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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I may have missed something during the interminable boredom of this season but why did Team Witness assume Henry was dead ? Shouldn't they be looking for a spell that returns souls to Purgatory or at least ask Orion about it ? *sigh* Katrina is dull as is Henry.
  2. While I do admit that Peekaboo committed crimes, there should be some examination of her motivations and extenuating circumstances before the Flash Gang sentence her to solitary life imprisonment which is usually reserved for death sentence prisoners... And if we were to hold metahumans and above average humans to the same standards as real world law. Wells wouldn't be roaming around free after causing the deaths of 17 people and the resulting mayhem and death resulting from the metahumans... He'd be held accountable for the loss of the prototype tachion device. Barry would be obliged to lock up Green Arrow for being a mass murderer. By that logic Barry is an accessory after the fact to Green Arrow's multiple murders. As for Barry himself, he's guilty of negligent homicide, countless numbers of assaults, attempted homicide of a police officer, multiple kidnappings, false imprisonment, destruction of property, trespass, theft and just this episode assisted a felon in a prison escape. One could argue about him being guilty of treason by interfering with the US Army. The Flash Gang are playing judge, jury and prison wardens, it's totally in their discretion to let non violent offenders out with a stern warning that their behaviour will be monitored and any further infractions will be punished severely. Unfortunately no other meta human can be allowed to be redeemed or inducted into the Flash Gang otherwise Barry wouldn't be the star any more because the other metahuman could steal the spotlight from Barry. I find it odd that no one wonders about what Wells is doing with all this research. Does he still have a company? Does he pay these people anything for their time ?
  3. Regarding Captain Cold's sister, did we even see her yet and is she even a meta human or another human with gadgetry like Captain Cold and Heat ray guy? As far as I know we've only had 2 metahuman females, Plastique who blew up and Peekaboo who Barry locked up because she was a party girl that fell for a bad guy and let herself be used by him. Which is grating since Barry apparently knows this and doesn't care at all about her extenuating circumstances.
  4. Except it's the same thing he told her last episode when she was complaining about not being taken seriously by the veteran reporter. Has she even written an actual article yet for Barry to base this opinion on ? I think not. I'm fine with Barry supporting his friend even if it involves telling her white lies to boost her confidence. I do not accept Barry as the voice of the show continually saying the same thing to Iris in an effort to convince us the audience that Iris has reporting skills. Same reason it aggravates me when everyone tells Barry how great a hero he is when he gets his ass kicked by every metahuman he meets because he never learns anything about strategy after 3 months of dealing with various metahumans, continual training and a supposedly higher than average IQ.
  5. This episode was officially the straw that broke this camels back. The endless propping of Barry and how great a guy he is. Yeah we get it, he means well, big whoop. Along with Iris being told she's a good reporter repeatedly by Barry. Um no reporting would require her to investigate and report something rather than regurgitating information she's given by The Flash or random citizens. If they want me to buy Iris as a reporter she would have pulled out a notepad and a pen during the standoff with Flash and Captain Cold and Fire guy or at least pulled out her iPhone and taken photos or something. The fight scenario is getting old and repetitive. Barry gets his ass handed to him by the metahuman of the week, then tries again without a plan and fails, gets told how to defeat him/her and as he's flailing around Wells tells him again the bad guys weakness. Someone inevitably props him 5 minutes before the end of the episode, then there's usually a scene with Wells or Grood doing something weird dodgy. As for the prison... It's a retrofitted super collider chamber... There is no way that prison makes any sense and the fact that they show the Flash Gang gloating over their prisoners so callously all the time stretches my belief in them as good guys... If there's a toilet in the prison cell, Gas guy would escape. Also the way Peekaboo described her breakout... WAKING UP IN STRANGE PLACES. It either means that she was sleep teleporting or she can actually teleport without seeing. She didn't seem like a hardened criminal and her prime motivation for stealing had just abandoned her so it wasn't likely she was going to be committing any more crimes anyway. I wanted to like this show because Grant Gustin is a talented guy but this show makes it hard for me to root for him when he's just like "I'm going to lock you away forever and your bf ditched you now I'm going to continue talking about my love life seeya". Sadly I can't stomach the stupidity of the fight sequences, the prison set up or Iris being lauded as an awesome reporter or Barry as a great super hero.'' Why was Iris so blase about Barry investigating the meta human of the week. He's a CSI tech, that's not in his job description despite all the lies the show CSI perpetrates. *sigh*
  6. That would be kind of dark ... On the other hand I'd be happy if Emma would die, I find her existence on the show tedious. I think it's how her voice sounds as she yells at Leo over and over again about stuff...
  7. Galavant is awesome :P The difference though is Galavant is an entertaining satire about the medieval fantasy genre with random musical numbers that the characters don't take seriously. While the characters of Glee started off as semi sane normal individuals set in 2000 and something that joined a Glee club and now the show is ripping on itself because it's run out of actual material. The character ages and personalities fluctuate. Galavant characters have characterisation that remains consistent even as they change because they're reasonable character developments. Though the last 5 minutes of Galavant basically felt like the last 3 episodes of this show where it's random nonsense thrown at the wall. The difference being Galavant broke the 4th wall in a tongue in cheek way because they didn't know whether they were going to be continued while Glee basically seems to be giving it's fan the double bird where they get favorite pairings together by essentially mind raping them or imprisoning them. Glee seldom is entertaining in a legitimately entertaining way more of a "this is a so awful it's kind of funny" whereas Galavant started off sort of ridiculous but still managed to have characterisation, a romantic subplot, an actual friendship between Gareth and Richard and humor. I care about the Galavant characters because while they're caricatures of medieval archetypes, they have a purpose, things to lose, things to gain a real chance of dying if they're unsuccessful. Glee... Well whether these new characters succeed at Sectionals feels irrelevant because they've been around 5 episodes and we know little about the new people. That and it's bloody show choir, there are no gallows if they fail and the school has gone back to not caring about Glee after its 15th mood flip about the Glee Club. It's like Popular. That show started off a little nutty and went full out nuts but still had semi coherent rationales for the character behaviors. Glee seemed to stop caring a while ago about things making any sense. Sue walks up to Sam and he says he's hypnotised. There's having a laugh at yourself and there's having a laugh at the audience. Then again that's JMO... YMMV
  8. The question becomes if the characters are not supposed to be taken seriously and their motivations and characterisations shouldn't be taken seriously then why bother watching to see what happens to them? I mean if you don't think of the characters as people to invest in then it doesn't matter if they live or die or get a happy ending. I know I don't take anything seriously because I hate or find myself ambivalent about every plot point for the last 3 years. The only reason I watch lately is that I like some of the song performances and the awfulness is sometimes entertaining in it's own unique way. That said if they died all in a fire at McKinley High School I wouldn't be upset. Simpsons is a cartoon, pointless antics and noone aging is a cartoon standard based around not having to learn to redraw something 15 different times after doing it a 1000 times the same way. In a live action series if characters don't have any forward momentum the show ends up becoming a bleak commentary about how for some people they peak in highschool and spend the rest of their lives wishing they were back. Which is odd for these people considering all the bullying, slushing and backstabbing that these people engaged in and are idolising as some sort of ideal.
  9. Though using it as part of a romantic subplot makes you wonder what the message is? Drawn together by being creeped out by a psychotic principal ?
  10. I found the Sue Saw Doll on a tricycle hilarious. Klaine had zero chemistry in that elevator as far as I was concerned. No heat at all. I found the addition of Spencer and Kitty ridiculous. Spretzling those characters to service the plot as per usual. The songs were mediocre. Winning a pointless invitational by trespassing and stealing songs they know emotionally effect the only judge of the competition was typical. I cheered when that Senior Vocal Adrenaline guy shut down Will and his nonsensical crap about winning not being important.
  11. My problem isn't that she's lucky. Barry is lucky he got super powers. She's lucky to have landed a job with a presumably major newspaper with very little concerted effort. My problem is that she apparently had some burning desire to be a journalist sometime between finding journalism dull in episode 2 and now in episode 11 she's admiring a journalist for something and Barry is propping her journalism skills of which she has no actual journalism skills that he is even aware of. She's apparently been blogging about The Flash for months with no interest in discovering who he is. I think you misunderstand my use of the word investigate... Investigate as far as I'm concerned is going out to a place something happened and getting statements from witnesses, corroborating those statements with video evidence and reporting the details. As far as I'm aware she has a open blog that people comment on and she reblogs that information without much investigation. The version of investigating she seems to engage is more the type of emailing someone for information and assuming it's correct without corroboration which is fine if you're blogging but isn't the same as investigation. It's the difference between googling something on the internet and randomly regurgitating 'facts' and going out to the library and finding several books from people with actual background in that field whose conclusions at least have the air of authority about them. I'd imagine you idolise/admire people for an easily stateable reason. You at least know their achievements. Did Iris have a reason for admiring that guy ? If I say I admire Nikola Tesla I'd give a reason like he made a great tv vampire and he has been a figure of pop culture for energy weapons. Half of that is fictional but at least I know something about the guy. Iris works under the guy and could have googled him faster than I managed to finish this response. Knowing someone's achievements is a basic way of endearing yourself to someone. As far as that guy is concerned she has no experience with journalism and the only reason she had Wells talk to her was because of a second hand connection through Barry. And Barry taking a super dump could be hilarious. They had a mountain of discarded burger wrapping showing the energy input necessary to keep him functional. I'm wondering how he takes off the suit while he's in a hurry. Does it have a zip ?
  12. I don't remember a single time she investigated anything. I remember her mentioning to Caitlin that she would ask the people who spotted fire guy for further details. Admired a while back ? She complained about having to do journalism on a science subject in episode 2 which as far as I can gather in show time has been a few months if that. Which means that the time line for her interest in the guy is probably a month old and winning a Pulitzer or 2 should have some impact on her memory if she admires him as much as she claimed. We don't actually know she did that much reporting on metahumans, we heard a voice over featuring a couple of sentences on the Flash and have no idea how much or how little information she gathered on metahumans. Judging solely on the fact that Caitlin had to ask if there was any more information about Fire Guy I'm guessing she didn't include useful data like time date and place in her blog otherwise Caitlin could have just used her upgraded computer network to find him herself. Then again none of these characters do logical things so who knows what the implications are supposed to be. Cisco is supposed to be a genius on the same level as Hartley according to Wells and yet he still bumbles into a booby trap and fails to secure a dangerous prototype ice weapon. I'm not sure how dangerous Pied Piper would be without technology. It's been several months now hasn't it and Barry is still making the same mistakes which is rushing headlong into battle overconfident even with a team of super scientists helping him to understand his limitations and after getting his ass handed to him by a non powered Arrow who shoots arrows of all things... Not fancy super weapons, arrows. I'd appreciate if Barry found some humility to go with his incompetence, it'd make him so much more likeable.
  13. I guess my problem with it is that the only reason she started blogging about metahumans at all was to prove a point to Barry/the World about magic being real or something. I don't remember her ever saying she liked journalism or cared about it or had any enthusiasm or passion for journalism. She blogged which is entirely different from journalism because A) you can say whatever you like as it's generally an informal setting B) there's no emphasis on presenting an unbiased point of view. It's like saying that my interest in writing Xmen fan fiction means that I can pursue sports writing because I like writing. Journalism theoretically is held to higher standards than internet blogging. Secondly we have no idea how many people were following her blog about metahumans except Caitlin, Barry (sometimes) and Girder. Also writing a blog doesn't mean you start admiring random journalists. I mean how much can you admire someone if you can't keep track of whether he won 1 or 2 major writing prizes? Iris has been shown as consistently slack about research which means she's a terrible journalist, she doesn't know how many prizes her mentor won and she didn't even want to do any research on science stuff because she had a convenient person to do the hard work for her. Blogging requires very little investigation from what little we can gather from her blog she basically posted rumors of metahumans sightings and was given information from the Flash because Barry has the hots for her. I've seen nothing to show that she works hard for anything journalism related other than telling her father and foster brother she wasn't going to quit the blogging about the Streak/Flash. She got the job because she used to have an IN with the Flash before he dumped her and possibly because she has inside information as she's the daughter of a police man. That said I don't mind Iris though I find the fact that Barry and Iris have yet to have a conversation about his confessed feelings deeply frustrating.
  14. I think this is my major problem with Flash, I like that the characters have a sense of humour but it comes across sometimes as callousness. Cisco in particular gloating over Piper about keeping him in a meta human prison cell. Meanwhile Barry fights every battle with every criminal more or less the same way, run and hit, run and circle, run and exchange meaningless barbs with super villain. How many times must Barry get his ass handed to him by the villain of the week before he starts taking combat training or reads up on battle tactics or something. Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I'm sick of the Wells evil foreshadowing snippets. WE GET IT. Wells is dodgy. Is that science woman ever going to make a return to complain about her missing Tachion device that Barry basically blackmailed her out of ? I wish this show felt like it had some continuity. I can't take Iris's job as a journalist seriously when she says she admires the famous reporter and she can't remember whether he won 1 or 2 pulitzers, she sounds like a terrible reporter to me, lazy about checking facts.
  15. I'm curious why exactly they needed the statue If Male Vitali turned Carmila into a Vitali as part of some death ritual why did she need this elaborate con or the statue ?: I'm confused. Is there anything that fire and iron can't kill ? It was a slightly better episode than usual though I was left wondering why they were so desperate to get out of the vault so quickly. There seemed to be no impetus? to get out that minute other than Crane's claustrophobia and disinterest in awkward conversations. So when Crane picked up the sigil and remembered and thought about Orion why didn't Orion show up? I must stop thinking about logic or picking holes in the writing.
  16. I was simultaneously amused, disappointed and confused during the last 5 minutes of the show. Gareth being promoted for denying Kingsley to his face and Madelana stabbing him in the back was hilarious. Isabel being stuck in a box for her child fiance was creepy. Galavant going on a road trip with Richard had potential . The problem is I don't find any of the dangling plot threads cliff hangers per se. There's no real threat of danger to the favorite characters except possibly The Chef but Madalena probably won't kill him as then she'd have to find another cook and it seems like a lot of effort. I liked the series for it's musical slapstick comedy but I'm not sure I'll miss it that much if it doesn't get a second season.
  17. I didn't even notice Becky in a lobster suit... I just thought it was an odd song choice since I remember hearing it when when I was like 12 and getting second hand nostalgia from it. I googled it and the original came out in 1978. Does this show ever realise that this show is supposed to be populated by 16-20 year olds and that they should have a few songs from the year 2000 or at least the 90's. I find it helps my sanity to ignore basically everything that doesn't make sense or is stupid . Essentially I only like some of the songs.Everything else in Glee is a red hot mess that I struggle to retain 5 minutes after the episode. I don't find Glee all that progressive, just another vehicle for tokenism and reinforcing stereotypes.
  18. I guess I was the only one that enjoyed this episode. Everything was so stupid and ridiculous it was funny in a dad joke kind of way, so transparently awful the attempt is kind of funny. Perhaps it's because I only had 30% of my actual attention focused on any of the ridiculous plots and characters while playing a game and doing other things. It probably helped that I stopped caring about the Glee characters around season 4 and I only watch it for the random fun mash up song so I don't take this show seriously. My frequent refrain during the episode was "That's so stupid." Personally I found Rachel asking her friends who are coaches of different teams to basically dial back their performances for her barely cobbled together team typical of her general air of entitlement, that the world must bend for her 'talent'. I liked that Blaine said no though his tone came off weird as if he was trying to go for indulgent preppy but came across as lacklustre. If invitationals don't matter than losing shouldn't be an issue since no one can lose in the first place so what does it matter ? She could have been a good teacher and learned from Will's poor example and talked to the students beforehand and used it as a TEACHING EXAMPLE. "These are our competitors these are their strengths these are their weakness let's build from their performance and get 8 new members before Sectionals". If Jane and Male Twin looked up New Directions performances last week, what's to stop them from seeing a Vocal adrenaline performance online. They don't live in a vacuum. Personally I always thought the point of Arts was learning to express yourself through hard work and determination not having victories handed to you through cronyism. MEH this show has so many mixed messages it's a confusing mess. I have this terrible feeling Blaine is going to tell his team to have a nose dive because of his feelings for Kurt. UGH I really hope the New Kids get some plot lines soon otherwise they essentially become more plot devices in the story of the boring Originals who can't escape their former environment for more than a few months at a time.
  19. I was confused by the conclusion that Beard Guy was dead because of the Avalanche all 3 of them survived with very little damage... I'm hoping Beard Guy comes back to haunt them like Conway Stern and Bionic Barry.
  20. Um because they kept having the conversation about how needed to get 3 grand repeatedly in front of Grayson's customers, or maybe he has security cameras inside or outside the bar and he checked the video tapes. It would be lame if he stole the money to prove some kind of point. Does Jules work any more ?
  21. This show set the bar so low I was excited when I saw Katrina wearing a different outfit, I was like 'YAY she's finally ditched her corset fetish wear and is wearing something semi normal'. Unfortunately with Crane's weird hair styling choice and his outfit the mood didn't last long. Unfortunately after the first five minutes pacing became an issue for the entire A plot I kept wondering why after coming to the conclusion that the painter in the painting was evil and killing people that they just didn't throw it in a fire and be done with it. While I appreciated Jenny and Abby having some sisterly interactions Jenny's characterisation was completely off. Jenny spent time prepping for the apocalypse, hunting down supernatural artifacts throughout the world and generally being a badass. Having her seemingly dependent on Hawley's arcane knowledge came across as a retcon of her entire character. The digging up a corpse without gloves I could appreciate but not putting on gloves before riffling through it's pockets or insides is just bizarre. I'd still be grossed out while wearing gloves reaching inside a squishy corpse and I'm a guy who spent a year manhandling pig carcasses for a living. Wearing gloves is a must for hygiene reasons even though they do little to reduce the level of squickiness of the unpleasant task of ransacking a corpse. They could still have their gross out moment without completely compromising the intelligence of one of their secondary characters. BAD SHOW. I'm not sure I'll watch this show much longer, it's getting to that point where it's not even fun to bitch about, it's just dull. There's no major antagonist, Team Witness has split up so they can focus on a boring witch who seldom does magic and when she does it's either too slow or relatively useless and everyone's IQ's have dropped 50 points (except Abby). "Henry may be dead" That doesn't even make any sense and is based on nothing and is infuriating. They should be hunting down Henry and making sure he pays for his crimes or finding a way to contain him.
  22. I may be stupid but when Cisco explained the bad guys weapons my first thought was "wouldn't those shields have cracked from the superfreezing followed seconds later by superheating??" I'm fairly sure that was the method used by the Fantastic Four to defeat Doctor Doom by super heating him and then pouring water on him. The fluctuation from one extreme temperature to another being bad for his metal. Those shields should have imploded from the extreme temperature fluctuations. Also super hot and super cold doesn't necessarily equate into a conveniently disabling explosion. How about Barry just throwing one of the shields at the bad guys... Then again I guess that would require Barry to have a battle strategy that doesn't read like it came from a comic book. So apparently Eddie/The police department is totally cool with Flash/ Star Labs now? Conveniently forgetting that Star Labs lost a valuable prototype device from a rival company, killed or mutated a whole bunch of citizens, incidentally armed a super criminal with an advanced weapon and that Flash tried to kill a police officer and is basically a vigilante. Does that mean that Eddie's Flash Task Force will be abandoned ? Because The Flash is still breaking the law more often than not. Cisco seems to have forgotten that those criminals had their super weapons long enough to learn to repair them...
  23. I have trouble caring about this issue because in universe it apparently had no impact on anyone other than Kurt apologising to Britney afterwards and having a really boring discussion about Blaine. As for whether it was actor bashing. I have no idea whether Chris cares about anything that happens on Glee as he's probably counting the days till he's free of this tedious show and can move on with the rest of his life. It's GLEE, nothing really matters for a lot of reasons because there is no consistent characterisation, there are few meaningful consequences to anyone's actions and they're all tiresome individuals who insult each other on a semi regular basis for no apparent reason and are trapped in toxic relationships with their former highschool elective club members. What I found more troubling than Kurt and Santana and their toxic friendship was Becky's Story line in this episode. What was the message they were trying to convey with that crappy SL , that Becky had no qualities a 'generic nice guy' would find appealing other than the possibility that she may be 'taken advantage of' because of having Downs Syndrome? Becky has never struck me as the vulnerable type what with the constant abuse of peers with her position as Sue's 'best friend' and her apparently high functioning status. It felt really offensive somehow because they were either trying to say that Becky is a horrible person that noone will love and will only be victimised by predatory males which makes Roz, Sue's, Tina and Quinn's concern confusing as they either don't consider her a fully realised person capable of making her own terrible decisions or they think it's their place to monitor and control her behavior. Does Becky have parents ? I mean I hate Becky as being yet another tedious character that has had no growth as a person but it seemed weird that her 'best friend' would consider her 'less than' solely due to her condition. Then again this is the show that had her fire a loaded gun in a school and traumatize dozens of people with no consequences so who knows what they're aiming for with her or her storyline other than trying to be inclusive by trying to tick every box on the diversity check list.
  24. Only 4 members of the Glee Club and only 2 of them actually performed their homework to an audience. Rachel and Kurt are really taking after Will's poor teaching example.
  25. On a completely different note Did Roderick and Female cheerleader end up singing anything during their Glee assignment ?
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