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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. For some reason this season isn't holding my attention. I think it's because now that Jamal is becoming Lucious 2.0 I have noone to root for. I just don't like anyone on the show.
  2. Claire is a terrible ambassador, she spoke out against the Russian President in a press conference, undermining US Russian relations, then she essentially demands the Israel's support undermining her relationship with that country too. She really needs to learn to be diplomatic instead of mouthing off all the time. Didn't she used to run a multinational charity organisation. Shouldn't she have better people skills ?
  3. The spitting on the Jesus seemed offensive, not because I hold the statue in any high regard as a general atheist but simply because he's taking some ridiculous actions that could easily be spotted by a stray satellite/paparazzi (pissing on the grave) or by a stray cleaning lady/nun/ parishioner or even one of his secret service goons. The offensive concept is not his desecrating what others would think as sacred objects it's that it's breaking the suspension of disbelief that is necessary even more so than all the chronic 4th wall breaking. You can't have the POTUS going around acting like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum and acting out and breaking things for a variety of reasons, it's OTT and OOC for Frank to get that worked up about anything so minor as a lecture from a priest or his dead dad, 2 it's a poor optic if anyone sees him doing either of these things. It reminds me a little of Zoe which was also a high risk act but this time there was no reward. For a highly functional sociopath it just seemed ridiculously pointless, it gained him nothing and exposed him to tonnes of risk.
  4. Unless it's something she specifically asked him "Have you had sex with other guys?" it would be a lie of omission and depending on how long ago it was, he may not consider it very relevant. For all we/she knows it happened when they were 14 and it was something that happened 10 years ago. Micheala phrased it as "you afraid he might pick up someone worse than me, aren't you?" to his mother which could mean anything from a bimbo gold digger to a himbo. In his mind he might consider it a period of his life where he experimented then went back to liking girls when he was out of boarding school. There's no indication he was using her as a beard, if so, he wouldn't need to marry her for that. He could just have an arrangement with a woman to be seen with him in public and not run the risk of emotional entanglements and pregnancy. For all we know he only ever had sex with one guy in his teenage years and it's not like Michaela asked for more details she just assumed he was still on the down low and would run off with a dude behind her back. It's a bit of reach. Especially since there's been no indication that post her, he's moved on to banging dudes. Also it's hypocritical to be judging someone on something that happened way before you met them and claim some fake moral high ground about it when you recently moved a corpse...
  5. He gave up his chance to join an exclusive prestigious summer arts programme so Karma's parents wouldn't suffer consequences to selling drugs to minors... I'm fairly sure Karma lied to him about being a lesbian and then said she was in an open relationship and did guys sometimes. It's not like he heard she was a lesbian and went straight after her. Karma lied then pursued him lying some more and involving Amy in a whole series of lies including a threesome that everyone felt weird and uncomfortable about. When exactly did Liam's father say he would be cut off if he did art ? I don't remember that at all. It's not like Liam could have enrolled in the art school a day after those charges were dropped. His grandfather could have taken that very badly and reneged on the deal and Karma's parents would have suffered the consequences. This way Liam has spent weeks/ months working at Schwerkel and his grandfather tried to buy off his non girlfriend for an obscene amount so he now can't trust his non girlfriend or his grandfather so he's relying on Shane to give him a place to stay and if Karma suffers consequences he probably no longer cares any more. I really hope they end the whole Karma and Liam thing, they are toxic together and boring as hell.
  6. Does that mean she told him everything about her previous life, the one she apparently tried to escape from ? I doubt it... and it's not like she didn't keep secrets from him. I don't think a relationship should require you to tell your fiance about every single sexual encounter you've ever had. Anyway it didn't seem like she was upset that he kept a secret but that he was talking too much to attractive guys and that he might run off/shag one. Which is more of a lack of trust about his ability to be monogamous. Being monogamous is a completely different issue than not telling about your highschool/boarding school experimentations.
  7. That whole check thing was ridiculous, why pay so much to a highschool girl that isn't even pregnant with Liam's kid... I guess Karma really does make a terrible impression on people. As for Liam being angry, the art guy who he thought was his maybe daddy turned out to be another guy trying to use Liam to get what he wanted, maybe he's worried that not only is Karma using him for sex and social status but is now using him to get money. It's not that unreasonable to be angry after he sacrificed his summer and that art program for her and she doesn't even value their quasi relationship to tell him that his grandfather tried to buy her off after knowing about his family drama. Karma did only hook up with him in the beginning because he was hot and popular and lied to him to get into his pants... Their relationship is saturated with lies and weirdness.
  8. Liam is a saint ? I don't think anyone in the show or fandom think Liam is a saint. In the show he gets criticised by Karma for being a rich kid, an artistic poseur, a shallow guy who wanted to bed a lesbian and is currently being raked over the coals for having a drunken one night stand with her best friend. Fandom is even less pleasant about him, insulting the actor for lack of talent, blaming him for having screen time, blaming the character for existing or being present and getting in the way of Karma and Amy and their co dependent relationship. I'm more concerned that Reagan decided drugging someone was a good way of getting revenge. That was so completely out of line. I was really hoping Liam or his father would fire the both of them for being completely unprofessional and potentially ruining a million dollar product launch by being petty highschoolers. Except Reagan is even more insecure than Karma and she doesn't even have the excuse of being in high school. Moving on I'd like to see Amy try dating other girls or boys and see what she likes. I don't see why she should have to tie herself down to a sexual identity at 15 to make other people happy.
  9. I'm growing fond of Felix. I didn't really think much of him in his first appearance but he's coming across as that quietly loyal friend and his drama seems to much more low key than everyone else's constant psycho drama which is a nice change of pace.
  10. I'm finding Shane harder to take when he's by himself. When he's with others his vindictiveness and short sightedness is sort of amusing but when he's left by himself he tends to out people's secrets, sometimes including his own. Dude needs to learn to keep his mouth shut once in a while.
  11. Apparently the conversation is over anyway. Still trying to decipher what the point of this 2 parter was. The Doctor essentially spends this episode sulking in time before having a conversation with Davros then has an overly elaborate plan to try and kill them all for the 50th time. It never works and it's become laughably pointless having Daleks as villains, the show says they're scary but they're tin pots that X ray people to death and are slaughtered en masse with ease. For a species that is apparently against everything that is different, they still have insane asylums, hospitals and sewer systems that serve as really odd repositories for old Daleks. You'd think if they are really violent sociopaths they'd just dump their old into a black hole or use them as cannon fodder in whichever war they're having that day.
  12. Also how did the Dalek Slime destroy or infiltrate the Dalek shells, if they are supposed to protect the squishy insides from atmospheric conditions on other planets? I guess starting a Dalek Civil War sort of avoids the Doctor being directly responsible. Of course it's completely stupid that mobile tanked Daleks are completely overwhelmed by Dalek Slime. Also the Dalek Slime attacked everyone but the main characters... I'm so sick of the Contrivance. Literally everyone around Clara was being slimed to death somehow and she just wandered away in a tank shell.
  13. In most cases the Doctor isn't a soldier in a war. Soldiers in war are answerable to someone so when they commit war crimes they are held accountable. The Doctor is an adrenaline junkie who bounces from one calamity to the next hence all the manicness and gloating. Demons Run made it clear that he often goes too far. For a man who claims he wants to make people better or whatever and is against violence most of his solutions are homicidal. For instance he seldom tries to reprogram the Cybermen instead they usually end up dead or blown up from his tampering with emotion inhibitors ignoring the Cybermen used to be people. There is a middle ground between not interfering and murdering an entire race because the leader/mother is a vicious asshat eg the fish vampires. He could try putting them in stasis, or prison or working with the people under attack and improving their defenses or trying diplomacy or relocate either of the sides. He's a time lord, he can pop into a future time line or use the magical room in the Tardis that supposedly produces any technology and just manufacture a giant shield around the area. He should be able to put the Cybermen in standby mode. He's supposed to be a genius. Am I supposed to believe that the solution to any problem is just to kill anyone in the opposite side of a war against humans. I've only seen a few seasons of Classic Who and the only thing that sticks out is 1st Doctor ditching his grand daughter Susan in Dalek infested future Earth for reasons that never made sense. Oh and he stood by and let the Brigadier cave in an area with sleeping Silurians. I've never liked how they've treated the Silurians.
  14. I'm confused. Hasn't the Doctor ostensibly committed multiple acts of genocide? Admittedly some of them have now been retconned but I'm fairly sure he murdered all the little Aracknos babies and he did think he killed all the Time Lords for a few hundred years and he has killed countless Cybermen and Daleks and fed the Angels into a crack in time. Usually it's hands off or through companions but it's not like he's never participated in a good massacre. Sometimes he just talks enemies into death like those little clockwork men with wigs or he just paints a target on an enemies back and lets other people kill them for him... Other times he just traps enemies in hell like prisons for all time, Dalek and Cybermen armies, family of Blood, Carrionites. Other times he implicitly ignores the genocides committed by his companions, the Brigadier, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble. Cops don't tend to orchestrate situations where an entire race dies off in favor of humans. For instance he planted a subliminal message in the moon landing so that Humans would forever hunt down the Silence wherever they were, completely disregarding human fatalities that would result. ETA Who was the Magician's Apprentice ? Clara? Missy? Davros ? Or was it just a meaningless title ?
  15. I liked the parts where Missy treated Clara like she was disposable because I'm so sick of people in the show treating Clara like some super special snowflake of specialness. Other than that the episode was odd, disjointed and full of contrivances by the bucket ful. I think I'll tune in if there's another Missy episode or when we get a new companion but otherwise I can't tolerate the haphazard plotting, the lack of cause and effect and random characterisations and monologuing of this era any more.
  16. Yeah this episode depressed me, no one could shoot a moving target even when they were walking forward directly into the line of fire. It was especially bad when Roberta and 10 k couldn't hit a target from close up. Also when did Addie become mace shy? she didn't even try and smash in a zombie face. Lame. I really hope the next episode starts bringing the zany and competence back to our survivors otherwise I won't be able to enjoy the episodes much.
  17. Honestly I have to say I was underwhelmed by this episode. I don't think I'm as emotionally invested as I was. They just seem like a bunch of hyenas fighting over a dead carcass and it's like meh. Honestly I didn't get why Cookie gathered everyone together to tell them that Lucious bailed her ass out of the consequences of the hit she organised on bad intel. Way to get everyone needlessly in the loop about another murder while you're still fighting over Empire... Honestly after the first slap I would have pushed Cookie out the door and then fired her ass for assaulting the CEO of the company she works for. He may be her son but he's not 5, she can't just slap him when he annoys her. It's juvenile and pathetic. Hopefully the next episode is less frantic. It would have been better if they extended the threat of Chris Rock's character for more than one episode (at a minimum 2) because it's a bit sad when a Big Bad is taken out of the equation in the first episode. Honestly what is the season conflict now ? Whether Jamal will keep the company ? Whether Lucious gets out of prison? Neither seem compelling to me. Maybe it's just me though.
  18. The Senator she blackmailed ? and got away with doing so... I don't think he was infatuated with Daphne but it was a while ago so I may be misremembering. I stopped watching a while back, I got sick of Daphne's self righteousness and chronic entitlement among the repetitive romance storylines.
  19. Yeah I found the resolution to the crime very slapdash to be honest. Did they even arrest or question that guy ? It was like we found something with a victim's blood on it in a safe deposit box that we broke into during a bank robbery. Wouldn't FBI lady be in trouble because she helped him essentially rob a bank for evidence? Also that guy is supposed to be a NZT user so wouldn't he have a good lawyer on retainer for exactly this sort of situation. Also is taking NZT a crime ? I don't know about this one, it reminds me of Mentalist with the genius helping detectives which was funny the first episode but all his many crimes became ridiculous. Any decent lawyer could throw out most of the cases he's involved with. I don't think having a civilian consultant means you can ignore evidentiary procedures and laws at whim.
  20. I binge watched this season over the last couple of days and I was utterly annoyed by the season finale. I was more upset that Dandy died than any of the others at the freak show simply because Dandy actually had development and screen time whereas I barely remembered the names of the other freaks other than Paul. Jimmy apparently was exonerated off screen for being responsible for the Tupperware murder somehow or had someone post bail for him ? Lizard Girl went from being a candy striper to a victim? of group sex/ gang rape to being in love with Paul for whatever reason to being all vengeful and homicidal towards her dad to forgetting he existed. None of the character arcs really meant anything or even existed. Elsa got her own personal heaven despite orchestrating a brutal stabbing of her ex bf for lack of sufficient servitude to her whims, the selling of the twins to get them out of the spot light along with the murders of Dell and Ethel. As for her meteoric rise to fame as a variety show host. MEH. I guess in Ryan Murphy land, being a selfish, self involved nightmare to work with means you should get awards and recognition no matter how many people you step on and screw over in the process. I guess it was too much to expect that anything in a Ryan Murphy series would have any resonance or consequences. Stuff just happens. Conjoined Twins can just murder their husband a few hours into their marriage and run off with a guy who said he wasn't interested because... NO REASON GIVEN. At least Coven had some magic to amuse even if the constant resurrections sapped meaning from character deaths. This season cops were murdered in the town and no one cares for longer than a minute. On the upside Finn was probably the highlight of the season and I feel sad that Evan Peters best season was when he was a mass murdering ghosts who raped his love interest's mother in Season 1. I liked Twisty he was menacing for a few episodes before his mediocre back story was revealed.
  21. For an entertaining Hogwarts for Witches look into Worst Witch in School. I have distant memories of it being quite entertaining way before the Harry Potter franchise became so popular. I did find it odd that Misty was the one that didn't come back from the netherworld since she had already did that the first time she appeared to Zoe. Self resurrection under much more strenuous conditions. It did seem like a last minute cop out. Too many contenders have to kill one off now... She could have failed any of the other tests and still stuck around till the end of the episode especially since it seems that it turned out everyone and their pet dog could resurrect by the end of the season anyway.
  22. The Time War was apparently time locked which may mean that despite any attempts to stop the Daleks from existing, they'd still would be waging a war against the Time Lords though honestly I'd be happy if the Daleks were wiped from existence and I didn't have to see a tin pot Dalek ever again. Isn't it amazing how after a while all the Doctor Who villains become neutered from overexposure. After millions of Daleks and cybermen dying I can't really take them seriously as threats to anything.
  23. Isn't Rose in another universe and isn't Donna kind of prohibited from knowing about space time stuff in case her brain explodes from left over time lord memories ? I did find it hilarious that Clara was compared to an old couple's dog, she is loved dearly but the couple knows that while the puppy can be taken on walks/adventures she'll die and will probably be replaced quite a few times before the end. Other than that I kind of dreaded seeing a new Doctor Who episode but it wasn't as bad as I expected until the part where they disappeared/disintegrated, mostly because I've seen that before in the episode with the Big Brother in Space where a contestant was teleported instead of incinerated. Also it does kind of lower the stakes when everything becomes a timey wimey solution. I liked the hand mines though. I really want new villains, I'm bored of Davros, Daleks, Cybermen, Silurians and the Master. We get it, they are classics in a way but all of time and space should have some more variety in villain of the week.
  24. I just assume Vasquez realized that this team is full of hardcore survivors and figured he'd have better luck getting the bounty if he threw in his black hat in with our heroes. That or he saved Roberta for the same reason that woman with the big rifle saved 10 k, saving someone from rape, death or zombification is like the post apocalyptic version of giving your love interest flowers. I really want Addie dead now. I find the character so flimsy most of the time. Oh well maybe without Mack around she'll show some sort of interesting personality.
  25. I vaguely remember she got injured in the leg somehow and the sister wives were supposed to help with antibiotics but they were too busy recruiting new members to do a good job or something... So as she lay dying of some sort of infection Murphy chomped her face on the off chance that it'd prevent her from becoming a zombie after she died or to make a hombie... (It's unclear what his motivation was at that time since it happened off screen) Why isn't the next episode out. I'm impatient for wacky hijinks.
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