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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. While I don't want hysteria, it would be nice to have people reacting with a bit more confusion, surprise or other human emotions. At the very least asking a few questions about their death, afterlife and current situation would provide some useful information for the audience. Stuff like how you've been sleeping? any nightmares about death? was there a heaven/hell/limbo ? It'd be like someone coming from war and everyone being too polite/intimidated to ask how it was. Humans don't tend to be that reserved. It's not like the revenants have to answer the questions but it'd be nice if someone asked. It would make the situation seem more realistic at the very least.
  2. Well this was the first season I've seen of these people so I'm limited in that way as to characterisation. Being pissed at someone snubbing you in real life and having a short temper is still MILES away from writing up a hit list and grabbing a gun to go to school with the intention of... unknown agenda. Maybe it's just me though. I'm not sure what the gaming team hoped to achieve if they were piling on Maya because she had a bunch of haters for her song already and were hoping to use that as a cover. Hunter seemed to find Maya personally responsible for his gaming club's demise even though it seemed like the other girl's agenda. It would have made more sense character wise for him to go after her via swatting with the whole racial profiling thing. It seems weird that they'd go after only one recent member of the feminist club and ignore the leader of the club or any other members. It smacked of plot contrivance. IMHO
  3. Hunter went from a gamer nerd to full on trying to murder a bunch of people for flimsy reasons in record time. That whole family needs therapy. Hunter went from sympathetic to completely different person in a blink of an eye and I don't know who he's supposed to be. When he was holding the gun in the room I wondered if he was thinking of suicide. After all his friends hate him and he's got nothing else going on in his life except apparently his brother. I don't know why his gamer crew went along with the trolling or the swatting. It's an extreme overreaction to not being able to play video games at school.
  4. I miss Jude and Zero as a couple. They were so cute together. It seems super tacky the way Aisha is treating German as her backup man because Derek isn't a goer at the moment. As for the team buyout... SNORE. Is it just me or is this forum dead ?
  5. I'm just assuming Harry's parents are on a long vacation or a war or something. They're royals who know what they're up to.
  6. These episodes were hilarious :p I especially loved when Gareth told his troops that he loved them... That royal rap battle was so random. I'm going to miss this show when the season is over.
  7. When the Night Children smarmed about the accords, I wondered if that covered the whole kidnapping a mundane and also accord with who ? I liked Simon more than most of the other characters... but since I don't like any of the other characters it's not much of a recommendation of his impact. It's just nice to see somehow freaking out and being suspicious in one of this supernatural tales since most others just have them confused for a few minutes then immediately jump on the supernatural bandwagon. I agree that these shadowhunters could do with a visible superior to undermine by going on this unapproved missions because at the moment being informed they're not supposed to be doing the things they're doing has no impact at all.
  8. The pilot suffered from very stilted and contrived dialogue. Especially when the mother was finally getting around to telling her daughter that's she's a shadow hunter and kept putting it off and engaged in weird crypto speak in a situation where the bad guy was coming towards them. I haven't read the books or watched the movie but it was okayish for a pilot and I'm kind of curious where it leads to depending on how much they lean on the special snowflake aspect. Totally agree about Nine Lives of Chloe King level of protagonist stupidity. Let's head back to the place where the bad guys came after me last time... ALONE. *sigh*
  9. Anyone find it amusing to think of Nathan of sitting in the womb with his twin sister and somehow managing not to drain his sister or his mother of their powers the entire time but somehow drained his mother of her powers on the way out?
  10. It was good to have confirmation that Erica didn't even care about the end of the world or saving civilization since she threatened Tommy with the death of his girlfriend and surrogate mother in order to stop him from saving the world. So all along she knew it was a possibility that the solar flare catastrophe could be avoided and she simply chose to use it as an excuse to create her own little kingdom in the future so she didn't need to deal with any evos ever again. Presumably she would have had Harris killed or locked up if he didn't die through his own incredible stupidity. Whatever justifications she used to get people to follow her were obviously empty like the rest of her.
  11. I'm so glad it's over... Of course everyone is acting like they have serious brain damage. Malina forgets she has wind power ? serious what is her power ? wind ? during her struggle with Quentin to stop Fire guy from whatevering. What I found funny was that Fire Guy used his element to fly and Malina never tried doing that ? Wind would be useful for flying up a clock tower instead of walking up a bajillion steps. Erica acts like Tommy could only travel back in time completely forgetting that he could teleport behind her at any second and teleport her into a volcano if he felt like it. He can teleport and manipulate time so he could freeze time then teleport everyone out. It's a shame that the worst thing that happened to Erica is that she's only erased from a future timeline. Seriously she deserved so much more karmic retribution for all the torture and enslavement and murder of evo's. No one even bitch slapped her. Or gave her so much as a paper cut the entire series. As for HRG being sacrificed I kept wondering why they didn't use the Nathan duplicate since if he was a past version or a duplicate... or whatever he was kind of surplus to requirements anyway. Also why did they need a living person to act as a conduit ? How does that even make any sense? *sigh* Did I mention I'm glad this show is over. I was amused when Miko's father stabbed that lab guy. Though I did wonder why he ever trusted these people at all. More importantly why was Phoebe so stupid ? Did she not see the other 50 EVO's locked in the basement? I thought she was in college? Shouldn't she have a few brain cells to rub together to realise that the woman that callously murdered 3000 people for no real reason might not be someone trustworthy? UGH... Why did I torture myself with this show. At least they murdered most of the original characters so there's no reason to see this show again even if they did bring it back. After what they did with Hiro... I just can't deal with this stupidity any more.
  12. I don't know why Benny felt the need to tell those two guys anything about the business. They were acting like pissed off ex girlfriends the entire time and he just kept spilling details instead of being a normal person and going "Never mind. Obviously you two have beef so I'll let you take it outside and I'll hire actual non criminals to work in my now legitimate business. BYE!!" *Sigh* So many of these people are beyond idiots, it makes it hard to even believe they managed to get through this much of life without being rolled.
  13. After this episode I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to binge watch this when the season is over because I'm really not retaining any info on any of the characters week to week. I just don't care enough to remember any of their names. Which is probably a bad sign but oh well. Hopefully this show will seem like a masterpiece in retrospect instead of the limp noodle it seems to be now (IMO).
  14. It has potential but I did think moth head eating the Dean was a bit early. I suppose it'll motivate Quentin from stepping off the garden path with his 3 new friends.
  15. This episode felt like it was a lot of set up. I'm not sure anything really happened.
  16. That was pretty hilarious in a twisted way. Bad Sid, you'd think he'd know not to throw swords...
  17. Tommy literally has all of a future time line to practice his powers in before heading back home. He travels in time, he's not constrained by linear time progression. He's only being limited by boring plot contrivance. He could at the very least skip ahead 3 months in that future timeline to see if that future colony even works out. Erika is putting a whole bunch of eggs in that whole EVO harvesting process. Also are all those EVO's dead ? Or just hardwired to the power sucking machine ?
  18. I've already said I'm interested in the rag tag group of survivors and who the big bad is and what they're up to. The problem is I often feel like the tension is being undercut by weird undertones like the detectives obsession with Julie for whatever reason or random flashbacks to some other tertiary characters backstory or weird side stories that seem to have no point. I'm not saying the show is bad but so far it's not gelling for me yet. I'm hoping at the end of the season it'll all lead somewhere interesting and I'll be able to binge watch the entire season to enjoy all the little nuances of the story that I missed the first time. Like I do with Firefly or Farscape. At the moment I'm in a holding pattern hoping that this show hits it mark soon. It has me interested in where it's going .. but I don't love it yet. It's an interesting premise, intergalactic warfare with humans with various motivations but the execution so far has me raising my eyebrows and going what is the point of this scene exactly.
  19. I'm not sure anyone on here is saying they hate the show. It seems like most of us are struggling to connect with the plot or the characters. I want to like the show but most of the exciting opportunities never seem to be actually manifest in the show yet. I still don't know who the big bad is. I'm not sure if there are 3 or 4 different factions and I still don't have the slightest clue what that asteroid mining segue was all about. I'm guessing it was supposed to show the escalating tensions between Belters and Mars or Earth but it felt like it drained interest in the main plot rather than reinforcing it. It's like they get you all interested in space intrigue and adventures of a rag tag group of survivors and then they cut away to a couple of randoms doing illegal salvage and it's like who are these people and why do I care ? Previous episodes had random flashbacks. It feels like the pacing is off or the editing or something just isn't working. At least not for me but I'll continue watching in the hopes that it either finds it footing or manages to get to some sort of point soon.
  20. Well to be frank... It's the end of the world... How would it get worse ? It's not so much that it'd necessarily work but Tommy doesn't even think about using time travel as an option nor does anyone else. At the very least he could travel back in time a few months and work on his powers in complete isolation. It wouldn't resolve the conflict immediately but it'd be a lot more proactive than just waiting for an answer to magically show up at the last minute. It's like Hiro had to be left behind... for no discernible reason so that Tommy could be conveniently mind wiped. It's all bloody stupid.
  21. I'm still not clear as to why Tommy can't travel back a couple of years and tell everyone there's a giant HELE oncoming so they have time to think of a real strategy to prevent it. Instead of relying on "you know what to do when the time comes" bollocks these shows are so fond of. Honestly having a time traveler in the show requires a lot of suspension of logic to justify the conflict. The fact that Tommy is apparently the world's slowest teleporter ever doesn't help.
  22. I'll start with the positives... Joanna got barbequed. Parkman crashed his car while talking on his phone like an idiot... Micah transmitted Malina's message through everything with a blink... The negatives Basically everything else. The stupid standoff between Fire guy and Shadow Girl The stupid hostage taking of Erica without actually doing anything with that Malina standing up instead of doing what she was told and endangering both Fire guy and Invisi Girl The stupid pointless flashback... I wasn't quite clear on whether Doctor Healer just shagged and ran after saving Erica's dad or whether he raped her. She didn't seem that upset about him and said no when her dad sort of asked whether he'd raped her. Either way whether Healer Evo was a rapist or a deadbeat dad that doesn't really explain Erica's hate on for other Evo's or why any Evos would follow her. Tommy failing to take either his mother or girlfriend out of range of Erica's machinations when he decided she was irredeemably untrustworthy One more episode and I can try and delete this shitty reboot out of my mind. Talk about squandered potential.
  23. The inbreeding would explain why the twins are so stupid. Tommy allowing himself to be mind erased instead of leaving immediately to save Hiro. The other one taking along a woman who tried to kill her for no reason whatsoever..
  24. This show feels like there are too many disparate threads and I still don't feel particularly invested in the characters. I'm not sure I'll continue watching in real time. I may binge watch it later to see if it ever got to a freaking point.
  25. Did they ever explain why Phoebe couldn't just take out the shunt the moment they're not paying attention to her ? I wouldn't expect cold blooded murder but they could have left them tied up in that random barn at the very least. You don't take murderous people along for a ride along for no reason. I wonder if we'll ever find out what Blond twin power is any time soon ?
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