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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Well they had a functioning mini community but that's not really much of a measure of things as the community Roberta came from seemed pretty happy and civilised before the boat of the dead. As well as the no weapons compound before the whole religious zealots problem. That female community sent their male children off to die instead of just stabbing them in the brain to at least give them mercy instead of cursing them to be zombies for their potential crimes as men. They also served shotgun vigilant style justice via Zombie bear and random zombification via chain gang without even confirming guilt of the parties. They were needlessly vindictive and their pleasant society was rotten to the core. I'm still not clear why that woman was all hot for Murphy when he was scarred and rotten instead of going for someone young and pretty like 10 k or Mac but I guess that's could be chalked up as a matter of tastes.
  2. Wait you think the women who were sending their own children off to die were awesome ? Them finding each other so easily was fairly contrived but this isn't the first time they've found each other in nonsensical ways so it's not exactly unprecedented. I'm not sure how I feel about a repeat of that plot line of people fighting over Murphy. It was interesting the first time and it was sort of amusing the second time but a third time of the same plot line may be dull.
  3. I am just so glad 10 K survived the season finale. I don't care how improbable it was. I do wish Addie had stayed gone. I find her tedious, Mac is only slightly better though, their relationship drama holds no interest for me whatsoever. Should we start calling Cassandra a Zoman or a Humbie ? Human Zombie ? Zombie Human? Citizen Z should have spent some of that time out in the middle of nowhere practising how to shoot a gun instead of facebook stalking Addie.
  4. I think the idea was the Kinship was a persecuted Alien race hunted down by some other alien race and they're using the Domes to protect themselves from detection/interference from the humans as if it was one of things they use to keep premature babies alive. Then once they gained sufficient numbers they could spread out activating all the other Domes along the way with pre selected Queens so that they could resurrect their endangered race and save Earth from the other aliens. Or they watched too many Bond movies and have a fondness for elaborate nonsensical plans to achieve world domination. It's hard to tell at this point what was going on.
  5. Even though I'm super glad it's done with, there will remain a part of me that will forever wonder if those other aliens that the Kinship was running away from were trying to do the universe a favor by exterminating those weird Kinship aliens. They are not only completely indifferent to murdering members of their own collective for little gain, they also seem heavily reliant on a 16 ? 17 year old boy to complete their master plan.
  6. I have to say this was the longest most boring episode ever. The last ten or twenty minutes felt like it took forever to end. I think they just like adding random numbers to random words for plot points falling stars 1 egg 1 monarch 4 hands 7 amethyst 8 song notes I feel like it's halfway to a song... Also did they just decide to mix up a bunch of animal metaphors for this alien Kinship... They go from Queen which is an insect thing to Alpha which is a canine thing to the Lifeforce which is a purple blob ? I'm confuzzled.
  7. What I find curious about this entire plot line is that they've completely ignored how Oxygen works. Even if the Dome calcified completely they'd still have the air inside the Dome and they have bloody trees which produce oxygen from the CO2 these morons are pumping out with their babbling dialogue. They wouldn't die in a day... Also if there's no power going to the Dome and the Dome has merely calcified than a simple hammer should be able to crack the non powered dome and evacuate if necessary. As for Hector if he really wanted to stop the problem he'd get the Army to go in (after he told them how to get past the booby trapping) and massacre the infected town folks and quarantine the entire area. If the Lifeforce aliens are the 'good aliens' than they really should work on their communication skills. Inform the government that there are incoming alien hostiles and they need to prepare instead of relying completely on purple eggs and amethysts and teenagers for their master plan.
  8. I'm not sure it's such a bad plan. Everyone under the Dome are morons or violent sociopaths with the exception of Joe. Barbie kept going on about the humanity of his baby that went from a gamete to a baby in 2 days. Also letting these violent aliens loose upon the planet to repopulate seems like a bad idea what with their hive mind mentality and their complete disregard for human and others of their species. Barbie has been even stupider than usual this season. It's been painful to watch.
  9. Personally I thought the idea behind chaining sentient Synths to servitude was fairly straight forward. The Regular Synths are programmed to behave in certain ways and only learn through updates transmitted by other Synths. It is more profitable to have a sentient Synth that can adapt to unusual situations and is forced to be loyal than a Synth that needs to be programmed for every situation. I figured it's like the ultimate upgrade to save money on programming. It's probably much easier than having constant upgrades requiring previous models to be scrapped like they did with Odi. I hope Odi survives and is upgraded by Niska. Poor Fred.
  10. Julie still irritates me. The Humanichs do seem like a bigger threat than a thousand or so Hybrids. Humanichs can probably manufacture faster than Hybrids can reproduce. All the Humanichs are probably under the problematic control of Taylor. Only some of the Hybrids want to attack humans to ensure their safety. I do wonder if the Hybrids are going to help Molly take out Taylor or whether that's Ethan's role.
  11. My bad I meant that if Green Universe has time moving faster relative to Rick's universe than a decade could pass in that universe in the time it takes for Rick to have a nap. If White Blob Universe had Morty spend months there and what seemed like a day go by for Summer than it means that Green Guy can spend a year plotting his revenge, maybe using the technology that got him out of White Blob universe to get into Rick's universe. Or I may be overthinking this plot line. I'm still waiting to hear more about the evil Morty. I miss him.
  12. The overall plot arc was fairly weak but I did enjoy the bonding between Brook and Audrey about boys being pigs. Emma and her mom really should have died. They are both too stupid to live. Emma wandering off to confront killers without telling the cops yet again because that totally worked out so well the last time in the bowling alley of doom. As for Daisy for a woman who has a teenager whose the target of prank calls by a serial killer, she's so blase about her being out late and confronting killers and showing up at crime scenes. I don't like Emma. Audrey or Brooke would have made more entertaining Survivor girls.
  13. So I'm guessing that the animal of the week did little damage and was forgotten about the second they found a temporary solution ?
  14. Let's split the difference and say it was both. He didn't want to be as big an asshole as those two and he didn't want to inflict that kind of existential crisis on a universe he would create just to power their planet once he realised what it felt like. I do wonder if time is slow in the microverse that Green Rick wouldn't have decades to plot a way to escape from his universe and into Rick's universe for payback.
  15. I thought it was just a reaction to finding out that his respective God and that God's God were both assholes and his whole existence was effectively meaningless. I did find it funny that the Ship brokered a peace deal just to shut Summer up.
  16. If you take away assumed gender preferences from their relationship, they have a very deep but odd relationship. First time they meet is a result of Jack setting them up. Will starts off defensive knowing that Jack thinks he's fine china that may break at any moment through vigorous use and Hannibal may see him the same way. Hannibal reassures Will that he doesn't think of him that way and they share a meal together with Will more relaxed after that. Shortly afterwards Hannibal arranges a situation where Will kills Garret Jacob Hobbs so that Will is slightly more like him, a killer of men. Hannibal's interest in Will increases as he sees the potential in Will to be more than what he is now, Hannibal is greatly intrigued in what Will will become if he lets himself loose of the shackles of 'appropriate behavior'. During the following time they spend together, Will shares his inner most thoughts, finds out who Hannibal really is, is imprisoned and isolated and Hannibal arranges for him to be freed. Will threatens to kill him and Hannibal acts as if he's being serenaded with a death threat. They spend the time after that circling each other playing an elaborate game of flirtation with Will sending a killer after him and Hannibal sending a killer after him. Will 'pretends' to flirt back, killing Bear Guy and arranging his corpse in a way to excite and encourage Hannibal to trust him and let him get closer. Hannibal lets him. They make plans to run away together from their 'real lives' so they can indulge a European vacation fantasy. Will protects Hannibal by informing him that he's been busted. Hannibal tries to cut their ties together by performing acts of violence but for one reason or another can't go all the way and everyone that could feasibly ruin their relationship by dying survives the encounter, damaged but alive. Hannibal goes on the vacation with his third choice and finds it dissatisfying and continually sabotages himself in an attempt to draw back Will into his orbit. He succeeds and Will tries to break the bonds between them but Hannibal refuses to let that happen. So instead of fleeing into the night and surrendering his connection with Will he submits to Jack so that Will always know where he is. Will tries to make a life for himself but it's a flimsy construct. He doesn't tell his new partner who he really is and it isn't that hard for Jack to convince him to abandon it. Will and Hannibal resume their former relationship in a way with Will bringing him case files which is an equivalent of a love letter dripping in blood and Hannibal keeps appealing to the Will he thinks Will could be. I don't think Hannibal's love is necessarily the sexual variety. Hannibal is infatuated with the idea of who Will could be, in a way he put Will on a murder pedestal in a way idolising him and getting slightly frustrated every time he doesn't quite measure up. Will for his part suffers a sort of enhanced transference with Will thinking of Hannibal as a mentor and someone he can confide in utterly his deepest darkest dreams without censure. Their relationship is more unhealthy co-dependence than traditional sexual lust followed by dates, sexual activity and limited emotional intimacy. They dated, sharing thoughts and feelings with Will being more dependant than Hannibal, then Will started seeing Hannibal for who he really was and Hannibal got more involved then they shared some deaths and they were inexplicably entangled together.
  17. Except it came soon after his dismissal of Andina's advances because it was too soon and here he is using his son to lure another woman into his orbit. It came off kind of offbeat for me, far too soon to be hitting on someone else. YMMV
  18. I am glad they avoided the typical Doctor Who resolution of the Doctor committing genocide to save humans regardless of whether they're in the right or wrong of the situation. Most of the time it's kill an entire species of people because their general is a belligerent asshole who wants to kill things. Well Peter Hale was fire bombed, had his throat ripped out and got chopped in half on Teen Wolf and he resurrected himself by scratching a Banshee prior to that. That said I really hope Kindzi stays dead, she was way too whiny and stupid to live. If she wanted to live, she should have started eating him the second they started fighting instead of monologuing on the edge of an engine platform. I still am curious to know whether Omec need to eat sentient races to get stronger or it's just a cultural thing. *sigh* I'll probably never find out. Oh well.
  19. Anyone else found it kind of depressing how cavalier Jack was about his plans to murder two men ? Otherwise I found it amusing how they literally jumped off a cliff together. For a moment there I half expected them to start kissing. The whole episode was kind of trippy and nonsensical in parts.
  20. Well there are a few reasons why the non Kindzi Omec would be killed off easier than the ones that have been getting a lot of screen time so far. 1) They're not named characters 2) They have little to no screen time 3) They're jet lagged from a 1000 year long journey to get to Earth 4) They haven't eaten anything in a long time so they're malnourished 5) They're not from the line of Commanders who apparently conquered worlds and ate the flesh of their ancestors along with anyone else unlucky enough to wander into their path. I'd imagine once they kill Kindzi they'll just ask one of the older Votans how they originally sabotaged the Omec ship and the genocide of the Omec will be complete. Yay?
  21. I like to think Hannibal doesn't want Will for his body like all the others. He wants him for his unique ability to absorb the thoughts of others through extreme empathy. Will has a heart capable of infinite darkness whereas Hannibal has essentially hit the limit of his particular pathos he plays with people and eats them, that's basically it. Will on the other hand can get into the mental head space of ANYONE (apparently) to place himself in their shoes so well that he starts to think and feel like them to a degree. Hannibal is a true omnivore and chameleon using his intelligence to blend in with his environment and mimic typical human emotions while Will is a sponge that gets a bit dirtier with every dark mind he empathises with. Hannibal would become more with Will by his side which is why I think he's infatuated with him so much. Will is a novelty with unplumbed depths of cruelty. I don't think of it as romantic as all except in the violently co dependent way it's become a sort of all consuming passion. As for why Will keeps coming back, Will has complete acceptance with Hannibal, Hannibal doesn't judge him negatively for the darkness within him nor is he afraid of him, he accepts him and wants the best for him. Unfortunately for Will even if he did run away with Hannibal to enjoy that acceptance eventually Hannibal would eat him because he is a crazy cannibal at the end of the day. During that vacation Hannibal would take him to nice places and feed him the very best of food and recommend great art and books and they'd have lovely chats about the nature of morality and existence. I doubt Will wants to have sex with Hannibal and Hannibal probably doesn't believe in sexuality taboos any more than any other taboos at this point so he might use sex as a tool to 'relax the meat' before consumption. In a way if they did have sex, it would be Hannibal's way to finally possess and despoil the lamb before chopping him into pieces and eating him slowly over the following weeks.
  22. Did anyone else find it ridiculous that Molly told Tara not to start a war with the humans. Did she forget that the humans have been hunting them down for a while now and that she was witness to a massacre of those who wanted peace. At least now we have reason to doubt Taylor's prediction that the Hybrids will destroy humanity in 6 months.' We also have a semi reasonable explanation for the bizarre tactics used to try and exterminate the Hybrids, all an excuse to make more Humanichs to make someone the overlord of the world.
  23. I don't hate or love D'avin.. though I do hate the way his name is spelt, it's borderline too trendy with it's odd spelling/punctuation. I think he's hunky while John is boy next door cute but I wouldn't say one is more attractive than the other. I would like to get a bit more clarity on his back story. How old is he, how big is the age gap between John and D'avin. How long was he in the army? How long was he in that fight cage environment ? I may be alone in hoping Red 17 opens up more story opportunities for him than the mind raped soldier backstory. I'd like him teaming up with Fancy to escape the off site facility and learn about Level 6 agents.
  24. Did he ever really react to being a True Alpha in any way ? He neither got a big head over it, or asked ANYTHING about it or worried about the responsibility or danger his new status would have on his life or friends. Apparently he's afraid of succumbing to Peter's half wolf half man Alpha state but that was only sort of referenced in his dreams. As for Stiles and Malia, their relationship started in the basement of an insane asylum and they've had little interaction since. I don't think they've ever gone on a date. At least Scott and Kira went on a pizza date with her folks. Teen Wolf used to have fun now it just seems like one pointless fist fight after another with no meaning.
  25. He also offered to jump into the fire with Scott while Scott was under the influence of wolfsbane or whatever at Motel Hell... I miss the Scott and Stiles Bromance or True Brothers relationship. They've felt so distant for so long now. I also miss Stiles and Peter antagonism and the Stiles and Derek relationship. I guess Scott doesn't trust their relationship after all they've been through. Did we ever find out what Theo did to irritate Stiles/Scott in Grade 3 or 4?
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