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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Maybe it means that Galavant is kickass in 5 out of 7 kingdoms and he doesn't visit those other two realms. Or they're not sure how many realms kingdoms or duchies there are in this medieval setting.
  2. Trying to save people is noble... Her methods are I won't use the words evil cause that's trite... but lets just call it incredibly stupid and counter intuitive. Wouldn't it be more effective to get Evo's to cooperate to save the world for everyone and have the save the few if that doesn't work as a back up plan then spend all her energy on saving a few thousand by lying and murdering anyone who opposes her. Erica is deliberately trying to find the two teenagers that could save the world so that she can kill them for no reason that makes any sense. Other than perhaps ruling over a future colony herself. Her motivations make little sense, her plan to deceive a few thousand of the brightest into a future colony seems doomed to failure. Won't all those people be fairly pissed that she's essentially left all their friends and family to die because she couldn't even be bothered TRYING to save the world any other way.
  3. I totally get where you're coming from. While I'm intrigued enough to find out who are the shadowy puppet masters behind starting an Earth Mars war I'm still not very invested in any of the characters. Grumpy detective isn't doing anything for me nor is the guy who broadcasted that Mars was responsible for killing his former ship. As can be intuited by my inability to remember a single character's name.
  4. Exactly what I was yelling at the tv... Turn to smoke you moron. Seriously this show is full of morons. I'm actively rooting for the apocalypse because they all do the most stupidest thing. Someone tells me to run away from the shadow wielding power blocking woman trying to kill me and... she runs right back and gets herself nearly dead in the process. Tommy even having the powers of teleportation can't think to just ditch Erika anywhere while he picks up his loved ones and put them somewhere remote. Everyone on the show failing to notice Erica is a lying woman who lies. When she asked Tommy if he trusted her I told the tv "Why would he trust you? you just told him you lied to everyone in the building to lure them into a convenient place to transport them to the future to be part of some weird breeding program." Honestly I'm not sure why I'm watching than to see if anyone just throws Ericka and Phoebe off a bridge. On the upside Harris Prime got his face chopped off in a battle he didn't even need to participate in so... win ? I guess ?
  5. Does anyone know who is the actor playing Destiny? It's been bugging me for days and IMDB is proving useless. Otherwise it was an entertaining episodes even though there were a few uneven bits but who cares I missed this show's wacky musical humor.
  6. Rewatching this episode made me just hate that these guys can never just do their job they have to spend all their time bickering and no matter what happens they act as if it's no big deal. This episode made the CIA look incompetent and made the ISIS crew look like a bunch of jackasses with Kreiger lashing out at scientists during an operation and then trashing the computer for no reason except shrinky dinks... Between Archer firing the weapon in the hangar to purging the air lock unnecessarily to ignoring the danger they were in it's gotten a bit tiresome. Hopefully next season Archer stops drinking while on missions, it's getting ridiculous.
  7. This was amusing but unfulfilling. Sometimes the campiness was a bit excessive and ridiculous. I guess I shouldn't have expected better of Grace falling for Hester's lies when a simple DNA test could have proved or disproved the bath tub baby backstory. If there is a season 2 I may watch it for Chad hilarity but I've lost interest in 90% of the other characters. I miss Boone. He was hilarity.
  8. This episode was mediocre. Hopefully they go to Canada soon and see how the Mounties fared post Zombie Apocalypse. At this point I would have kicked Murphy in the balls and ditched him by now. He's a threat to the human race more than he is a potential savior.
  9. I thought PI's had to have some sort of qualifications to be able to hang a shingle on their doors? Something along the lines of concealed weapons, tasers or law enforcement knowledge. I could be wrong. She could have thrown a baseball at his head, giving him a concussion, non lethal and very little risk of collateral damage. Considering her fighting style of throwing people at walls, I'm amazed she hasn't accidentally killed or paralysed some one by now.
  10. Kilgrave has been shown to be a short to mid range planner though, he had the Chef and the maid ? pre programmed to come to the room if Jessica made any sudden movements and by the sounds of Jessica's response she didn't seem to be that surprised by him actually having a strategy in play for her turning against him. He also made mention about a whole bunch of suicides in the neighborhood if Jessica killed him. Jessica's super power is super strength... which is only really useful if she gets close enough to punch the guy... which requires short range which could easily be stopped by Kilgrave ordering everyone to attack her directly. It wouldn't have been the first time he literally threw people at her, eg when he had that family attack her to buy himself enough time to escape from wherever he had holed up. A gun would have provided her with a ranged weapon where she could have waited till he had his back turned and shot him in the back. He wouldn't have been able to order anyone to do anything because he'd be too surprised to order anything. Also Jessica while apparently mentally immune is physically vulnerable to bullets and a good enough concussive attack. Superman on the other hand doesn't need a gun because he can shoot lasers out his eyes, has cold breath and is virtually invulnerable to most non kryptonite attacks. He doesn't really need to think before engaging an enemy. He's got like a dozen super powers that makes him so overpowered that the only decent antagonist is another Kryptonian. Jessica has super strength, slightly enhanced healing and above average durability along with jumping against an amoral mind rapist who uses people like disposable weapons.
  11. That General was the worst. You have a billion dollar killing machine on the loose and you decide to fire the creator/designer immediately. Honestly it'd be easier to capture it and reprogram it with his help. Also way to tip off the super powered ally that you're plotting against her and her cousin. I don't know why SuperGirl tolerated his nonsense. Other than that she's a push over.
  12. Wait when was it shown that the guy was a murderer ? He stabbed Alfred and he survived. So attempted murderer maybe. Alfred couldn't call the cops on Selina's activities without endangering Bruce as Accessory to the fact to murder and getting Alfred in trouble for that whole false police report where he told Gordon that he didn't see who stabbed him. We didn't really see what Alfred's reaction to the news of Bruce's activities. It cut away before we could get much in the way of response from Alfred. As for whether it's his place to punish Selina. It's not his place. Then again neither is it Batman's place to punch people into submission. This whole show glorifies violence and death. There is so much death, mostly of mooks who are typically male and nameless.
  13. I have a very mixed reaction to the finale. It seemed lackluster in some crucial way I'm not sure I can articulate. The showdown with Killgrave seemed to rely way too heavily on the hero having so much blind luck it's bordering on ridiculous; like all those cops missing while she was running, Killgrave not having any contingency plans to the possibility of Jessica not being under his control. In a way it seemed too easy for Jessica to just reach out and snap his neck. It brought up the question of why she didn't do that like 30 fatalities ago. Or more importantly once she decided to kill him why she didn't get a gun and shoot him instead of this elaborate nonsensical plan that only worked due to plot contrivance. Also Jessica seems sort of unbelievable with her violence. She throws people against walls with super strength, you'd think she'd be slightly concerned about deaths or people noticing her flinging people across rooms.
  14. It's getting to the point where it makes the good guys look stupid that Kilgrave keeps escaping every time they get him in custody. He's escaped at least 3 times from Jessica. Considering the short timeline of the series, it just makes it feel a bit cartoonish with the frequent escapes and the characters learning little from it. Jessica really needs a better lock for her apartment/office. Everyone just walks through that place every 5 minutes.
  15. I don't get what your point is exactly. I can't tell if you're saying that you don't want females in situations where they have to engage males in combat because they're physically inferior to men? Which can be easily over come with a ranged weapon and distance or several martial arts styles. Selina made Bruce an accessory after the fact to murder... From what you're saying it sounds like you think it's irrelevant what the context is, men can't hit women because women can't be held accountable for their actions. To me there's a big difference between a woman wearing pants and deliberately engaging in murder. Which Selina and Tabitha have both done by aiding street gangs/evil conspiracies.
  16. I always find it strange how people pick fights with people with superpowers. Always seems incredibly stupid. It was nice that Jessica reacted in a realistic manner without going all Magneto on the stupid bigoted humans. It was a basic "I'm not going to tolerate your shit, go away, I don't have time to deal with your particular nonsense right now".
  17. You mean where he slapped/punched Selina for killing his former friend in cold blood, depriving him of an opportunity to say goodbye or find out more information than a couple of teens. Or when he tried to disarm the female assassin with a whip and a gun... This is what I find interesting, a writer make a bad guy a woman because of equal opportunity of violence delivery and then people complain about those women being hit by men. If they only fight women the writer gets accused of pandering to a male audience with all the 'cat fights'. The impression I got of Tabitha is that she's a stone cold killer who crushed a mans windpipe with her boot. Alfred didn't even have a weapon till the end of the fight. Should Alfred simply have been choked to death by her whip just so there's no man on woman assaults ? I consider Alfred to be a good soldier. If someone's coming after him, he's going to take them out regardless of age, gender or optics.
  18. I kind of assumed the guy rubbing his feet who winked at him was subtly hitting on 10k which is why 10 k was all disturbed. It is getting sad that 10 k never gets any drugs or sex. I think everyone but him has gotten laid or drugged up (Doc). Murphy has stopped being amusing for me. He seems to be actively working against humanity's survival instead of just dragging his feet about being helpful. At this point I don't know why they just don't hit him over the head and stuff him in the trunk of a car. He's usually causing more trouble than he resolves.
  19. Those scenes were easily the best part of the episode. Nygma looking after Penguin was both adorably sweet and super creepy all at the same time. Nygma got him a present of a Galivan lackey to murder. New BFF's or villains who are at least cordial to each other in passing? That is my question. Honestly when Missy/Mother said that Jim Gordon would die I was like, no all of Gotham's assassins will die and several random cops will die. Honestly How are there any cops left on the precinct what with cops dying basically every episode. I think that was the basis of a Cracked After Hours episode as well. That Bruce Wayne embezzles from his company so that he can spend his free time beating up the mentally ill and the poor.
  20. Hasn't he been demoted/fired at least 5 times by now ? I lose track. I think it was funny that he was a uniform and the president of the police union at the same time. It's only been like a year and he must have the weirdest spottiest record of the police department. Luckily he has criminals to pull strings for him since he kind of sucks at his job. What with telling the bad guys that he's coming for them. Anyone else wondering if Jim and Riddler have the same kind of compulsion, taunting their adversaries. At least the Riddler does his in obtuse fasion. Jim just goes I'm coming for you Penguin/Major/Commisioner. Way to get them off their guard moron. *sigh* Jim has become more and more unlikeable lately. IMHO
  21. The two biggest grievances I have with this show... 1 The cops seem to have very little interest in shooting to wound, they seem to kill most suspects of crimes and several underworld thugs a day or completely miss someone standing 20 feet away even when they're supposedly the best shots eva... for no particular reason. No one is shot in the cross fire when Gordon fires a giant gun into the street unconcerned about pedestrian casualties or restraint. 2 This is the third rich people public event out of the 3 rich people public event that has been attacked by armed or crazy criminals. Why aren't the rich people fleeing this stupid town. I can understand why the poor people can't escape but why would the rich people stay in Gotham with the mass murder when they can just go to Switzerland or wherever their second homes are. Unless they really love the underground sex slave auctions or the kinky S&M Fox Glove establishment or the Weapons Mart but seriously... Rich people have options. They can send their kids to better schools in places where cops aren't routinely massacred. Poor dead sniper boy. We hardly knew you. Your mom worked 3 jobs for you to become a cop and you died in your first week (guessing timeline). So sad.
  22. Alfred punched another minor this episode... But it doesn't seem to bother anyone when Baby Bruce gets sucker punched by his de facto guardian. How curious. I did like the addition of Indian Hill to the show. Maybe we can have some revolving door villains instead of relying so heavily on an increasingly ineffectual Penguin. I suppose it's one thing to attain power, it's another to hold it.
  23. Isn't Alfred Bruce's de facto guardian? Doesn't that give him some leeway on making sure his impressionable obsessive young charge doesn't spend too much time hanging out with a kleptomaniac, murdering street girl. Who he is probably is still thinking lied to them both about being a witness to the Wayne's murder in order to get somewhere to hang out for a few days. Also she's a member of Penguin's gang and hangs out with other murderous thugs and low lives...It's not like Selina is a positive influence on Bruce Wayne. It is interesting how in a world where people say women are equal to men... that women are not allowed to be struck because... ? women are fragile ? Even the fictional characters who can leap over fences and claw people eyes out with their finger nails like it's nothing and commit cold blooded murder without the slightest pang of guilt are subjected to a knee jerk reaction of aww she's just a girl... How dare he?! I really hope Penguin pulls it together soon because he's gone back to pathetic again. Why does he keep letting the same two cops enter his house in order to insult and or threaten him? The gun battles on this show are really terrible.
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