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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Murphy for the win. With new mind control powers over anyone that has been exposed to a scratch bite or saliva. It does feel like this episode was out of sequence though. I'm looking forward to the finale to see what new randomness comes out. I loved 10K's reaction to the Viagra Z's. Sure there were a few plot holes especially to motivation. What was stopping Murphy from shacking up with his own army of zombies once inside the facility? Why didn't that gang just keep picking off the zombies with sniper shots or something instead of relying on a kidnapped Murphy. Why didn't they just team up with the extra 5 people to wage a large scale seige on the place. It's a whole factory of drugs I'm sure they'd still be rich with sharing their conquest. Oh well another bunch of survivors dead through stupidity
  2. Maybe it was just me but this episode wasn't very compelling. Barry was showing off, lost his powers, continued to rush headlong into situations with little forward thinking and pep talks and plot contrivance won the day again. While Iris doing things to save herself was sort of a change of pace her assuming that the Flash would rescue them all was kind of borderline co dependent. A station full of cops couldn't stop a single human with a gun and a clock fetish ? Noone questioning Wells as to his motives for more than 5 minutes is starting to bug. He has his own private prison for meta humans, he sends Tony off to his death, even though Tony had no real incentive to help the people who had him locked up for some unknown period of time after being freed and he's been super dodgy on more than one ocassion. It's a bit worrying that if Blackout needed electricity to survive then it wouldn't have come up as an issue prior to Barry waking up. Guess all the evil meta humans waited around for Barry to come on the scene before engaging in crime. Apparently Barry doesn't wonder or worry about talking to the other meta humans either. The mugger was absent his clothes. That cop would have been where's your clothes and he could have said he was sexually assaulted by the Flash. The cop had no evidence that mugger was engaging in a crime. Also that mugger saw his face... Doesn't he need his suit to prevent his clothes from overheating when he's going at super speed or is that just a sometimes thing ?
  3. The only highlight of the episode for me were the parts featuring Lauren. Everyone else aggravated me. Amy punched a cop without consequences Karma parents are drug dealers who got off without consequences Liam's whatever was too boring to get into (and I used to defend some of his behavior but I'm bored of him now) Shane outed someone again I don't know if I can watch this show much longer. The only appeal is Lauren and the winning class president because she's a unique candidate feels like a reverse discrimination. Based not on merit but on an inverse scale of 'normalness'. It's like the school is a breeding ground for hipsters liking things ironically or something. It grates. Maybe it's just because I've been released from the hospital and this episode was less funny and more what was the point of this episode?
  4. I was only half paying attention to this episode while I played Spider Solitaire. The endless yammering about know yourself, destinies, sacrifice and magic swords annoyed me. I am curious about one thing. While the Witnesses waited for Abraham to come back did Abbie go back to work ? I mean otherwise she spent 12 hours loitering around some place waiting for a Horseman rematch. When they said "We have something none of those others had " I replied with "Cameraphones ?" Then they said "each other" I rolled my eyes. You could have had the same effect with one person being wacky and using two torches. Or they could have skipped the setting the oil on fire and just shoved their hands in the strangely placed well. They didn't think they could have lured the Gorgon into a trap or thrown a grenade or something. You don't need to get in fisticuffs with a Gorgon. You think if the Sword was so important to Henry he'd go and get it himself once Abraham returned without it. He just said he thought Katrina was useless and Teen Moloch wasn't confined to the house and didn't need a babysitter so there wasn't anything in particular keeping him at home. *sigh*
  5. Questioning and confused are legitimate issues for some people fictional and otherwise. It's not necessarily a rationalisation. I'm still wondering about Shane's kiss of Karma. Did he expect some sort of reaction when he kissed her ? Terrible decisions aren't made only by tv lesbian characters. For instance on As the World Turns, a male character starts off "straight" including a girlfriend meets a cute guy has feelings, questions, gets into a semi relationship with a guy and proceeds to have sex with his ex girlfriend without using protection. That's annoying since noone in that town uses birth control and he went through a whole journey figuring out he's gay and cheated on his bf. Amy and Liam were both technically single people engaging in poor decision making. There's also gay male characters having relationships with women in highschool/college as camoflage or because they're in denial Max from Happy Endings. Tropes such as "Beards" and "In the closet" happen with gay male characters and noone takes their lapses to mean anything. There are also the straight males/jocks who have consensual or nonconsexual sex with gay guys and then beat or kill them afterwards. Justin from Queer as Folk springs to mind, The main character from Bug Crush and a whole bunch of depressing gay movies/ tv shows.
  6. So to stop the government locking them away without due process... They're doing it for them ? At least the military would have 24 hour armed security supervising them. So the Team Flash guys would be experimenting on these people without consent as well then ? Considering that Barry essentially kidnapped them I'd doubt they'd be cooperative. They have 4-5 people at that facility. Only 3 on the payroll and one is supposed to be in a wheelchair and the other 2 presumably have homes they go to at night. So 1 guy in a wheelchair overlooking super villain prison at night ? And Flash is basically being weaponised as a vigilante super weapon anyway. Only one military person was seen to be of dubious moral integrity in relation to Wells... So there's still the rest of the military to check up on.
  7. Noone said Rita Volk lied. I said AMY THE CHARACTER. Whatever the actor knows about the character or thinks she knows about the character is irrelevant. As a writer sometimes my characters do random things that I don't expect. It is part of the process of them developing an inner life. Amy the character is a 15-16 year old girl confused by her feelings by her best friend Karma and what it means about her life. Which is the entire basis of the show. Their relationship issues are a secondary conflict, whether they'll end up friends, lovers or strangers is unknown. Karma rejected Amy's love and the morning after was bugging her to be back to normal. The Liam thing was a way to force a seperation between the two inseperable characters so they can grow. The first season had Karma and Amy drift apart because of the lies they were keeping from each other and the second season is watching the fall out. Presumably if there's a 3rd season they'll explore and rebuild their relationship into a new format where Karma either hooks up with Amy or learns to deal with being second place in Amy's life. I would have prefered Amy to have hooked up with that random waiter girl instead of Liam because Liam is boring not because he's a guy. There are tonnes of borderline tropes in this show that they're subverting Alpha Bitch, Campy gay best friend, Unpopular girl, Jock. At least this show skipped the makeover and went straight to lies and subterfuge instead.
  8. So far Amy the character in her journey Assumed she was straight or had never bothered to think about it much Kissed Karma mind blown by chemistry/feelings/ whatever. Confused about whether she's lesbian or other seeks out Shane Shane asks questions Amy has no idea Amy kisses a girl on a first date and feels less attracted to her than Karma and calls her a Karmasexual. Shane rolls his eyes Karma ropes Amy into a fake threesome with Liam for reasons that only make sense to Karma Liam and Amy kiss and apparently it's not terrible and there's enough visible chemistry for Karma to freak out and bail. Amy gets completely trashed at her mothers wedding as she feels herself losing everyone she loves to men (her mother/Karma) she has drunken blackout sex that she ends up regretting the morning after and she literally kicks him out of bed. At no point does the character state she's a lesbian. The closest she came was announcing it on national tv to spite her mother with her fake girlfriend Karma and since half of that was based on a lie and Karma thought it was a lie. I'm not counting it. Personally I'd like to see more men on tv questioning their sexuality and exploring their sexuality but double standards do exist and lesbians on tv are more popular than gay men which is why gay men are usually relegated to comedic sidekicks or so campy as to be obvious and their love lives are filled with meaningless one night stands (jack from will and grace).
  9. Do you think Corvington should also apologise for Shane making out with Karma to find out what her appeal was ? since the only difference is gender? Amy needed to do something to undermine her friendship with Karma the main relationship of the show. Betrayals tend to be fairly common ways of doing so. As you've provided no other options as to how conflict should have been generated and have provided no rationalisation for why this trope is ridiculous. I'm going to cease arguing about it since I have the feeling we won't be able to debate the merits of this trope. Though one last thing for the record. The character Amy has never said that she's a lesbian. She had an emotional infatuation with Karma that was never fully explored and a whole bunch of superficial interest in guys that was similarly not explored. As far as I can recall she kissed one other girl while in the throes of her obsession that didn't have the desired effect and called herself a Karmasexual. She's now dating Regan and seems comitted to that for the moment until the typical revelation destroys or disturbs that relationship. Therefore until Amy states she's a lesbian and only a lesbian than it's not even technically following the trope you're complaining about. As for this episode I really hope Karma holds onto her anger about Liam and Amy keeping secrets from her though Liam was technically single and he wasn't necessarily obligated to revealing anything anyway. Still a terrible choice. I hope Karma and Liam remain split apart for at least a few episodes so they can breathe as seperate characters. Their relationship was dull anyway. Worst of the 3 couples.
  10. I've always found dumbing down a hero who has a super power that's a near storybreaker a cheap way of creating artificial drama. It just makes me wonder why the hero is so stupid all the time. (and why he's so lazy about dating) It's especially grating that the first few episodes introduced Barry's intelligence via Sherlock Scan and revealed his backstory involving him outsmarting or outrunning his enemies since he was 10 ! That means he has 15 years of experience of surviving conflicts with opponents bigger and more numerous than him. For instance instead of Barry trying to punch the guy out after it failed the first time, he could have tried something else the second time such as a net and Girder could have broke free and Barry could have bailed to the HQ to regroup and then they could have tried the super sonic punch or steel cabling, a pool, cliff, rock, energy gun for the final confrontation. Instead Barry's approach reeks of the worst kind of military planning, hit him, it didn't work, hit him harder, didn't work, nuke him. It's not like Barry's unconsciousness added any real drama, he can't die, it's not a season/series finale yet and it made the villain seem even weirder for not being curious about who was under the mask after hunting down a blogger for further information. Hell that would have added drama if Barry woke up to find his mask gone and then he would have had more motivation to get Girder under wraps before his secret was revealed to the whole world or Girder added a comment to Iris's blog. Now that would be real conflict not this whole don't tell the love interest your alter ego to "protect them" trope that's been done to death.
  11. I don't see why the writers should apologize for a plot line or for using tropes. Hell this entire show is a mish mash of tropes they're playing straight and others they're subverting. Most of these characters are playing out high school movie/tv show cliches. You've got Karma the unpopular girl who hooks up with the Popular Jock in secret (similar to Jenna in Awkward and her on again/off again relationship with Matty Kibbin). You've got Lauren who came across in the pilot as another throwaway blond homophobic Alpha Bitch (Somewhat like Brooke McQueen in Popular) and gets depth as we explore her insecurities and get to know her better. We've got the Gay comic relief whose a campy bitchy queen who likes to stir the pot to create drama and jumps from boy to boy (a lot of sitcoms recently thinking Jack from Will and Grace, a less campy version Max from Happy Endings). He's probably the closest this show sticks to a tv stereotype. We've got an epic love triangle rhombus mess with Amy, Karma and Liam and now Regan involved. Typically it's two girls fighting over one guy or 2 guys trying to impress one girl into picking them. In this show. Amy loves Karma, Karma wants Liam as a trophy, Liam wanted to bang a lesbian and ended up with a lying social climber proceeding to incidentaly having sex with Amy while drunk and neither of them enjoyed it to want a repeat or even to want to spend any time together. Regan is now in the center of this weird triangle of interpersonal relationships as Amy's first real girlfriend. The closest tv has come to something this unique is South of Nowhere and those girls just used the boy to make each other jealous which lead to the guy saying leave me out of this... Which they didn't. Amy would be typical in the lesbian sleeps with a man tv trope, if she A) liked it but chose to be a lesbian anyway B) did it to experiment C) did it to make someone else jealous. Except the writers chose D) Amy slept with Liam because she was angry and hurt and wanted to lash out in the most self destructive way possible and has spent most of the season trying to stop Liam from blabbing because she didn't want anyone to know. Considering this is a dramedy she failed miserably and her life continues to be a mess. I'm wondering what Regan's reaction will be when she finds out. If Amy didn't sleep with Liam,the core conflict of this season would have been what ? The main characters need to have conflict otherwise nothing happens. At least these secrets were worth lying about. Most dramedies have people hiding the most pointless of things and people overreacting to it. Amy sleeping with her best friend's off again secret boyfriend after being rejected by her best friend after confessing her secret sapphic longing was dramatic even if it felt like it came from nowhere for a lot of people. YMMV of course.
  12. That Woman bypassed Mack and 10 k to hook up with Murphy and seemed more excited when discovering his zombie bites. Disturbing. I still don't know what happened to the original men and those boys grow up in a culture that spends a lot of time going on about men being responsible for all the death and destruction in the world. Addie has gone off the deep end.
  13. I know that the Super prison is meant to be a Pandora's box that is probably going to be opened at the end by either Wells or Captain Cold's gang later on but it still doesn't excuse that the Prison doesn't make any sense now. Why don't the other 3 people have any issues locking up supervillains that they incidentally created in the first place? I'd just like an ocassional mention of tests they're running on those guys. I mean if they're going to ignore civil liberties they might as well surrender to their amoral scientist urges and study the other meta humans they have in cages. Is Joe cool with the meta human prison run by super scientists that failed to protect a cold ray gun and work a super particle accelerator. I have a feeling its a good thing I avoided comic books as a kid and read novels instead because illogical contrived behavior shouldn't be a genre staple that carries over to tv shows. Nitpicking aside I do like the character moments minus the lying to Iris for no apparent reason but the formulaic 3 tries and hero wins gets old fast.
  14. Back when I was 19 in gay bars while trashed I'd make out with lots of people including girls because it was fun to try out new experiences and I had lived a fairly sheltered life prior so I overcompensated when I was let off the proverbial leash. Didn't mean I labelled myself bi because I didn't throw up afterwards. Some people do things that other people wouldn't. It's what make the world interesting. Humans are individuals and behave in unique ways to different stimuli. It's a pet peeve of mine when gay acquaintances go on about straight guys having gay sex and being closet cases. I've always considered it less about who you shag and more who you date. Alcohol does contribute to many interesting behavior patterns, reduced inhibitions, beer goggles and poor judgement. Coyote Ugly is a thing for straight people too. YMMV I did feel sad that the school tribe system didn't get dragged out a little longer the Cloud Landers were going off the rails. Though it was funnier on Community.
  15. First the good parts of the episode. The science team are hilarious and seriously concerned about Barry which is sweet. The scene featuring Barry's arm being un-dislocated? after lying to Caitlin? was funny. Joe and Wells chatted... Eddie and Barry had more chemistry in that locker room boxing scene than any other scene in the show YMMV. Dude was knocked off his feet by Barry... Downsides Barry chose to engage a random villain in fisticuffs then broke his hand, then tried again and nearly got himself killed. Luckily the villain of the week didn't seem overly concerned with A) finding out who the random red guy was (even after his previous effort to) or B) finishing the job with another punch. The final solution to defeating metal man. Punching him faster? Seriously? They couldn't have tried a more imaginative solution as in pushing him into a pool or ocean, using electro magnets, tying him up with 500 metres worth of steel cabling , dropping him off a cliff, acid, super speeding him into a prison cell while conscious, Barry super dodging the guys punches until he wore out and punched a wall with his normal fists. Glue? (I could go on for ages) That prison is a civil rights violation and worse a ticking time bomb. At some point in the future those super powered villains will be crowding the cells and whenever someone visits them they'll break loose. I still dont understand how gas guy is contained in a room. If it's air tight he'd suffocate in his human form and if it's got any sort of ventillation at all he'd just seep out... Steel guy only has to keep punching a single spot over and over again for a few hours and he'd damage the containment. Iris is still in the dark even after being exposed to danger due to the Flash. Guys she's already been a target . TELL HER ALREADY. Apparently after Joe gave Barry his first lesson in punching and he proceeded to get punched down by young Iris he didn't get any follow up lessons for the next 10 years till Officer Hunky gave him another one. I've always found beating up your bully once you get super powers kind of a cheat. You haven't actually taught them anything they didn't already know which is Might makes Right. The only real difference is your enjoying their suffering instead of them enjoying yours. Also Girder stole ATM's and presumably had at least 200k of money couldn't he have bought a nice place and a fancy new car if he wanted to impress girls insteading of kidnapping a girl from his highschool to take back there. *sigh* Barry's final confrontation. Why did he super speed Iris another 10 metres away from the VOTW instead of simply out of the building, police station, her home? Why did he think he could build up sufficient speed for 5 miles without his target moving an inch? What was up with that weird dive thing ? Did the supersonic punch break VOTW's super power to allow Iris to punch him?
  16. Thanks for the info... In relation to this episode I'm going to give it an 8 out of 10. It loses points for Katrina Henry and Baby Moloch. I don't find that storyline interesting in execution. It should be ramping up the stakes towards the final confrontation but I'm like hmmm baby/ preadolescent anti christ.
  17. I spent the last 4 nights in a hospital and all my dreams involved being swarmed by Sentinels from Days of Future past. (all the beeping I suppose) Part of the reason why I liked this episodes villain. It was just a low key crazy ghost of a human continuing on her life's ambition of being crazy and getting people to kill themselves. It's nice having villains just be villains. Not every antagonist has to have depth and backstory to work in some cases that counters their scariness factor. Death was scarier before he got a head and kept talking to Katrina. Henry being the Horseman of War was shocking in the season finale and now 90% of his screen time comes across as him being a whiny man child getting disproportionate revenge for his parents not being around to protect him from life. He's supposed to be Moloch's Dragon and yet we don't see him use any interesting offensive magic. P.s can someone tell me how to add the person's name when I do quotes ?
  18. Usually I defend Liam because I don't think he's as bad as most people make him out to be but GOD. Can any of these people avoid making their confessions of poor behavior public ? Between Amy spitefully causing a scene during his family's party and him following suit about his real mom, Karma serenading Amy 10 hours after saying she didn't love her back. I'm starting to hate the 3 main characters. Admittedly I hated Karma when she said she had no idea why she liked Liam other than he was hot and popular and there has only been faint glimmers of decency since. Amy has gone from sympathetic to ridiculous lately. Liam needs to move on from Karma, she lied and faked an entire identity just to get into his orbit and I have no idea why he loves her. Shane and Lauren are the only tolerable characters on the show for me lately. Though Shane and his shit stirring and outing people is getting frustrating. I felt so bad for Lauren waiting around for an explanation. It sucks waiting for clarity and getting none.
  19. This is a similar issue I have to Crane's activities. Personally fictional characters having more disposable income than their job doesn't bother me. The fact that sitcom dads while employed seldom are seen at work/working doesn't bother me. The problem with Crane not having his own job other than it seems odd for a man from 2 centuries ago to settle for being supported by a woman who is not a family member or wife is that his free time apparently consists of random hobbies. Which for a show about friends that live together like Friends or Cougar Town makes sense. It's grating here. Crane is a Witness during the apocalypse, his wife is shacked up with two Horsemen of the Apocalypse and a demon baby and he's just waiting around. He apparently has tonnes of free time so his lack of visible activity on screen towards researching demons, honing his fighting skills and/or redeeming or destroying his son. He has time to hang out with a bunch of people who want to play dress up, catch up on reality tv, obsess about his estranged wife and petulant evil son and does nothing to either support himself or contribute to the war effort unless it's reactionary. Abbie meanwhile has no hobbies and has a job as a police officer (that we get the ocassional snapshot of during crime scenes and this episode) and her dreams are plagued by visions and SHE fights demons in her spare time. The difference is glaring. Abbie devotes herself to stopping the apocalypse. Crane name drops and complains about his good old days when being a white rich dude meant you got to meet everyone. Oh and goes on about wanting to redeem his son without having even the slightest plan to do so. That said I wish someone would try and find the Kindred or try and learn some spells proactively. There's a lack of urgency in this season. The apocalypse isn't looming just above our heroes, it's just drifting lazily in the distance. The only person on Team Evil trying to do stuff is Henry. Abraham and the Hessians and even Moloch himself seem to be just killing time offscreen doing something pointless.
  20. It does seem that everyone is bringing their personal perspective to this show and its coloring their enjoyment of it to one extent or another but that's the joy of a subjective medium. It'd be a dull discussion if we all agreed with each other :P lol For me I was happy to take a break from Crane for an episode so we could see more of the Jenny Abbie interaction that has been absent lately. Hawley was a neutral as he had little effect on the overall effectiveness on the mission, he threw in the ocassional suggestion and did a bit of grunt work but nothing spectacular like Jenny's new found magic powers and the flashbacks rounding out her backstory. Katrina's actions were confusing so I'm going with my own head canon of she was faking it, tried to avoid touching the baby because she knew it was evil but felt compelled to play along because Henry might be a stronger magical practictioner than her, so played along and afterwards figured the contact corrupted her in some way and went for a poison option while the others were distracted on their typical nightly nefarious actions (whatever those might be). I definitely appreciated the focus on the monster of the week that didn't have any apparent convoluted connection to the Cranes for a change (Icky, Grumpy or Dopey). It's nice to have a break from the CFD since it seems to have swallowed up most of season 2 with little in the way of payoff.
  21. I'm glad I wasn't the only one disturbed by that. The fact that Joe apparently knew Barry had the hots for his daughter since Barry hit puberty while they all lived under the same roof seemed really creepy. Frankly the fact that superheroes are often so lazy about their dating has always bugged me. Barry lusting after the girl who is his best friend and de facto foster sister who he lived with for like 5 or so years makes it super dodgy dating wise. On the upside. I loved Cisco's reaction to the 'hot girl' and his 'exploded suit' The General made for a worthwhile antagonist to Flash and gang. Joe laughing over Barry's voice modulation Grant Gustin really sizzled in that rooftop scene Partial nudity (Barry in his underwear) The downside Barry and Joe deciding to keep Iris in the dark about his superpowers. Ignorance doesn't help prevent a superheroes loved ones from being in danger. Hell if you told Iris she'd be able to figure out her best course of action 1) avoid reporting on the Streak 2) Get self defense training 3) Learn how to shoot a gun 4) Help with rebranding the Streak into the Flash. Wells threats to alert the press about the General's activity. It came across as weird as 1) His public image was tarnished due to causing widespread damage and over a dozen deaths 2) Any reprehensible or dubious activities the General did while around Wells would be problematic as a) he might be charged as an accessory/ after the fact b) be hard to prove c) The General might have immunity from prosecution if sanctioned by the Military.
  22. While I found Missi amusing in an Affably evil way, it often feels like one of those really repetitive fantastical sitcoms scenarios. It's rinse and repeat. Gladys might see us use magic/Darrin's clients will find out/ Endora has caused chaos (Bewitched). Instead of being an exciting adventure through all of time and space making new friends and battling assorted villains. It feels more like a show recycling 3 villains endlessly. Daleks, Cybermen and The Master. It's a rehash of the Master as a season long villain. It was done with greater subtlety the last time with Martha that added depth to the character. I fully expect Missi to show up again in another episode with another ridiculous plan. Maybe he should go back to the end of time and rule over the toclafane for laughs.
  23. I enjoyed the bonding within the two teams. Even if the Redeem Henry movement grates on my nerves. I can't look at Hawley without being annoyed about the beard mustache combo. It irritates me. I even liked Katrina minus the first 30 seconds and the last 30 seconds of screen time. I was hoping after the second time Abby helped Katrina finished a spell someone would realise that Witnesses have some of their own magic. Hence why Ichabod could raise that patchwork soldier and Abby could exorcise the drowned lady ghost. I really hoped that Abby could get some training from the powerful witch Katrina is supposed to be. Unfortunately they ruined that by letting Katrina try to be a double agent assassin. Though I did wonder if Abby sent her off so she didn't have to listen to any more bollocks about redeeming Henry.
  24. Did this episode just imply that the Master created the Afterlife and The Doctor via Danny Pink just destroyed it and everyone and their consciousness forever? Wait. It's Doctor Who. They'll probably not address this like they didn't bother to explain how much of the universe reboot changed things.
  25. I loved Missy going bananas. Everything else flat forced and tiresome.
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