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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I think we got hints before this episode. Of course I only pegged her as Jane when she went on about that doll... Then she dies. I guess she was more capable of fighting off the Beast as a child then she is as an adult. Oh well. A magic proof chamber isn't necessarily useful if it cuts off your power too. Didn't they have any enchanted collars or chains to do the same thing? *sigh* Elliot really showed off what being a 3rd year ? is capable of. Question is was it a one hit wonder or an instant fatality?
  2. "Above Average for a fox." When did Quentin become so hilarious? His and Elliot relationship is so freaking adorable. As for Penny and him, they are so frenemies :P Their rivalry amuses me. Penny keeps losing his shirt... too bad soo sad. lol
  3. So I've skipped this thread since I didn't watch the episode but what I got from it was pointless cliff hanger and convoluted world wide drama with a contrived solution at the last moment that somehow will solve everything in the last minute? Any one actually recommend watching this episode ?
  4. Well he could show up to the time where his wife and child were cowering and he wasn't there and have Kendra stab the guy there... I mean they are ignoring the Time Travelers paradox anyway. Why not have him show up where his wife and kid died since he presumably knows where they died... I should stop thinking about this show. If I think of it as a comedy and not as a drama I can focus on the characters being amusing instead of all the logic fails.
  5. Has Rip ever thought about going to a time before Savage murdered his wife and child and just picking them up ? I mean he's already playing fast and loose with time. Why not just find your wife and child a year before they were murdered and dump them on some planet until you can kill Vandal Savage. That way even if he fails, his wife and child would be fine. There's no downside I can think of. If he succeeds in stopping Vandal he'll save the world and his family. If he fails he would have at least saved his family from death. For a time master, he doesn't appear very smart. The episodes without Savage are usually much better than the episodes with him, which is not exactly a great thing for a series. Also am I supposed to ignore that none of these people seem overly concerned with killing a whole bunch of random Time Pirates ? Also what are Time Pirates?
  6. I spent most of the episode going "WHY ARE YOU TALKING INSTEAD OF DOING SOMETHING?" All these people having weird conversations in the middle of life and death struggles as if there wasn't more important things to be doing. Amberle and Will went on and on about their relationship drama instead of running towards the tree. The whining about sacrifices was tedious. The world will end if you don't, so maybe you should just get on with it already. *sigh*
  7. I'm not sure how having a human moment is a bad thing. She was temporarily depressed about the end of a marriage. Either because she realized she had wasted her time on someone who didn't appreciate the effort she put in for her career or that the marriage wasn't worth the effort of salvaging. Perhaps her next husband will be another busy CEO 110% work focused individual that will appreciate her particular focus on work and she'll have a productive marriage with someone like minded. That said I do completely agree that her friends were shitty for grabbing her work phone and interfering with her job. I'm not sure how it made the bf a bad person for wanting to see his girlfriend and being concerned about her complete 180 degree personality change. She went from being someone indifferent to fashion to someone who spent 24/7 focused on fashion which is a radical change for your SO to make. After some thought about the price of her current career trajectory she reevaluated her life decisions and decided to rededicate herself to her original goal of journalism after being side tracked by the ruthless fashion industry. I'd say that was empowering, refusing to give up on your dreams when offered a shiny distraction but opinions will differ. As for Rebecca, she need therapy ASAP. If the next episode description is accurate she is so far off the deep end she makes Ally buying a house because of a flying hat look rational in comparison.
  8. I'm confused as to how it's sexist for Devil Wears Prada to have 80 hour work weeks affect the work/life balance. Would you say the movie about Zuckenberg was sexist? He burned all his 'friends' on his way to the top too. The major difference is the protagonist of the first movie won back her friends by scaling back on her work commitments and the other ended up alone but rich. It was incredibly collectivist of Rebecca to assume that Audra was unhappy simply because she was unhappy on that career path, talk about projecting her issues onto someone else. Audra seemed quite satisfied with her life, she's got a husband, she's a partner in a prestigious law firm and she won her case. Rebecca had none of those things so her unhappiness wasn't too surprising as she had an unbalanced work/life situation. She apparently spent 90% of her time at the office when she wasn't obsessing about grades in her stripping class.
  9. Yeah I can't say I'm fond of characters that cheat on their girlfriends/boyfriends. So Josh is dead to me and I'm bored of Rebecca. I did find White Josh's line about waiting till he was 12 hilarious. As for Greg and Paula. I don't even have the words to describe how tedious they've both become to me. Maybe I'll just bail and watch the songs on youtube. I'm not feeling this so much any more.
  10. I enjoyed this episode a lot. The only part that was mediocre was Julia and her sister. Still don't care about her or her journey. It's good that Quentin, Alice, Mike, Elliot, Penny, Kady got some action. So nice Todd got to be part of the partygoers. He's totally adorable.
  11. Jude and Zero are finally making progress with their relationship. YAY. As for the rest of it... Meh.
  12. I love this show so much. I laughed so much. Mostly from the Customer Service guys for the Guild. True banal evil, putting customers on hold, giving them crappy merchandise and generally mocking them. I love the absurdity of the show. Of course every villain has to play elaborate and convoluted games with their arches otherwise they'd have to try and get a hate on for every new protagonist out there. SO much effort. This way they can draw out the hatred longer, let it simmer, let it seethe, let it settle.
  13. I think it's hard to think that Oliver at 60? 70? would be so spry if the city has been occupied by crazy criminals for the last 15 years? Also does noone else in the US care that a city is now a lawless wasteland or is the rest of country worse off ? This is the problem of the show, the more I think about any of the plots or settings, the more I notice the gaping plot holes and logic fails. What was the point of saving Non Arrow if he'll probably cease to exist the moment they leave since he's a flux baby. UGH TIME TRAVEL. ETA I laughed when NOT arrow told Oliver that the city thought he was dead. My automatic response was, didn't they learn the first time when he was disappeared for years on an island. Oliver is never dead, he's just somewhere random and nonsensical like... Flash base.
  14. I find the premise and plot of this show frequently nonsensical, contradictory and confusing but I find the characters amusing so I go along for the ride for the most part. I think this is the first episode I laughed at anything that Kendra has to say. It was nice to see her interacting with Ray and Jax more even though the love triangle angle was a bit forced. How long have they been a team ? A week ? A month? This episode main plot in Star City doesn't do much for me because I don't watch Arrow since season 2 so it was like meh seeing Green Arrow 2.0. Also 60 year olds aren't that agile. How the hell was that kid part of the uprising? Wouldn't he have been 12 at the time if it happened 15 years ago. Seriously I have no idea what any of that was about.
  15. I'm not sure how a female writing a show is somehow a feminist move by default but I'm just going to agree to disagree with that assertion. As for Shonda Rhimes I lasted about a season and a half with Scandal and a season and a bit with HTGAWM, in my opinion the plots never really hold together that well and the characters become heavily flanderized way too fast for my liking. There's not a problem with a artist having a higher purpose to their work for example I've written a somewhat long satirical series lampooning the ineffectiveness of superheroes. The problem is when the agenda becomes too overt or when viewers spend more time trying to decode hidden messages and trope than enjoying the work. I hate a few of the characters and if they continue along this path I'll probably not make it to the end of the season but for the moment I'm trying to enjoy the song and dance routines without overthinking how stupid the overall premise and characters often are. That said I've seen nothing particularly representative of the feminist agenda either its stated goals or it's usual modus operandi so I'm not really sure what any of this has to do with anything. But back on the topic of the actual episode or at least something relating to it. How widely watched was the Music Man. I've seen quite a few pop culture references to it but have never seen the actual movie. Is it worth bothering watching? Also how random was it that Rebecca said hot water was a drug?
  16. Is this the NAFALT argument ? Also what does being written by women have to do with feminism ? If the writers don't label themselves as feminists then assuming that this show has anything to do with feminism seems filled with deeply flawed 'logic'. Even if they were feminists that doesn't necessarily mean they are writing a show to further feminism. The main purpose of writing a tv show should always be a mix of artistic creativity which the musicals have shown to various degrees with some failures and ratings which indicate profitability and market appeal. If the writers main goal is propaganda for a cause... well that's troubling. I think the biggest problem with the show is I hate 3 of the lead characters. Paula is a dangerous enabler who vandalized Josh's car just to enable stalking. Rebecca is wildly unprofessional and more problematic for me at least, repetitive. Then there's Josh... who's both boring, dopey and apparently oblivious to logic, behavioral observations and effort.
  17. Physical intimidation... would be coming into a bar where the bartender is obviously nervous and anxious, where she insults him, then snatches the handset phone base? whatever it's called, then when he tries to continue to make a call to the police she smashes glasses that shatter around the guy. I re watched the scene... How is that not physically intimidating someone that's scared of you and the trouble you may rain down on them by association? Simply by the fact that guy was so scared should have clued her into the fact that Marina was not a safe person to cross. There's also every interaction she had with Pete where he repeatedly warned her that Marina was dangerous and she should leave the city. The question was whether Julia cared about her safety or Hannah. We saw no indication that she changed her mind because of safety reasons it seemed more that she got pissed off that Hannah had essentially sold her daughter to Marina because of fucking up and killing 2 people and was untrustworthy rather than caring about her health or well being. Also Julia knows Marina is dangerous, she was there participating when Marina was mind raping Quentin from a distance, indifferent to his potential death and she mind wiped her ex bf and caused great physical pain to Julia and stripped her of something the previous episode. If Julia didn't know Marina was dangerous with all of that precedence than Julia is stupid. That goes way beyond being reckless and naive. I wouldn't bet on Julia learning a lesson. Her bf got mindwiped and she went on with her magic chase in the same city as the person who did it while expecting to get rewarded for participating into psychically torturing her supposed best friend.
  18. I take their 'humor' as being the dark gallows humor of nihilistic realism. Magic is dangerous. There's not quests for every single person to make them feel super special. I appreciate it. However it's all subjective. It's far more entertaining for me than Quentin's frequent sad sackitude and Julia's frantic and desperate need for validation/magic fix. She's asking for the bartenders help in defying Marina's expulsion from their club. Which is putting him and possibly everyone in that bar directly in the cross hairs of Marina's wrath without offering anything in trade. Instead she relies constantly on a combination of emotional manipulation, threats and physical intimidation. She also kept showing up at the main safe house risking Pete's life by getting him involved in defying Marina. Also even after her bf's mind wipe she is still directly targeting Marina instead of trying to learn spells anywhere else. She's shown no consideration of anyone and none for her own safety or wellbeing. She made a token attempt to get away from Kady's mother after finding out her backstory. Nothing to do with danger as far as I could tell. If she was concerned about her, she wouldn't have done the spell targeting Marina. Seriously did she not expect Marina to do anything in retaliation ?
  19. Would you like two other people constantly talking about you behind your back ? Well if they are friends it makes it harder to choose one of them when it'd hurt the other person even more and there might be some invocation of the Girl Code so that none of them will hook up. Not that I really care about this pathetic love triangle. I'd rather Will ends up with Bandon and Eretria and Amberle go off and do Single Ladies adventures together. It seems the ratings are fluctuating but have mostly been heading downwards. Probably means it won't get a second season so let's hope it doesn't end on a cliff hanger.
  20. That could be amusing. I think I started a fierce debate about W J without meaning to. I was just curious as to what WJ saw in Daryl and whether he was looking for a gay friend/ hook up/ relationship. Perhaps we'll get some follow up on it next episode. That said I am actually thinking Greg and Valencia make for a hilarious snarky duo.
  21. Well to be fair it's usually easier for anyone not to be tag teamed by 2 people or more during a disagreement. It's hard to be attacked on multiple fronts at the same time. Anyone know what the ratings are for this show. This forum seems fairly dead lately.
  22. Yeah I'm not sure this is a great show for binge watching, both protagonists are kind of intolerable at times, Julia increasingly so as episodes progress (IMO). That said Quentin has had some great lines lately and people do rip on him quite frequently, this episode had horse blowjobs, mocking him by claiming to be doing a virgin sacrifice and him getting naked and exposing his chronic depression to someone. The episode in the mad house had him dancing around and he had some great physical comedy moments. Elliot and Margot are gold :p
  23. I don't really know what is happening. It's good that the new king proved himself. That said, once the demon army has been defeated he should probably ditch that council as they're a bunch of traitors to the royal line.
  24. Poe's Law. This whole show being a musical comedy is stretching typical credibility what with people breaking into song and dance at random blurring the lines between reality and surreal farce. Rebecca being a 'great lawyer' is also stretching credibility given her lack of professionalism in the workplace. At this point I'm neither for or against WJ & Daryl. I'm still awaiting for some reason as to why I should care about a secondary character hooking up with a tertiary character.
  25. To be fair we don't know if WJ is attracted to perceived wealth which depending on your POV would be hypergamy or gold digging which we have no clear evidence to favor any particular interpretation. Not that I'm particularly clear on what Daryl would be worth, he's a single divorced dad, 70% of his income could be going to his ex wife for all we know and we have no idea how profitable White Feather is as a company. Daryl seemed kind of desperate to settle when the offer of a million dollars came onto the table. He said 'We really need this'. Depending on a whole lot of factors Daryl may have less disposable income than a hot 20 something personal trainer since personal training can cost anywhere between 50 bucks a session to a thousand and we have no idea how much Daryl is worth, how much he's in debt for with wife/business/child or his potential earnings. I'm still not clear as to whether Daryl is a lawyer or a business manager. It's not inconceivable that WJ is attracted to Daryl for mercenary reasons or settling down reasons or attraction reason but at this point I have no idea why he likes Daryl other than one is the token gay and the other is the token bi guy.
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