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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I really wanted to like this show but in this episode alone it's done 3 things that really made me hate the show 1 They turned the novel character of Kevin who was a fun, clumsy guy with a large appetite who happened to be gay with a rich backstory and a friendly personality into a gay stereotype who's boring as hell. 2 Had Josie be insufferably racist and condescending to Archie and put up with it for no real reason. 3 Had Betty and Veronica essentially torture a guy because of slanderous remarks he made with no apparent consequences in some delusional attempt at "Girl Power" .
  2. The ending made me wonder why the people of Harlem wanted to return to a place that held numerous hostages and was the site of multiple deaths, at least one high profile one that the hostess is accused of committing. *sigh* Honestly I don't think Harlem is worth saving.
  3. I'm finding myself getting more and more frustrated by the show, the community seems beyond saving and the cops are incompetent, so I struggle to see why I should care about any of it.
  4. This family is really bad at controlling their tempers. So much for family first. I don't find Mariah very compelling at all. I knew Cottonmouth was dead as soon as he went against Shades.
  5. I'm sorry but having sex in the toilets is gross. Why would they sit down on the toilet floor after a weird sens8 orgy? I found it hilarious when Kala walked in on Wolfgang and their argument during the sexy times. I really hope they do something a little more proactive about the Whispers problem soon.
  6. I'm already sick of Barrymore's character. That robot was funny and mean. The husband is totally whipped.
  7. I absolutely love creeper teen next door, he's hilariously calm about the whole undead thing and the delivery of "bash her brains in" was hysterical.
  8. If she didn't have plot armor she would have died repeatedly from her own incompetence. Considering the amount of times she takes action and needs to be saved. Eg that episode where she runs off with Suzie and a resurrection glove gets destroyed and she aids Suzie in murdering her father. Sadly Jack didn't follow through on his statement about firing her.
  9. It was interesting hearing Ianto's thoughts during the Greeks bearing Gifts. So calm on the outside but dying on the inside. So sad but so typical of depression.
  10. I was very disappointed when Jack did nothing about that when it was clear that she would have turned him over to some unknown. At the very least there should have been some lingering resentment afterwards but there was nothing. It was like she had accidentally hit him in the shins instead of kidnapped him. Gwen is so frustrating because she's not allowed to be another character but is treated as above and beyond everyone else by the show, dictating terms to her boss while constantly complaining to Jack about how he puts her in danger, ignoring that she pursued Torchwood and could quit at any point. Just rewatching Countrycide and Gwen ends the episode complaining about Torchwood changing her as she cheats on her bf because she doesn't have anyone to 'talk to' which is downright idiotic.
  11. Thanks. I've picked up the rewatch of season 1 from Cyberwoman, I did find Ianto somewhat insufferable in that episode but I at least understood his motivations, though I did find it frustrating that they didn't even make a token effort at addressing that poor pizza girl that got body jacked then had her body pumped full of bullets at all. You'd think they'd bypass getting things delivered to their secret base on general principle but apparently not. Currently watching Countrycide, I'd forgotten that Ianto and Tosh had ever actually spoken to each other for such a long period of time. I haven't rewatched this show in years.
  12. I've come late to the party and just did a rewatch of COE and a first watch of MD (God that felt like life times) and was wondering what people considered the best Ianto episodes. I'm not sure I really want to rewatch all of season 1 & 2 considering what I remember from all the excessive Gwen fawning but I would like to see some of the episodes that feature Ianto heavily or at least had some good Ianto moments in it.
  13. Saw is a movie franchise which features lots of torture porn where people are forced to make terrible choices in order to survive a madman/men/women murder mazes. Maize and Linda is hilarious.
  14. I was confused as to why they didn't just use that a legal contract entered through coercion is usually non binding and unenforceable, that and Olaf admitted to multiple felonies in front of hundreds of witness. *sigh*
  15. Personally I'm finding the narration tiresome, so this show will go on the don't binge pile and I'll try and watch ep 3 tonight.
  16. Personally I thought he looked much better with coma stubble then he did bare faced.
  17. Good to know the main character is right and the world is ending.
  18. I think you're thinking of Jamie. I guess it's better than the main character pining over one girl, possibly, but bouncing between 3 women in a 10 episode season seems to come across as emotionally shallow. Charlie was a disappointment, she helped a little with a bit of training and exposition then just kind of faded back into the background. I kept waiting for Holden to display some of the intelligence in day to day activities that he displayed when talking about space/scientists and yet all he did was follow meekly with everyone else's plans and whine A LOT.
  19. With great power comes great stupidity... and frustration for the audience.
  20. Well that didn't work out so well for the baby Synths. I'm curious what Niska will do when she finds out what happened.
  21. I think it was a promising treatment but like Leukemia Girl's treatment may have unintentional and painful side effects in the mid to long term.
  22. Well except the condition the billionaire and that one patient has.
  23. I'm getting really sick of Matteus and his constant whining. I wonder if this will be the series finale or just a season finale. I am not looking forward to the Angels, especially since their modus operandi keeps changing randomly. What happened to the Blink version where they just sent people back in time and ate their potential life force or whatever. I'm not sure whether Quill was being kind or cruel saving Charlie from his death.
  24. Lol I thought the quality of the show dropped off after episode 4 when she was involved in a season long revenge plot instead of an episode long plot. As for this show I stopped watching the show after the last time Denise was attacked and thought I'd check the forums to see if anything happened but it sounds like it's gotten more slapstick and dull since last time.
  25. I'm sorry but historically that's totally inaccurate. There's lots of tasks that small humans are great at with their small frames and tiny little hands. Stitching, vent maintenance, picking up litter (as they have less distance to crouch/bend over to grab stuff off the floor), cleaning, industrial labor and unlike small human children, they are far more durable and stronger than their fleshier counterparts. They could replace the children in actual sweat shops stitching the high end label clothing.
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