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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Does she have anything else to do ? I mean other than scissoring Britney does she have a job now? Last I remember she was working as a waitress in New York. Then she was a understudy for Rachel until that blew up and then... I don't remember . Though apparently Puck can just take a couple weeks off from the Army to hang out in highschool doing nothing relevant anyway. These characters might as well be caricatures for all the depth their lives have over their actions.
  2. I'm amazed that people feel so passionate about these characters after all the character assassination that happens every 3rd episode or so that undermines their supposed friendships with another member of the group. I would have found the rant funnier if half the insults weren't wild swings at viciousness. Gentrophile ? I had to google that word to understand an insult lobbed by a 'college drop out' to a 19? year old. Talk about an obscure insult. That and Kurt dumped Blaine... Whatever his reasoning it wasn't because they were too young to get married... That would imply that they got married and realised they got married too young and it didn't work. They couldn't even function as live in boyfriends for long, marriage wasn't the problem; they were. I'm not a fan of Klaine.
  3. ITA it's why I laugh hysterically when they talk about how Glee Club made them all friends. These people can't even follow through on a pact to meet up which implies that they didn't talk to each other for the entire time between last season and the start of this season otherwise they would have been like I'm busy or I CBF'd ... Rachel can't stop being an egomaniac to let her supposed best friend talk during her 'lessons' or help him deal with the fact that the guy he dumped moved on... 70% of these characters could die in a fire and I wouldn't care. As for the people who don't irritate me, it's mostly due to lack of screen time as in the new noobs, Mike and Guitar guy being the ones that spring to mind.
  4. I loved the line "31 different types of sacramental wine" Kingsley and Madalena would make an excellent power couple of evil entitlement. The song with the Chef and the handmaiden was both hilarious and depressing. It reminded me of the Cosmo Jarvis Pirate song... This show is hilarious. It's a shame that it's probably going to be a one and done season.
  5. I'm confused by Kurt, he dumped Blaine and now he's upset that he can't have him back when he's lonely. I wish all these people would move far far away from each other and stay away from each other and their highschool. Pretend to be well adjusted adults who can move on with the rest of their lives. All their relationships with each other are some dysfunctional combination of sexual, stupid or shallow. As for Santana and Britney. They could have a long engagement. Proposing doesn't necessarily mean you're obligated to marry within the next 5 minutes. Also didn't Will propose to someone in the Choir room in front of his students which is far more maladjusted than Santana proposing in front of her 'friends'. I may not retain much from this show...
  6. I hate Kurt and I found a very small portion of it funny (the part about his dress sense and his dance moves) but the majority of it just felt like a long ambling dig that went nowhere. As for whether anyone deserves a rant... Sue verbally abuses everyone as does Becky. At this point in the Glee characters lives they seem to just ignore verbal abuse. The rant would feel more uncalled for if we saw any sort of reaction from Kurt afterwards, he just seemed to be blanking out Santana's rant and he didn't mention it afterwards, he was still preoccupied with Blaine for every other scene afterwards so there was no impact shown/felt. I hate Kurt but I still think he should move on already. He keeps breaking up with Blaine you'd think he'd buy a clue and stop getting back together with him, obviously it ain't a good fit. The reason it didn't work isn't because they're too young, it's because the relationship is a mess. Kurt spent the entire episode projecting his issues with Blaine on everyone else including 2 glee club members giving their first performance together.
  7. Yeah I think it's a bit of a reach to get homophobia from that . He may just be a terrible kisser ... I also don't think Santana is afraid of homosexuals so I doubt she's homophobic, maybe she just didn't like Kurt during that minute monologue. I think the entire Glee club has become so used to verbal abuse they barely even acknowledge it these days. I think the most dramatic thing was when Santana and Rachel's argument got physical.
  8. Considering they can't keep the Originals motivations consistent from episode to episode I doubt it matters much if the new people have backstories or sympathetic motivations as they'll be ignored for random plot points anyway. My issue goes to does it matter if they don't win? It presumably should matter if Will's team loses as he has his livelihood at stake whereas Rachel is bankrolling Glee out of what seems like existential boredom. We should be following Will as he tries to get his team to nationals in order to keep his child fed with the Originals popping up to help the guy who supported them through their many whiny personal dramas but we don't because Mckinley choir room blah.
  9. I don't think these 4 noobs can pull of a Sectional victory by themselves. Then again it's not like they have to be talented to win... They won last time even though Will often had lesson plans on the fly and they'd randomly adjust their set list at the last minute for some personal drama.
  10. I'm fairly sure the virus killed 7 billion people in the year 2017 so I'm not sure why the reviewer is mentioning those fictional 2 billion because they wouldn't exist. Then again I'm not 100% on that virus timeline and also the reviewer was probably drunk while watching this. After all if you're going to say don't bother explaining time magic to me and complain about story mechanics in the next paragraph credibility is a fast slipping concept. I didn't love it but it was tolerable and sometimes that's all i ask from my sci fi.
  11. It's okay. It's the internet, it's easy to misread people's meaning when so many people get unnecessarily worked up about fictional characters. I'm curious whether Spencer will be lured into the Glee club by Sam using his 'good looks' to manipulate him into joining. They're running out of time to recruit 8 new people to the Glee Club.
  12. I was aiming for facetiousness but perhaps that didn't convey via text... I'm going to call Blaine an emotionally stunted man child with obsessive tendencies around having everything play out according to some internal script where nothing is touched and everything and everyone obeys his every whim... Eg his puppet episode... God I miss those puppets... I'm still not clear as to why Kurt is so upset about not being with Blaine since he A) broke up with him B) they've been proven not to work repeatedly C) Blaine is dating his ex bully D) Blaine cheated on him E) Blaine is a freaking control freak F)They got into a 3 hour argument over towels somehow... I'd imagine normal people would just submit after the first outburst and be like i'm sorry about using a towel to towel myself. I'm still confused as to how Kurt having a go at 2/4 out of the new Glee Club is constructive. Why must they win ? Can't they be in an extracurricular activity for fun ?
  13. Well yes 80% of the episode was either offensive stupid or boring... It's glee... But gay batman jokes and a scheming manipulative gay jock provided a few moments of amusement in an otherwise tedious episode.
  14. On an uncompletely unrelated note did it bother anyone else that Britney said that she'd love Santana into infinity. They do realise that's a number not a measurement of time? Right? She supposed to be a maths genius somehow... Can't they just say eternity like normal people. I do like the fact that Sue was all like I think secrets and lies were why I divorced myself. This show is more tolerable if I think of these characters as absurd caricatures... Remember that time when Kurt used a towel for his face and got into a 3 hour argument with Blaine over it... Kurt is despicable.
  15. To be fair to Santana she does have her redeeming moments like breaking Rachel out of funk no 99 or having a complicated but strong love of Britney whereas Becky started the episode calling people stupid whores before asking for their help. It would have been so gratifying if they just said "NO THANKS we don't do favors for people who insult us as a hello." As for Kurt, I'm not sure he was poo pooing their engagement because he cares about Santana and Britney's prospects but because he was still emo about Blaine. He also ignored the fact that Blaine proposed while they were seperated and that Santana and Britney's relationship is completely different to his and Blaines. Also Santana proposed when she was 19? when Blaine proposed when he was still in highschool so there's miles of maturity between them.
  16. What I find so grating is that all these 'adults' take their verbal abuse lying down. Rachel just stood there silently as Kurt was being continually insulted. Tina and Quinn listened to Becky call them stupid whores like 20 times in a row as she asked for their help. I'm not sure if it's the only consistent characterisation for these characters that they're essentially wimps or just lazy writing where noone has to write an argument with 2 sides to it. You think being in the Arts for however many years they'd be better at expressing themselves by now. Guess not. The moment with Ros felt weird, Sue doesn't seem like the type to require backup to tear apart someone. I keep thinking of all the times they called Sam Trout Mouth... This show rips into the actors appearance constantly. Last episode it was about how 'tight' the cheerleader outfits were. Speaking of where's Kitty?
  17. God I hate everyone but the noobs but only because they haven't had that much toxic screen time as of yet. Kurt was insufferable Santana was the nicest I remember her being this episode minus the vitriolic rant aimed at Kurt. Only half of it felt like legitimite criticisms and the rest was just meanness about his looks which while I hate Kurt a lot seemed like overkill. Kurt noone asked your opinion about Britney and Santana, keep your mouth shut. You and Blaine have your own issues such as Blaine being OCD about towels and his weight and being insecure and all his other many issues. Becky is toxic and has no redeeming qualities as far as I can see. I don't know why any of them bothered to help her and I wouldn't tolerate her existence around me for 5 minutes. It seemed weird that they were talking about the road to Sectionals when they still require 8 more members just to participate which means they have 10 episodes to recruit those members and get them to harmonise with the rest of the noobs.
  18. Did I miss the part where Rachel had a mental breakdown? I thought she had a terrible pilot and was laying low while it blew over. So I'm supposed to believe Rachel went off the grid for months because she was embarassed about her public failure. Shouldn't she be used to being a public failure after that kiss with Finn during Sectionals where she was the laughing stock of the Show Choir community and highschool and NYADA and everything she failed at and then got through with *cough* perserverance. Glee sucks at characterisation. I'm not sure why I'm watching other than to see how this train wreck ends.
  19. Venture Bros and Archer both have continuity and running gags that only work if you pay attention for the run. Glee doesn't really have that except if you're still trying to keep track of how many of these people dated/screwed/screwed over their 'friends' during the course of their time together and even that is mostly pointless because the majority of the time these people don't act like people with actual typical reactions to those 'betrayals'. I did find it funny that Kurt was left in the cold and the rain by his 'supposed friends' because they're all too self involved to show up. Then again he's an idiot for not just calling them a week before and reminding them of their 'pact'. These people are shallow self involved idiots which was fine when they were 15/16 but now that they're supposed to be 19/20 just comes across as them being stuck in toddler stage expecting the world to bend to their every whim and tantrum. How old is Puck and Quinn's daughter now ? Shouldn't one or both of them be stuck at home looking after her ? I don't remember them having much in the way of extended family to look after an unplanned child. Maybe that's where Puck 2.0 disappeared to, stuck looking after his neice/cousin?
  20. Here's an Unpopular Opinion. I'd rather they kept Captain Frank Irving a corpse. I had enough of Andy reappearing as a corpse/necromancer the first season. Just kill a character and be done with it already. How am I supposed to take death seriously if people keep popping up from the grave? It was okay with Mama because she was a ghost (barely) but too much contact with the other side trivialises the already low stakes of this apocalypse. Another probably unpopular opinion I want the good guys to lose their battles more spectacularly (more colateral damage) as they do a mediocre job of preparing for demonic threats. I want a higher body count and more scrutiny from Abby's supposedly tough boss. *hunkers down to duck rotten fruit*
  21. Unfortunately it'll probably be during a fight over competing for sectionals or regionals or whatever and they'll all say sorry later and the actual valid criticism of Rachel never listening to anyone unless it serves her own ego will be overlooked for the millionth time. Yes Rachel is talented but she reminds me of the 'poor girl' from Make it or Break it who was talented and ignored every rule because she had to do it her way instead of actually asking for support from her friends and the support network in place. So she ended up pregnant and washed out of the program even though she was the one most 'talented'. I want to see Rachel stay crashed and burned because it doesn't feel like she's ever really worked that hard for stuff. She fails and she gets rewarded with unwarranted second chances because plot... and she never ever learns anything. I mean yes she learns a lesson about teamwork and not letting her ego get the best of her for 3 seconds and there she is trying to dominate everything like in the Glee Club. Speaking of ? Wouldn't they need an actual teacher to sit in on the new Glee Club since none of them have a college degree or presumably has been cleared to work with children in a professional capacity? That and considering their lack of boundaries and self control I wouldn't want them around my kid (My theoretical one ). Puck hooked up with a teacher and is presumably deserting his post to hang out with his reject high school friends. What happened to Unique and Guitar guy ?
  22. EXACTLY. I mean I don't care that Mike wasn't in the group but it feels weird that they're going on about how close they are and they seemingly forgot one of their friends. Emma's absence during the first couple of episodes just made me wonder if that pamphlet thing was still a thing. To be fair it's hard to care much about any of these characters lives as continuity isn't really a strong suit of Glee nor is logic. For instance if a highschooler slushied an adult that doesn't even get paid from that school, Rachel would be within her rights to sue that child for assault or damages. Then again this is a student populace that doesn't seem to care overly about dogs or a pig pen so I struggle to see why letting them have a music program is so important when they probably all have Ipods anyway and can listen to music any time they want anyway. It's hard to root for characters that are essentially sitcom characters that are never allowed to progress in their lives which is more problematic than usual because this is the time when their lives should be changing the most and yet their lives all appear static enough to drop everything to go hang out with their 'friends' at their old highschool. The ARTS appear to have done little to help these people grow as individuals. I hate Kurt but I still pity the guy for having to be stuck with Rachel who can't even let her supposed best friend help co run the new Glee Club. I really wish that Rachel could pick herself up once in a while instead of everyone having to drop everything they're doing to prop her up again when she epically flails. Where's her grit, her determination to succeed ? Must not think about plot in Glee or characterisation... or anything. That way lies madness.
  23. Possibly but considering the amount of effort put into the show as of late re editing of scenes that could have started as a blooper with one of the 'highschool jock extras' throwing a ball around for veracity and hitting the actor and they went we're super lazy let's make Kurt look stupid again. Everyone from Glee Club 1.0 having the time during college/post highschool life to recruit and mentor a large group of unknowns into some semblance of competitive shape by Sectionals is ludicrous. Rachel's whole spiel about the arts being important is undermined by the student populace of Mckinley high NOT GIVING A DAMN. The only people interested in Glee were the Incest Twins and Dalton dropout. Roderick was press ganged into it and Spencer will probably be pressured into it. This is what happens when you don't let characters be characters and you treat them like set pieces where you move them about as you will. It's hard to care about their journeys because they will be randomly disrupted as plot demands for no reason and usually assassinating the prime motivation of the character in the process eg Rachel abandoning Broadway after a month because she was BORED. P. S where is Emma ? how is she dealing with a squishy mess machine ?
  24. Despite the fact that I have grown to loathe Kurt's face and his emotional scrunching of said face I have to say it's not effeminate to not catch something. He was being glib when he said he was 'open' and didn't react fast enough to actually catch the ball but I'd imagine he's at least capable of catching a ball that's lobbed at a decent speed when prepared; otherwise his participation in the football game would have been more laughable than it was. Also fencing/weight lifting skills as far as I know have no correlation to reflectively catching balls during unrelated conversational attempts to recruit someone into an elective club. I'd prefer Spencer's inclusion in the Glee orbit if he started being Kurt's arm candy to aggravate Blaine rather than him being needed to join in a Glee club whose existence will be gone by the end of the year in universe as Rachel will probably be given yet another unwarranted and unrealistic mega break and will leave Lima again. Maybe it's just me but I find it creepy when a whole bunch of older people try and pressure someone into an activity they're not interested in for their own selfish reasons and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. For example when the Glee Club Verson 1.0 swarmed Roderick in the library and he reacted by preparing himself to go into fetal position. I'd imagine most highschoolers wouldn't appreciate being swarmed by a dozen maladjusted adults who have unhealthy frequently toxic relationships with each other and spend an absurd time at their former highschool . The Glee Club is an elective and these 'adults' are pressuring teenagers to join even though they have no qualifications to run such an activity without an actual teacher involved. I really wish this show would let some of these people GROW UP AND MOVE ON already. It's getting ridiculous and downright depressing now.
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