn't help that the more people involved in Scott's pack the more diluted the core relationships feel. Scott and Stiles were facing a tragic end last half season and now they're barely ever in the same room for more than 3 seconds before racing off to another murder mystery. I can't even tell if Stiles and Malia are even in a relationship at the moment because they seldom spend any time together and they don't do any normal coupley things, hold hands, kiss, date or do anything together.
  6. If it was just about moving a body any of the supernatural teens could have helped with that. Hell even Lydia and Melissa could have moved the body outside the house. It seemed like Melissa was more expecting the Sheriff to help her move the body AND remove the sword AND not investigate the death at all which is asking a lot of someone in law enforcement. The Sheriff has a board of all the missing teenagers, they aren't presumed dead until they find a corpse which is why Stiles looked all guilty about Donovan's name being mentioned during that discussion last episode. They were buried but they weren't actually there, hence they're not dead yet, they're just missing and those parents would probably like to know that their sons or daughters had been found or who had killed them but I guess that's asking a lot for a show that never really does resolutions very well. For all he knew the Red Shirt in the kitchen could have been the first of many of Kira's kills. It probably was either self defense or a psychotic break due to the fox finding a predator in her mate's lair but still no one bothered to really ask any questions about Kira's involvement because the other parents were super quick to try and cover it up. Which is stupid because for all they know the chimeras all know where Scott lives and Melissa and Scott could be in danger from further attacks and should invest in some security.
  7. The Argents had a bestiary and lots of weapons. Scott could call Chris Argent and give the book to the cops... It's the very least he could to help. Did he even notice the blood on the kitchen counter or was he too busy lying to Kira about trust. Then again even with training Scott has no idea what kind of chimeras they're fighting. They could be kanima cross breeds, scorpions or weird never been seen before combinations of kitsunes and werecoyotes or the Dread Doctors themselves with unknown abilities. I am confused since when did the Dread Doctors care about the corpses of their failed experiments ? They seemed indifferent to Parrish taking them and burning them at the Nemeton prior to this. Damn flimsy characterisations of the bad guys. Derek tried to train his pack who also had supernatural speed, strength and healing and they either died or deserted or both. Even with supernatural powers and training if you're not a main character or a parent of the main two teens you're likely to die or disappear anyway (Danny, Isaac, Coach). You'd think with a dozen teens missing the town would be up in arms about the lack of police presence at the school. They haven't even tried giving a curfew to the town since the first episode. I don't know if I can tolerate this show any more. The twinks are all starting to blur together, Theo, Corey, Liam. Scott finally used an Alpha power and he used it in the most non consensual way possible. yay ?
  8. The deputies don't have the Plot Armor that the pack has... and still Scott and everyone at the school got mind raped into submission by the Dread Doctors and two teenagers were stolen right from under Scott's nose. Scott had to be saved by freaking Mason of all people. Mason who has shown more interest in the supernatural and figuring stuff out than most of the other teens this entire season. Melissa could have cooperated with the Sheriff and simply said that she found a strange looking teenager on her kitchen counter impaled with a katana. Everything else was extranneous and done to spite him. He could have filed that report and Melissa would have exposed her son and everyone else in the pack to further scrutiny. Actually I'm still not sure how the FBI decided not to put more effort into finding out why this town has about 40 deaths a year. As for the Humans not having any powers... Well neither do the Argents and they managed to fight supernaturals with knowledge and firearms. Should the Argents have just let random werewolves eat people simply because werewolves are stronger than them physically? The Sheriff did quite well against a beserker with no superpowers and a claymore. The truth of the matter is that the Police Department is handicapped by it being the Scott supernatural show rather than actual personal deficits. That's why Scott can power up at the last second of a fight and doesn't use that power the other 95% of the time. I don't buy into the normals should just stay at home and let Scott deal with everything because he's shite at it. He still hasn't bothered to find out how Peter brought himself back from the dead. A useful trick for a True Alpha to learn with all his many enemies but I guess that would require thought and preparation and planning...
  9. Having Scott and Co battle the supernatural forces doesn't work until the finale and lots of people die as they muddle their way through it. Scott lost 2 people in his poorly thought out plan and if the Villains didn't suffer from PIS then Malia and Lydia could have died in a failed trap. What did Melissa expect him to do with a dead body in her kitchen? Ignore it ? Bury it in an unmarked grave? Is there a reason that her family can't be notified that she was found dead in her kitchen? We don't know that werewolves or banshees had anything to do with Redshirt's death. She had a sword through her chest. I don't see how the body going missing would invalidate Kira's dad confession that he stabbed her in self defense. I'm confused as to why a bunch of teenagers would be better investigating a homicide than a police department. At least they bring guns to the party. Scott brought Mason along to what he thought was the Dread Doctors Lair without a weapon or training. At least these Redshirt cops had some training to deal with violent situations. Stiles and Theo were also hurt trying to bait a trap with a corpse so how is this situation any different? Because they were all human ? People in Beacon Hills get hurt all the time doing their jobs or merely existing. Cops, doctors, teachers and students all die at alarming rates and Scott and Co cover up the reasons and most times don't even punish the guilty except possibly for Gerard, they all get away essentially without punishment.
  10. If he asked who that random guy was in the first episode maybe he'd have figured out he had a Big Bad to face this season. He also decided to use Hayden as bait in a trap without any way of actually springing the trap once the Dread Doctors showed up without any plan on what to do if the Dread Doctors succeeded in dragging away their prey. Yeah he's responsible for half assing the plan to trap these guys and getting Hayden and Liam kidnapped. I always find it funny that Deaton waits till episode 8 or a dozen bodies before trying to find information on the latest Big Bad. They really need to tone down the melodrama sometimes. I just don't care any more, it's not like any of the main characters will die and it's only more redshirts dying. Hell Scott was going to confront the Dread Doctors in their lair without a plan or a weapon. Melissa having a go at Sheriff for trying to do his job. I guess she doesn't care about the families of the dead teenagers if it might inconvenience her son.
  11. I don't mind that Amanda is pissed off about the Tarrs being responsible for multiple deaths but it seems awfully short sighted to piss off the people who you think has sway over the Omec who is providing the tech for mining the gualanite that keeps the town you run functioning. Threatening to have the Votan Collective Soldiers put a bullet into Datak seems like overkill, she could have just gone with "I'll revoke the pardon." Papa Omec likes Stahma enough to stand up for her and hide her so pissing off Stahma seems like a bad idea considering that while Stahma and Datak no longer run the criminal underworld, they are still stone cold killers with expertise with explosives and deception. Amanda really needs to invest in peacekeepers without rage issues or Ark Tech in their heads. No wonder the town of Defiance is shrivelling up and dying since they showed up.
  12. Considering her experience last season being mind frelled and bombing New York and killing Tommy you'd think she'd be a bit more invested in making sure Nolan didn't repeat her mistakes and got further help for his condition. Or at least was sedated for a few hours bed rest until Doc Yewll was less preoccupied. Instead he's now on the hook for killing a politician. Did they ever explain how Irisa avoided any punishment or trial for murdering New York? And Tommy. Tevgin overestimated his own ability to control his daughter/lover and completely flubbed the whole mind controlled indogene situation. No wonder his race is endangered, they seem to think they can do whatever they want without reprisals or reaction. I did wonder why Amanda thought it was a good idea to antagonise Datak and Stahma in their own house.
  13. I haven't watched the episode. Did anything meaningful or important happen that would be worth the effort of watching this episode? I stopped watching the show last episode when it started off with some weird segue. I'm not sure what this show is aiming for exactly since the infection seems to have little effect on the day to day life of the civilians which is just bizarre.
  14. Personally I'd be happy if the main characters didn't engage in a cliche 2 brothers 1 girl in a romantic triangle. I'm hoping now that Davin and Dutch have scratched their respective itches they'll move on and pretend it never happened. I'd be happy if Johnny was just Dutch's friend with no tedious sexual or romantic undertones. They do well as friends so I'm hoping the show sticks to that. Hopefully they'll show us who or what the Big Bad is soon. I like that they added a unique feature of this world. So many space shows have worlds exactly the same as ours, it's so generic.
  15. Very few shows. Firefly and Farscape had some entertaining battle strategies. This show isn't great at logic. For instance Molly should have been having regular blood tests and physicals in that nut house, which should have noticed the irregularities in her blood earlier. The humanichs aren't just infantry, they're the robot equivalent of SEALS, expensive to train and source I'd imagine. Or at least I expect state of the art prosthetic limbs to cost a fortune considering Odin's lame bio limbs. Not to mention the expense of fast tracking all the coding necessary for their software/training. I wonder how they tested the virus for effectiveness anyway. Did they use the freshly delivered hybrid babies as test experiments ? Did they just run simulations using their computers ? Did they just do the tv thing and introduce the 'virus' onto a slide with Hybrid blood on it. I wonder if it'll even be effective, these Hybrids seem quite capable of altering themselves and their environment to hide and survive.
  16. Yeah it's a weapon currently in the fava (sp?) with them being the only ones in the know about it. They never did actually tell the Rio agents what they did or why they were doing it. Also I still don't know what that chemical weapon did to the environment. Wasn't that supposed to be a dangerous option they were trying to avoid ? Of course if he wasn't a main character the bats would be swarming him too.. Contrivance and all.
  17. Because Irisa didn't tranq his ass on sight when he started showing signs of the crazy or even take away his gun. I don't think there are any other deputies and Amanda is indulgent of Nolan's murderous quirks.
  18. I understand why they built the Humanichs army but if they already know where most of the Hybrids are staying why bother sending in the prototype Humanichs that haven't been adequately smoke tested to find out troop numbers, compound layout and defenses when you can just drop a cannister of nerve gas or virus bomb into their midst. Why send in infantry when you can just bomb the compound? Not that it matters I suppose, it's a tv show and it's probably just an excuse to use their new toys though one would expect them to drop the genocide gas and have the Humanichs kill the survivors/stragglers.
  19. I assumed that Lucy was given an 'adult body' and an AI based on Ethan's source code of a precocious 10/112 year old and implanted memories of combat strategies which ended up with a roughly 16/17 year old adolescent personality that is testing boundaries and sexuality and reading The Prince as pre bedtime/charging pod reading material. I'm not sure if the Government cares if Lucy's AI is mature enough to fight a war, they just want the war over. John Woods was supposed to be the genius behind the program and his successors are still following his advice post grave so maybe they're not sure how to design robot AI's that mimic mature adult personalities yet. I think of Lucy trying to hook up with Charlie more like hitting on your new stepfather to cause havoc. Julie being the mother, John the father and Charlie his best friend who is taking his place. I'm not sure if Lucy is sexually attracted to Charlie or merely using sex to undermine Julie or to better manipulate Charlie so that she can have more sibling clones. I am confused about why they need the Humanics when they apparently have a virus to wipe the Alien Hybrids out. Unless that was a lie ? As for Julie's 'disability', it probably has been the first time it's been mentioned this season as in this robo future it doesn't seem like it's a huge part of her life, more of an awkward inconvenience. If she was in a wheelchair, I still wouldn't have much sympathy for her as most of her problems are caused by her own stupidity. I am mildly curious as to how/why she has no legs but I don't really care about the character so it doesn't really matter.
  20. The suits would call him the next New York distributor. I'd probably just call him wannabe drug Kingpin because I like the word Kingpin... Angela should have been fired after that court case where the entire case against Egan went up in smoke with the partial sketch that she obtained from a 14 year old. Greg should really stop bailing her out, she's worse than dead weight, she's a loose cannon that sinks ships.
  21. I find it interesting in a way that both reasonable people who were holding radical elements at bay were taken off the field . Perhaps this will pave the way for a new 3 way war between humans, Votans and the Omec. I wonder if the Omec are called enchanters because they made the Indogen and possibly the Bio men or because they lure away good castithan women for hot sexy times before devouring them. I'm still waiting to see how durable Tevgin is compared to his daughter. Despite Stahma's obvious bias she was proven correct when she hinted that Tevgin should take care of her decisively. Maybe next episode we'll find out how many Omec are on that ship. It's good to know that the stasis net was taken out by being used as part of their last ditch attack against Rahm Tak otherwise it'd be too easy to take out any nearby enemies.
  22. I don't think it requires belief in the soul. I think it's more to do with genetics and heredity than a soul. Some people are born with certain traits that are inherent not learned. Some people are naturally good at art, science, maths etch while other people have to work harder just to catch up with those people with natural advantages. Some people are born with mental illnesses and it's a result of neurochemistry, some people have poor socialisation skills due to medical conditions such and other people don't have empathy for other humans. The whole nature argument. Some people are the way are because they were just born that way and others are driven to it. Nature or Nurture. Some get a crappy childhood and genetic predisposition to violence and it combines to a terribly cliche outcome. Nature and Nurture. I don't see how that has anything to do with a soul. Back on topic though. I really am finding Two tedious. When One was complaining about her and her lecture about trust and honesty and if she had anything else to add she declined to comment. She is a hypocrite and despite all her talk about endangering the crew, it comes across as more as her feeling entitled to know everyone's business. Her rapid healing may expose them to all sorts of strange dangers. For instance people wanting to use her to cure that zombie virus thing.
  23. We don't know how much control they have over their bodies development but I'd imagine if any of those women had families or friends or anyone who visited they'd might notice and report the kids growing at an exponential rate as strange to the authorities. The surviving mothers end up with telepathy and telekinesis and rapid healing. You don't think that's a bonus ? I'd love me some telepathy, telekinesis and rapid healing along with increased intelligence. Sadly I'm not a female in this world so I don't get the option. I'm not sure what they're telling the Public about the mothers they're disappearing. Probably that they died of the fake virus. I meant that they could have ten human women to bear their offspring, then wait a few more weeks for them to develop Molly Syndrome (integration of alien Dna) to have more children with. It might allay some of the concerns of the government that the Aliens are going to dilute the human genome if they keep their breeding to a low number of human females in a limited area. They'd need about 1000 offspring to reset their race. Then instead of the government making an enemy of a telepathic race they could just relocate them somewhere else. Save themselves an entire war but I guess peaceful relations with another species is wanted. Charlie didn't see her as an adult, part of the reason he declined the option of robot human sex. As for the military I don't think they see her as an adult, more as a talking tool to be used to take care of their current problems with the aliens. If they thought of her as a sentient adult I doubt they'd be so blase as to send her off to war. Then there is her implanted memories which may substitute for her lack of real life experiences. She may have access to internet to make up for lack of knowledge in some areas, perhaps porn made her think sex was a good idea. Adu only has less than a year of real life experience to draw upon.
  24. It's hard to tell what the Hybrids thought once they left their mothers. Perhaps they didn't do it out of callousness but out of necessity. After all they are being hunted by the local government and based on Adu's experience of being forcibly extracted out of Molly, kept at a black site against his will and hunted by drones and armed soldiers maybe they don't think it's a safe place to have their mothers about. Perhaps in a couple of weeks they'd call the mothers to them once their alien hybrid powers come into play and they can join the collective. The only human mothers that have survived the Alien process haven't been treated very well. Molly was sent to an insane asylum and Illegal Immigrant is being experimented on by the humans. We don't know that the Hybrids are using their telepathy to have sex with women. From what we've seen of Adu, I doubt he needs alien telepathy to get some action in a nightclub. That said it's weird to expect Alien Hybrids that are less than a year old to be completely up to date with the complexities of informed consent for human alien sex when a lot of humans can't figure out how that works without signing waivers before every sexual encounter. I'd imagine it's hard to keep a low profile when you're telling every woman you meet "I'm an alien half breed who needs to find women to have sex with to continue my species". It's a pick up line that would get you noticed by the government hunting you and thought of as crazy endangering the future of your endangered species. If they weren't being hunted by the government they could probably post an ad stating their particulars on the internet and get willing volunteers for continuing the telepathic alien line. I'm sure there are some people out there who wouldn't mind some Wolverine healing plus telepathy and telekinesis in exchange for giving birth to one of the Hybrids. It's actually in the best interests of the Aliens to keep the mothers alive and healthy to breed with repeatedly once they incorporate the alien DNA. They might care to draw less attention to the mother so they can go through alien puberty without being involved in the government man hunt. Perhaps when they find out that the mothers are being killed by an overzealous government they'll change their strategy again. The Hybrids were accidentally killing their mothers out of ignorance. The Government is endangering their lives out of fear. That virus could kill every woman that has had contact with the aliens.
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