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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. God she took forever to kill Cam. That wasn't so much self defense as pre meditated murder but of course noone cared because... these shows never address that playing executioner should have some consequences, if not legal then psychological. I liked the show but this last episode just felt like a complete failure.
  2. Haven't you heard ? Whenever something goes wrong for a woman it's a man's fault... because reasons... so sayeth modern feminism.
  3. Because trying to do something productive would be counter to their whacky fly by the seat of their pants mission planning in the field modus operandi.
  4. Karma continues to be tiresome. Amy gets sucked into Karma's orbit quickly and easily and Lauren loses out. Saw the Shane and Liam misunderstanding coming a mile away. Gay best friend who lives with him and talking about a sex date... No wonder the Rabii was confused.
  5. Honestly at this point I think Rip should just give up on his mission. All he does is make things worse and let these group of degenerates loose upon whatever timeline they're in. He has no control over the group, no coherent plan and makes no effort to rein these people in. I'm out.
  6. At this point there's probably still plenty of time to retcon Julia's actions into being motivated by the desire to save the free traders and the group with Time Travel instead of just being about revenge over Reynard. Unfortunately with Julia's past actions with attacking Quentin telepathically after being dissed and acting like a complete junkie after more power for most of the season I probably won't buy it as her actual motivation. Regardless of her eventual actions, she acted unilaterally without consulting the others, screwing up their plan in order to serve her own desires. As for the wellspring, it's supposedly super concentrated magic. They don't have to imbibe it like the Beast, they could use the Wellspring to enhance their spells, weapons or use it to restore Tree God into being a figure of power again, since he's not human to begin with.
  7. But what would Julia need the Beast for if what she wants is revenge on Reynard ? If she killed the Beast she'd have proven that the knife could kill a dark magician, she'd also have unlimited access to the Wellspring... If they're aiming for a magical reset, it would feel like a cop out to actual sacrifices made by the characters as a sign of personal growth. It also feels unnecessary the deal with the devil since they could have the cliffhanger be Julia and the crew hunting down Reynard after defeating the Beast. Now they have two threats to take care of... and I hate Julia for playing chess with other people's lives for her own personal vendetta.
  8. Yeah making a deal with the Devil of Fillory does not save anyone. Especially since sabotaging the original plan is what caused everyone to be flat footed in the heat of battle with an all powerful dark magician. *sigh* that producer and Julia's actress seems to be coming at this from a completely different view point than me. I just wanted Julia or Alice to stab the Beast and go back to Brakebills for healings. It's not like it's the first dismemberment Brakebills has dealt with this season.
  9. I'm guessing Elliot has already fulfilled his obligation by breeding the weapon master's daughter, thereby guaranteeing her a position as the Queen of Fillory as she has a royal bun in the oven... Or at least that's my guess for why Elliot had to go off at that exact moment to have royal sexy times. I guess once he fulfilled that duty, his continued survival is moot. Yeah it's terrible that a bad thing happened to Julia but lots of bad things happen to everyone and they still manage to put aside their personal stuff in order to focus on something bigger than them (at least when it comes down to it). Eg Elliot giving up his sex life forever in order to get them a God killing weapon. Alice putting aside her issues with Quentin to go Fillory questing, drinking some God juice. Penny putting aside the psychic baggage of the voices in order to provide them traveling assistance.
  10. Apparently I also missed out on the last couple of minutes of the episode too. Just when I was starting to actually like Julia she screws over everyone else for her own selfish reasons. It was also completely unnecessary as without the Beast around they have unrestricted access to Fillory and whoever that God in the tree was. Poor Penny, lost his hands... Was anyone else wondering why it was necessary for Alice to drink the entire thing. They all could have had a mouthful and had some God imbuement for the battle... Or at least Elliot, Margo and Quentin could have had a sip. *sigh* Fantasy shows are so bad with characters that put very little forethought into their battle plans. It's all rush in and hope for the best.
  11. Honestly at this point I'm siding with the Time Police that Rip being so emotionally invested is making things worse for everyone and everything. As for the mini mass murderer they should have just ditched him once they found out that kidnapping him had no effect whatsoever. I knew none of them would do the cold rational thing and execute the teenager in cold blood. Heatwave dude switching allegiances again for the third time in as many episodes is making me annoyed at the team for wanting him on board in the first place. Apparently life times of mental manipulation and training has no chance against a minute of fist fighting... The flashbacks were annoying and pointless. We already knew Kendra had past lives/loves with what's his face. STILL DON'T CARE. Now all I want is for Ray to jump ship on that budding relationship and be done with Kendra because it really feels like she's stringing him along because she's lonely rather than having an actual interest in a future with Ray. The plot was awful as usual and I'm starting to hate the characters. I'm going to give this show one more episode then I'll probably stop watching.
  12. Does anyone else wonder what happened to Todd ? You'd think they'd want all hands on deck for a magical adventure against magical mercenaries.
  13. I do find it interesting that Jane was the person pulling the strings of our players, placing them in various combinations to win a war against the Beast. Guess all this time it was a matriarchy and not the patriarchy toying with Julia's life.
  14. Well it doesn't actually show any fornication... And free love former hippies ? I don't know how old Sam is supposed to be...
  15. I think Jack Harkness on Doctor Who was the first pansexual, he hit on everyone, alien, male, female, unknown. He also gave birth as a face... somehow. I liked having Felix back as a character, he's amusing. Liam's subplot with the new girl is boring. I found Noah amusing, psychological sabotage is where it's at.
  16. Riley is so frustrating. It's one thing to be upset about your boyfriend having had sex with your highschool nemesis but she didn't even give him a minute to tell his side of the story. Having sex with someone once does not equate to having feelings for them. Has Riley not heard of a one night stand ? At this point I think Danny is far better off away from Riley and her melodrama.
  17. There's also the possibility that each variation has commonalities like they all die or Quentin dies or the Beast attacks... but the details may vary from one variation to another so while Dean may expect Q to dose him, he's never sure when. The first time Q may have dosed him may have been on a Thursday and on the second time it might have been a Wednesday or a Friday. Also Dean may simply get chronic deja vu during the time loops or a vague sense of what has happened before rather than an extensive recall of the events. Or Jane may have told him the details at the start of the loop for things he was responsible for changing. Hard to tell at this point. It does explain why the Dean has been so weary of talking to Quentin and the other students from the very beginning. He's just weary of going through losing his students over and over again and being unable to fight back effectively.
  18. On an unrelated note. I liked Alice's light bending spell casting. Her specialty came in handy :P
  19. Well that was interesting. Elliot has become tedious. His drunken moping took a turn for the suicidal with psychedelic carrots during a dangerous stealth mission through enemy territory. I did find Margot saying "Is it wrong that I'm starting to side with the Beast" hilarious in reference to Quentin blaming them for the accidental drunken threesome. I actually liked Julia this episode. It was good that she and Quentin admitted that they were both assholes and moved the hell on... That dead horse was becoming tedious.
  20. You mean the 2000 year old reincarnating Hawk Woman with a predestined soul mate and random offspring scattered around the world ? How is lying and with holding stuff from your partner emotionally mature ? If she was emotionally mature she would have discussed her issues with her partner and found a way to resolve it. Not hold it all inside and lash out like a teenager when questioned.
  21. Except she didn't mention the first 2 to him during those 2 years and she never referenced the third in the episode at all. Ray's issue was that she cared about NOTHING they had accumulated in the 2 years of living together. Not a piece of jewelery, not a dress, not a piece of bric a brac; she called it all junk and acted as if it was all meaningless. 2 years of living together with someone and making memories together in a place that would be attached to stuff and none of it apparently meant anything to her, so he's within his rights to be wondering if their time together meant anything to her.
  22. Ray found out his girlfriend had been lying/withholding things from him for 2 years and he's at fault for being upset about that because he tried to make the best of a bad situation? How exactly does that work? Also if Kendra didn't want to be with him, she could have hooked up, shacked up with anyone else. It's not like anyone was forcing her to be with him, she chose to and the way she acted made it seemed like she using Ray because he was convenient.
  23. Yeah I loved that bit. The cop was threatening with a harassment campaign followed by shooting him. Then he got all uppity about being threatened. Dude is nuts. You don't threaten someone you think is a mass murderer unless you want to get killed. First time Damien showed the possibility of being someone worthy of holding the title of the Anti Christ.
  24. I'm always confused by the Captain's urgency. If he knows where Vandal is, why can't he spend a week or three training up the guys for an actual well thought out confrontation with Savage instead of yet another poorly thought out, random convoluted plan? As for people being deprogrammed by Please please remember your previous code name... Always makes me eye roll hard. I like the characters for the most part. I hate the plot.
  25. Yeah I was thinking what about Miguel? Does she not care that her son will think she just murdered someone for his sake. Also Jude you can take Lionel with you... to wherever your man ends up. Oh well. I don't care about Jelena and I still hate Aisha and her stupid mother. Sloane walking up to what's his face and being all like go on and kill me like a man was the weirdest plan ever. Did she have a wire on or something ? Or did she just want to get it out of the way? At least Jelena knows how to sneakily stab someone in the back and snatch the prize.
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