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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I like the new season even if every episode have massive plot holes and or inconsistencies that leave you scratching your head afterwards. It's nice to have somewhat enjoyable episodes again. I missed last season because I couldn't stomach the Clara we ended up with so it's good to see the new Doctor do his thing. It was interesting that the Doctor either can't keep track of how many people he has killed or saved or is ashamed enough to admit neither. More likely that the writers couldn't be bothered making a number of either and being bombarded by fans calculating an actual number based on episodes.
  2. Jack is my favorite part of the show but I find myself bored during most of the episode. The Beast of Forever is such a vague nebulous threat that I find myself underwhelmed by the stakes.
  3. There was a book about this ? Was it any good ?
  4. I figured it would have been smarter or fairer to have each group swap at the start of the new day so they could all experience life as the upper class and the lower class, seems kind of stupid to pay to be treated like a servant for an entire weekend. I thought a peasant revolt was quite an entertaining LARP. I was worried about the library.
  5. I watched this show over a day and Paige got more and more annoying as the series progressed. I don't care who shot the reporter.
  6. Am I supposed to like the main character ? That stunt answering her friend's phone soured me on her completely.
  7. This episode didn't quite hit the spot for me. Hopefully the next episode satisfies me better. I don't like that the other Ricks died so easily. They're supposed to be super geniuses, shouldn't they have some super sci fi gadgets to protect themselves. *sigh* Reminds me of how Rick committed Rickicide to prove he didn't commit Rickicide and now he's just slaughtering them all for no real reason.
  8. I like this show. It tickles my funny bones. I like that the show makes fun of the old and the young equally and has some digs at the british at the same time.
  9. Is it just me or the PSA's after the episodes heavy handed and annoying ? Especially since the statistics used are of dubious merit in the first place. As for the President she's not very professional. Of course she's still sleeping with one student and having arguments with every staff member so I guess that's to be expected. Are all the parents abusive on this show ? They're always threatening to smack their adult children.
  10. I never omit words. I have no desire to let other people decide what words are allowed to come out of my mouth. That said, I would never sing in public, especially not rap, it's frequently glorifying 'thug culture' and it's usually trying too hard. Those kids are way too self involved and crazy. I wonder what will happen when the money dries up.
  11. Yeah that attempt at making him gag was deeply hilarious and it was painful laughing that hard for so long. The blood spurting out of that guy after he got hit by that pony was dark.
  12. Well they showed his body in that room where they were cryogenically storing him so his body was in one place and Melanie told David about how he was exploring this other place where he could basically be god with his psychic powers and he got lost/stuck there. Then we had the episode where David and Oliver had a conversation in the ice cube and Oliver was unclear as to what day or decade it was. I thought it was fairly clear that his psyche/ self was breaking apart after a long absence from his body especially after all those dire predictions about David being lost after such a short time locked away in the smallest part of his own mind. *shrugs* This show throws a handful of jigsaw pieces out every episode and sometimes they help, sometimes they add confusion.
  13. He's been stuck in the astral plane for 21 years and he's lost a lot of memories during that time because he was essentially projecting his psychic self during that whole time and fragmenting... Presumably because you find it interesting if a bit confusing. Might be an idea to try and give the show a break and binge watch the show after the last episode airs.
  14. So what terrible thing did Julia do this episode ?
  15. The guy who took him from the hospital and was burned by the rescue. He had David in a pool in an attempt to interrogate him. It was quite a few episodes ago. Who was that guy in the wheelchair in the imaginary hospital ? He was part of the team but I don't know anything about him. Is he the pyrokinetic ? Presumably David will remember that he has class 5 telekinesis or the ability to teleport at the start of the next episode. I wonder what he'll do against the Division 3 threat. Fight or flee ?
  16. He's got money ? He can bankroll the Defenders operations costs by himself. He can probably provide some basic ninja training. Luke and Jessica could do with some ninja skills. He could provide them with money to hire Claire to be their medic and provide them with facilities that don't rely on terrible secondary businesses for funding. He also has magic hands that get rid of poisons and presumably if he targeted the other chi, he could kill with a touch. That could be quite useful against characters with super strength.
  17. I guess that means I should write or find a terrible fan fic with this pairing. After a tough work out Davos and Danny go to the lake to find girls and instead find each other and because they're in a monastery told to suppress their feelings they bury it deep within themselves until they lash out in the only way their training tells them is appropriate with fisticuffs. Their couple name would be Davy or Danos ? Super strength is fairly generic though in the super hero world. His real talent is probably being the only one of the Defenders to have martial arts training. Not that it seems to stop him from being randomly taken out by random goons or bullets.
  18. Aww Ben and Danny are all star struck by a hooker. I did like Riley automatically dismissing whatever Danny was up to because Ben was around.
  19. Well considering the only other person that was friendly to him was that other homeless guy who died fairly quickly, Colleen has been the only one that showed him any kindness since arriving 'home. She's got common interests what with the dojo and the martial arts training; not that surprising he's trying to build upon that. Also she's probably prettier than the monks at Kun Lung. That said romances are boring and predictable on comic book shows.
  20. I'm guessing there was a bit of a time skip at the end. Presumably after the fist fight with Danny, Danny abandoning his duty as the Iron Fist to hang out with a former Hand agent, Davos tried to get back to Kun Lung and found dead Hand goons instead and decided it was all Danny's fault since he deserted his post. Maybe Davos thinks that if he teams up with Joy and Ghao then he can get rid of Danny and become the new Iron Fist. Considering that Danny was so willing to ditch Davos because of a bird and a woman after 15 years together, Davos probably feels that he's been sufficiently burned that he can't be bothered any more with being Danny's friend. Claire spent a lot of time whining about being dragged into the stuff but she actively participates in all the shenanigans anyway. She spouts off cliches about not killing people when the people involved haven't asked for her opinion. Harold occupying that building at night with a bunch of goons was just weird and nonsensical especially since he had just shown up at that office that morning and people really should have had more questions about his whole death and resurrection thing. Admittedly killing people shouldn't be the first option but just letting your enemies go when they have millions of dollars at their disposal and ties to a secret organisation of ninjas seems stupid as hell. They really should have chopped off that Sensei's head when they had the chance. They seem to have forgotten that the Hand can bring people back from the dead. *sigh*
  21. I doubt there's anything he could say that will make the critics change their minds about his acting or skin color. I don't know why he bothers. I would have just ignored all the opinions on social media and kept cashing in my paychecks.
  22. I don't remember Claire being so annoying and preachy in the other shows. At least Ward finished the job. Showing mercy is all well and good but if you're going to let the bad guy live, at least make sure he's properly restrained before you turn your back on him. Damn idiot protagonists.
  23. Poor Davos he sounds like a jilted lover, abandoned at the altar. Typical of the protagonist to abandon his duties because of his own personal issues. These people may be decent fights but they are terrible strategists. Always cut off the head. That way you can keep it as a trophy like Rigel off Farscape. When enemies keep coming back from the dead, make sure they stay dead.
  24. I'm sure as a billionaire the credit card company won't ask that many questions
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