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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. accidental double post. Is there a way to delete posts ?
  2. Peter choose alcohol over Aisha. She's dull and sanctimonious. Ditch her. I love Kyle and her antics, at least she seems to be having a good time with her antics while the others complain about the lifestyle incessantly and Nancy Drew about trying to solve a murder in daylight. Why should he care about a 40 year old woman investigating his father ? She should know better. He's not responsible for her and her grown ass daughter. Caring about a 4 year old boy being hurt is way different than being indifferent to a 22 year old being inconvenienced by her mother's firing from a job she only took for the purposes of spying on Sloane without any official back up from anyone. Aisha lied to her bf an episode later after lecturing him about trust by saying the situation was fine with her dad.
  3. Perhaps the point of the scene was that Britney was burning the bridge between Santana and her Abuela. Normally I'd say that it was short sighted and stupid and mean spirited and completely inappropriate but it's Glee and nothing these people do has any real consequences. Abuela basically disowned Santana 3 years ago so at this point it's a case of I waited and hoped you cooled off about your hatred of my love life but guess not so goodbye. It was ham handed and felt way too like it was saying to the audience "Fuck the haters, give them both barrels." It's a terrible message and a mediocre scene but I did enjoy that her heart didn't magically grow 3 sizes bigger after lies, deception and a song.
  4. You mean the two other gays in the village who have disappeared off the reservation for seasons at a time ? I don't remember Sebastian ever wearing anything other than the Warbler outfit so I can't comment on his fashion choices. It's a shame that the actor who played Sebastian got his own show where he's the main character so Blaine couldn't date someone that had bullied him as well. Karofsky showed up as a straight bully for most of his 29 episodes and Sebastian was only in 7... so their net effect on contribution to gay stereotypes pales in comparison to Kurt and Blaine.
  5. My thoughts Derek is a red hot mess Aisha has become tiresome with storming out whenever someone doesn't do what she wants. Terrence is doomed. Zero should just stop bothering with Jelena. As for Pictures of Zero surfacing, he's smoking hot and naked by himself... I'm not sure how having naked photos of him about would hurt his image. He could just lie and say someone snapped him while he was undressing to go skinny dipping at a friends house. If he was photographed having cocaine snorted off his chest by randoms that would be a different story entirely. Anyway Zero would probably find some way to benefit from the publicity,the media does love its bad boys.
  6. I'm so glad this is the last season of this show. It feels like they've tapped their well of inspiration and are just scraping at the bottom half heartedly. This isn't even a fun episode to complain about. I don't know who Burt Bacharov is and I still don't. I didn't find any of the songs memorable and I miss hearing Jane sing. It's sad that Sectionals are 5 weeks away and the NND's will probably win because the coaches of the other teams are vacillating wildly between colluding with NND or hanging out at McKinley ignoring their actual responsibility to the teams they are supposed to be coaching. As for LGBT taken seriously. Are we talking about the show that mocked Unique as being the same as Mercedes? Or treats Kurt as a mood accessory to Rachel's whiny self indulgent bullshit (I find Kurt tedious as a character too but still), that completely rewrote Blaine from cool older guy at a different school to creepy crusher who is now younger than Kurt. Who ends up dating his ex's highschool bully. Where Britney swings wildly from acting like a 10 year old to talking about hypercubes. That all gay guys on the show minus Spencer have a fondness for elaborate wardrobe choices at highschool and have an encyclopediac knowledge of every show tune and stage celebrity for the last 50 years. Where the Karofsky suicide attempt is now being made a retroactive joke ?
  7. I wish I could agree but Kurt and Blaine were locked in an elevator to restart their relationship after their second or third breakup. Blaine's relationship with Kurt's former bully is incredibly dysfunctional and the potential incest has been shoved in a black hole of stupidity. Kurt apparently wants to date a 60 year old man... Kurt dumps Blaine for the 3rd time in a row and now desperately wants him back or not... It's unclear. I don't think any of the LGBT characters are getting significantly better treatment than the hetero pairings. They're all terrible written relationships with Britanna being the least toxic maybe... Isn't Kitty being a student and Artie being a college guy all sorts of weird and creepy ? Or is that just me ?
  8. I'd like to know how drunk is too drunk to give consent because that sounds like a horrific minefield. It'd basically mean that you couldn't ever have drunk sex or sex with anyone without giving them a breathalyser test to make sure their consent wasn't influenced by alcohol. Obviously black out drunk is a different story entirely but any drug including sugar, caffeine and nicotine has an effect on your brain as do tonnes of medications does that reduce ability to give consent? I'm so glad I stopped clubbing. I think the confusion is in part to that trope in tv shows and movies where a woman says she finds a man repugnant and then they start kissing or having sex appropos of nothing. A lot of stupid teenagers pick up their cues from fictions. It's scary...
  9. The problem is more that having all your supercriminals in one place makes it super easy for the next super criminal to break them all free at the end of the season. As for the Flash Gang super prison, they've had 3 break ins to Star Labs (Electric guy, Reverse Flash, Captain Cold before he had a super weapon), 1 break out from Pied Piper due to lack of proper induction security protocols, 1 failure to restrain a prisoner during transport(Pied Piper), 2 deaths (Metal Man and Electric Man). Star Labs security is awful and keeping all those super criminals around without 24/7 security is ridiculous. I'm just hoping the season finale pays off in a big way when Grood or whichever super criminal breaks them all free. The police failed to keep custody over Clock guy, Captain Cold and Heat ray guy. So far there are 3 super criminals on the loose due in part to the Flash Gang; Pied Piper, Captain Cold and Heat Ray guy. Noone seems concerned about that or that Reverse Flash is still about. How much of a threat are they really when the good guys aren't even looking for any of those 4...
  10. I'm so sick of all the needless Rachel propping, just because she's a talented singer doesn't mean she automatically succeeds at anything realistically. I keep being reminded of the talented girl from Make it or Break it who refused to listen to anyone else's advice and did whatever she wanted and completely bombed out her Olympic career because she had no real discipline or dedication to the activity. Rachel seems to be unable to do anything any more without propping from the Glee Club, she's become increasingly dependent on random people and their pep talks to find motivation. I find it super distracting that they mention that Sectionals is only 5 weeks away and none of the New Kids got any time in the spotlight or was shown to have any mentoring by Mercedes who spent most of her time at McKinley trying to make Samchel happen. *Yawn* Rachel was an annoying Diva during her Broadway experience burning her bridges in tv land and Nyada and Broadway ignoring her contract and insisting that she didn't need an understudy. She needs to start from the bottom instead of randomly getting a killer gig in some musical nonsense at the end of the season. Ugh this show. Neither Will or Blaine seem to want to spend any time coaching their teams.
  11. The problem with your argument is that Barry has never been shown to care about whether people want to be super speeded around or not. Barry thought he had disabled Pied Piper and super speeded him to the prison. He didn't ask or look for consent for transporting Pied Piper to his secret prison. Pied Piper is just another in a long list of people that Barry has super speeded into the super collider prison. The fact that Pied Piper expected to be trapped in the secret prison doesn't retroactively give The Flash consent to move Pied Piper around like an inanimate object to a location of his choosing. That said I do feel like this argument has lasted way too long and we're just going around in circles. Ignoring all of that . How did Pied Piper know their secret prison was a retrofitted particle collider ? I mean it's an odd choice to hold people. You'd think it'd be easier to sedate them all and just shove them in a cryo chamber or something. I mean if I was going to build a super secret prison I wouldn't build it in my workplace where other people might have access. Presuming there are other employees at that building and the police wont want to sniff around for clues for the stolen Tachion device.
  12. I guess it's a matter of perspective. When Kevin in Home Alone set up traps in his home to stop the Burglars breaking in to his home, was that not an act of self defense? That too was technically a trap... I'm not saying it was self defense. I'm saying a lawyer could argue self defense on the grounds that evil HP is a relatively weak human up against a super fast vigilante who had already locked him in a cage once. They could also claim temporary insanity, diminished capacity or a whole bunch of other things if he had a trial. The problem becomes their vigilante justice is self serving and incompetent as Pied Piper escaped their custody and the other 3 geniuses didn't even notice his absence on the security cams or wonder where Cisco was. If they were concerned that Pied Piper was an actual menance to society than they should have been investigating possible places he could be instead of detailing Peekaboo's mirror prison. Not only does he know their security protocols and prison layout, he could reveal them to the press and the cops and achieve his stated goals of revenge on Wells but he wont because PLOT ARMOR and Contrivance.
  13. Firstly the original Trojan Horse was a GIFT... Piper just showed up at a place caused chaos waited for the Flash to show up and was snatched off the streets in plain view of the cops... Consent has to be verbal. At no point did Piper agree to be captured dragged miles away and locked in a secret prison. So consent is absent. The fact that he planned on being captured doesn't negate that The Flash has no legal basis for transporting him by force to a prison cell of his making. As for the cops, they have worked with The Flash in the past, he was part of the plan to capture Yellow Flash which means they know that The Flash can be contacted either through Star Labs or Joe. Which makes them complicit in his actions because they have shown no interest in curbing his activities. Barry works for the police as does Joe. 2 members of the police force colluding to illegally capture and restrain super criminals without any regard for the constitution would give grounds for a civil suit against those cops and most likely the police force that hired them. ' Joe is a police officer, he has a duty to report crimes. Also he would have a duty for reporting information about active cases to his partner/boss and his failure to do so would be under the grounds of his employment. Pied Piper attacked cops ... in broad daylight, there is no way that the police wouldn't be looking for him, Joe is complicit in concealing his location from his boss, partner and the police force. As is Barry, though as a CSI agent I'm not sure how much the onus to share information on an active ongoing case would be. Joe however would get fired and be held accountable and accessory to the ongoing kidnapping and imprisonments. Not to mention that no one seems to care about the disposal of the Corpses of Metal Man and Lightning man. (I can't remember their names) Do they not have families that might want their loved ones returned post mortem for a funeral ?
  14. You know what would create great tension is if Iris comes to visit Barry or Caitlin at Star Labs while they're sciencing and notices the security cam to the secret prisons and then they have to figure out how to stop Iris from reporting it. I mean Iris now has the Flash's photo which is just weird with an iPhone that she managed to take a picture of his face somehow without him noticing. It would have made more sense for her to get security footage from when he was loitering around after the car explosion getting thanked by that random civilian. I want some real stakes! What will they do when they have a problem that Flash's fists of incompetence can't lock in a secret prison? If Iris becomes a threat to Star Labs will Wells reveal his hand to protect Barry's future will it shake up the relationship between Joe and Barry, Joe and Iris, Eddie and Iris. Iris finding out that Wells has a secret prison would be a MAJOR SCOOP and would gain her the respect she suddenly craves from her reporting job. It would be awesomely ironic as it might have been diverted if the Flash had told her real identity and she'd be torn about it but revealing that The Flash takes criminals into his secret prison would be... dramatic. Would reveal the dark underbelly of secret vigilantism where noone is held accountable.
  15. You think when they were working with Red Flash to capture Yellow Flash they had a look around the super secret prison and ignored it? I mean they would have to scout the location to make sure all the entrances were covered with motion detectors or something first. There's so many gaps in the storytelling of this show, despite having Joe, Barry and Eddie as conduits to the police department we have little knowledge of what the police think about all these metahumans and random humans with super weapons wandering about. Eddie wanted to start a task force to detain and question The Flash and then for some reason lost interest in that idea and never followed it up with a MetaHuman and SuperVillainy department.
  16. If he didn't provide consent and they have no authority to hold people that means it's false imprisonment and kidnapping as they can't prove his intentions because the question would be who are all these other people you have locked in your secret prison/illegal human experimentation facility. From Wikipedia Claim of false imprisonment To prevail under a false imprisonment claim, a plaintiff must prove: (1) willful detention; (2) without consent; and (3) without authority of law.(Restatement of the Law, Second, Torts) Kidnapping First, the nature of the offence is an attack on, and infringement of, the personal liberty of an individual. Secondly, the offence contains four ingredients as follows: (1) the taking or carrying away of one person by another; (2) by force or fraud; (3) without the consent of the person so taken or carried away; and (4) without lawful excuse.[2] I don't think claiming that Pied Piper wanted to have his civil liberties taken away by the Flash Gang would go over very well in court.
  17. I'm guessing you forgot that his original appearance was to make himself a trojan horse so he could get inside the Star Labs for a reason I've now forgotten. By the time the bridge happened he had already escaped their custody once. Thereby making them guilty of kidnap and false imprisonment against him. If he had been captured by the police or taken to police custody he wouldn't have much of a case. However since he was locked up at least once by that point if he had a good lawyer he could of at least argued it.... Their excellent wardenship allowed him loose on the world again so he knows about their secret prison and could leak it to the media at any point and none of them seem overly concerned which is why it's hard to root for these guys. Noone seems concerned about cause and effect and it doesn't feel like there is much of a continuity.
  18. I never said Pied Piper was a good guy. I said one could make the argument that it was self defense. You know if he got a trial for his crimes, he could claim that Flash held him in a super collider prison and he was fearful of his life so he set up a trap to capture his kidnapper and things went out of hand. Since The Flash is technically a criminal he wouldn't be able to show up at court for testimony. Once his weapons were broken he could blame everything on The Flash and Wells which is the real reason he was locked up in their prison instead of a normal one. So he couldn't reveal their secrets. Of course he won't because Plot Contrivance. How exactly did Barry save someone from a falling car ? I must have missed that part... Did he develop the power to fly or super strength while I wasn't looking ?
  19. I'm fairly sure Cisco was playing Barry a playlist of songs off his facebook or whatever during the first episode but it was so long ago I have no idea. As for Barry's hobbies, it's science experiments in the garage with Joe and in the CSI lab, investigating his fathers unfair imprisonment (which is ironic considering his third job as a prison warden) , watching Netflix, super speeding around saving people from car explosions and general niceness at super speed, being chronically late and underprepared for everything. That last one is probably more of a personality flaw than a hobby. He's also great at karaoke and terrible at fighting with a side order of good at running... Iris lived at home for 20? years, indeterminate age, wanted to be a cop for some reason and was denied by her dad, blogging about metahumans because of Barry and his adolescent angst and is apparently a good reporter. Also goes to school for criminology and now wants to be a full time reporter who sidelines at a coffee shop? while going to school. Oh and dates Eddie her dad's partner. As for Pied Piper if your archnemesis is Wells and Barry is in the way, the easiest way to solve the problem of his defense is to kill Barry. I'm not saying it's a particularly moral choice but it's either that or get locked up by your old boss and coworkers who you probably didn't like much the first time around indefinitely. Of course the only reason he staged the showdown at a bridge is pure plot contrivance. He could have set it up somewhere where he pre prepared an audio trap like his home but no that would mean Barry would lose and stay down and that can't happen.
  20. As far as I remember we've seen Eddie's bedroom but not Iris's bedroom... I could be mistaken, perhaps we saw her bedroom filled with her personal effects and I didn't notice... Iris doesn't have her own friends, she doesn't get to spend any meaningful time with her father, her only hobby that we've seen is blogging about Flash and various other metahumans. We don't know what kind of music she likes, her hobbies, if she is ever going to respond to her foster brother confessing his feelings for her. I don't think the last episode would pass the Bechdel test as there are only 2 women on the show and they seldom interact but to talk about Barry. And to be technically accurate Pied Piper didn't throw anyone off a bridge. He soniced those cars into the air and one could make the argument that Pied Piper was defending himself from the super powered human who theoretically punches with the force of a mach truck and had already previously kidnapped and imprisoned him. Was Barry punching Peekaboo with the strength of an average man or at super speed? Who knows it's not like there's any real death to the endless fisticuffs. At this point I'm still not clear as to why Barry loves Iris. Her gumption ? Because she rescued him from more dodgy foster homes? Hormones? He supposedly loved her since he hit puberty so hormones seem like the most coherent reason. At this point it seems like loving her is more of a habit. Unfortunately as a super hero love interest she doesn't get much focus so it makes it harder to understand his appreciation for her when he could use his fame as Flash to pursue other women. Then again it seems to be another one of those comic book cliches, superheroes can only obsess about one female love interest at a time even if he doesn't trust her enough to tell her that he's insert superhero name, rescuing her whenever she becomes a damsel. It's all so repetitive and dull. It's 2015 Flash give us a reason why Iris and Barry should be an endgame couple or go home.
  21. Well it's either they're ordering take away for their secret prisoners or they're cooking for them. I'd imagining ordering takeaway for your illegal kidnap victims isn't that much of an imposition. Cisco was trying to pump his prisoner for information and he was providing no incentive to do so. Pied Piper asking for some sort of reward for something Cisco wants isn't entirely unreasonable. Considering Pied Piper was a smug jerk when they started the project then got kicked off the project for citing a concern to the general public that Wells ignored and then went a little disgruntled employee on his former workplace... locking him in a cage isn't going to improve his general disposition. Why should Pied Piper help these people ? They locked him in a cage without a trial and he's not allowed to be a bit snide about it ?
  22. They could have moved to a new apartment together so they could make it theirs together. Who knows though, it's not like Iris gets much of an inner life. She hardly even gets meaningful screen time with her own father while Barry hogs her dad for emotional support while she doesn't get told there was a death threat against her. Somehow I became an Iris supporter... weird.
  23. My problem with Barry leaving Shanker behind isn't a moral one but a logistical one. It ignores the fact that people in gangs/prison usually have allies, friends, associates and connections that might seek retribution for Shanker's treatment on his father That there was no way for Barry to know that Shanker wouldn't get another 10 years at the same prison once they heard his story that the Red Flash broke him out How did Barry super speed his way through the cell doors exactly? That Barry is super fast and the 3-4 seconds required for Barry to return Shanker at least to the inside of the prison if not his cell isn't that much of an effort That he just did another criminal act inside and outside a prison that should have some security cameras and he should now be back on the radar of the police for engaging in more criminal acts... My biggest problem is that none of this will be addressed as Barry continues to learn nothing from Oliver's advice or from his experience fighting metahumans. Peekaboo shouldn't have been much of a fighting threat, all Barry really needed to do was grab a hood and put it over her head and her power would have been voided. The fisticuffs made no sense. There was no indication that she had gained super strength with her teleportation power and not to belabour the point but can Barry fight anyone successfully the first time ?
  24. At least in that show the police had legitimate reason to be hunting him down. He was killing random mooks and the ridiculously wealthy. The show had some justification for Oliver being a bit bat shit crazy, 5 years on an island with people trying to kill him. He also had his former body guard call him out on his craziness all the time. In this show, they gloat over their prisoners which ignoring the entire prison set up just feels like kicking someone while they're down. Barry the supposed good guy seems to delight in gloating to people trapped in their solitary cells with no hope of parole, conjugal visits or exercise outside their cells, he did it with Girder (I know it's the robot name but it makes more sense for metal man), Cisco did it to Pied Piper. It's all so unnecessary and undermines these people as good guys. It's one thing for Wells to be doing secret experiments on the dead metahumans even though there should be security cameras all over that place. Also that prison has security cams inside the cells so the prisoners don't even have an illusion of privacy. It just seems to be cruel and unusual punishment for these people who are often a victim of circumstances and poor decision making. There's no need to continue to rub it in their faces. You could just defeat them and have a cutaway scene where the "Good Guys" say such and such is in the prison. We don't need to see the prison every episode as it just rubs the illogic and cruelty continually in the audience's faces.
  25. Except Barry needs food and continual maintenance hence the Flash Gang. Wells is always going on about how the metahumans and their powers have limits and all of them seem to be energy based as the human vessel they are in can only do so much before they need to recharge with food and or rest. Even if we hand wave that somehow these metahumans don't need food or sleep. That still doesn't excuse the lack of entertainment options, they still have human psychological requirements; human interactions, sunlight, relief from endless tedium and exercise. Also why did they need an elaborate mirrored cell, couldn't they just have just shoved her in a basement without windows? And they had Pied Piper who is an actual human who definitely requires the normal food and rest and maintenance and it seemed like Cisco was taunting him by denying him the simple request of Thai Food and we saw his room and none it would make sense for basic maintenance of a human being.
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