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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Ep 3 did lack the narrative punch of the other episodes and the eunuch abuse felt a bit like overkill but there was enough amusement with the Ball and the Jerkass in a can to compensate. Episode 4 was significantly funny with King Richard bonding more with his jester than the Queen had which was absurdity at it's best and probably most accurate when you're looking for a bit of danger and excitement knowing the other person's backstory isn't high on the agenda.
  2. I started watching this randomly today for lack of anything better to do and I was pleasantly surprised. I didn't even know it was a musical and I'm usually disinterested in musicals what with the 'impromptu' perfect choreography of crowds in dance routines but this was slapstick enough to make me laugh. Maybe I was predisposed to like this as I had watched Glee earlier in the day and I actually enjoyed the characters here as opposed to Glee where I hate 90% of the characters. Admittedly the only song that stuck with me afterwards was "You're not the worst" so the music isn't great but the comedy is physical enough without being too repetitive and violent.
  3. These episodes had their moments as long as you ignore character continuity and just danced/sung along to the better numbers... I don't mind the new characters but they've barely had any screen time and they probably won't go anywhere so it feels kind of pointless. I did appreciate Spencer's disinterest in being pigeonholed into some random singing/dancing group just because he happens to be gay. Why did they even want him on the glee club other than he was gay ? Do they somehow know he can sing and dance ? Or has some secret desire to do either ? I found the former highschoolers wandering in and out of the highschool locker room downright creepy. It'd be slightly creepier if I knew how old these people were supposed to be at any point. I stopped paying attention to the timeline a while ago when highschool took 4 years and noone seemed to stay in their respective colleges/dream careers for more than a few episodes without returning to Lima HS appropros of nothing meaningful. Every time I hear how meaningful Glee Club was for their friendships I remember how many episodes they spend arguing and insulting each other while competing for limited leads and laugh hysterically at what 'good friends' these people are.
  4. My point was if Shane never feels anything for any female than what was he expecting when he kissed Karma ? Fireworks, chemistry, sparkly lip gloss flavoring? It seemed to imply that Shane while being an out and proud gay man may have at one point or another had some physical reaction to a girl at some point. Otherwise it would have been like him kissing cardboard and finding it weird he didn't get a boner. There has to be a potential for sexual attraction for there to be disappointment/confusion that nothing 'sparked'. As for male sexuality being fixed on this show I'd imagine it's more of a laziness thing since with the possible exception of Liam none of the male characters have been fleshed out that much. Amy's father doesn't seem to exist, Lauren's father only got some major screen time in one episode, Shane exists mostly as emotional support for the questioning ingenue and Liam's father doesn't exist. Though if we're being technical we have no idea how involved MMA man's Beard was in the deception or whether she was in a somewhat physical relationship with a guy. I don't think anyone has mentioned the use of the 'beard' other than Lauren. There's a gay guy having to go through a woman to achieve acceptance in the wider community. A very serious issue for gay men in the media, athletes, actors, musicians who have to play straight not to alienate their fans.
  5. I'm not sure how they're going to deal with the dropping nukes in Z Nation. Perhaps they'll just have faulty navigation post apocalypse and hit different unintentional targets reducing the overal level of zombies while imcreasing the nuclear toxicity of the nearby zombies area. Would be an entertaining way of killing off that super zombie herd while irradiating? distant zombies with radioactive spores.
  6. That could make for some unintentional dark comedy. Katrina does the spell correctly but fails to appreciate the ramifications of her actions, similar to when she extended Crane's life and unintentionally prolonged Death's life as well. This time she'd succeed in seperating Abraham and the Horseman... and end up with a decapitated Abraham and a more evil Headless Horseman who really is an implacable killer. I could get behind Abraham was tricked into being the Horseman of Death or was desperate but by virtue of the Season 1 finale where he got Katrina as his consolation prize I have to disagree on his redemption arc. Abraham was responsible for keeping Katrina as his captive and has had no apparent remorse for his actions EVER. If he really had been 'freed' after Moloch's 'death' and was a good person deep down he should have shown some regret for the deaths he caused instead Katrina appealed to his 'love' and Crane appealed to his ego. Of course he could be worthy of redemption but I've seen nothing to indicate his desire to be redeemed. Katrina wants him redeemed to ease her conscience for jilting him. That's it. That's not something I can get behind as his actions speak loudly against his redemption. As for Henry if they just took care of the issue or had him locked up before he demon impregnated his mother than maybe I could get behind his redemption . Sadly none of the people they've tried to redeem have been worth the effort. The only person that was worthy of redemption was Sherrif Corbin's son who was truly innocent of his crimes as he was turned against his will and didn't have any idea what was going on.
  7. It's like Katrina thinks the Avatar of Death wanted to lobotomise her free will to have a love slave... Katrina news flash that was your jealous obsessive ex not a demon... I was curious whether seperating Abraham from his demonic Avatar would result in us having the much more interesting and diabolical headless Headless full time. That way they could strip away the Horseman of Death's boring backstory and replace it with pure evil. We could have an actual VILLAIN with no possibility of redemption who gathers an army of lesser demons under his banner. Unfortunately this would probably mean that Team Witness would spend the whole time adjusting to a whinging Abraham and an untrustworthy and useless Katrina as a couple while Crane broods and Abby tries to smack some sense into him.
  8. I like your optimism but based on this show's history. Crane would probably spend the next season pining over his lost love and trying to redeem her as she callously tortures his friends and plots against humanity...
  9. I'm left wondering... Why did Crane destroy Orion halo/weapon? Couldn't he have just pulled it out of HH and therefore it wouldn't have drained HH's power at all. (allowing them yet another cool weapon and a bargaining chip over a powerful supernatural) Will we ever see those demon killing weapons Crane and Abby used again? Bladed demon killing weapons with no costs and no ammo limitations would be useful next time they're dealing with purgatory zombies. Why didn't anyone check HH's cabin before trying to find a magical demon hunting artifact? Why did Team Witness allow Katrina to be the only one standing guard over her previous captor? You think you might want someone more objective standing guard as well like Hawley or Jenny to be like Hell no on letting HH loose with what boils down to a pinkie promise with a demon of the apocalypse. This episode felt like it was powered by Idiot plot. That said I did enjoy the fact that Henry was AWOL... that's about it really.
  10. I liked this episode better when it featured the Dream Lord and Amy and Rory. The dancing was amusing but I was left with the burning question... Wouldn't they have all been permanently brain damaged ? Perhaps that explains the Doctor wanting to take Clara along.
  11. This episode was okay but it felt very like filler somehow. It was nice to see Freddy getting fleshed out a bit with his own interests other than Eliza and sex. That elevator scene was all sorts of ridiculous.
  12. I love how this show can make me feel sad and make me crack up at the relentless wacky absurdity. The Charmonique conversation with the neighbor and the arguments about the crazy interactions with men it implied... HILARIOUS. I love how many secondary characters get a personality and they're all unique and yet not that absurd for a corporate environment about selling ideas.
  13. I've watched the show and at least that show had an excuse for why the Vessen usually couldn't be seen by regular humans. Whereas this show, the meta humans are completely visible to real world stuff like cameras, cell phones, eyesight and military satellites. On Arrow the bad guys are rich businessmen with thugs for hire or crazy people in costumes which mental issues aside isn't really breaking news. People multiplying themselves, blowing themselves up, running through the city as a blur, using weather to rob banks, kill people with lightning should make an impression on a city. Especially problematic is that the General already knows there are metahumans in the city and there is no bloody way the US government/military wouldn't want a piece of that action. If for no other reason but to make sure that foreign countries don't develop the cure to cancer/ have superhuman weapons.
  14. Is it wrong that my most burning issue after seeing this episode is how Science Lady will react when she finds out that the cops lost her special extremely powerful and dangerous tachion prototype. If I was a business type and the cops had essentially blackmailed me into giving up a valuable prototype I'd be demanding Joe's and Barry's resignations for their failure to protect my shiny object of doom.That's me though. The metahumans still being a secret from the police force is ridiculous. Apparently all these super criminals have been active for 6 months to a year. There has to be some mainstream press dealing with the weirdness even if it's just noticing that there were 50 dead bodies with the exact same face and clothes. It beggars my suspension of disbelief. I can deal with Metahuman of the week but noone acting like humans with cell phones bugs me. You'd think the General would have a military satellite watching the every move of the Blur by now. UGH I couldn't care less about who Barry dates. That's not drama, that's dull soap opera especially since the outcome is so obvious. Barry will get with Iris at the end because he's the lead and she's his romantic obsession,
  15. Well they could fix Iris by including her in the loop and she could be either his PR manager for his Flash exploits, help by working with the criminal metahumans in that super prison (she's doing criminal psychology?) to work up a profile thereby becoming a valuable member of the team by helping Barry to deal with these criminals or at least help in providing an idea on what to expect when he confronts them. It's not that complicated, if they take away the baggage of being the clueless super hero Love interest and do something more novel she could get more screen time and agency. Also it'd definitely help Iris see Barry as a man and all those late night working together to keep Generically named City safe from criminal metahumans may drive an incidental wedge between her and Eddie organically without Barry coming across as a weird stalker. I mean... um ... Grant Gustin is hot when he burns off all his clothes and funny when he incidentally strips others with super speed. The actress playing Iris manages to sell a personality even though her motivations at times are unclear.
  16. I thought it looked like Cassandra had scratch marks on her face... So I'm guessing he scratched her face for some Murphy reason perhaps to make a zombie sleeper agent. His zombie king powers seem to be erratic though that may be a result of a weird episode line up . Using nukes as a cliff hanger is way too Revolution to me . God that show drove me bonkers. On the upside I can't wait to see what hilarious nonsensical thing the Zombie King does now. Run super fast ? fly? Did Doctor Death develop a disease to make profit or to fund his own private research into cheating death. That is the question.
  17. The death of a father figure mentor is a classic in most heroic tales. It usually makes their battle with the darkness more personal and compelling. Theoretically. I wish this episode felt more meaningful. I might be in the minority but I miss Moloch junior, he was a fun evil anti christ and I do like a villain of few words. Long speeches bore me
  18. I like the topic. I feel myself getting a bit overly negative over some of the more ridiculous use of comic book tropes. But things that seperate this show from a lot of supernatural/superpowered centered tales. I like that Barry has crime scene assessing skills because of his job. I like that he has a job that isn't based around his alter ego. I like that his team feels natural and not like they are always pandering to him or blaming him for everything that goes wrong but bounce between the middle because they care about him as a person and as a science experiment. I like that Barry has friends and isn't an anti hero loner hiding his actions under the cover of night. I like that Joe Barry and even Iris feel like a close if unusual family. I like that the villains fight back in creative ways...
  19. wayne67

    Eddie Thawne

    I'd root for Barry more in the Eddie Barry Iris love triangle if Barry wasn't switching between being paternalistic about her 'reporting' and watching her while she's not aware of it and actively keeping a GIGANTIC secret from his supposed best friend. I like Eddie even though he hasn't had much character development. He has had some fun moments, losing out on Star Wars trivia, teaching Barry to box, being high on morphine and being generically hot. I wouldn't mind if he turns to the dark side as long as it doesn't feel like a cop out so Barry can get a girl without putting in the effort to confess to Iris about his secret identity which is known to at least 7 people now. That has been done even more than keeping alter ego secret from best friends/family/ love interest.
  20. Well this is where I have trouble with Barry. The Flash could have saved multiple man from plummeting (sp?) to his death if he felt like it; negligent homicide perhaps ? There's also being complicit after the fact in Wells sacrificing Girder to stall Electric guy. Speaking of Electric guy did Flash choke him to death with a power surge ? There's also the soldiers that he could have removed from Plastique's blast range (though I'm not exactly sure on the timeline of his presence so I may just be imagining that one). There's also that guard he didn't even notice dying in the background of the scene with his dad... And the guard who died because he got cocky with Captain Cold. So technically he's less of a murderer and more of an incompetent super hero. Plus with the implied testing of the prisoners while they're contained, he's also complicit in illegal human experimentation. I'd be willing to overlook these as unfortunate but inevitable mistakes of a rookie super hero but Barry the super hero doesn't seem to be growing... He gets more powers as time progresses but he often seems too reliant on his team to do his heavy thinking for him or he completely ignores them to do whatever he feels like much to his and others detriment. Plus I really want to see some progress, or more focus on this whole hunt down the killer of my mother plotline. He's also wildly inconsistent. One moment he's telling Iris to stop reporting on him and then he's showing up all the time flirting with her and giving her information. Pick a stance already. The red Kryptonite just brought out his personality flaws to the surface, they didn't invent them. He was jealous of Eddie before The red K and he was jealous after. He either needs to tell Iris the truth or move on already and try and find himself a grown up relationship based on honesty trust and mutual attraction. This is pathetic.
  21. Totally agree For all Eddie knows The Flash could be scouting out locations for all these criminals and ensuring that they get away with the money. From his POV The Flash shows up at crime scenes with other criminals and then they disappear and the money is still gone and when the cops try and capture the criminal he often interferes. So it's possible that The Flash is using these other meta humans as front men and disposing of them afterwards. Eddie doesn't know anything about The Flash other that he shows up a lot in crime scenes without explanation and doesn't bother to testify and the criminals disappear off the face of the Earth later. I mean Barry is technically a criminal too between property damage, vigilantism, assaults, speeding, kidnapping, false imprisonment of people without trial and at least one case of minor arson. Not to mention he's flirting with Eddie's girlfriend behind his back using super speed to impress her. I'm totally siding with Eddie here. Eddie's a cop and The Flash is a very dangerous unknown prone to poor decision making.
  22. Do you think Iris intriped blogger that she is has noticed the curious absence of resolution to all these meta human criminals? I mean as far as Iris knows they show up cause chaos The Flash shows up a couple of times and then the troublesome meta human disappears with none of their family having any idea on their location ? I mean if there were supervillains running around the place I would like to know what the resident super hero was doing about it. Though I doubt Iris is much of a reporter she's more of a fan girl at this point... or was. After the Flash smacked out her bf and ruined her car she may not be that enthusiastic about a super fast do gooder who reports to noone On that note. Does he get paid by Wells for being a lab rat? Does Wells pay the others? I mean the lab blew up. I can't imagine the funding would be rolling in after that and the law suits should be tying him up in red tape and draining his money reserves. I like that Barry isn't so serious about being responsible for life and death as other more boring superheros but sometimes it seems to lean too far in the other direction. As the criminal metahumans seem more like an excuse to show off his super powers and the search for his mother's killer seems to take a back seat to his borderline creepy obsession with his foster sister.
  23. Things I found amusing Flash tearing through the city with a passenger whose shirt burst into flames. The brief Cisco Felicity interactions, having fun enjoying geeking out together. That the Flash got called out on his sloppy crime fighting. Rage Barry speechifying at Arrow and Joe. It revealed a lot about Barry's demons that he hides beneath a cheery face. Things that bugged me. Barry keeps wearing normal clothes while tearing through the streets at super speeds. Wasn't that at least half the reason he has a silly red costume ? He manages to be late to training with super speed ? He ignored all criticism and endangered everyone around him because he wanted to show off for the 9th time in a row. The Flash/Barry apparently forgot that he told Iris he didn't want her reporting on the Flash because of endangerment and now he's all into it so he can flirt with his former foster sister who has a bf. Combined with the stalking and lying it grates. Barry and Joe seem completely blase about vigilantism, property damage, kidnapping and illegal imprisonment for law enforcement personnel. Cisco don't taunt the meta humans in the cage. Seriously creepy that he's so blase about death threats from super human criminals. The dangerous metahuman didn't even merit a take down scene. Arrow apparently can take superfast punches to the abs. Does he have body armor underneath his shirt ? Semi Related thought This show should modify the cautionary phrase used on comic book Sunspot to "Barry be careful you're fast not invincible."
  24. Did they ever clarify why Henry had an Avatar other than being averse to physical confrontation because of being a stereotypical mage? I'm fanwanking that Henry had an Avatar because he was alive and had sold his soul to Moloch for extra magic power and his Avatar was a physical manifestation/extension of his soul. Explaining why it needed a flaming sword when it should theoretically be shooting fireballs. As for Abraham he was forcibly conscripted as a Hessian, died having his soul sold to Moloch in return for Katrina and came back as a partially reanimated corpse which works on a couple of levels for a Horseman of Death. Instrument of Death and technically dead. Anyone got a canon explanation ? or a better fan wank ? I'm still puzzled as to what the cliff hanger of this mid finale is supposed to be ? The apocalypse was stopped/stalled by Henry for whatever reason and there are even less dramatic stakes for the following episodes. Are we supposed to be worried about something now ? I'm baffled.
  25. I actually liked this episode for about 70% but when Irving died ... I felt nothing. I liked him swinging the sword around killing colonial zombies because it was funny but I kept wondering when he'd turn into a rage zombie and hoping Crane would pry the sword out of his hands before he turned. He's barely been in the show this season and I have a short attention span and I have no idea what was endearing about him in season 1 since that feels like a lifetime ago. And instead the Cranes talked excessively. Yawn. The more Moloch talked the more I said out loud. "Are you serious?" You are the worst evil overlord ever. You do not tell your most powerful minion on the playing field that he's a pawn and he can be replaced easily enough." I'm guessing Henry's betrayal of Moloch is less about redemption and more about realising that trusting a demon to follow through on promises is stupid. Moloch didn't care about Headless not being able to have his prize so why would he follow through with whatever promises he made Henry which I'm forced to presume was something about him being Moloch's right hand man/ son/ lynchpin of the apocalypse. It also made me wonder how many times Moloch has tried this. "Horsemen can be replaced?" Is that the same for Witnesses? At this point I'd rather ditch Ichabod and replace him as a witness with Jenny. Then we can have two sisters fighting the Apocalypse demon of the week ala Supernatural. We can skip all the boring period drama and family drama that the Cranes bring along to the party. I'm hoping Katrina and Henry become the Big Bads of the tail end of season 2. At this point I'm not sure what the cliff hanger was supposed to be or why I should tune in for the next installation but I might watch another couple of episodes before dumping this show on the scrap heap of convoluted plotting.
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