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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I'm still unclear as to why all these robot run ships keep crashing into Earth. Anyone keeping a running tally of these alien ships ? Is Earth a shipping hazard ? I don't mind a slow build but if things don't feel like they're progressing at all and the episodes don't manage to stand on their own then why would anyone anticipate the next episode or want to continue watching the season. The seasonal arc apparently involves a possibly delusional girlfriend of the Doctor named Missy and dead robots. It's not exactly a compelling season arc so far. At least the cracks in the universe generated their own sort of momentum from the start whereas Missy seems to be cleaning up the debris of the Doctor's misadventures in 2/3 of the episodes. At this point The Doctor's personality appears in flux and Clara may or may not be developing a personality. If character and plot fail to compel then the only thing really left is setting and that is random.
  2. I'm not sure that makes sense. Matt Smith remembered shifting Gallifrey into somewhere so it would make sense that Peter Capaldi would know too. It's also possibly an essential reason for why this Doctor feels so lost. The new series centered around the Doctor being traumatised by the loss of his home world and his species and now he's not the last Time Lord he's not even a war criminal killing off women and children to save the universe from Daleks and out of control Time Lords. He's a Time Lord responsible for the retrieval of his species from wherever they've ended up when his whole routine was the man that ran away from responsibility or the war or whatever. That could be a thrilling development for the Doctor as a character and the show and should be filling the episodes with a quiet gravitas or sense of joy or expectation or something. Instead it feels like a dropped plot point that won't be addressed like River Song being uploaded to the library or The Tardis exploding or the Silence.
  3. There was a woman that walked by as Killian set the drink alight but I don't think she paid much attention. Otherwise anyone else curious why King Asgard wants to go to Earth anyway ? Has he finished conquering the resistance after 4 centuries and wanting to colonise Earth or is he trying to eliminate any possible resistance by killing off the Moron Squad permanently. How annoying would it be to kill someone in Asgard for them to reincarnate later and have to rinse and repeat. Will Victor reincarnate in 10 years or something ? If the stupid brothers can why can't Victor ? Was anyone else confused as to why Frederick just stabbed Tarkoff and left his body lying around in the forest. Shouldn't he have been more interested in finishing the kill or at least disposing of the dead body. I do wish these people displayed some competence to explain why Tarkoff worried about discovery.
  4. I alternately laughed at the episode and yelled at the Doctor. Essentially it boiled down to "Doctor don't be mean to the cute guy with 6 months to live". It seemed really OOC for the Doctor to engage in such juvenile behavior with Robin Hood now that he's lived so long. I got flashbacks of the First Doctor except he's had a dozen life times since then and it rings false now. Also has the Doctor completely lost interest in Gallifrey now ? Is that even a thing he's working on any more ? Does the Doctor have any goals ? Does Clara ? As for peasants fighting against robots from the 29th century. That hurt my brain. Those robots only fire lasers ? They couldn't have simply walked forward and smacked the unarmed peasants.
  5. I took forever to get around to watching this episode. I don't feel sad about not watching it sooner. The journey inside the Dalek made no sense. Either shoot the damn thing or let it go kill off some Daleks. Also it bugs me every time there is a resistance against the Daleks and they manage to have worse weapons than Mickey had from the AU version of Earth. As for the Doctor splicing his consciousness with a Dalek. How did he expect that to actually make the Dalek friendly ? The Doctor has waged war for 800 years apparently in Trenzalore against dozens of his enemies. It's not like he's full of peace and light and warm fuzzy feelings. The Doctor was oddly callous about Blue's brothers death and her concern over the fallen soldier. It made it hard to understand why that soldier sacrificed her life for his half baked plan or why Blue wanted to come with him at all. If Blue was such a soldier's soldier she would have followed orders to blast the Dalek and not even thought about running off with a weirdo with a blue box. Clara was bland and that whole exchange with Pink was more awkward than it was cute or amusing or romantic.
  6. Is it weird that Ethan is now the most compelling character for me in this show ? I'm finding Molly's behavior hard to fathom. She saw the baby which is what she said she wanted and now ? she wants to keep it safe ? It seems fairly secure and independent already with the mass homicides it causes. The alien baby can keep itself safe. Molly can't keep herself or her other family safe at all. I have no idea how she plans to cope with a new addition to the family when she barely pays any heed to her other 'loved ones'. John is either constantly oblivious to people's motives or snarking at people unnecessarily. Odin's plan still appears to make no sense. What value would destroying Ethan or even the lab have? The technology already exists and even if he kills all the people involved in its creation it'll have no effect on remote military drones rendering the poetry of war obsolete. I'm thinking Species when I see alien rapid growth. Though I'm still waiting to see what the actual offspring looks like. Unless it's going to spend its entire life hiding behind illusions.
  7. I'm wondering if they're deliberately trying to make John Woods unlikeable? He seems permanently stuck on petulant mode whenever anyone disagrees with him or inconveniently says something he doesn't like. His parenting/scientist skills appear to be sub par. He leaves his child/prototype alone with the employee he told off for being too invested along with her new bf. You do not let your child be supervised by someone you don't know. Especially when they are also a result of presumably millions of dollars and years of research and development. Then you apologise to your robo boy so you can get him to do your bidding easily while ignoring him for the majority of the time so you can wring your hands about your missing wife. Did either of these people LISTEN to the advice about "DON'T TRUST ANYONE". My head it hurts. It's still better than a lot of shows out there at the moment even if the acting and repeating of "my baby" makes me roll my eyes sometimes.
  8. I don't know if this is something I should ignore as pointless nitpick or whether someone on here could explain it to me... The dying Matt Smith goes inside after being filled with regeneration energy somehow from the Time Lord Council who last we saw were trying to bring the Time War to Earth but whatever.. so... Clara sees the phone off the receiver OUTSIDE the phone box (in a flashback apparently)... while Matt holds an old style phone INSIDE the box... to make a call to Clara in her future time line to tell her to not abandon him because he looks different. Which brings to mind several questions . Matt Smith took time off from dying to make a phone call to Clara from Trenzalore his maybe grave/death site from that time stream episode... which timey wimey wibbly wobbling lazy show runners... Question 1 why was the outside phone off the hook when he was making a call inside the box ? Question 2 Didn't they make a big deal throughout a few episodes about how the phone box wasn't actually capable of receiving or making calls with the outside phone? Question 3 what happened to all the super charged mobile phones he has lying around so he can contact Martha and Unit and Winston Churchill? Question 4 how did the Doctor know the exact time Clara would be done fighting off clockwork robots who had a time ship stuck in the earth to call her to tell her to not abandon the new guy even though I don't think any other companion have ever wanted to abandon him after the initial confusion over him changing faces Question 5 Is anyone else losing track of the amount of space ships that seem to crash into Earth to loiter around trying to repair stuff with murder?(Cylons, clock work cyborgs, Arachnos, The time ship in the episode with the non existent 2nd floor) Question 6 Perhaps it might be a good idea to offer maintenance for all these ships Torchwood?
  9. I started disliking this episode as soon as I saw the dinosaur in Victoria London. It was funnier when it was pterodactyls flying around because River broke Time. I'm having an increasingly harder time accepting that none of the characters seems to care about why the Tardis blew up, why Madame Kovarian was apparently waging an endless bitter war against the Doctor or River being the Doctors wife or Clara splintering through time watching the Doctor. The Doctor makes a promise to the dinosaur that he'll get her home and it dies... It's kind of amusing in a dark twisted way. The Doctor is often helpless to actually follow through with his bold promises to help. The episode seemed like a lot of attempts at "flashy stunts" than anything focused. Such as the interspecies lesbian kissing, spontaneous combustion, human clockwork robots, dinosaurs in London (doubly if you count Vastra), the mission impossible style rappelling from the roof. UGH I am indifferent to the Doctor being older but the constant refrain about how old the Doctor is made little sense. Wasn't the Doctor like 1300 or 1500 ? now he's 2000 ? How long was he on Trenzalore ? Does this mean that whole Doctor's grave didn't happen? or will he just go back there later to die? Also doesn't the Doctor usually offer the villains a way out normally ? He seemed genuinely upset the last time they died because they were so well made. This time he's like I'll probably have to kill you and it drops to its death apparently quite easily. The other robots surviving repeated stab wounds and injuries easily but the main robot apparently dies immediately from a fall... Clara developed a little as a person with a sort of history but her threatening the robot control node seemed kind of stupid. I was left waiting for the robot to TRY torturing her a little but apparently it couldn't even be bothered trying anything. It robbed the moment of any implied drama when they were essentially staring at each other. It felt even more of a rip off since Clara expected the Doctor to be around to save her. In short: Doctor will do, Clara still makes little sense, writer driving me insane by glossing over major plot arcs every season with cheap flashy gimicks.
  10. I stopped watching a few episodes ago and now I skim the recaps to see if I missed anything good. So far nothing interesting or relevant missed.
  11. That sounds like Orihime from Bleach. I'm still confused as to how the werewolves form packs as the twins could apparently ditch Deucalion easily and Isaac may or may not have been in Scotts pack. who knows. I remember when Scott and Derek used sonic emitters to corral Boyd and Cora even though it apparently had no negative effect on them.
  12. If Meredith is the benefactor and the reason the moron gang has been in peril every other episode why is she outing herself in front of an armed deputy who killed one of her minions? The more I think about it the less it makes any sense. Not that the deadpool made much sense. The dead pool is now being transmitted to everyone apparently including Liam who was on the list, rendering all that effort to decode the deadpool in the first place relatively meaningless. How did the plumber/deputy decode what the numbers mean? because it didn't seem like all those reams of paper had a contact number. UGH my head In a way it sort of makes sense that if Meredith is an insane person nothing she does will make any sense but it seems hard to reconcile that with the level of effort necessary to avoid detection if she's that crazy.
  13. If Meredith is the Banshee benefactor why did she put herself on the list? why did she bother rocking up at the police station to help Lydia figure out the coded hit list ? how did she steal 117 million from the Hales ? Did she pay herself for her own "death"?? Why does this seem like another villain decision that feels like it's pulled out of nowhere. Like the Darach being the new school teacher last time.
  14. So Jordan was naked this episode ? So far that sounds like the only interesting part of the episode. I can't seem to get over how annoyed I am that the show/characters seem to have no interest in the whereabouts of Danny/ Isaac. As for Meredith being the Benefactor. meh
  15. Especially since John doesn't seem to have any friends. He treats his employees like they're nuisances until he needs them. He treats investors as if they're stupid for wanting to know if there is a risk to having robo children wandering about being smart and looking like other humans. I don't think we've seen a single friend of his. The only explanation I can come up with for Molly's full house while saying she doesn't like making friends is that those people are acquaintances, people she sometimes interacts with but doesn't rely on for friendship stuff.
  16. Thanks for the info. So essentially Scott made a baseless assumption that will probably turn out to be somewhat correct even though it makes no sense. If you're a mysterious puppet master in charge of a supernatural hit list and an assassin doesn't confirm a kill you'd probably just wait for another assassin to claim credit for it via a morgue report or photo. Or depending on information available just wait till the next day and see if that person is still walking around. No need to risk yourself in following up someone else's work. Presumably the Benefactor just wants the supernaturals dead and doesn't care that much which assassin gets the payment since he doesn't seem to be saving any of the money stolen for anything else. *sigh* I think this confirms the feeling that this season seems filled with pointless filler that doesn't improve characterisation or progress plot much either.
  17. I couldn't be bothered watching this episode so I read Price's recap instead. I have 3 questions just to make sure I didn't miss anything interesting this episode... Did anything plot relevant actually happen ? It sounded like a lot of dream related stupidity and no stake drama about Scott faking being dead to me. Was Liam shirtless/ present for a significant period of time during the episode ? Was Jordan Parrish shirtless/present for a significant period of time during the episode? Despite all the assassins and the deaths of people Scott is apparently supposed to protect, I feel no emotional investment this season. Last season I was legitimately worried about Stiles going crazy/being dead/staying evil and that was resolved by being scratched by Scott which was a lame resolution that made very little sense but whatevers. This season the 'gang' is under jeopardy every other episode by poorly introduced antagonists/assassins and I know it's unlikely anyone will actually die. I struggle to take their life and death drama seriously since Lydia who has no super strength and limited understanding of her powers is apparently left to her own devices on her own subplot repeatedly while she's on a supernatural hit list. Have these people not heard of the buddy system ?
  18. I'm really starting to enjoy this show. I thought they were biting off more than they could chew in the pilot but it does seem to be finding its feet and seemingly moving things along without revealing too much. I'm hoping they can keep it up for a while. The husband however is stupid. You don't act like an ass to the employee that helped build your robot boy especially since she seems to be integral to the robot boy's maintenance. Criticising her for being annoyed that your exposing your prototype to unnecessary risk by getting emotionally involved is stupid. Leaving her in a room alone with the robot boy after you've told her she's merely an employee. *sigh* The husband is annoying. Though I'll give him some credit for being a semi useful decoy. Of course if he simply asked the doctor to come with him to a hospital room it would have been way less suspicious.
  19. I'm still curious why FBI Agent is in town. Has he quit the FBI? Or did he get fired because that would actually explain why he's hanging out on his ex's couch being weird. He sabotaged his own case against the Sheriff and there appears to be no follow up on the Sheriff being unable to solve all these mass murders. In a year there has been 2 attacks on the police station a stabbing spree in the hospital and someone going around ritually murdering people. You'd think there would be more interest from the FBI agent/agency about why there are so many assassins in town and how they all end up dead. Oh well. It's dramatic so I guess it doesn't have to make any sense at all.
  20. Which would explain Liams absence from the school DURING the test but you'd think he'd spend 5 seconds talking to Lydia about that guy who rescued him from a well last episode. Or maybe wanting to be included in the whole let's figure out whats killing werewolf thing. It's not so much that he had to have a lot of screen time in the episode but I would have settled for a 3 second text message displayed on screen from Scott to Liam going... Scott: infectious werewolf poision at school. Hide. Assassins trying to get paid. Liam : Okay I'm going to stay with Mason and his new bf (danny) Any indication from the show that Scott turned Liam a few days ago and is now technically responsible for getting him on a supernatural kill list and showing any effort to follow through with his promise to stop death. How about a text from Scott to Chris Argent to have him babysit Liam since there are supposedly lots of assassins looking to kill his 3 million dollar beta. UGH. This show. *sigh*
  21. I think this episode killed the last remaining shred of affection I had for the show. I spent most of the episode hoping that all the werewolves would just die off so the more interesting stories of Derek and crazy Uncle Peter training up Liam and Brett and telling Jordan that he's a ... would be explored at long last. The nonsense of this episode With the magic tea that Scott finds because it was glowing for some reason. Stiles lying about Malia's parentage as if he had the right to keep his girlfriend in the dark about that. Especially frustrating since he was the one saying he felt guilty about it a few episodes ago when he was talking about the morning after scratches/bruises/whatevers. There was also a noteable lack of Liam . Does he not go to the school any more ? Is he not a werewolf that might have been infected. No mention by Scott about his vow to keep everyone alive after hearing about an entire pack being killed. I was waiting for Derek to go to his vault and pick up the magic tea which somehow immunises against weaponised wolf virus. Ignoring that Deaton/ this show seem to not realise that innoculations are not the same thing as a cure. The super cheesy Matrix bullet dodging. Seriously she could have simply thrown her dagger thing at the assassin. What is up with this hospital that gun fire doesn't warrant any attention from anyone. Where is Kate ? Agent McCall shooting someone in a locker room from behind without identifying himself as police or presumably seeing the gun the assassin was holding due to vantage points. Also WTH was up with shooting someone in the head where a second of movement could kill the person they're threatening. Not to mention a single death spasm would have caused Assasin guy to shoot Stiles. Then he just lets a witness wander off without finding out any details about why he was being threatened by a random guy with a gun or checking for injuries.
  22. I still find it curious that people refer to the powder as mountain ash. Isn't it really mountain ash ash... Since mountain ash is a tree and what they're doing is spreading a powder around. Anyway I'm still trying to figure out how Deaton set a circle with the vet clinic in the middle that stopped other werewolves somehow but allowed Scott in... Was it a no killer werewolf mountain ash ash circle ? Do you think this show will ever address the core concept of this show and answer some questions about werewolfness ? If I was the hopeful kind I'd hope that meeting a 100 year old werewolf would mean that Scott could ask someone about setting up his first pack or how to rein in betas with some chant about the truth sun and moon instead of using anchors such as love or anger or whatever the other kids use. You know so he'd be a good leader/alpha to Liam/Malia. Is Malia in his pack ? Can a werewolf pack have a werecoyote in it? are were coyotes a sub set. Why must i think about this show? It will only hurt my brain since I'm not sure any of these subjects have been thought about as much as I have by the writers.
  23. My mistake BlueRay. It's gets hard to keep track of Derek and his reappearing disappearing family members and their relationships with every passing season. I'll go correct it now. Either way Derek would have more experience dealing with out of control werewolves and he is far less fragile than Stiles. Anyway he's used to be ripped up by crazy werewolves, remember that fun time when he was being clawed up by his erstwhile beta children. Is it just me or does it feel like while Stiles is on screen he's not getting as much focus as the other plot points.
  24. I'll post something that is probably an unpopular opinion but oh well... here I go anyway After Stiles had his mind squashed and his body taken over and used as a way of hatching out a demon fox clone of him... I think Stiles is feeling a bit less concerned about his physical and mental wellbeing than perhaps may be healthy. As such I don't think he's in the best mental place to be dating anyone let alone the possibly homicidal feral child he picked up from a mental institution and is now apparently forced to domesticate due to social pressure. Theoretically it should fall more to Alpha Scott or Derek to take care of the werewolf training aspect for Malia either because blech True Alpha Scott or because Derek is Malia's cousin. It really shouldn't fall to Stiles to take on the burden of looking after Malia in the way it seems that he's being relied to. When there are many other people who should be picking up the slack. Other than Lydia helping out with homework it seems he's bearing the brunt of the responsibility of Scott Alpha roaring Malia back to human. I think Stiles is currently undergoing self destructive urges either out of misplaced guilt or deep psychological trauma due to his body being hijacked for mass murder. I'm thinking Stiles is a broken toy and he's currently limping through life. Then again I have no idea if the writing is up to that, so maybe I should try and pretend that the 2 month time skip fixed all his emotional issues about nogistunes and near death and losing a 'friend' and the Stalia ship is all fine and dandy. Or not. I liked Stiles interacting with Jordan. More of that please. Remember when Stiles mentioned that female cop who used to help him with homework that got killed by... Of course YMMV . I'm just not feeling the Stile love as much this mini season due to the Stalia ship and the issues he should have being glossed over.
  25. I can't say I ship anyone for very long on this show because frankly all the relationships (of the dating kind) have been super weird or glossed over all the creepy parts. I did like the Scott/Kira courtship last mini season but now I kind of hate them both for being super weird for no discernible reason in show. Did they have really bad sex ? is Scott simply awkward after his last girlfriend died? has the novelty worn off their relationship? is the infamous wolf/fox dynamic coming into play ? I do not know and I doubt it'll ever be explored. While I enjoyed the early Teen Wolf Stiles/ Derek chemistry and miss them interacting. I was never really invested in them hooking up. The only openly gay characters on this show seem to be mostly gay in name rather than in action. Danny and gay twin made out once in a hotel and were interrupted by supernatural shenanigans and that's about all I remember in regards to gayness on show. I think there was also a implied sexy scene in the shower while the gay twin was possessed by a fly or something. It's not been particularly memorable. The hetero pairings haven't been particularly bringing it with on screen chemistry. Derek and Jennifer were just creepy with the blood sex. Derek and Kate were seriously creepy with the underage implications Allison and Isaac were weird with the fact she participated in stabbing/torturing him once and the kinky bondage sex near the end. Lydia and Jackson were nonsensical Lydia and psycho twin were just unsettling Lydia and string of randoms was just odd. P.s Thanks for telling me about the infamous boat video. I'd never seen it before today. I can see how the Sterek shippers feel like they've been queer baited a little though. It seems kind of manipulative to pander to a certain demographic by hinting that something will happen and not delivering. I repeat I don't want Derek and Stiles to hook up on screen. Teen wolf suck at relationships and sort of at character development in general. However I would like Derek and Stiles to get more scenes together because even when it's Young Miguel and Stiles they are a hilarious pair. I miss the humor, if Stiles can't have amusing dialogue with Danny because he's wandered off somewhere at least let him be witty with Derek and his issues.
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