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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I'm really bored of the tainted twisted triangle between Amy Karma and Liam. Yawn. For a second I hoped that Amy and Karma's previous friendship would be explored so I could understand why they are friends in the first place but Liam overshadowed that and the end result was lame. Amy whether you're straight, lesbian or bisexual you really shouldn't give people permission to date each other in such a weird way, it makes you look crazy... and not in the good way. Lauren and Shane is the only reason I now watch this show. Their antics are hilarious and inconsiderate which is a combination I can support whereas most of the tainted triangle is just dull... Shane really doesn't understand boundaries of other people, good news is that MMA fighter must be really desperate for action after all that sweaty half naked groping with muscular men which is probably the only reason he... made Shane have hilarious faces... Probably why he said he didn't want to date him because to be honest Shane is an asshole most of the time. He'd be a hilarious bitchy best friend but a terrible boyfriend. On other news I'm now shipping Lauren and Shane as a nice non heteronormative power couple. Bring on the chaos.
  2. I think this episode killed the love I had for Amy and sunk Liam and Karma further down the list... Now my list of fave characters is Lauren - I do enjoy my snark Shane- though some episodes his inability to keep a secret drives me bonkers Oliver - He's so random... Karma is still at the bottom of the list. I don't find her interesting enough to merit being the centre of a love triangle. Other than being a wanna be singer does she have any defining qualities of her own? I loved the drama club auditions because it just shows that all these people are vain self centred attention seekers with poor sense of boundaries. It's refreshing. The making a scene in the middle of someone's family get together to blackmail them into submission did not paint Amy in a great light for me. Nor did Liam's exposing of family dirty laundry in the middle of an engagement party. Dude if you're that messed about it go to therapy or buy a puppy.
  3. Possibly, except this Doctor doesn't seem overly concerned with anyone's opinions of him and even if he was, he endangered an entire school last episode with a killer robot thinking in his arrogance that in a school full of children and staff that noone would notice strange metal devices stuck in random places. He's never really let himself be accountable to humanity/anyone for his actions through time and space. The only thing I've gotten from this Doctor personality wise is he's grumpy, bitter and possibly nihilistic with a weary sense of obligation to help humanity because that's what he does. There doesn't seem to be any joy in this Doctor that I've seen. It's not that the Doctor is different that bothers me, it's that he's radically different and no one seems to be calling him out on it and no conversation feels forthcoming about the reasons. Even with New Doctor/Old Companion I've never felt such a disconnect between understanding the Doctor, sometimes I didn't like the characters choices (Harriet Jones, most of the Silurian episodes, the rebel flesh, leaving River behind in a library when he could upload her personality in a robot or something, ditching Jack Harkness) but I could appreciate his reasoning. Currently I have no sense of why the Doctor is doing anything. I don't know what his current likes/dislikes are. I don't really know who this person is and Clara even with extra screen time devoted to her can't carry the show since she only seemed to develop a personality this season and it's not compelling whatever it is. *sigh* it's just a show, it's just a show. I think I'll pick it up next season and hope it improves then. Doctor Who used to be great, it used to have consequences and tough decisions and people growing together, now it's just snark and characters who are enigmas that hand wave and have happy endings appropos of nothing.
  4. Does anyone find it weird that the Doctor completely undermined Harriet Jones who was a duly elected government official operating under concern that the alien race that just left would come back when the Doctor wasn't around to cause more havoc and chaos? And yet he wants Clara to make a decision that affects an entire planet because it's hers even though no one elected her to be a representative and she ignored the people involved anyway... He just gave Clara veto power over the Earth based on? nothing that I can comprehend. It's one of the things that always confused me about the Doctor and his relationship with humanity. He seems to toggle wildly inconsistency with humanity. He undermines or mock humanity's attempt to arm themselves against the endless alien horde that frequently invade or try and destroy the Earth as barbaric or militaristic and never seems to give them a better option. And yet he seems frustrated by humanity's need to be saved from all the evil aliens trying to consume them or threatens their existence. This episode highlighted that issue. The Doctor proclaims himself the Guardian and protector of Earth but he doesn't stick around to guide humanity through the rough spots but shows up randomly to complain about the humans attempt to solve their own problems. It makes me wonder whether he wants humanity to grow up because we never get to see the 3rd and bountiful human empire, just the slave Oods that go a-slaughtering and the tv station where the Dalek's massacre millions off screen. I want to see the middle part of this human empire he's always going to great lengths to preserve. We see modern times and earlier and we've seen the end of the universe as humanity scrambles to find sanctuary but we're missing a huge chunk of time in the middle where humanity is competent and independent. It's like the Doctor doesn't want to see humanity succeeding because then he can't be smug and save the day. Every episode of this season makes it harder for me to like or even understand what the Doctor is doing.
  5. I laughed when he was like kill me over and over it doesn't matter because it seemed so weird. The Doctor used to cling so desperately to each life and now he seems awfully blase about his continued existence and the possible continued existence of his species. Though I did wonder if the Doctor had the same trick as River Song using regeneration energy as a weapon. It also felt like a reinforcement from the writer that there are no stakes any more as a meta commentary. It doesn't matter how many times the Doctor dies because he won't stay dead. The freshly hatched possibly unique creature popping out another egg the minute after it was born made absolutely no sense whatsoever and smacked of lazy writing where nothing had consequences. I used to love Doctor Who because it showed there were consequences even when you made the 'right choice'. Here the consequences are white washed in favor of a 'happy ending'. The fact that millions of people would have been displaced and died for that unique creature to have popped out is disregarded as inconsequential labor pains. There was no indication from the Doctor that he recognized the species of giant space creature that popped out a moon egg. Considering he was around for the creation of Earth around the Araknos ship it seemed weird he would have missed the moon egg popping out... but I guess he got bored watching the creation of the Earth, his de facto home for much of his 50 years of misadventures and skipped the moon's creation. Considering that the Doctor decided to genocide the Araknos into extinction because their mother was... unpleasant. I find his a single innocent life comments to be facetious and presumptious. There's now a giant space creature roaming the universe possibly popping out moon egg babies on every solar system and we have NO IDEA WHAT IT EATS. *sigh*. This show used to be appointment tv, I watched it as soon as it came out. Now it's something to watch when I've run out of every other possible show first because it feels like the characters have no internal consistency. It's one thing if time is inconsistent because it's a time travel show but when the characters are apparently rewritten as different people from episode to episode it's alienating. People change and grow and it feels like these people are stagnating while moving in no direction whatsoever. The Doctor doesn't seem to want to save his people or do much of anything but be grumpy about living and Clara doesn't seem to want to travel with the Doctor or build a life with Danny (as far as I can tell). It feels like we're just wasting time with people who don't even want to be in the places they end up or even with the people they're with. There's no apparent joy in the adventure or in the protection of life. The Heaven/ Mistress sub plot further undermines the relevance of people dying.
  6. I think the biggest problem for me is not that they ate people alive it's that they kept them conscious. I find it hard to believe they had the medical resources to keep someone alive while they chop bits off them. Why have 5 people in your freezer ? They can only eat so much human at a time. Anyway couldn't they have shot their victims in the head and eaten their corpses then? Zombies need brains to be zombies. Wouldn't that kill the virus if there's no brain to process the virus through the system. I'm confused by this show's mythology.
  7. I'm confused why Rose bothered with Jack at all. Why didn't she simply take all her stuff and leave instead of this weird I'm going to dump you and call you all the time and tell you to back off from investigating and try and get you killed and so much nonsense. For someone hundreds of years old she seems stupid. What is with the flashbacks of Jack seemingly murdering 3 people.
  8. It's unclear since the beginning of this season. She wanted to leave and the previous Doctor convinced her to stay. He constantly makes snide remarks to her but he may or may not help people sometimes in this season. Actually this season he hasn't seemed overly concerned with helping people. It's been more secondary to solving the mystery or because Clara nags him to... The asking if Danny likes him could lean either way. She likes him enough to care about other peoples opinion of him or she's unsure of his new personality and wants a second opinion. I struggle to understand how The Doctor couldn't find one abandoned house or hypnotise someone into a holiday instead of involving school children. Frankly it smacks of contrivance that Danny was the only one curious about the strange metal things scattered throughout the school. One of note being under a fire alarm. People are notoriously fond of playing with shiny metal objects especially children. Everyone and their motives and motivations are unclear at this point. Danny seemed to take Clara lying to him for days? weeks? months reasonably well. That ultimatum seemed fairly reasonable. The Doctor has a history of pushing people until they break. Much like a drill sergeant. Danny is familiar with the type. While it'd be unreasonable for him to demand she not go travelling with him or risk herself, he is merely asking her to keep him informed if she feels harassed which isn't a lot to ask considering. It's hard to judge how early it is in their relationship with Clara declaring her love and them chilling in front of the tv which seems more of a post dating thing and more of a relationship thing. This is the problem of major off screen development. We went from terrible first date to declaration of love with no context.
  9. I hoped this episode might improve my outlook on the current state of the Doctor Who franchise but I'm bored. While Danny's rant about the Doctor being an officer temporarily amused because it's an accurate and scathing assessment of his personality the rest of the episode flailed. The Doctor using Clara as a decoy and ignoring her concerns makes me dislike him even though I'd rather Clara die so we could have a reset on the confusing Companion. Clara apparently can't remember anything that happened in the Time Stream that may or may not exist now anyway. Timey wimey nonsense. That super soldier robot managed to successfully hit one target in the entire episode. Yawn. Previous to that we had an enemy who wasn't an actual enemy and before that no enemy but the Doctor's imagination. Am I supposed to care about these adventures? If there are no stakes then why bother. The apple dislike thing made sense because A) he had a new mouth with new taste buds B) was explained during the episode even if it was hand wavey. This prejudice against soldiers doesn't play off funny because when he accused Danny of being a PE teacher 7 times or more he just came off as being willfully obtuse or stupid. Also it flies strongly in the face of 40 years of characterization. He disliked soldiers with guns because they shoot first. Danny was also unarmed engaged in a civilian lifestyle. River killed numerous Silences? in front of him and he showed no contempt for her. Why is the Doctor being critical and overbearing with Clara when he can just leave and pick up some other human or alien or cyborg. The best companion has been Handles. I want novelty. I want to see alien companions, or at least humans from other time periods. UGH
  10. I don't think we had any indication that 10k was in the military. He might have grew up in a region with poor internet or an Amish boy or a Luddite or he might have been a late bloomer. He could be 16 or 17. Those prostitutes apparently could handle a rifle. Learning how to use a gun in a post apocalypse society would be easier than it is today. Lots of ammo and guns lying around and lots of opportunities for moving targets all year long. I love the fact that while everyone was busy interrogating Sunshine 10 k was the only one paying attention to their surroundings. I have trouble believing that these people managed to survive this long considering that they don't pay much attention to their surroundings. I still only know about 3 of these people's names. I'm going to continue watching for 10 k.
  11. I personally don't want Amy and Karma to get together because I don't think Karma deserves Amy even as a friend. Karma's been shown to be little other than endlessly selfish, self involved and a liar and a manipulator that only likes people when they improve her social standing. She snubbed her parents until they proved to be popular. Her only apparent motive for liking Liam is because he's hot and popular. She insists that her friend help her lie to the entire school dragging her into a fake relationship that she publicizes for her own benefit. Then she learns that her friend is in LOVE WITH HER and gives her not even 12 hours to get over that rejection before stalking her, serenading her with an oddly worded song and asking her to grow old with her . Karma would make a terrible girlfriend. It'd be all about her all the time.
  12. Turns out I still hate Karma, after saying she was sorry for ignoring Amy's wants and needs she still whines endlessly about how she feels that Amy is pulling away from her after 12 hours ? max? Resorting to stalking Amy after Amy's confession about being in love with her. Was I the only one shouting at Karma and telling her "GIVE HER A DAY". Even if Amy hadn't hooked up with Liam, Amy might have appreciated a day to recover from Karma's rejection. Typically when someone you love rejects you, it hurts for more than 12 hours. Otherwise you really didn't love them. Karma should have shown some appreciation for Amy's needs if she's supposed to be her best friend. It seems that Karma is only desperately clinging to Amy's friendship because she has no better option at the moment. Liam is still attractive but mediocre. Shane and Lauren still amuse me thoroughly with their nonsense. The scene with Tommy escaping during Karma's terrible song... The moon in the sun ? terrible lyric. Was hilarious hijinks and the main reason I watch this show at all. Farrah's reaction to Amy's supposed sexual conquests entertained me. I loved Farrah telling Amy about the value of a short safe word. Though typically when the other person's mouth is covered that's not really an option.
  13. I had a random thought about this episode. This had three reiterations about copies in a single episode... First being Sabra not having control over who she copies which if true begs the question of why she has a holographic shell to better mimic people if it's such an issue. Second being The Director with her poor imitation clones being untrustworthy which may have had more to do with her dislike of them rather than their actual level of competence. Third The Doctor and the Architect being the same person because that implies there were 2 of the same Doctor wandering through that timeline interacting with each other through voice recordings and packages . This episode and the season arc seem to be hammering the point about copies being inferior to the original and it feels like it's reinforcing that this Doctor isn't as good as the last batch because he's been replaced and regenerated too many times. It makes me wonder what the possible payoff to this apparent season theme since I feel an increasing sense of alienation from the motivations and characterizations of this Doctor. Is there some other point being built up to with all the broom metaphors and the Doctor's doubt over 'legends' that I'm missing? Did Clara get a consolation gift for participation in this Time Heist other than more fodder for her nightmares ?
  14. Is it just me or are all geniuses introduced the same way these days? By noticing small details of some unknown and extrapolating their entire back stories out loud to that person as proof of genius. This is the second show to introduce a character in the exact same way in the same week. Lead guy on this show and on Forever. I kept asking them if they were done yet. It seemed they had to pile on the problems to compensate for how fast these people could hack into things. I'll give it another episode to see which direction the show goes in. I am weary of the 'normal' person having to interpret interactions for geniuses cliche/trope? At least in Monk his normal added some comedy value. The Waitress came off as tiresome and overly critical most of the time. For someone who is supposed to be the 'heart' of the group she's coming off across as more rude than the people with the emotional intelligence issues she's insulting.
  15. Because he's a loner that's not impressed with their inability to kill off a single zombie baby and she's a runaway from a bunch of ruthless survivors that probably went a little crazy perhaps? That's my best guess at the moment.
  16. I'm really loving 10000. He appears to be the only really competent person in the group so far. He hangs back from the stupid, he doesn't involve himself in the petty bullshit and he gets the job done by sniping the Zombies. Antibody is tedious. I was confused by the zombies lemming themselves into the oil. Also why did they all stand around the truck staring at the zombies. They made the zombies seem intelligent by comparison. Why did female lead spend so much time trying to unlock the hose when she could have used the sword she had in the previous episode to chop into it and leave.
  17. I had several issues with this episode. 1 Why didn't anyone throw the atomiser at the Teller ? 2 The Doctor was the obvious culprit when Time Travel was mentioned. 3 The Doctor apparently can't tell the difference between an atomiser and a teleporter? 4 They didn't even specify that the vault was holding stolen property like Farscape did with it's shadow vault plot so all those brain eaten people are locked in the vault along with all the customers that were visiting are incinerated. Nice work Doctor. 5 Where did the Doctor drop the Tellers off ? the end of the universe ? 6 The Tellers are now going to produce children who will be forced to have incest babies with each other to further propagate the species. 7 The faith the Doctor had in the Architect seemed bizaarely out of character. 8 The final Teller interaction smacked of a bland repeat of the Rings of Azkhaten. 9 Everyone would make a more interesting companion than Part Time Clara. Bring on the cyborg man ... He was entertaining and useful.
  18. They could have had a subtitle thing saying 2 weeks later after a 1 second image of Molly hovering around the Earth in the shuttle. After ISEA found a secondary location to receive her and upload the spectrum 5 program to check for swirly blue energy spirals and possibly figure out a more effective way to disrupt the energy spiral effects other than pure willpower and slap fights? (or whatever allowed Molly to counter Not Katie and her spirally badness) As for the ISEA they apparently had enough time to figure out that there was a credible threat by blue energy spiral aliens and they apparently didn't bother to distribute that information to the military. P.s John shut up... The military isn't useless. They could have sent in those much maligned drones that Odin whined about so much with the special spectrum energy detecting software to blow up the little hybrid bastard who is a) a mass murderer b) a pawn in an intergalactic scheme to invade Earth to suck out brains. I'm guessing since the security cams picked up the Hybrid wandering through the halls that hybrids can be spotted by conventional cameras which poses the question of why they were playing coy for so long. Unless it changes shapes physically as well as through hallucinations now. Hybrid Vigor perhaps? Since I doubt that this show is going to be picked up for a second season, I'm going to go with the worst case scenario and blame Molly for bringing about the end of Days by helping Hybrid baby survive rightful retribution and infecting the ISEA staff with blue spirals. This will allow Ethan to use his new computer Virus powers to take over the worlds military tech to wipe out the alien menace permanently and fix Mommy Molly's terrible fixation on the Hybrid by killing his sibling.
  19. I'm not sure how I felt about that episode. I was briefly sad about Ethan's demise but the remote back up was sort of obvious in hindsight and undercut the dramatic sacrifice. I also went at least they still have Lucy the second after Ethan blew up. I also wondered if they were so concerned about alien contamination why was Molly/Earthlings were so blase about the hybrid wandering around. Also Ethan you should have let the psychotic hybrid get blown up. John continues to be annoyingly self centered. I don't care about anyone's safety I just want to make sure my robot/son doesn't get blown up. I was confused by the lack of countermeasures employed by the space agency. Molly's solution for a half energy human antagonist is to get into a teenage grappling fight to get through the door... no energy weapons/ tasers/ lightning rods? I agreed with Ben. Molly and Victor/james? did pose a high risk to the 9 billion people on Earth. At the very least Molly could of orbited the planet for a while. I get the strong vibe that this show wont have a second season considering the utterly lackluster finale.
  20. I'd respectfully disagree with this assertion. This may have been true with Classic Who but NuWho has the Doctor complaining about lost companions for a while sometimes throughout the next companion. For example through Rose's run he feels endlessly guilty about the Time War and there are traces of guilt through the rest of the series about his actions. Through Martha's run he constantly mentions Rose to Martha and how she would have done better. Even parts of Donna run is him feeling guilty about Rose and or Marth. He felt guilty about turning Martha into a soldier doctor and the torture inflicted on Martha's family. He spends unknown period of time mourning Amy/Rory and River maybe? before running into Clara and then he spends the next season obsessing about her earlier deaths. He was taunted by the visions produced by the Tardis when he was dying saying he felt guilty when the Tardis ran through his companions to console him . He saw River Song as a ghost somehow and said he could always see her though he apparently makes no effort to resolve that situation in any way. He apparently couldn't let go of either Amy or Rory enough to let them live a normal life even though they had repeated attempts at saying goodbye because it'd be for the best and undermining that with each new reappearance of the couple until they were time locked which made no sense since he could go to the year after the time paradox theoretically. Then there's Clara he called during his past death so he wouldn't abandon his current regeneration somehow knowing the exact time she'd be having doubts and then returning to even though the Impossible Girl mystery is solved. The Doctor doesn't let go and move on. He hasn't for the last 4 years. If he really let go and moved on he would ditch Clara or show up at Clara's school with a new companion in tow. There doesn't appear to be any real reason for the Doctor to return to hang out with her especially since he could travel with Madame Vastra or another robot or anyone from time and space. Frankly it's the fact that he is apparently supposed to be drifting aimlessly and yet returns back to Clara instead of Jack Harkness or any of his other former companions that makes his motivations unclear. As for this episode the payoff was weak. Nothing really relevant happened other than the Doctor may be losing his mind.
  21. Did the Doctor recognize the toy soldier without a gun being the leader during his time sitting down obeying Clara in Rupert's bedroom as the gift he got from the monster under his bed? Did anyone else find it creepy that Clara essentially groomed a couple of pre adolescent boys to feel attached to her by a lot of inappropriate touching near a bed and then the Tardis scrambled their memories into an odd dream/nightmare ? As for visiting Gallifrey I'm going to ignore that completely or my head may explode. I found myself annoyed by the implication that the Doctor has forgotten all those monsters that hid in plain sight. From the Vashta nerada, the silence, the Weeping Angels, or going back further the clock work robots in Madame Pompadour's bedroom. My biggest problem was when the Doctor rambled on about that thing you half see in the mirror... and I yelled at the TV "YOU PUT HER THERE YOU IDIOT". The young girl from the Family of Blood episode. I find myself more hate watching this show so I can complain about it rather than enjoying it any more. I miss the sense of purpose of the main character. The Doctor seems to be drifting more aimlessly than usual. He's apparently putting no effort in finding Gallifrey, mourning his dead wife, figuring out how to visit his best friends or finding out why the Silence spent so much time trying to kill him. I'm hoping Clara leaves soon since the snide comments from the Doctor about her looks seems excessively juvenile and bitter lately.
  22. Until we find out whatever Charlie found out my guess is Charlie couldn't find a record for Odin as that's his pseudonym and the only reason Julie found out his real name was because she had the serial number of his bionic part. Though Odin could have created a fake back story involving a relatively innocuous divorce or Charlie may have assumed he was lying about his name or military history when he struck out. I'm guessing it's like when what's his face asked Molly what the alien baby was doing with her and she didn't answer with "writing in codes" it turned out in the next episode that the alien blocked her memory. Julie may ask Charlie what he found next episode or they exchanged an off screen conversation that consisted of "What did you find?" "I couldn't find out anything about a guy named Odin because he doesn't exist, I tried to warn you but you didn't want to hear about it." Charlie is a more interesting character due to his lack of screen time and Ethan because he's growing and changing on the screen... Molly whines most of the time about her missing baby and John is frequently insufferable to everyone. I also assumed that John didn't confront the real Molly with her blatant interest in Marcus/dead baby/ alien baby but was being mind raped by alien baby to distract him so it could hijack its mother for whatever obscure purpose. The humans assume that the alien can only mimic the dead but the alien displayed the ability to mimic Molly's Dad to manipulate her. The alien baby just hijacks the targets brain and displays the most emotionally manipulative scenario it can find in order to get the result it requires. Typically they're dead people because unresolved issues and what not render them the most effective tools to get the job done. In John's case the only person he apparently cares about is Molly. The part that troubles me is the camera image of Katie being greeted by the french guy. The pure aliens don't show up on camera unless using special visual imaging spectrum and they show up as spiraling energy somethings. As far as I can tell there is two options. Hybrids are powerful enough to trick cameras or Katie did put herself into sleep in the escape pod using advanced tech and was awakened by computer protocols when intercepted by the French and shortly after that video was made the alien hybrid ripped out of her stomach and pretended to be her.
  23. I'm guessing that Ethan is seeing the reality of Alien boy and Molly is seeing what the Alien is translating into her brain. So when Ethan locks the door he's stopping MOLLY from going to it. The alien moves closer trying to get in and Ethan fires off the nearest object hitting the actual alien with the pin point precision he showed during darts. Which would explain why the alien displayed yellow eyes and why it's hallucinations were less effective than usual because it's actual body is injured. Ethan weakened the potentially physically weak alien body with a physical attack and was immune to brainwave interference so the alien retreated from the unknown threat of Ethan. At this point I'm assuming the pure aliens feed off brainwaves or the energy produced by sentient creatures and that's why they're dying out because they haven't learned decent agricultural practices when feeding off sentient lifeforms. Hybrids grow faster through psychic absorption and physical consumption. This is the problem of high concept shows. They don't tend to be popular enough and whatever conclusion they were leading to never gets adequately addressed like DollHouse. If it lasted I can imagine an army of robots reprogrammed by Ethan to fight the aliens with spectrum vision and a specially designed Lucy to run Human defense systems against them too... Or an army of humanics providing bait for invading aliens booby trapped... So many options. Season 2 could be the ongoing battle between the aliens and humans battling for survival. Which I would have found far more interesting than this non stop baby drama of the protagonist.
  24. In the show's mythology, they weren't treated as persons (most of the time), because they didn't have souls. Does that mean Adam only had a third of a soul since he was a human demon robot experiment ? They were still all sentient self aware creatures for the most part... Well except maybe those special spiders the Mayor ate. At least when Aang was a pacifist he still managed to win fights. Scott can't even manage to hit people efficiently 70% of a season. He's only allowed to sort of win fights in season finales and then he lets villains wander off .
  25. To be accurate Buffy never killed any humans but she killed all the time, demons and vampires and random occult nonsense. She defeated her Big Bads and mini bads with lethal force more often than not. Notable exceptions being Rogue Slayer, prison, Dark Willow, magical detox, and Ben which was a stupid loose end that Giles took care of. Scott doesn't kill anyone or anything or even resolve any of the arcs himself. Derek killed Peter; Deucalion, Kate and Gerard and resurrected Peter got to continue on after mass murdering people in town without significant personal consequence. Aang found an alternative to killing the Fire Lord that stripped him of his figurative power (the fire nation via Zuko) and his literal power by light bending. It may have been a little of a narrative cop out around murder but he found a long term solution to the problem caused by Ozai without resorting to murder. I'd be fine with Scott not killing people if he bothered to find a useful way of disabling people instead of speechifying at them after their murders and letting them wander off without consequences. Scott makes for a boring protagonist because plot happens to him and plot is often resolved by other people for him.
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