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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. For me this was the worst episode of Z Nation. These two characters couldn't carry an entire episode on their own. The endless dream within a dream was tedious. Though I was a little worried for a bit that Mack would turn out to be a figment of Adison's mind or that he had died off screen and she had been hallucinating the various ways in which he could have died. At least Z's hallucination was intercut with other development. I really hope the next episode features 10 K heavily to make up for his absence in this episode.
  2. Well to be fair this episode she did give them important information in order to stop Moloch from rising from her. Of course it seems that Moloch is now growing in a jar like a demonic version of a petri dish experiment so that might end up being a wash . Also she's managed to get the two Horsemen to bicker between each other and Henry to aggravate Death. I'm hoping that Death will come for payback in the night and slap Henry around like the annoying whiny brat he is. Sowing discontent on both sides of the fence (hence double agent comment as her true loyalty is still confusing). Sadly we'll probably not see Headless being a BAMF since he has become a wimp once he got a fake head. Henry has swallowed the show. If only his part was reduced a little so he could seem scary again. If you shine too much light on the darkness it fades... Big bads should lurk way off in the background not chew scenery and whine about parental neglect from 2 centuries ago. I think it isn't so much Katrina that is dragging this show down (though her lack of progress towards integration with Team witness essentially leaves her out in the cold in a seperate story line) it's the endless focus on Henry. Henry's machinations, Henry's whining, Henry's need to be redeemed. YAWN I can understand Ichabod's sense of devotion for Katrina even though at times she's an anchor tying him to a life he no longer leads in a time long gone because despite their boringness now they did have a bond at one point. Henry on the other hand didn't become a reality until the end of season 1 and has been actively trying to hurt, rape or murder his parents since then. Please let him die or Abbie, Jenny, Hawley or Irving to smack some sense into Ichabod already. It's getting ridiculous and tedious. Yes you want to save your son but 1 you don't have to mention it every episode and 2 I think you're fresh out of luck since Henry joined Moloch willingly and is now the Horseman of War AND DOESN'T WANT TO BE SAVED!!!
  3. That was the kind of episode I've been wanting to see. Everything exploded in everyone's faces and there was some great character moments. Shane was an ass as per usual inconsiderate of people's feelings. Him and his bad wolf... Karma was typical in her self involvement. I liked seeing more of Regan and Amy got some action from someone who was actually interested in her for a change.
  4. For me I find the show has no feeling of urgency or real stakes. Every other MOTW will bring about the apocalypse or be a piece of the apocalypse jigsaw all overseen by the single active Horseman of War Henry the boring. I think the problem with Henry is that he's been given a cartoon villain reason for evil, a single rejection skewed to outlandish and unreasonable proportions indifferent to the deaths that causes eg Syndrome from Incredibles. It makes it hard to take him seriously. He's been nerfed, he's powerful but he's so childlike in his motivations that he doesn't achieve much of any merit. On the other side we have Katrina spying on her former betrothed and son for her husband with the sometimes use of magic. I don't have a problem with the character it's just that she's gone from exposition witch damsel in distress in purgatory to confined double agent absent magical strength. I may be alone in hoping that in future episodes she'll use more offensive magic like she did on Crane's fan girl and kick some minion butt or at least help in minimising the damage Henry does from episode to episode. If she doesn't become useful in the next episode or two I'll probably have to jettison this show from the must watch list to binge watch sometime way in the future list when I'm too lazy to do anything else. I'm not into this show for any romance sub plots, I want axe wielding headless horseman causing chaos or undead frankenstein monsters being summoned for the good guys. Seriously what is up with Team Witness abandoning their allies after using them up ? It's becoming a seriously bad habit. It'd be nice for Team Witness to have some reasoning why they spend time on such nonsense when they should be doing more useful stuff. Eg. monitoring the news for that patchwork soldier, freeing Irving from prison/psych ward, getting supernatural updates from both Jenny and Hawley (who they should reduce his screen time by about 40%) and checking on Katrina for intel updates when Headless is out. Along with doing their own supernatural sleuthing. At the moment I get the impression that they spend more time doing yoga than trying to stop the world from being plunged into Chaos. I should not feel bad that Henry is being mean to Headless by exposing him to sunlight. Headless appears to have been woobiefied ?
  5. I struggle to take either of the sides seriously considering the bad guys know where the secret archives are and presumably where the witnesses live and the good guys know Henry is living in that abandoned mansion and Headless is living wherever he's living. Only Henry seems to make use of this knowledge sometimes to raid them for supplies for his nonsense. These people are lame. Katrina your son sucks... Ichabod your son and wife suck. Abbie Ichabod is a self involved prat about his family even when Henry has been indirectly responsible for the deaths of at least a dozen people already. Do the world a favor and shoot the Horseman of War in the face already. I can only hope that next episode Katrina will remember she has magic and throw some fireballs at something instead of being a passive victim. This show feels like it's dragging its feet going anywhere at all.
  6. The real oldest question isn't Doctor Who? It's should I keep watching ? The answer seems to be "Why bother?"
  7. I had a fun idea... Since the Master seems to enjoy torturing companions in obscure fashion eg Martha's family. He/She has waited this long to activate the Cyberman plan because he was waiting for a dead companion to show up or at least a companions family member to twist the emotional screws... Accumulating data from previous dead people on his latest activities to find a new weak point. Then once Danny is a cyber man Clara can get her stupid wish, that Danny will have died as part of some overly complicated stupid plan against the Doctor and it won't be an ordinary death and will now get a new life as a tin man. This could pave the way for a cyber man companion or a Clara exit with her being relocated somewhere far away with her robo boyfriend as the price of being the Doctor's friend is high.
  8. It's not inexcusable that they recycle an old villain and a threat to the human race. However the problem is it's 2014 and we now have season arcs and this season arc has been building up to the Cybermen controled by the Master. It's not particularly exciting and these days we have a billion shows competing for our time and finales are supposed to thrill us and excite us into watching the next season. A rehash of season 2? villain arc. I dont even remember what season the fakeout of Rose Tyler's death was because it all blurs together. As someone upthread points out a season arc with a New villain is RARE. It's cybermen, daleks or the master for about 6 out of 8 seasons.
  9. The cybermen borging humanity doesn't really make much sense. The borg insert a nano probe that colonises the brain stem and then upgrades are grafted on later on by the advanced alien race slurping down biological and technological progress to achieve perfection. The Cybermen essentially are walking robot suits that clamp around a living human preserving them indefinitely until they get hit with gold or have an emotional breakdown and explode. Of course where the metal comes from or why the walking cyber suit requires a human when it can move on its own is never really explained well. The meat inside reduces the effectiveness of the Cybermen entirely and the real horror of being trapped in a metal shell is never really explored in detail otherwise they'd have to explain why the Doctor kills them all the time instead of trying to free the trapped people inside. I said in the episode thread it'd make more sense for the Master to clone his consciousness into all these robot bodies then he can have a robot version of being 6 billion people. Plot holes and nonsense abounds in this show.
  10. For Clara on her own. But with a powerful being who has an innate understanding of the nature of time by her side, not so. Except for the part where it's doubly dangerous for the Doctor because its his time stream and its the don't interact with your past selves thing multiplied by infinity and there's nothing to brag to or use for a technological quick fix unless he sonic'd his way out which would really upgrade the sonic to a magic wand. It's time, its the damage his time travels have wrought on the universe, he explains that at the start and out of nowhere it's fine for him to jump in afterwards and they exited out through? a magic time door ? It's stupid and nonsensical and typical handwavery elimination of all emotional and dramatic stakes by rewriting the rules at the last minute to serve the protagonists.
  11. The Master has the worst plan ever. Keep human bones and human consciousness and use them in a robot exoskeleton... It'd be a lot simpler if he simply had robots with his consciousness uploaded onto them. That way every single robot would be crazy and have genius level intellect.. and they wouldn't have to come up with a reason why he ignores his regeneration cycles any more. He'd just be like a computer virus, popping up everywhere, leaving behind trojan versions and uploading cookies of activities for more convoluted plans. Or better yet Master Dalek clones ? :P No need to use humans whose emotions blow up the circuitry and no need for an alliance with the Cyber men. Which makes me wonder where does all the Cybermen metal come from anyway ? This show lacks creativity. They're recycling two old villains the Master and the Cybermen and attacking the same target they always attack; Earth. We know the outcome of this as it has been replayed over and over again. How about another world where it's a different villain and ocassionally the Doctor fails to help save the day. After all he didn't help maintain the Pyrovillans or The fish vampires when they were dying out. Though whether the universal reset reset their homeworlds is still unknown.
  12. Was it just me or after the line about being left behind was anyone else hoping that it was going to be River upset that he left her behind as a virtual memory on a computer when he could have her uploaded at any point. Does anyone think he tried getting in touch with her via the Tardis telepathic conduit? Cybermen are loose upon Earth... This feels familiar. I wonder if they'll be sucked through a rift hole again... I hope now that the Master? has shown up he'll remember he put Gallifrey somewhere in the multiverse and go looking for it. I've known people who have spent more energy finding their tv remote control than this guy has in finding his home planet. Clara's blackmailed the Doctor with keys to a machine that is half sentient and opens when he clicks his fingers... which they showed like 3 or 4 episodes ago back when I watched it. I only watched this episode because I heard it was going to feature Missy and I wanted to see how butchered that would become. YAWN
  13. 10 k for the win. Never has sleeping been so badass...
  14. I have no idea. I can't even work up the energy needed to think about Karma's sex life but judging solely from previous episodes I'd think she'd get plenty of information about sex from magazines and online... She did after all do a lot of research about lesbianism and considering her obsession with Liam I'd imagine she'd find out everything she could to please and keep him for whatever reason. It feels boring to me because the whole straight couple keeping secrets from each other has been overdone in rom com's, sitcoms, soap operas and even shows about zombies... Plus individually they seem incredibly shallow superficial people and together they're just self obsessed insecure tedious people to watch.
  15. As of this episode all the relationships are iffy Amy likes Karma because life long friend and close bond (that we hear about but never really see on screen) + unexpected chemistry of first kiss = Amy's belief that she's a Karma sexual Karma likes Liam because he's hot and popular and so far that's about as much depth as her interest in him is (she doesn't care to know his friends, family or anything about him) Liam liked Karma because he thought she was a lesbian (which is all manner of stupid and douchey and shallow) and after discovering she wasn't got hurt and angry and slept with a maybe lesbian and is still interested in Karma for reasons I can't even understand (the sex was good ?) Shane may like MMA Fighter whose name I don't remember but he's in the closet and Shane seems locked in the booty call category at the moment and while that can be fun in the short term can be depressing in the long run which may explain Shane's expression at the end... He's getting the sex but he's still single and lonely while all his friends have someone that's a prospect whereas MMA guy won't be seen in public with him because he's closeted. Lauren likes Theo because... he's tall and good looking ? Theo is unknown, he may care about Lauren to some degree due to his concern about her being drugged. Why Shane let a semi coherent Lauren be carried off by a guy he barely knows and doesn't like ... well Shane is amusing but he's kind of a haphazard friend with revealing secrets and his poor choices. Regan likes Amy because she's cute and young and naive which... may be a worry later depending on how it turns out. And while I was the one proposing that Liam and Karma be jettisoned it's more because their story is DULL while everyone else minus Theo sizzles story line wise. If Liam and Karma did anything interesting I might reconsider.
  16. I'm guessing Pablo was Shane's first attempt at trying a relationship with someone around his own age instead of college boys. Since Shane's entire sexual/dating history was summed up by Liam in a single sentence who knows why those college boys never led anywhere. Pablo was reasonably attractive (presumably to Shane), sweet and out which is probably a huge thing for Shane dating wise. As for why that didn't work out ... well Pablo turned out to be more dull than interesting and being good didn't appeal so much to Shane after the novelty of being told to feed his good wolf wore off. As for why Lauren was friends with him I just assumed it was one of those proximity friendships, they were in the same place for an extended period of time and bonded over their competitive dancing and now... they've drifted apart due to Pablo being replaced by someone close by and less preachy. Shane helped her with blackmailing an ex with dildos. Pablo doesn't seem the type to be that helpful. I've realized that Karma and Liam while tolerable seperately (I know I still like Liam by himself or with Shane) in small doses bring out each other's worst qualities together. While together they are like a black hole of dull self absorbed blah dragging down their friends with their whiny oh noes my first date with this person I barely know isn't going great. I'm voting they jettison Karma and Liam altogether and just focus on the much more interesting Amy and friends show. Lauren can be the grounded straight man of their group, Amy can be the wacky high strung one that incites chaos and Shane can make witty comments while getting it on with whichever boy of the week he's dating.
  17. Personally that rang very true. Shane sees everyone else pursuing romance and enjoying all these sweet bonding moments and he's not allowed to tell anyone about his current guy he's seeing even if it's all about sex at the moment. (It's not like he has any gay male friends to show off those pics too, which is half the fun of getting sexted). Pablo was a poor prospect for Shane because A) he wasn't putting out and B) He over used that whole don't feed the bad wolf and as a result was a bore on multiple levels. While people want to be better for their significant others being nagged into it with quasi mystical clap trap gets old fast... Shane is a teenager and enjoys getting up to mischief with hot guys, the bad wolf is entertaining . On other news Lauren was hilarious on E Bad news Liam and Karma are dull. The artists seeing too much into everything reminded me of literature classes where teachers were obsessed about the symbolism of EVERYTHING and it's like... um the director didn't use birds as an expression of freedom he used them because his mom liked birds... at least that's what the DVD commentary says.
  18. Was I the only one annoyed that Barry didn't seem concerned at all about the dead/dying guard in the background? It also seemed weird as the hitman had no real reason to kill the guard. I could do with less voice overs and inspirational speeches during episodes.
  19. This show doesn't feel like it's getting enough traction to survive. It's entertaining but it often feels like it's spinning its wheels until there's the moment the two leads declare their love for each other...
  20. Just to clarify, do you mean Twelve being blase about Earth's demise in this past few episodes or do you refer to Nine's attitude? I thought that Nine saw the event as momentous and was something very special to share with Rose. I refered to 9 showing Rose the death of her home planet. It seemed an odd outing and is retroactively more disturbing now. 12's blase attitude to everything lately is hard to fathom. After all this time protecting the Earth because of its significance to future events he seems indifferent to human suffering a lot of the time. You make a great point about the plant species derived off Old Earth trees though it makes her death even sadder or possibly more meaningful. The female? was repaying a very old debt to the Doctor for the thousands of times he protected the Earth and her distant ancestors from annihilation.
  21. Personally the idea of sentience of a thing considered not to be alive that turns out to be sentient and capable of self defence doesn't bother me. It's provided at least one great episode of Doctor Who I can recall. 42 the episode with the living sun. The problem for me is that... This is Earth, the place that has been under seige by everything and has shown no glimmer of intelligence or self protection. Also after the Moon is an egg that pops out a creature that magically pops out an egg the size of itself the concept comes off more ridiculous than it would if it was merely another planet in the universe. After all the Doctor has been visiting the planet forever and didn't notice it had a spider ship core AND IT WAS ALIVE and the Moon was an egg. The Doctor has scanners and super tech and has never noticed any of these things. It strains credibility that all this things happen in such a confined area of the infinite nature of space. I'm all in for it being a cyclical reaction to a solar event but granting the planet Earth sentience makes the episode where the Doctor is blase about its death when he and Rose see it burn somewhat cruel. 3 out of 10 episodes not on Earth... 1 being on the moon of the planet Earth, 1 featuring all humanish interactions inside a Dalek and 1 featuring one alien. Did someone cut the set and makeup budget? For a show about a madman in a box travelling randomly through time and space he seems kind of unimaginative. I think for me the moment the show jumped the shark was when the Doctor got a whole new regeneration set and didn't have much of a reaction. This is the biological clock ticking in the background of show since regenerations were introduced. Here's this powerful super intelligent alien that can regenerate after each death BUT he has a limited number and each death brings him closer to his permanent death and also each regeneration is a death of a piece of his soul, part of his personality gets overwritten in the process. Now he has a magic new set of regenerations there's no real ticking clock any more in the background because the theme of the show appears to be nothing is a problem because time can be rewritten and all problems can be hand waved away whenever inconvenient. There's no real conflict on this show, the world is imperilled ... no it's not because magic trees/ magic solution. There's no personal conflict either, the Doctor has a tonne of new lives and even if he runs through these he'll probably just get some more. The only actual conflict appears to be the one between the Doctor and his companion who he can replace. Without an engaging conflict and actual personal or story based emotional stake there's no real reason to watch especially if problems get reset by a magic solution that erases consequences. If I wanted to watch a cartoon, I'd watch a cartoon. This is supposed to be sci fi or at least some variation of it. If this is supposed to be a kid's show with no depth than I'm not the demographic and I don't want to be.
  22. No, it wouldn't have burnt up everything between the sun and the ground, because that would be destroying the regular atmosphere which is exactly what they were originally expecting to happen. The trees were providing an *extra* cushion of oxygen *above* the normal atmosphere so that *that* would get burned off, saving the regular atmosphere underneath. I'm not saying it would work, just that that's how they were explaining it. Unless that layer of oxygen was seperated from the normal atmosphere of Earth by a layer of space (which depending on the strength of the flare could be rendered moot) than all it would have done is provide more fuel for the fire not less... Fire is a result of 3 elements fuel heat and an oxidiser commonly oxygen. Fire continues until one of the combustion triangle has been removed from the equation. I'm going to ignore the absurd growth rate of the trees because even if that was possible the end result would be that the nutrients absorbed for that growth would have disappeared into nowhere along with the magic trees. Not great for agriculture. Not that anything on Doctor Who has any long term effects any more. They might as well just stop explaining things on the show with pseudo science and just say its magic because their explanations have no basis in logic or the realities of Earth. It appears that the writers aren't even trying to ground this show in a basis of reality any more. I do more research on science for writing crappy xmen fiction than these people do for a long running sci fi show. It's sad. Reset buttons are the standby of sitcoms, cartoons and lazy writers. If you want me to care about characters, the consequences of their actions should last longer than an episode otherwise why watch ? From what I've read. The easiest way to make this seem less contrived is to change the time scale. Have the Doctor not see Clara for a month because he's been busy or he got the wrong time date or Clara has been too busy with Danny to be bothered and then she calls him... When trees have been noticed worldwide growing faster than usual over the last month. Instead of it being a random one night thing, it would be a random thing that worried people like the cubes in the slow invasion but then became a thing humans didn't care about any more. Then you can have Gaia realistically responding to a corrosponding surge of solar energy on a planet wide scale with increased growth culminating in a larger extensive spread of growth just before the major surge. The planet is old... at least 6000 years according to some religions you have to give it some time to protect itself from damage. A longer time span would explain why people were less inclined to wander out as it wouldn't be a random curiosity it'd be an extension of something they'd already seen. Then you could have a time jump of a month after the flare where humans had restored the world wide balance by cutting down the trees and cleaning up after the mess or something. As for Clara... how do you solve a problem like Clara. I'd say jettisoning her out to space would be a good solution. Even if Clara is being used by a shadowy female... she can still be interesting. Amy remained interesting even when she was really a ganger spying on the Doctor.
  23. Wouldn't that have burnt up every plane and helicopter and satellite between the sun and the ground ? Typically oxygen provides fuel for fire.. So if they wanted to diminish the effects of the fire wouldn't it have made more sense for the earth to produce massive amounts of CO2 so that the fire would have nothing to burn in the atmosphere. Of course that would have caused a temporary smothering effect too... Not like anything in this show makes sense any more or even tries to . timey wimey nonsense/. Solar flares would pump out massive radiation. space age vault with an actual shield couldn't stop a solar flare so thinking a thicker layer of oxygen would stop it... It's not like they're are trying to keep things consistent within the same season any more.
  24. Well I stopped watching this show about 3 episodes ago and have been reading the forums just to see if I missed anything. So far I'm sticking with the plan to maybe catch up on this season after the new season has started and maybe it might capture some of that old Dr Who magic again. I doubt I'll even miss much if I start the new season not watching this season as it sounds like it's all pointless filler and for the last 3 seasons the overal plot arc conclusion has had little relevance to anything else.
  25. So I had a couple of thoughts about this episode... Murphy may be a zombie magnet. It would explain why every time these people are anywhere for any period of time zombies materialize to ruin their days. The vaccine seems only to require the mass production of Murphy's saliva. 10 k may have received his first kiss from random sharp shooter. I was hoping they would add a couple of new sharpshooters to their group but one got zombiefied and the other went off with her dad.
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