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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Uriel's deception surprised me. Not because I was surprised about her having dubious morality because that was telegraphed early. It just seemed so random for her to sacrifice all her stuff just to sell a lie to Michael. It was basically her most defining trait, she liked collecting stuff and now it's all broken. As for the villagers being dubious about Michael. Um he's basically a traitor to his species helping you humans survive against his homicidal brethren. How about you stop doubting him all the time to his face unless you have a better option than trusting him. I'm still curious about whether dead angels/8 balls go back to the ethereal empty heaven when they die or do they just cease existing now ? *sigh* @ Soldier woman being a secret angel.
  2. Personally I don't mind Malia the character, she's actually been growing on me as of late. It's just the Stalia ship I find problematic. No it's not because I'm a Sterek shipper even though seeing that on screen would be amusing or a Stydia shipper, I don't think that ship is returning any time soon what with Lydia's desire not to date teens. It's because Stile and Malia the relationship culminated really quickly, there was no relationship foreplay, no easing into the relationship at all. It's like Stiles here's a naked girl, you're dealing with mental issues due to nogistune possession and she's got issues from not being a literal animal any more, go have sex in the basement so you can be emotionally attached to her to be blackmailed by the demon fox in your head. Stiles alternately ends up either being the guy taking advantage of a poorly adjusted female for sexy times ? which seems dodgy. Or Malia has no typical sexual/personal boundaries and Stiles ends up being her emotional chew toy. Or Stiles is her default parent guiding her behaviours, telling her right from wrong which comes across as a weird psycho sexual dynamic that's just creepy. Maybe it's just me though. I usually am fine with avoiding deeper analysis of the logic underpinning supernatural based relationship. For instance Papa Yukimara and his 1000 year old wife could be considered somewhat dubious but since they're not front and centre and they're both hilarious it doesn't bother me. Stalia still isn't resonating for me and probably wont resonate for me until I figure out where she's living now and it stops feeling like Stiles is trying to parent Malia while dating her because he's possibly afraid she might eat him. At the moment instead of seeing romance I see a weird co dependent relationship. That being said this show does not do relationships very well so I'm not holding out much hope for the relationship to improve. As a result it's harder to enjoy Malia when her character doesn't really make much sense (which in a way is typical of all the the teen wolf characters to various degrees) and she comes along with all this emotional baggage that is barely addressed and is in a relationship with a main character that often feels forced. Did that make any sense ?
  3. Garrett could have lost his life and his girlfriend forever. He lost both anyway and Scott managed to find Liam anyway because LIAM who isn't trained and knows nothing about being a teen wolf howled. Scott could have knocked the weapons out of Garretts hands and handed him over to the Sherrif for a real interrogation and found out WTH was up with the teen assassins while calling on his pack to find his missing pack member but that would require Scott to remember he had friends this episode. Scott has his hands tied behind his back all the time because of the writing, he's seldom allowed to be competent or remember the things he should have learned about being an Alpha by now.
  4. For me the biggest failing of this show is that it asks me to care about these characters and their dramas and yet it doesn't seem to keep track of what would be the most logical responses based on their experiences. Or build up much on any of the backstory or motivations of the world they are building. Why should I care about their lives if nothing they do makes any sense and is full of inconsistencies. So far the only character that seems to be reacting to all the nonsense/death that keeps piling up on them in 'a single year ?' is Lydia who seems to be slowly unravelling under the weight of the 'packs' expectation and constantly running into dead bodies and having no idea what's going on. Scott is supposed to be the moral centre of the group or something and I know very little about his inner world except that he likes new girls and Stiles is his best friend. I have no idea what's going on between his father and him. Does he love him? hate him? tolerate his presence ? is he just a general nuisance? Agent Mccall keeps showing up and I keep wondering is he going to become relevant at some point. Melissa was integral to Peter's emotional blackmail attempt and has key interactions with the teens over dead bodies and injuries. Agent McCall just seems to be underfoot with no emotional stakes. It's been 4 seasons of this show and we still have very little idea of what a 'True Alpha' is, or how packs are formed, ended (other than mass homicides) or even the werewolf creation myth. Admittedly this may have been addressed during Wolf Watch but I don't have access to that and I've always disliked canon supplementals on principle. Disappearing important characters. I think this is the most major issue I have with this show is that characters appear and disappear without any of the characters seeming to pay much attention. Cora disappears after showing up out of the blue and noone asks the most logical questions "How did you survive the fire that killed the rest of your family and why did you go to South America?" she could have answered in 30 seconds with "I had amnesia till 5 minutes ago". It would have been cheesy and stupid as a backstory but at least I wouldn't hate the main characters for being indifferent. Or how about Peter having his throat ripped out by Derek then coming back from the dead using banshee power? Personally if I was in a town such as Beacon Hills with a high fatality rate I'd want to know how SOMEONE CAME BACK FROM THE DEAD. That's kind of important information. Isaac; when is Scott who was theoretically his Alpha/foster brother/ roommate going to ask Argent about him at all, I'd settle for "how's Isaac"? "he decided he loved France and it was far away from all his bad memories so he decided to stay". Or the gay twin... My brother just died trying to get us into this stupid pack because we have enemies everywhere else so yeah remember how that was a plot point? well now i'm going to wander off alone where I probably have lots of enemies for all that Alpha pack backed homicide. Danny missing for most of the season could be solved by Stiles asking Coach "where's Danny" "he's got leprosy now and he's not well enough to play " hell that isn't even a thing these days but explain why major recurring characters aren't on the show any more. I'd mention how Gerard, Deucalion and even Peter are random mass murderers still running loose upon the world with apparently no supervision by Scott or his pack but UGH. If you introduce characters they should have some relevance to the general arc of the story you're trying to tell. The Orphan assassins and the Mute guy were added and spent several episodes on our respective screens and now they're dead and their whole feeding tubes and teen assassins are probably going to be completely ignored as if that's not remotely interesting to the characters or the audience.
  5. Did I miss the part where a town reporter can become the ruler of Dumb town ? because that felt really random. She arrested him (somehow) yesterday show time and now is their ruler. Is this a tie in with that whole Monarch butterfly plot line that never went anywhere ? Also why did DJ Phil give up being the Sheriff simply because Barbie walked in? Wasn't the town trying to kill Barbie a week ago ? Why am I still watching this show is probably the most important question ?
  6. He dragged all his other friends into his nonsense so they could do a supernatural role call. If I was his mother I'd probably want to know if he was turning other teenagers into werewolves. Anyway I feel like I'm beating a dead horse with this conversation so moving on... Anyone else laugh when Scott said "he'd save everyone?" It's like he didn't realise that an entire pack of werewolves got killed this episode along with a banshee. These people really need to start communicating better with each other.
  7. So Scott had a part time job once with the Vet right ? and he had access to 50 k once upon a time ? did he leave that behind with the Mexican Hunter ? Even if Scott uses the money to fix his current problems re power supply. Won't the IRS be all over a large infusion of cash into Melissa McCall's bank account . Seriously if they are going to go the running out of money route. Couldn't they have gone with Mortgage repayments being behind so it would have seemed at least slightly more dramatic than not having power? I like the dialogue between the characters and most of the characters most of the time... The plot however for this show never makes any sense. EVER. As to Scott's pack being worth more because they travel together... Didn't that entire secret Beacon Hill pack get murdered in the same spot while they were together? There were like a dozen of them, by the very thin logic of a large pack being stronger than a small pack shouldn't they have been a little higher priced than a family of 4 wendigos? I hate this deadpool so much. Also Scott and his pack got easily neutralised by gas and mexican hunters. Scott got knocked out at least once by the berserkers and inexplicably Kate decided not to kill Scott for no apparent reason. Not killing Chris made sense, not killing Scott when he was coming after her made no sense whatsoever. Ugh why am I thinking about this show... Oh yeah lack of shirtlessness... Jordan I'm looking at you. Ease my pain and go shirtless for whatever nonsense reason this show comes up with so I can not think about all the GIGANTIC PLOT HOLES in this show.
  8. You think Scott was including Meredith in his speech about how no else would die under his watch ? Or that entire pack that was murdered in the woods... Was anyone else annoyed that Scott didn't call up Deaton along to pick up his Beta ? Or that he didn't use his Alpha Roar to try and locate/call out his beta? Is Liam even Scott's beta? Will this show ever explain how someone decides whether they are in a pack or not. Hmm a lot of people died on this episode and the only death that had the slightest impact was Meredith. Loved Stiles and Parish bonding through a wacky scooby adventure in interrogating a banshee. I'm enjoying Malia more when she's not around Stiles and I don't have to think about how disturbing I find the whole Stalia canon ship. P.s How ridiculous is it that teen assassins hide their money in a locker room locker... I mean instead of a bank account ... Seriously he could have money sent to him via any means he wanted and he chose actual cash that he hid at a public school. *sigh* I wish some of these plots didn't run on the stupid juice. P.P.s also why is Liam who was turned 3 days ? ago worth 3 million while Brett who has been a werewolf for at least twice that long is worth one million. I hate this deadpool, it makes no sense.
  9. Well we have to presume a lot of things about how Scott managed to drag Liam back to his lair presumably through the hospital anyway. Unless Scott jumped off the roof with him it would have been on his way. I didn't say that Scott should ask Liam whether he wanted to be sedated. I was thinking more along the lines of Melissa saying that she would give him valium to calm him down after his trauma and then dosing him with a high grade sedative afterwards until they could A) think of a better long term plan B) call for back up . Or he could have picked up some animal tranquilisers from his work. From the current scenario, Scott dragged him home through the hospital somehow, then decided to duct tape him and after figuring out no better option called Stiles for help after he'd had him as his personal prisoner for some unspecified period of time. The fact that Liam hasn't ripped into Scott about tying him up repeatedly is typical of this show where no one's motivations make any sense from episode to episode. That and noone seems to really react in any particularly realistic way to anything. If someone had tied me up for hours "for my own good" repeatedly with no explanation I'd be calling the cops or out for a little payback of my own, especially if I had new super powers. I wonder if Scott will ever mention to Liam that there's a possibility that if Liam kills him he can possibly cure his werewolf status. Probably not. It's like expecting Scott to remember the mass murderers he lets wander around unsupervised.
  10. Was it just me or was anyone else confused about why Derek was rocking up to the school locker room to essentially snap a lacrosse stick ? How is it that Derek who is apparently losing his powers can hold Liam up with one hand as a beta when the true Alpha Scott couldn't even hold him down for 5 seconds? As soon as the blond girl showed up at the beginning of the episode I knew she was going to die in 3 minutes. At least she fought back a little, though I was thoroughly confused by the fact that she stopped at just knocking her down like a horror movie victim cliche. When you knock down someone who is trying to kill you, you either should kill them or take their weapons and you really shouldn't get into cars with strange boys ever. How big is this random new pack that has never been mentioned or seen before? Seems like there is at least 3 werewolves in this never before mentioned pack? Hot Deputy and his mystery power lineage should be amusing. What new random nonsense will he turn out to be? an incubus? another druid(I wonder if Deaton got on the list) ? a necromancer? a wereleopard? It felt like nothing of particular merit happened this episode, Scott's eyes glowed as he fended off a 15 year old hunter
  11. With all due respect, the simplest answer would have been for Scott to take the injured in shock Liam downstairs to get treated by his mother, call up his druid boss and find a nice way to sedate Liam until after the full moon and then he'd have cleaned up his mess and would have plenty of time to induct the new werewolf to werewolfiness. Instead we got an episode devoted to Scott copying all the bad habits of Derek and Peter, a crappy vague intro to werewolfiness and an involuntary bite. Then there was all the stupidity of Scott being overpowered by a freshly turned werewolf without any logic to be had on that front. Hell he could have simply smacked Wendigo in the face or thrown him off the roof and the whole Liam situation would never have been an issue. Scott was pissy about Derek turning people with their consent and in one case extreme interest. The fact that all of those conversions went technically south was more writing decision/ actors bailing than about Derek. As for Scott's dealing with Malia, obviously he couldn't have rehabilitated her in the 5 minutes between forcibly stripping her of her coyote status and dumping her off at her dad. Especially since 2 months later Stiles is having issues with integrating Malia into society. The lack of follow up on Scott's part made him look like a terribly stupid person though. Good intentions are nice but incompetent follow through negates the wishful thinking that everything will just work out. He lost a previous girlfriend to supernatural shenanigans, you'd think he'd be more concerned about collateral damage. Seriously they could have Liam turned after being seriously injured by the Wendigo, the Wendigo pushing at Scott made no sense. Despite my dislike of Scott lately, I don't actually hate the character even though it probably sounds like it. I actually enjoyed the Kira and Scott courting ritual. However now that Scott and Kira are alternately weird/ stilted and cutesy flirty in odd situations. I'm less amused.
  12. As far as I can remember the wendigo didn't actually eat him at all, he was using Liam like a hostage/human shield I think, the wendigo's motivations in the last scene were very unclear. Scott was the one that bit Liam presumably consuming at least a little flesh and blood from Liam. Scott came closer to eating Liam than Sean did. If Scott was really a good leader/ person he would have taken Liam downstairs to his mother for treatment for shock/ bite and he could have blamed the injury on the crazy cannibal if he wanted if anyone asked. They were on top of a hospital, it's not like it would have been a very long walk for Liam to make to get to medical treatment for his bite/shock and the bad guy was dead so it's not like leaving Liam would have resulted in his death or further injury. Scott leaving would have probably been the least traumatic option for Liam. Liam had already been dragged around by a cannibal for leverage with a sore ankle? then bitten by some random guy who injured him an hour ago in a lacrosse practise. Scott dragging him off then duct taping him and leaving him in a bath tub for presumably hours was definitely the worst option for Liam. If Scott was half as empathetic as this show claimed he was, he would have realised that dragging a freshly bitten werewolf home was a bad idea because it would increase the trauma the freshmen had to go through.
  13. I find Scott's reasoning to be problematic. If Scott didn't want to use force to subdue Liam then he wouldn't have dragged him off to his house and duct taped him presumably against his will, then tried to tackle him after he escaped; from Liam's POV Scott is crazy and violent already. I don't really buy that Scott wouldn't use physical violence to subdue a rogue omega beta wolf or whatever Liam was at the time when he was more than happy to use werewolf power to essentially cheat to ensure his position on a lacrosse team . I don't think Scott feels particularly responsible for all the people Jackson killed after he ran loose from his captivity in season 2. At least it hasn't been mentioned how Scott feels about Jackson going on a murdering spree because he didn't want to pull the trigger. My biggest problem with Scott is not that he makes mistakes. I like protagonists who makes mistakes, it makes them realistic. My issue is in season 3 A he was shown to be working out, reading up on stuff and then it was completely dropped and we're supposed to buy him as a bumbling teen dealing with werewolfness the same way as a in show year ago. There is a major difference between the start of the show where Scott had an excuse to be an idiot about supernatural stuff, back then he only had Stiles and wikipedia, which Stiles had to research because Scott was too busy eyebanging the new girl and thinking about lacrosse to do it himself. A year later he has an entire support network that has experience dealing with werewolves that could have helped him with a rogue beta. The teens were useless; Stiles was busy dealing with Malia and her issues which was valid sort of; Lydia Banshee, noone really knows what her powers are and Kira was distracting him the entire time. He could have called Deaton, the druid who has experience consulting with a werewolf pack and probably had some way of containing a werewolf other than with chains. He could have called Peter and Derek as older stronger werewolves to demonstrate werewolfiness instead of overloading Liam with the role call of random supernaturals now. He could have got his mother to help him with sedatives or as a calming influence to the situation . He could have borrowed some supplies from Chris. He could have possible called up mercernary woman for tips on subduing a violent werecreature, or Mexican headhunter or even Gerard. Or he could have simply utilised his werewolf roar to try and subdue Liam or simply turned into a werewolf or the lazy man version of it. I could overlook him panicking after he bit Liam which still seems like a stupid way to help someone, Liam could have lost grip while Scott was biting him since that would have been painful. Everything else after Liam left the house gave Scott plenty of time to explore other less stupid options. The biggest issue I have with Scott is that he is Contrivance Central, he's not allowed to be strong because that would make things too easy , he's not allowed to be smart or he wouldn't need to call Stiles or Lydia for intellectual backup. Instead of being the leader, he's more the idiot that needs to be protected from the consequences of his actions and he's never called on it. Being stupid is a character weakness, the fact he has friends that he dragged into his supernatural mess doesn't mean he's a natural leader because he seldom actually leads. He's more of a screw up with a social network. His moral stance on not murdering people is all well and good but he associates with people who do kill people and he doesn't seem to care that much. They never addressed for instance that Scott wanted to kill Peter himself to try and free himself of the werewolf curse or that now that Peter is alive again he could try again. Peter is a mass murderer after all. There is a major middle ground between letting murderers like Deucalion, Jackson, Darach , Peter and Gerard, wander around without consequence and murdering them. For instance incarceration, or maybe he could ask Deaton about how the previous alpha of beacon hills mind wiped people. That would be a fascinating variation on the "I won't kill people so I can remain morally superior to the antagonists but I have friends who will kill for me so that's convenient". Ugh I find the character of Scott tedious, another idiot chosen one where plot happens to him instead of him showing any personal drive/ability at all, except for the finales where he gets to be competent briefly sort of.
  14. If that was true, he wouldn't have tied him up in a bathtub, then a chair and then in a boat house while making out with his girlfriend. If he wanted to apologise and show him sympathy, he maybe should have spent less time physically intimidating a younger teen werewolf, stalking him and basically manipulating him into situations with deception. I don't know what Scott being a True Alpha is about since the show and by extension Scott has never asked Deaton or Peter or Derek or Chris, or Mexican Hunter leader what being a True Alpha is about. His girlfriend at one point was a hunter with access to a bestiary and he never bothered to ask to see it or to see if there was anything to look out for. If being a True Alpha means Scott is a natural leader, maybe he should be more interested in researching supernatural things before they try and kill him and his friends. Lydia has been a banshee for about 4 months show time and she's getting the clue to look into things before they try and kill her. Scott meanwhile is constantly out of depth with every single supernatural encounter even though his boss is a druid and he has access to both older werewolves and older hunters. He could at least be learning physical combat skills from Derek or something to show he's making an effort. If being a True Alpha means Scott is stronger in certain more obscure ways than the average werewolf, the show should make some effort to explore that. It's been 4 seasons and 7 mass murdering antagonists now and 1 year of being a werewolf and Scott seems to only mastered werewolf control during the full moon, that thing he learned in season one. Scott has not progressed in any meaningful way in the show year other than switching girlfriends. In fact he appears to be getting weaker physically and still employs terrible strategies he knows didn't work on him.
  15. I'm torn about this episode . There were parts I loved for its sheer nonsensical humor value and others I loathed for highlighting the lack of character development, haphazard plot pacing. The parts I loved Scott revealing Liam in the bath tub duct taped. It was just so incredibly stupid and the reaction shot of Stiles face, expressing his patented disbelief over Scott's continuing ineptitude was joyously priceless. Derek got to be helpful in an episode, helping the police pursue leads. It's nice when he gets to be a grown up dealing with things semi sensibly instead of being saddled with problematic love interest after problematic love interest or trying to rein in willful teenage werewolves. Scott and Stiles tangling up with each other legs at the bottom of a stair case stupidly. Kira falling down the stairs like an idiot (who doesn't have super reflexes any more?). Sherrif Stilinski playing the straight man as he sees his son testing restraints on his girlfriend. Peter being true to his roots and straight up killing the assassin because he wanted to. The parts that I loathed Mostly everything else really Another 2 characters were sort of introduced as Liams friends ? More confusing banshee related plot exposition (instead of from Deaton, Derek or Chris). Danny, the coach, Melissa, Kira's parents were absent . Kira's slow mo walk down the stairs to entice Liam felt a lot like emotional manipulation of a much younger teen. Scott was the biggest problem I had with this episode, while his ineptitude was briefly funny in some parts, his continuing ineptitude as a True Alpha drives me bloody up the wall in frustration. He bites someone instead of taking the more obvious route of smacking the wendigo off the hospital roof then dragging the teenager up like a normal person. Then when he turns a 15 year old freshmen ? (seriously are freshmen 15 ? I don't understand the American high school grading system) he decides the best course of action is to duct tape him in his bath tub when his dad seems to be shacking up there sometimes. Then he doesn't bother to explain the most basic detail of being a werewolf to the new werewolf. He goes on an overly complicated plan to lure him into a trap to tie him up again. Also he forgot his Alpha Roar which is his most pacifist defense against were coyotes and Berserkers . Scott couldn't even take care of one Beta. Despite all Derek's flaws he managed to train 3 werewolf betas at once . Admittedly they all ended up dead or missing due to plot contrivance but I don't blame Derek for that. Scott was too busy dancing with his girlfriend to pay attention to the out of control werewolf teen that he had tied up a few minutes earlier. Also Scott had to be saved from his own werewolf beta from a hunter. I'm actually disappointed by that, Liam could have had the fastest werewolf progression in history, turned into a werewolf and the next night steal Alphaness from his maker? That would have been a more entertaining story line than this never addressed True Alpha nonsense plot line we've had from season one. I'm sorry Scott while I love you and Stiles and the whole brothers with other mothers bond, You're a terrible Alpha. I expect more from a True Alpha, namely being able to hold down one pubescent werewolf pup for 5 minutes for a semi coherent induction into your pack. YOU SUCK. Rant over.
  16. I'm not sure if I'd call Malia a Mary Sue, frankly I think Lana Lang is a better example of Mary Sue in a tv show. Mostly because she had a wide range of nonsensical skills and abilities and the crypto freak of the week would often fixate on her (including Clark for however many seasons that ship went on) though I don't know if she was supposed to a author insert or whether she was simply a creators pet. I don't assume to know what a writer thinks despite watching their work in their medium. That said, I'd like Malia more if her introduction to the series wasn't so clumsily executed. The episode spent chasing a coyote in the woods and then Scott yelling at her to change back. Then everyone essentially forgot about her until she showed up in the same mental ward as Stiles. Then Stiles hooks up with her (in whatever retconned context they now apparently want us to swallow) which is all sorts of weird dub con, considering they were both considered mentally unstable, him because of nogistune possession and her because she'd been a coyote for 6 ? years ? Then there's the latest episode where Stiles is shown to be in pain due to late night snuggles and it feels like Stiles is being railroaded into dating/sexing/mentoring an unstable wild child because plot contrivance ? I want to like Malia as I loved Anya and her bluntly honest routine but the numerous questions about Malia, her background, her current interactions with Stiles and pack and it just isn't endearing me to her. I may be feeling burned after Cora and her lack of explained backstory, I escaped a fire and wandered to another place without informing my relatives. It just feels that if the show took away 5 minutes from random dead bodies and slow mo and mysterious bad guys they could address some gaping issues with the characters. Lydia and her banshee powers, Scott and his reappearing True Alpha usefulness, Allison's death (not that I particularly cared that much about her death either way but it'd be nice if her friends showed some more interest so I could think that death means something to these wacky pack people), Isaac wandering off to wherever, Danny and his unexplained knowledge about werewolves (did Jackson tell him?), a single logical reason why gay twin would leave after his brother essentially died to get him into Scott's pack especially since they intimated strongly that those twins had people that really wanted them dead (like I don't want to live in the same town where my brother died) . I don't dislike Malia but I'm starting to get really tired of major character backstory/motivation being glossed over and used as a joke. For instance Isaac and his claustrophobia/ paternal abuse issues being used as a punch line. Sometimes it feels like these characters are just being batted around by a cat with a mouse until the cat gets bored and eats it. Characters get introduced, they maybe get built up and then they die or wander off without explanation. It just makes it so hard to care about any of these characters sometimes when everyone is being so fickled. Sometimes it feels like I only hang around for Stiles/ stilinski comedy , the sheriff is hilarious. I'm going to hope this season does a bit more in the way of amusing/interesting character interactions and less on the punching 'big bads'. This is their 5th ? big bad in a year ? I'm so lost sometimes with these plots. I'd like this show better if it just went with a supernatural sitcom feeling instead of trying to write character arcs and mythologies which they constantly lose track of.
  17. I agree that Dany locking up the dragon kids are a bad idea, however I can't think of anything better and I'm a dispassionate 3rd party viewer who is completely unspoiled about the future. I mean she could try and train them to be good dragons but from what i can tell they're in early adolescence or whatever the dragon equivalent is called and they're temperamental full of random hormonal changes and mothers historically have had little luck fighting that. I like Dany but she has no real idea what to do with her dragons, she's mostly gotten this far going off some faint mystical urge which may or may not be trustworthy giving her family lineage. Her dragons are similar to the dire wolves, they're great when they're surrounded by enemies and the equation is simple, Stark/people who feed me are good and must not eat them or kill them and everyone else is open season. Considering the Stark family lot lately that usually works out fairly well. However both the dire wolves and dragons while having some personality and more intelligence than the average pet don't have much in the way of useful experience making moralistic and long term decisions as to whether someone is kill worthy beyond that. This is part of the reasons the Stark family and Targaeryn family both went into decline, Starks because Arya's wolf bit the prince of the country he was in and that kind of pushed Ned into the whole game of politics where he had trouble dealing with the realities that children are cute and adorable now and innocent but in ten years they'll be grown up and want to burn half the country down for revenge over their parents or siblings. I have no idea how Rob's wolf managed to pick between a whole bunch of random soldiers and the night watch guys who locked him up, especially considering what he did to his last captor. Then again in most tv shows they never show anyone commiting friendly fire in the heat of battle even though it's fairly common when you're surrounded by loud noises and death and multiple head injuries to ocassionally get confused as to which direction to fire. As for the Targaeryns they grew rich and powerful and all sorts of crazy trying to breed the dragon power into their family line until one of them went too far and got his head chopped off. Now Dany has dragons which is great on paper but now she has to deal with how to train adolescents of a species that hasn't been around for 300 years and the only helpful info she has to work with is that they're good at burning stuff. Not exactly helpful in training dragons into always attacking the right targets. Especially since when you're dealing with teenagers with super powers it's fairly easy for mishaps to occur, eg the backstory of Rogue or one of them where she accidentally sends her bf into a coma. Dragon fire may be prone to the ocassional misfire or miscalculation. However since Drogo has run off scared of Momma Dragon Dany we'll probably never hear his possibly good excuse for burning that small girl alive. After all she might have poked him in the eye with a stick while he was sleeping and he woke up grumpy and burned the attacker without thinking . Extenuating circumstances are important in deciding the level of culpability involved in mystical creatures commiting fatalities. For all we know Drogo extent of training was pre slave markets where Dany told him he should kill anyone who tries to attack him. Most of the dragon interactions with Dany involve them killing stuff and being fed by their mother. Not exactly sufficient evidence to judge whether Dany is a rotten dragon mother or that Drogo is simply a bad egg to use that common colluqualism which also doubles as a terrible pun. So far she's has a fairly decent sucess rate 2 out of 3 children trust and obey her and only 1 has murdered a small child under unknown circumstances. Not like I really care about the morality of a dragon teen considering that most people seem to have no problem with the wolves or Arya killing whoever they feel like. Morally white characters are often boring, then again morally black characters can be thoroughly dull too if their reasoning is too cartoonish/stupid. I like Dany not because she's a good ruler because well, she kind of is a work in progress in that regards but she tries and fails and sometimes learns the right lesson. At least she's learning something so far, its the characters that never seem to learn anything from their experiences that drive me mental.
  18. I think Dany made the best decision she could given the situation, I am hoping that it is a temporary measure because otherwise it seems incredibly stupid and self limiting for the sake of a convenient power down. The reason I imagine she shoved the dragons into a catacomb in chains is quite simply they are catacombs and if they break free they might wander around aimlessly in the dark for a while and get lost. It cant possibly work in the long time because they'll literally grow out of those chains (unless they're already full grown) and they'll need to have a fairly constant supply of food and water to survive (leaving them with plenty of opportunities to fire ball their captors that aren't mom). It still seems terribly short sighted which is fairly consistent with Dany really, she makes decisions that sound good on paper and then something unexpected happen that seem obvious in hindsight. For instance freeing slaves seems like a good thing because people shouldn't be treated like chattel used and bought and sold and killed with little to no regard for the person, however its sort of obvious in hindsight that former slaves would suffer from issues caused by lack of employment. Does seem Dany has thought of some of the issues, she has apparently set up barracks to house them and organised for them to be fed but she didn't think ahead that idle people aren't great citizens. She probably thought she was giving them much needed time off from having to do stuff but if she wants to be a good ruler she must learn that government works best when everyone is working and too busy to come to her office all the time with their dramas. Dany means well but her plans often lack adequate foresight. I'm really hoping Varys and Tyrion join up with Dany and that will provide some entertaining comedy and Dany will have two new advisors who are practical and ruthless and in the case of Varys thinks ahead (usually ) quite well. As for Bran his story arc finally got somewhat more interesting, sadly I still have no idea why I should care as noone has said much about the quest other than go north to find 3 eyed raven and we might be able to save everyone from White Walkers. Considering the White Walkers are doing something off screen possibly menancing since their first appearance I can't work up that much interest in that goal. Essentially the same with Arya I don't really care that much about her eventual character growth of turning into a well trained murderer. There are tonnes of killers in Westeros, killing people doesn't seem like that great of an achievement and frankly I would have been much happier if she simply went with Jaqen in the first place since she's achieved absolutely nothing of value to her plans other than killing some people who pissed her off along the way since (2 minor characters). Stannis finally showed some sparkle after such a long time, possibly because this is the one field where he actually has a skill everyone has said he was a great commander which was usually followed by he's boring, finally he gets to fight a battle on land where he can shine. Sadly that was quickly overshadowed by him asking (from his POV) some random for his advice and also being so petulant about not being addressed as Grace, the Wildling King has a point, you have no jurisdiction in this neighbourhood. Tyrion actually became guilty of more heinous crimes escaping from a crime he didn't commit, he killed his kin and his former lover, all in all, I'm looking forward to seeing what Jamie's reaction to his involvement in freeing his brother so he could murder their father is going to be. Robb as per usual bored with his farewell to his dead Wildling and in general interaction with Mance On a random note I keep thinking who would make the most hilarious suitor in the Dany GOT dating game. Ramsey Bolton, she could sentence people to die for aggravating her and he could flay them and her dragons could eat them later after roasting them just a little. Or LittleFinger, she's been known to like older guys or at least value their wisdom for a little while, he could be the Machievellian King to her shortsighted thinking, dude had like a 5 year plan to sow chaos and then reap lordships out of it. Or Bran, yes he's very young but he's very strong with the warging and would make an excellent step dad to those dragon children, he could help her get them into correct behavior. "No eating or burning children dragon step children or I'll warg you into a tree until you behave I am a Stark and we value honor until death" . I'm not writing some weird fan fictions in my head right now it just seems like it. As to Brienne and Hound, I kept expecting them to make out or something, I think Tv has indoctrinated me into expecting when a man and woman fight (typically through yelling and insults) they end up with the mad crazy hate sex. Instead he fell off a cliff, I laughed a bit while feeling sad for him, dude has no friends in this world, if only he could have met Bronn for a road trip buddy they could have had amoral fun all day. Oh well maybe in the next life .
  19. My ideal scenario would probaby be Karma alone because she's been a fairly terrible friend to Amy for basically the entirety of the show and judging solely by her actions this season I'd like her to find some motivation in life other getting other peoples attention. Liam to hook up with Shane while remaining straight, solely because that's never been done as far as I can recall except possibly Tony and his misadventure with Maxxie (though that was a one off) . As far as Amy I'd have her move on from the whole Karma thing and explore something with Jasmine ? the coffee date girl and see if that goes anywhere. I doubt any of that will happen Amy and Karma will probably bounce back in and out of love with each other while Liam plays the third wheel in their melodrama. I know I was saying before that I was optimistic about where season 2 would head but from interviews about future direction it's looking way more iffy that it'll continue to be of the same quality. Sophomore slump perhaps. On the upside I did like how the show in season 1 explored the unintended consequences of romantic entanglements even when that wasn't the original goal. Amy with disappointing Oliver repeatedly, kissing Jasmine randomly, the whole debacle with Liam. Liam with his previouslies via the mini riot, his trepidation over the intended lesbian threesome, he was excited about the idea but then logistics came into play and it all seemed scary. (I know lots of people hate Liam and I don't really get it to be honest however he's mostly boring as far as I'm concerned until he hooks up with Shane or is shown to be dancing badly in a gay scene with his shirt off) Shane with his trying to be a better person and not involve Pablo in his sex life, Shane outing Lauren's pill popping breaking up her and Tommy. I think it was a nice cross section of romantic and sexual disasters across the board. If season 2 is bad I'll probably just rewatch season 1 repeatedly and pretend season 2 never happened :p
  20. I don't know either, the show is a complete train wreck but it occasionally has an amusing moment of 'this is so terrible it's actually kind of funny in a dark stupid way' and other times its because they do a sometimes entertaining cover of a popular song, or an interesting mash up. Its been years though since they've had any decent character arcs for any of the characters side or main but I guess I keep a sliver of hope that maybe it'll go back to being actually interesting instead of ironic trainwreck interesting. I guess when it comes to this show its provided 155 minutes of entertainment and about 5 minutes of character wtfery (shane outing 'lesbians' against their will, Shane unveilling someone else's medication habits in front of that person, Amy having sex with Liam even though they've barely interacted the entire season and she'd be understandably pissed hearing his name after Karma's apparent constant mentioning of him and basing most of her actions on his approval so having sex with him was a total 0 to 180 moment character and action wise. There was also Karma calling her best friend a sex addict to the school reporter and offering up Amy without her permission in some stupid threesome idea ). However the show has been 95% pure comedic gold in unusually poignant character moments and Amy being an adorable protagonist so I'm willing to give it some slack for now. If Season 2 devolves into some weird hetero/lesbian 3 way polygon of dysfunction with Liam and Amy both love/hating Karma (with all of them having sex but the girls) I'll probably check out and then I'll probably write some angry rants about wasted potential and tired old tropes. Love triangles are so played out. I want some more wacky hijinks with adults included. Amy's mom finding out about the Liam sex and flipping out, Karma's mom finding out about her lying about her sexuality in some twisted attempt to be 'cool'. Amy's Grandma being amusingly drunk and bitter for 5 minutes. Fleshing out more of these characters lives a bit, Shane's college ex's, Amy's father and 2? stepfathers, Lauren and her mother, Karma and her brother. Thank you theshepherd for so many entertaining euphemisms for male/female intercourse. Now I have to find a way to include baloney pony into a sentence at work for amusement factor.
  21. I find it fascinating how many people seem willing to give up on a show they liked based on a 20 second season finale they don't agree with. If only I could have given up on all those shows who went through an entire sophomore season slump as easily. Or Glee and it's complete downturn from about season 2 and its multiple character assassinations as of late in season whatever its up to that I'm still watching for some reason I can't even justify to myself. As to how Liam got past the relatives, I have two thoughts on that, the adults were drinking and eating cake and therefore didn't care about the activities of teenagers (which is the only way I can excuse how they both got so drunk at a party filled with adults). Secondly depending on the way Amy took him upstairs, they could have merely assumed she was taking the cater waiter looking guy to the upstairs bathroom since the downstairs one was occupied by a vomiting drunk uncle or whatever. It's not like Amy expressed any interest in any boys previous to this episode so as far as her relatives are concerned it's unlikely their first thought is Amy is off to go have a drunken one night stand with a boy let's stop her. My biggest logistic problem with this scenario is where did the boys get the cater waiter outfits that fit them so well from exactly? Off the back of the catering truck, did they look up the caterer for Amy's wedding on such short notice and find a exact duplicate of the outfit? These are the questions that keep me up at night, how the hell do I sneak into a place with free alcohol and snag me a good looking suit in the process. Thank you Misty79 it's nice to see someone can appreciate the character beyond what her sexuality is at the time. Amy is awesome and entertaining and likeable which is a lot more than I can say about most protagonists in today's tv shows, who are often tedious and abusive or simply stupid as 2 short planks. If showrunners managed to offend noone it'd be an epic achievement, people's enjoyment of the same show is vastly different and some people will love a character for a quality others find insufferable. Game of Thrones is an excellent example of that, some people hate Dany as a princess who gets everything her way and others love her for her take charge attitude and her moralistic viewpoint in freeing slaves when other rulers are burning or flaying people alive. As for a showrunner having to run past plots through their audience prior to airing. I doubt that would ever happen in regards to a specific segment of audience. Then again I guess since you won't be watching season 2 there's probably no real point in discussing the merits of seeing the end of a story before rushing to judgement about its value. JMO of course YMMV
  22. This is the problem that happens to story lines that truncate their middles in order to skip to the dramatic conclusion of their plot, it leaves audience confused and feeling cheated. Not just the Amy sleeps with Liam for some inexplicable reason while drunk but also the Lauren getting dumped by Tommy for whatever pills she's taking. I'm hoping it means they'll circle back in season 2 and show a flash back to the middle parts now that they know they have more 20 seconds to instill a crazy dramatic cliff hanger that will keep fans talking for the year hiatus and tune in to see what happens next. Not that I necessarily agree with that writing choice, much like I hate how promos or shows start off with a character trying to kill another character, life being in danger and then get a 12 hours earlier subtitle thing forcing you to watch to find out what the hell is going on. Though I'm still way more curious to see what pills would cause Tommy to break up with her than about Liam and his sex life drama. Here's my head canon for how Amy and Liam jumped from Amy drunk and seeing Liam to being in bed together. Amy sees Liam standing there drunk outside her house after she has a heartbreaking talk with Karma essentially saying she is simply not into her and also by the by she completely had a life altering monumental event happen to her a WEEK AGO and never bothered to tell her. Namely losing her virginity to the most popular guy at school Liam Booker (which I still don't understand at all) after lying and manipulating the entire school for popularity points to get his approval and affection. Amy goes over to Liam in a rage and hits him with her handbag (a belt buckly handbag borrowed from her Grandma including her flask) as she was originally planning on going to the local playground where Karma and her first meet and become besties and getting thoroughly trashed to numb the pain as the waitress cut her off earlier. "hey, why are you hitting me " Liam slurs "This is all your fault, Karma and me were inseperable, we did everything together, she was mine and all I've heard for the last month is Liam Booker this and Liam Booker that and I'm so sick of your stupid face and your stupid name. How could you sleep with her? She's my girlfriend! " Amy screams through tears. "Shane told me that Karma was faking being a lesbian this entire time, so you were her fake girlfriend and when I thought you were girlfriends, she said we could have a threesome and then she lied about you being okay with us dating so we both got screwed here." Amy slaps him furious and heart broken. Liam being no stranger to girls slapping him usually after calling him a douche bag for leading them on when he took great pains to be upfront and honest about his intentions from the start is not surprised about being blamed. It always seemed to be his fault no matter what he did, he didn't get women, maybe he should take up Shane on his long standing offer to try gay sex, maybe that would be less complicated. "Why does she want you, you're not that great, she could have me, I've known her for years, I know everything about her and you didn't even want her until you thought she was a lesbian. God I hate you" and in a quiet whisper "and her too" "I'm not having a great night either you know, your best friend has been lying to me for weeks now, I've fallen in love with her thinking she was great, honest, adventurous, in an open relationship with a girl which seemed so cool. I should have realised when that threesome got so weird and now I can't believe anything she's ever said to me and I told her things I haven't even told Shane my best friend and I thought we had connected and fuck it I need more alcohol." Amy seeing it from Liam's point of view realises they have something in common they are both in love with Karma and completely lost as to what to do about it, that and they are probably 5 minutes away from getting caught illegally drinking outside her house by her mother, grandmother or possibly even the police.Time to have a drunk cry fest in her room and hopefully not have to deal with the aftermath of dealing with Karma post lesbian confession. Amy passes Liam the flask, rethinking the wisdom of drinking alone in a park in the dark "Here, I'm going to my room, good night" "Do you think I could crash in your room, Shane is still with Pablo and I think he's going to be busy all night and my parents will kill me if they find out I've been drinking again. " "I don't think that's a good idea" "But I'll sleep on the floor and now i know porn has lied to me all this time about lesbians and you're a real lesbian and Karma was faking it and oh god my head hurts. Shit I need a shower to sober up." 'Fine whatever if you try anything Lauren will smack you over the head with a tennis racquet she's just across the hall" Amy sneaks Liam upstairs so he can use the shower, its fairly easy as everyone is still downstairs getting thoroughly drunk and eating cake . It was a good cake, lovely frosting. She puts on her singlet and boxer shorts while Liam takes a shower feeling ready for this day to be over, with her mom's wedding to husband 4 and Karma telling her that her love wasn't reciprocated and Liam taking her virginity. This day could not end soon enough for her liking. She falls asleep but wakes when Liam walks in in boxers toweling off, it's weird seeing him in his underwear they never got that far in their faux threesome, it reminds her of her crush on the lifeguard who saved her life when she was 12 who looked so strong and capable and then some point she just got over it. Liam looked good but she didn't feel anything for him, other than a mild curiosity about why she felt a little something for him when they kissed but nothing when she kissed Oliver. Her head started to hurt just thinking about it and her stomach wasn't feeling great she went off to the bathroom to be sick. When she got back Liam was lying in his boxers shifting around uncomfortably. "So what was it like?" "What?" "Having sex with Karma" Amy couldn't help herself she wanted to know "Um it was good, I thought it meant something, wrapped in our own little bubble of love in the art studio but apparently I was her secret toy boy the entire time kind of depressing. People suck" "Couldn't agree more, I've been her best friend for years and she called me a sex addict practically to the entire school" "karma is a bitch" "that's the second time I've heard that joke today" "Sorry, I know she's your best friend and all and there's a girl code or something but I'm curious Shane says that you just realised you were into Karma when you kissed and then he said something about you thinking i kiss like a butterfly or something" Amy shifts away into the dark "I don't know I thought I was a lesbian but then it seemed to only work for Karma and then when I tried to kiss Jasmine and Oliver it didn't feel much like anything, you're the only one other than Karma that got a reaction and I think it's only because Karma talked about how awesome you were . I don't know it was better than I expected, though I have no idea what that means either." "So you might be bi then? bi chicks are hot too" "I have no idea any more, it's all so confusing and it's not like I've ever had sex with a guy or a girl so all i have to go on are kisses at the moment and the results of my kissing experiments have been all over the map . " "Well as Shane once told me 'if you're ever want to try out being with a guy ever let me know' " "Um thanks I guess but aren't you and Karma dating" "Well no, for starters we never went on a date and Karma has basically kept me a secret the entire time to everyone. Anyway I'm done with her after finding out about how she lied, I cant stand liars I get enough of that as is" "i'm so going to regret this in the morning but if you want you can come into the bed and we could practise some kissing maybe that'll get our minds off Karma" and things progress quickly from there. eww I think I just wrote hetero fan fic, though I'm not sure if it counts since it appears to be canon that Liam and Amy are going to have sex. Just my interpretation of what potentially could have happened off screen to make this drunken sex more realistic.
  23. That was an entertaining episode even if that ending was a bit rom com ending. Kind of in the same bag as two characters who've hated each other hooking up appropos of nothing other than 'opposites attract'. I was kind of wondering about the lax supply of alcohol to both Amy and Liam, I know Amy is supposed to be 15 but is Liam 15 too ? This show goes by so quickly it's hard to be clear about some of the details especially as I don't think we've seen anyone in an actual class so its hard to tell whether anyone but Amy and Karma are in the same grade. I'd imagine Liam was upset with Karma because she's basically been lying to him about everything since he noticed her in the pilot. About being a lesbian, being in an open relationship, about being upfront with Amy about seeing him, both times and meanwhile he's told her stuff he's never told anyone else, opened up to her and had sex with her. Karma has been lying to him for 3 weeks about lots of things and has essentially tricked him into having sex with her. It's not a great way to endear yourself to someone. I'd say Liam should have sex with Shane to work through his issues instead of Amy but considering that Lauren figured out that Shane tears through boys like puppies. I wouldn't imagine Liam would be keen to experiment with Shane, considering Shane has been lying to him as well (if only by omission). So from Liam's perspective he fell in love with a girl thinking she was honest and upfront and a lesbian in an open relationship and she's none of those things and his best friend has known about it for ages without telling him. I'd imagine he'd be fairly pissed off about that and having a drink seemed like a good idea, considering those terrible caterers providing champagne without caring about teenagers in the kitchen. Oh well I hope season 2 lasts longer and explores the characters a little more.
  24. Ok I have to say that this was the most boring episode of Game of Thrones I remember watching. I thought the fact that this show bouncing from plot line to plot line dedicating about 3 minutes to each story progression was tiresome. This was way worse, an entire episode spent on a single plot told from 2 pov's sam's and Jon, neither of whom died . If I got this straight, the Wildlings sent an army of roughly 300 ? with 2 giants and 1 mammoth against a force of 100 men in a relatively highly defended fortified position even though there was a warg with an owl who could have simply gone back to report to Mance to send a full scale attack. This episode was essentially spent showing what amounts to a probe attack by a scouting force against what was supposed to be a larger opponent. My problem was the warg gathered enough information to render this entire battle redundant and also there's still 99700 wildlings around so I don't see the point of this battle. Yes the Wall's standing has greater plot relevance theoretically except that nothing much has changed for either side after the battle, The night watch lost 30 ? men and the Wildling super army lost about 300 ? maybe ? That and I don't think Jon Snow's plan makes any sense, even if he kills Mance, the Wildlings already know that the White Walkers are marching and even if Mance dies, they'll still want to be in the South to get away from them. The Wildlings seem to be the rats of the True North escaping the sinking ship. The only possible way that the Wildlings would make sense is if Jon tells them he'll get them amnesty and they can move down South and take back Winterfell. Though I doubt that will happen, the Wildlings are a threat perhaps but they're just running away from White Walkers who have an army of dead men at their disposal and I've yet to hear/see Sam giving the Night Watch dragon glass arrows for use against the White Walkers. That said I did enjoy seeing Pip die, which was odd because Pip was one of my favorite tertiary characters with his offbeat sense of sarcastic humor, Ygritte elicited no reaction other than, hurry up and shoot Jon already so this episode has some relevance in resolving one of the many many plot lines. I really hope the season finale adds something to the overall ongoing plots to compensate for this relatively dull episode 9.
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