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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Reminds me of Dany insisting that the Small Folk should die in droves in order to reinstate her to the Iron Throne. It's like Sansa doesn't care that she expects thousands of people to die in order for her family to reclaim the stuff they lost through their own failures, some of which involved trying to overthrow the current government. These nobles are so petty. Reminds me a little of Cersei, she wants to have a whole bunch of people killed for a castle just because it's hers... Kind of explains why the Faith Militant are gaining such support. The Small Folk are sick of dying because of the Game of Thrones. They don't care who rules as long as they don't do a completely terrible job.
  2. This episode featured my least favorite characters getting absurd amounts of screen time. The cripple Bran who just lays there flashbacking... Sam and Gilly and boring baby in tow having a family squabble. Arya, being her usual self ignoring actual instructions in order to do whatever she felt like in that particularly moment. What the hell did she expect training under the people who worship DEATH. I mean really. It's not like Jaqen ever said he was a nice person. He works for the Death God. He's essentially a shinigami, he kills for his God, sometimes he helps the underclasses with some well deserved death for the corrupt as pro bono work but mostly he kills to buy all those expensive sticks... I'm kind of over Dany and her speeches about conquering Westeros. Get on with it already. You've been talking about it for like 6 seasons. You're almost as slow and cumbersome as the White Walkers and thankfully they're not big on the speechifying. Tommen is a simple minded fool. This episode felt like treading water. On the upside the Tyrells aren't dead in a staged ambush and there's been no sightings of the Sand Snakes so at least that's something...
  3. My problem isn't that Lana is inconsistent it's that Intimate Partner Violence isn't funny to me... at all. Also being in a relationship with Archer brings out the worst in Lana. Hell just being in the same vicinity as Archer for more than 5 minutes brings out her worst attributes. Short temper and violence. Remember that stunt she pulled with that kidnapping scheme in order to prove that Archer was an incompetent babysitter... Instead of the usual nanny cam in the teddy bear. Ugh. Lana makes unilateral and arbitrary decisions about their relationship and it's so repetitive and stale. At least Cheryl's pyromania had a Planet of Apes homage. This is just some obscure reference to the Maltese Falcon. Having sex with someone while on a break is the least dickish thing Archer has done in seasons. I don't think he's hooked up with anyone but Lana for a couple of seasons.
  4. Lana shoots Archers or physically attacks him whenever he says something that annoys her. That does not make her the most balanced character at all. If she was a man, she'd already be in jail for abusing her partner but since she's female... well she gets a free pass for trying to bludgeon her partner with a statuette. Lana is acting like a stereotypical 13 year old teenage girl instead of the 30 something mother that she is by calling for a break because Archer had the audacity to find someone else appealing. I don't see anything particularly entertaining about her lately. At least with the other reprobates in the office, they're either fully aware of their various flaws or are ashamed of it (Cyril's sex addiction). Lana is completely oblivious to her own insanity, passing them off as other people's fault. She's a classic DARVO.
  5. There's a fine line between her being a horrible person eg not even knowing Cyril's birthday after being with him for 3 years and being completely unwatchable eg the last few episodes where she's throwing temper tantrums for the umpteenth time and becoming stale and tedious. I don't want her to be a perfectly well adjusted person but she could tone down the crazy jealous girlfriend routine a few notches and still be a horrible but entertaining character. For instance Kreiger is an objective horrific person that dispenses mind altering substances and plays God with robotic parts and he straddles the fine line between horrifying and hilarious adeptly. Lana on the other hand has become tiresome and one note.
  6. It's getting to the point where Lana and her immaturity and temper tantrums are making her unlikeable to me. It's one thing to be jealous but she doesn't seem to think anything through. What did she expect would happen when she essentially broke up with Archer? That he'd stay single and pine for her? It's ridiculous. She should know better. When Katya 'died' he grief banged his way through honeymooners for like 6 months. Being on a break is essentially giving him a free pass to bang anyone he wants. Then trying to bash his brains in because of it just makes her petty and violent. I'm now hoping they break up for good and Archer finds himself a new robo girlfriend instead of the whole on again off again Lana Archer relationship.
  7. Anyone else curious about what will happen with Stannis's debt and ships ? Davos talked up Stannis and Stannis died on an ill thought campaign. That Bank is overdue to repossess some assets if there are any left.
  8. All the time Littlefinger was being berated by Sansa I was distracted by the thought that he probably had an archer nearby to take out Brienne if she posed a threat to his life. There's no way a schemer like Littlefinger wouldn't have planned something for if things went nasty. Bran was completely useless this episode, just randomly hanging out in flashback land while his friend was screaming out his name. Seriously frustrating. As for the dire wolf, I was kind of wondering how it'd be of any use considering the only way to kill a wight is to set it on fire... I'm not sure why a White Walker wandered into the tree when it has all those undead foot soldiers at its disposal. It was interesting to get more backstory on the Children and White Walkers. Arya still bores me.
  9. To be fair... Archer may be a giant dick but he's never shot Lana as far as I recall. Whenever Lana is upset with him she either hits him or shoots him. Considering Lana thinks she should be running the show she's not demonstrating much in the way of leadership or maturity. It's fine to be jealous or upset but she went straight to a break in their relationship which is the stupidest thing if she's jealous of another woman. Now Archer can just go off and have sex with the other woman without any technical obstructions.
  10. So I'm kind of curious as to where Dany will send the Dothraki Horde. Especially since all her other Dothrakis wandered off during the seasons into Off Screen Land or died. Will she tackle the Masters or Westerosi? I was kind of wondering during Dany's night of long knives how she was going to deal with falling debris... She may be immune to fire but she's not immune to blunt force trauma. Oh well. Rule of Cool mixed with Plot Armor probably.
  11. Karma is way too invested in Amy's love life while hinting at interest in Felix. RUN FELIX. RUN AMY. Karma is tedious. I wasn't a fan of Noah storming out in the middle of a frank discussion with Shane. It's like the second he heard something he didn't like he bailed. Shane is high maintenance enough with his inability to keep a secret and his tendency to engage in hijinks he does not need another weird boyfriend. Where are all the college guys that Shane said he dated back in the first season? All his boyfriends have had so much weird baggage, Wolf Boy, Closet Case and now Noah.
  12. Did Jon take his Direwolf with him when he left ? He looked like he was going solo...
  13. I'd be more impressed if they had him be a pivotal character on the basis of his actual character rather than some secret royal/noble lineage. After all kings only become kings because they either had the charisma/strength to lead or hold the masses. Even if he was a complete nobody, he could still gain and hold power if he had enough followers. History is littered with people from humble beginnings that rise to power, though they usually crash and burn as do most people with power. Jon Snow rallied the Night's Watch and the Wildlings around him based on his actions not his pedigree. Wouldn't it be more interesting that John was a nobody that gained power because of his own actions rather than based on something someone in his family line did a hundred years ago. It's the difference between Danerys and Visarys, they were both of the same family line but Danerys had far more depth and charisma than the man child whining about what he was owed. Admittedly Danerys has gotten a tad tedious with her recitation of titles that no longer apply.
  14. I've never cared who John Snow's parents are. I'm more interested in what characters DO than who they are related to. That said, Rickon now has his own individual storyline for the first time in 6 seasons. I wonder if he'll distinguish himself somehow. Perhaps he'll kill Ramsay and retake and restore the North. That'd be interesting. I'm still waiting for Bran to think about warging into Daenrys dragon and marry her to unite old and new 'royal' bloodlines. Then again I've been waiting since the first episode for the White Walkers to show up in Westeros. There's a lot of waiting for plots to pay off in this show.
  15. I don't really understand this complaint. 8 men and one teenage? boy died this episode and no females died, the only females suffering from violence were the Nameless Girls in the dojo of the Blind and Faceless. That said this episode was unfulfilling. I really hope they go with the Alexander the Great's resolution to the cast creep and just kill off or sideline about 50% of these subplots because I just don't care about Arya's training, Dany's 3rd imprisonment by hostile forces, John's whatever, Bran continually ignoring his teacher, he has that in common with Arya, never listens to an instruction the first time. Or Sam and Gill, the flashbacks of whatevering, the Cersei plotting revenge for a slight for the 50th time since the show began and so on and so on. The only highlights for me this episode were the unimpressed looks by Grey Worm and... translator... and Olenna's little quip at Cersei's expense. Other than that, it was a long slow episode where nothing particularly interesting happened that advanced the plot in any meaningful way.
  16. Probably a snarky response at all the tedious demands that Amy identify herself as a lesbian or they're just being queer baiters... Or maybe they're just frustrated about all the accusations that they hate lesbians because they're not "properly representing them" or something. I did find Penelope's freak out about not wanting to offend anyone deeply amusing. It does feel that way sometimes when surrounded by the professionally offended that anything you say will be used against you as some kind of microaggression about something or someone. Shane's expression during the hug was hilarious... You could see the hamster wheel in his mind spinning furiously asking all the niggly questions he doesn't want to say out loud for fear of being intolerant.
  17. It would have made more sense if it was Unlabeled... rather than untitled. Oh well. I like Liam being paired with Lauren, they provide interesting counter points to each other. Every time I see Felix I feel like he's a puppy that keeps getting kicked. Was amusing that Karma seemed more jealous about the Sabrina Amy kissing than Felix was.
  18. To give him his due... most of the Westerosi drama has been orchestrated by Littlefinger in his attempt to his rise of power. He had Jon arrn poisoned by his wife and then set Ned on the trail of incestuous Lannisters and everything spiraled into chaos and death. Not that I disagree with your overall conclusion. Cersei sucks, but I hate her for her actions towards anyone she has power over, the common folk, Sansa, her brother, her servants and so on and so on. The arming religious zealots was a particularly stupid move on her part.
  19. Didn't Joffrey organize that because he didn't want threats to his throne. I remember Tyrion snarking at her and her saying it wasn't her idea... and him going "oh". Or am I misremembering ?
  20. She fits with a female ? Which one ? Also slut shaming is so 90's.
  21. Ah Game of Thrones. Gratuitous violence and nudity. Very slow plot progression. I found Arya getting smacked down darkly amusing. She wanted to be trained as an assassin and now she's learning how to listen the very very hard way by being blind. Dorne run by crazy vengeful ladies, I wonder how long that will last. Cersei hasn't been doing very well, after all she got publicly reviled when she went outside last... Shame Shame. That said, Tristan was a bit of an idiot turning his back to someone who just said they were there to kill him. Oh well. At least Sansa may have an episode where she's not a captive or a bargaining chip. The Night Watch bores me. Dany is like the Ice Zombies, she takes forever to go anywhere... I hope someone is feeding those 2 dragons in the undercrypt.
  22. I think it's more of a quarantine period or a guideline that he feels is important to his recovery. He's supposed to be a teenager, waiting till he's completely together could take years. Waiting till he's less likely to be a red hot mess till he hooks up is still a reasoned idea, no matter how seemingly arbitrary the guideline is.
  23. Well I enjoyed the episode. Shane's hallucinations were amusing, Lauren's fear was palpable and completely adorable, her taser in her purse was awesome and she got to use it against Liam, hilarity. Felix seems to be the most mature of the bunch. Avoiding relationships until he figure outs what he wants and who he is and all that existential psycho drama before trying to make a relationship with another person with their own psychic baggage a go. Admittedly if they all did that, there wouldn't be so much awkward hilarity. On the downside I don't think I'll be able to read the recaps from this show as everyone seems so down on this show all the time and it's harshing my mellow.
  24. Well there's the fact that he was unarmed at that point... and she was armed so I'm not sure what rationale she'd be using lethal force for self defense, especially since slitting someone's throat isn't very easy if someone is coming for you while sitting. The mechanics of that story don't really line up. "Your honor, my husband had him pinned and he was unarmed on the floor and he already had multiple stab wounds but he looked at me funny so I slit his throat." I'm not sure how thinking someone should experience some psychological side effects from having someone's life blood splash all over your face and hands after you slit their throat is simplistic but I think we'll just have to agree to disagree on this point.
  25. Well people in real life kill all the time and those that don't experience guilt are usually those with sociopathic disregard for human life.. Plus the cops busted in a second after she slit his throat so they could probably see him in what's his face's arms and her with a murder weapon splashed with blood. Which would make what she did an execution as he was essentially defenseless at that point. Also adds a couple of witnesses to the situation that aren't as entangled with the criminal. Also previous to this murder attempt she stabbed him in the chest and or stomach in a failed attempt to murder him. So premeditated. Also she had already told Executioner 1 that she was going to find and kill Executioner 2 so it's not like there isn't motive. As for prosecution, I'd doubt anyone would bother but there a basic coroners exam would find that he was seated and had his throat sliced after multiple stab wounds... Not exactly clear cut self defense or even grey self defense. She just decided to end his life to get revenge for what he did. I don't even really care that she murdered the guy, it bugs me that she was terrible at it, even with help.
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