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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Sci Fi writer sermonizing about the value of artists and hope seemed stupid and silly. Wouldn't they simply pick the people that ticked the most boxes possible, strong psychological, physical and genetic health with high IQs with a lower weighting for artistic talents such as drawing, writing and sculpting. It seemed like an excuse for her to jump on a soap box to wax lyrical about the value of her own artistic career path, rather than adding anything of value. Darius shouldn't have needed to vet Croft, isn't that why he had a security chief to begin with. Seriously the more the show goes on, the less highly I think of everyone involved, Darius relies heavily on two techies, both of whom he 'hired' within the last week, his security was killed super easily and Croft somehow knew exactly where they were going in order to set up an ambush. The governmental hemming and hawing seems like an excuse for the billionaire to take center stage. Seriously, doesn't the government have anyone else working on this, other than Darius, MIT guy and traitor old pants ? Anyone else shout "ALWAYS double tap, you stupid kid" after MIT guy shot traitor? It's not like he was in a hurry, he just loitered around afterwards. Him shooting the plane was kind of amusing, I have no idea what he was trying to accomplish, blow up the plane with the one of a kind EM drive on it ? while it was above him. So stupid. Still not as bad as Zoo or Under the Dome but this is the bland kind of stupid, rather than the outrageously (sometimes amusing) stupid of those shows. I'm not really feeling this but at least it's less confusing that Counterpart.
  2. That was a very weak unfunny episode (YMMV).
  3. Yeah I told my house mate after we watched it "I know that's supposed to be a sweet moment everyone coming together at the end but doesn't the Treehouse of Magical inspiration have even basic level security like a lock?" It doesn't seem as stupid as Zoo or Under the Dome, so I'm willing to give it a few episodes to see how it shakes out. I think there's much more drama to be mined out of the life boat scenario than the try to save the planet aspect. If the US government and potentially every other developed nation is working on the stop the asteroid plan, then tech genius and MIT boy can spend their time working on the escape pod plan. What would be funny and a subversion of the typical cliches would be Techie and MIT go to all the effort to select 160 to 1600 people to colonise Mars and build all the rockets for that and it turns out to be completely unnecessary because the other world governments find something else to knock the comet off course. Then the last scene can be of the ships blasting off while the comet is destroyed or redirected and season 2 could be adventures in space, genius edition. (I may be weird.)
  4. Angel Eyes died super easily, so presumably he was one of the original marks. Honestly I don't get Baldwin or her situation or even care. This show feels like an uphill battle, I figured Peter would blame his father in law for being the mole, not Howard, since meek Howard only recently got higher clearance and the Other Howard has only shown up recently. I don't know I'm rapidly losing interest in this show.
  5. I ff through all the sex scenes because they're boring and add nothing to the plot. Maybe if it was Quayle and Angel Eyes getting it on, I'd be momentarily interested but the sex in the show feels pointless. I want my sci fi spy thriller to spend less time on pointless sex scenes and more time detailing the differences between universes or furthering the plot or characters in some way. During the dramatic reveal that Quayle was incidentally responsible for the Mole's access was anyone else wondering why the guy couldn't use a coaster ?
  6. Agreed. Not every gay kid grows up loving show tunes and wanting to go on Broadway. Where's the representation for the gay kids who aren't interested in fashion or music or celebrities? I miss Danny from Teen Wolf, sadly he disappeared into a plot hole and never returned.
  7. So far my current guess is that during the first 30 seconds of magic being turned back on, a third party with enough juice can reroute the trickle of magic to another place, I just think of it diverting it like a river to somewhere more useful (a dam) to be allocated to the masses as necessary. I'm not exactly a fan of the Library but their plan makes some sense considering how much chaos Magicians have caused, turning into niffins, killing Gods, losing their shades, casting black hole magic, mind control spells and creating God killing weapons and that's just the main crew. Josh makes weird magic drugs that could be used for all sorts of dubious purposes. I've always been a bit confused about the geography of Fillory, everyone always talked about Fillory but no one mentioned the other countries? provinces? till now, so it's unclear whether Fillory is a country and a region or if it's the entire magical world. So unclear.
  8. Isn't most romance movies these days end with a guy changing for a girls approval ? The bad boy is tamed by the girl's love and becomes a better person or some such rubbish.
  9. So far it's still Meh, the pandering is a bit obnoxious but I don't really care about Brainiac as a villain either so I'm not sure why I'm watching other than it's something to watch.
  10. Well it was nice that Elliot saluted the new high king, he's understandably disappointed that he didn't win a popularity contest but still was willing to accept his loss graciously. It was good of Margo to get a reward for all the sacrifices she's made on behalf of Fillory even if it wasn't appreciated at the time or in some cases ill advised. Does this mean the Fairy Queen is subservient to Margo since Margo is the Queen of Fillory and she's going to be a subject? It will be nice to see the Fairy Queen in a less antagonistic position as a member of the Fillorian Government/council. Julia is making great strides in atoning for her previous actions, though I do wonder if that forest is going to be sentient or not, or whether the sentient trees are still extinct. That arborcide ranks second in things that still haunt me... the first of course being Penny throwing out the 8th Fillory book in season 1 (I think it was) just because he didn't like it or some other equally nonsensical reason.
  11. Gina is the worst and the Doug Judy schtick has been overdone and it makes everyone look stupid for playing along with it.
  12. Honestly this felt kind of underwhelming but the main dude is pretty enough to watch a few more episodes to decide whether it's too terrible to continue with or not.
  13. It was okay, kind of predictable with the revelations of that Under Secretary being dodgy and a member of the previous group, though I did appreciate that the Apex's had won the genetic war, since I always hated the premise that robots/humans would manage a superiority in the Marvel universe when you had mutants that could rewrite reality. Kind of curious as to how much chaos will be caused by 50 people with future knowledge.
  14. Well that was something... So far I don't care what happens to any of these characters, I'm just waiting to see if the repressed probably gay kid triggers his parents by kissing a boy and possibly doing other more explicit stuff laters.
  15. Well that got dark, Kenny turned out to be not only a mooch but a plain old manipulative con man taking Shaun for everything of value he could get. Kenny has no shame, he 'borrows' Shaun's tv and essentially tells him to get lost because he's too quirky to hang out with when there are other options. Hopefully Shaun will figure out a way to deal with him. On a more positive note, Shaun's smile experiments when he looks like a demented nut job and his setting up Glassman with a date were hilarious. They toned down the special patient of the week a tad so it didn't come across as heavy handed and preachy as some of the other Patient of the Week.
  16. Unpopular opinion: I like Reznick, I find her candor about being ruthless far more entertaining than if she pretended to be nice to her coworkers and stabbed them in the back. I doubt her plan is to get Jared in trouble for looking for other work, they don't want him around and they'd probably be happy to get rid of him what with him essentially blackmailing them with charges of racism in order to get his job back after assaulting a doctor because of his relationship with a coworker. Getting him a new job is an easy way to further her agenda to get a job in this hospital after residency is over, though I am curious why she would want to work in this particular hospital if she has an 'in' at another hospital. Her higher ups already know she's a pain, I think that was the first thing we heard about her, said by Melendez to Claire if I remember correctly. As for Kenny he may be a user but I doubt he'd steal anything substantial from the guy that lives next door to him, he's more likely to siphon money from Shaun over a long period of time by having him 'buy' dinner and entertainment. Shaun probably thinks that Kenny is using him but he's willing to tolerate it for the moment because he provides male companionship and other than the general moochiness treats him fairly well. It's not uncommon for people to have friends that take more than they give. It's kind of funny that Park has had one episode with prominence and I like him more than most of the senior management of this hospital, his cynicism (IMO) counterbalances the more idealistic nature of trying to fix people.
  17. This pilot was a bit dense with cliches and stereotype teens, we got closeted teen boys, a transgender teen, a mean girl with a troubled family, a girl on the wrong side of the tracks, a jock with hidden depths and a problem son of the main character. I don't really care about any of the kids, I'm just going to watch to see the soap opera explosions of love triangles and revelations of gayness, adultery and substance abuse. Going to be low grade entertainment.
  18. Personally this second half of the season seems to be trending downwards in term of quality. I still don't care about Andrew or remember his name most of the time. I don't care about his fertility issues. I don't care about his wife who has been in two episodes. I don't find anything interesting about Jessica so far except that one laundry scene for about 3 seconds where she showed a bit of life... I find the heavy handed social political commentary tiresome, sexual harassment, gender identity and racial politics are complex subjects that are divisive and not particularly fun or lighthearted to shoe in at every possible opportunity and it's getting old quickly. The only thing I like about this show at the moment is the friendly rivalry/friction between Shaun and Jared, they work well together while not feeling too chummy. Claire seems like she need more hand holding about dealing with conflict than Shaun does some of the time which seems odd.
  19. Jane might consider it a time loop since from her perspective, the situation is reversed back to a point she chooses but we don't know whether that wipes the slate clean or whether an alternate timeline continues on outside her perspective. We don't really have enough information as to when she reset the 23 timeline or when Julia and Josh appeared in the 23 timeline to determine whether they went into the end stage of the time loop or after the 'reset' happened and they were left to continue on with their dark alternate timeline. Maybe we'll get more clarification in later episodes like we did with the Fillory clock key, it works erratically and to it's own rules that are unknown.
  20. I don't think the timeline gets reset, it's just that a new timeline is created every time the watch was used so from the perspective of Original Flavor Jane Chatwin, she would reset time every time Quentin died but the timelines continued on without her and a new reality would be created where she and the Dean were aware what happened. This would explain why Dean no 23 knew about the previous 22 iterations even after the Beast had slaughtered everyone including Quentin. If each timeline was discontinued after being 'reset' they couldn't talk to Alice23 or visit Timeline 23 at all. So the existential problem is that no matter how often you use time travel to 'solve' a problem, it only helps one variation of people and the originals get to suffer through all the consequences up until the end of time regardless of how dark it is. Quantum branching (or at least that's what I called it when I wrote my x men fan fic exploring why time travel is not the easy fix it seems like) is a nightmare for those aware of it though a possible gold mine for clever writers. This episode opened up a whole new set of possibilities for the crew, team ups with alternate versions of themselves (except Quentin who would presumably be dead in every alternate timeline except this one where he was resurrected through dark magical creature deals), it also foreshadows the possibility of Julia creating a worse situation by releasing some dark magical creature/ nemesis in time for season 4 and a potential outcome where Josh turns into a werewolf and kills/infects all his friends.
  21. Mina is awesome. Conrad's conflict with the other doctor was well done. It makes sense that Conrad would irritate people by doing their jobs better than they do in such a blunt manner but it's understandable why Conrad wouldn't want to play by the rules when there are so many dumb smug people involved that endanger patients for their own egos.
  22. Did Julia make a friend of the Fairy Queen? I still don't get why the Fairy Queen collects body parts or why she's so hung up about the value of their deals. Oh well, maybe next episode will clear up one of those questions. If the Fairies have a Fairy Realm, why did they stage a hostile takeover of Fillory? This episode was less fun than the last one.
  23. Yvette is the worst, why must she continue to withhold information from Kevin, why can't she admit she was hungry and ate the pizza? Instead she let Dave take the fall for her. At this point does Yvette or Dave serve any purpose other than they make Kevin's life more complicated?
  24. While I enjoy Kevin and his attempts to do the right thing in the face of Yvette's uselessness and vague universe hints, the show only gets more frustrating with each episode. We still don't know what happened to the other 35 Righteous souls. We don't know what the Righteous Souls are supposed to do to restore balance to the universe. We don't know why Kevin isn't getting an assist from the recently awakened adult Righteous Soul. We don't know why Kevin blacks out after triggering a Righteous Soul Amy is mostly boring and adds very little to the continuing main plot. Apparently she forgot all about the miracle where her daughter was saved from a grisly death. Yvette can't protect Kevin from mortal harm if she's losing her invulnerability and yet she's selfish and stupid and doesn't tell him that.
  25. Yvette is the worst. She needs to either be helpful or be quiet. Her condescending and overbearing attitude has gotten old.
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