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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Has anyone seen the latest user terms for BBC ? Section 9 "If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content anywhere on or to BBC websites or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour on any BBC service, the BBC may use your personal information to stop such behaviour. 16 Where the BBC reasonably believes that you are or may be in breach of any applicable laws (e.g. because content you have posted may be defamatory), the BBC may use your personal information to inform relevant third parties such as your employer, school email/internet provider or law enforcement agencies about the content and your behaviour. 10. What if I am a user aged under 18?" Thoughts about BBC essentially doxxing people for wrong think?
  2. Has anyone seen the BBC's latest user terms? This one is of particular interest. (section 9) "If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content anywhere on or to BBC websites or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour on any BBC service, the BBC may use your personal information to stop such behaviour. 16 Where the BBC reasonably believes that you are or may be in breach of any applicable laws (e.g. because content you have posted may be defamatory), the BBC may use your personal information to inform relevant third parties such as your employer, school email/internet provider or law enforcement agencies about the content and your behaviour. " Personally it seems the BBC is part of the nanny state... If you don't behave they'll tell on you. I'm glad I'm not in England. Apparently the publicly owned enterprise is in favor of doxxing. Back on topic. Was anyone else kind of sad that the blue guy died ?
  3. I laughed so hard when Charlottes wound killed that wannabe kingpin. It reminded me of the ark of the covenant. Classic Lucifer making things worse. Score on Amenadiel being Daddy's favorite.
  4. That Gay Swat guy was such an offensive stereotype... Why do I love him so much more than Titus. Then again I like everyone more than Titus.
  5. This episode was terrible. The Shadow Doctor Pope Blocking Bill's Lesbian Date was amusing but the rest of the episode was downhill from there. Why would a sub routine of a holographic simulation have the ability to send an email to sonic sunglasses worn by the actual Doctor? Are we supposed to believe that the Doctor gets emails via his sonic sunglasses? Also doesn't his sonic sunglasses capture rough estimations of object locations and configurations so... that message would be... unhelpful? I really hope this isn't a repeat of the Silence who were talked up a lot and was mostly taken care of offscreen... or something. I'm still not clear on what the Silence was or how they were defeated or why they were doing anything they were doing. That Missy thing was so overwrought and tiresome. We all knew the Doctor would never pull the plug on Missy/Master, he's had multiple opportunities to in the past and he's never gone through. Sure he'll kill other aliens who kill one person or threaten to invade the Earth or a city... but the Master who has routinely tried to take over/destroy Earth will always be given a free pass. Those executioners were weird, did they not look up the doctor before asking him to be an executioner? He should be known as someone not prone to killing someone in cold blood. Also which crime were they killing Missy for ?
  6. I think Charles is a better influence on Brockmire than his love interest. He caught him up on modern advancements, helped him to work out his parental anxiety. That other relationship is awfully codependent and unhealthy, what with the pregnancy and coke habits. YMMV I guess we'll see what happens next season. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another spectacular meltdown and returns but I doubt they'd get back together again.
  7. I'm guessing you haven't watched Alias, Weeds, Scandal, Dark Angel, House of Cards, Unreal, Homeland, The Americans, who all have questionably moral women as either main characters or the main character. Sophia isn't the only problem of this show. The secondary characters weren't particularly interesting either. The only interesting person I saw was the old woman mocking her for her navel gazing diatribe to a complete stranger.
  8. But why is she right for telling to go fuck himself for wanting to take a better opportunity for his career after a decade of being completely out of the game? Just because he loves her doesn't mean he should tie himself down in a town that has nothing much going for it other than the abundance of stupid/violent drunks. While she's perfectly within her rights to want to stay and improve her business and town... That doesn't obligate anyone else to do the same. Do we even know whether this show will get another season?
  9. Lol why ? She's not a catch. She's a red hot mess in charge of a stadium that only started to turn around when he came on the scene and the place had some kind of unique appeal again. He really doesn't need another alcoholic barely holding it together in his life. If he gets a better paying job with more prestige he's bound to meet more stable women... or expensive escorts. It's not much of a loss as far as I can see. I do like how Charles and Brockmire's relationship has progressed. Seems to be more intergenerational, interracial friendships on tv lately. It's nice. So many subtle digs to be made about technology, race and the unifying theme of malfunctions.
  10. This show is terrible... and yet I can't stop watching it. I have a problem.
  11. I missed the average breaths part... but I find the concept odd that a computerised/capitalistic society would have such a non standardised unit of measurement for a commodity. Oh well I'll just fanwank it as a poorly designed and run mining station. I'm kind of curious why Doctor Who seems to be dissing capitalism. Is it just because he has no money? and essentially has his magic machine make/steal anything he wants.
  12. Was anyone else slightly annoyed by the fact that the Doctor headed towards an emergency situation without any kind of preparation for dealing with it? It'd be nice if he sometimes brought a doctor's bag along to a distress call where people might be in peril. Plus it might be funny to play into the Doctor is supposed to "make people better" angle. The more you think about this episode the less it makes any sense. Wouldn't breaths be a terrible unit of measurement since every person's breath would require different amounts of oxygen? Oh well at least I don't have to watch Clara any more.
  13. This episode was hilarious, the ending was a bit... off (IMO). Lucifer kind of came across as an angry teenager. Linda was especially great this episode.
  14. An excuse for disliking a character ? We don't need an excuse. Lots of people have lots of different reasons for disliking or liking lots of characters. Someone can be a terrible person and amusing. Like the "B*tch in Apartment 23" she was mostly a terrible person but an interesting character with depth. Or Arya is serial killer with a hit list but she is somehow beloved by fandom. It's all a matter of personal preference and perspective. She just seemed annoying and boring and I didn't care what her deal was. What we need is interesting stories told by interesting people. Not more gender quotas.
  15. In my experience, feminists are rude, annoying and with an unearned sense of entitlement so seems quite accurate to me. I disliked the character about a minute into the first episode. Instead of getting help from a couple of people from the tram to help get it off the street she flips off the conductor as if he's in the wrong. Ugh I'm out..
  16. He may not be able to throw... but he can run :p so he has that going for him.
  17. I just realized something... The 'dryads' were in the trees outside the house when Felicity escaped... so they would have been perfectly fine when the house collapsed, because we didn't see the trees collapse at the end. So there's at least a couple hanging about in the trees waiting for the next human to make a useful sound to eat... Another plot hole ? Or am I completely off the mark?
  18. I hate how RIley just assumed they'd move without even talking with Danny about it first. It's like she still refuses to see Danny as a partner even after their wedding. So frustrating.
  19. I wasn't expecting like a dramatic outburst or her to burst into tears but a word of profanity, a tear, a prolonged "NooOoo", something to indicate she lost someone she knew. Evidently she knew her at least a little in order to live with her and 4 other people so I was expecting something a little more than we got with the orphan child, since she actually knew this one at least a day. In the room she was like "she's gone" as if delivering a status report which is to be expected with the Doctor's delivery, he's used to randoms dying around him but she seemed fairly unaffected by the loss of 5 of her acquaintances/friends in a span of 10 or 20 minutes and their subsequent resurrection/revival. It isn't a big deal, we can probably just fanwank it as shock in show or lazy writing out of show. The tone of the episode was somewhat off. The other characters were not scared then panicky scared then simply confused after their resurrection. It all seemed somewhat underwhelming. Oh well, it was a reasonably entertaining episode which makes it better than most of the last 2 seasons. Hopefully next episode Nardole gets more to do than to scold the Doctor for not honoring his oath.
  20. Yeah the bugs were really confusing. I mean why did the son use humans instead of practically any other more freely available life forms like pigs, sheep, cows, rats or other random animals. You'd think people going missing would attract more attention than you'd want as the keeper of a wood mother monster. Also mother jumped quickly from "see the world" to "time to end it all". Kind of jarring. I was left wondering about all their stuff being eaten? destroyed? Why did the bugs killing Wood Mother mean the house falling apart, weren't they siphoning energy to the Wood Mother? So after her death, they'd have more resources to use to maintain the house... This episode was entertaining but sort of weak plot wise and also character wise. Bill saw her friends/randoms die in front of her and was only mildly surprised by it after the big deal about that dead orphan last week. Has she become immune to grief so quickly ? Shouldn't those other characters been a little bit more traumatized by all the bugs eating them? Arggh... Oh well at least there was no weird time tangly paradoxes to unravel...
  21. I didn't like the pilot much but I gave it a second chance and I love Fawz. This show plays a little heavy handed with the race card. I get it, there's a Jew, Arab and Black Guy, they don't need to tell me about it so often, once is enough.
  22. Well it depends on what you think free will and God entails... because in the Bible he's said to have hardened Pharoah's heart (for some reason) and he is not above interfering with human affairs what with letting angels murder people for the sake of the lols... Or was that the ordeal with Job... It was a boring and confusing book. Also God is supposedly Omniscient so he knows a human and Angel's every choice... which is presumably how he arranged to have Chloe born into an attractive woman in a position to influence and weaken Lucifer into a position of monitoring his ex wife... So even though Chloe is free to make whatever choice she wants, God knows how to rearrange all the pieces in order to get her to make the decision he wants her to. If that's falling in love with Lucifer so Lucifer is more engaged in rehabilitating the 'bad souls' then that's what's going to happen. Presumably God does what "pattern Angel" did on a larger scale with 'better' results.
  23. The mother is too much, she grates. She should have been fired at least once per episode. I like the blond guy but I struggle to remember anyone's names because I don't care about the show enough.
  24. Maybe she's as bad at econ as she is at acting... Who knows, this show doesn't really make much sense to begin with.
  25. If I was being attacked by pixel monsters I think I'd be a bit more curious about the whole pixel monsters being a thing... Oh well stoic protagonists ignoring odd things isn't unusual. There are a lot of spoilers in this episode thread.
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