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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. ITA. The whole exchange between Kira and Mason highlighted the problem for me even more . Kira: Why are you researching Kitsune? Mason: Because I met one Kira: Oh. It boggles my mind that none of the main teens wonder about their super powers. Scott doesn't bug Deaton every day about what a True Alpha can do (it'd be one thing if Deaton said he's only heard unreliable folklore but he's constantly doing that vague mysterious advisor bullshit that drives me mental) while at work. Malia doesn't ask her bio dad about her mother or about her powers (he'd probably lie but it'd probably be amusing). Lydia doesn't ask her mother about their family history or search her grandmother's place for hidden books or anything that might be informative (or asks Peter about how he used her to bring himself back from the dead) or Deaton. Kira is probably the worst offender, her mother lives with her, is alive, is centuries old and has Oni as body guards/ servants and could tell her all about what a kitsune can do. Instead Kira only asks about her love life being inconvenienced by problematic wolf/fox relationships. Yeah I don't care about Liam's non girlfriend. We already have enough supernaturals in the main pack we don't need more tertiary supernaturals to join the group already. This isn't Buffy season 6. *sigh* I wish Scott would ask how packs work from somebody (Satsomi, Deaton, Deucalion, Peter Argent, Gerard Argent or Mexican Hunter Lady) so that he'd learn something about how to run a pack after 2- 5 years of just winging it. Did Allison's bestiary disappear into thin air along with several of the secondary and main characters ? On a positive note it was nice seeing Brett and Mason hanging out watching Liam practice and chatting about supernatural nonsense. A nice non date.
  2. Wouldn't Rachel be on hook for the damages she did last nervous breakdown ? Didn't Adam sign a contract to be the meat puppet for this studio. Didn't he do all this for his vineyard which he ended up selling to the studio or something. What makes them think they can just run away without consequences? SMH
  3. I remember this time when these werewolves were afraid of people with no superpowers shooting them with bullets and wolfsbane. Imagine if the True Alpha or Derek remembered their bromance with Chris Argent to get supplies to shoot that DEMON WOLF in the face with some magic wolfsbane bullets. One bullet fired into Derek was enough to make him want Stiles to saw off his arm. Or they could remember that thing about Mountain Ash and have Stiles encircle Mr Demon Wolf in a Mountain Ash circle like Jennifer did 10 minutes previously to that face saving agreement. They'd been fighting that big scary demon wolf for the entire half season prior to that so they wouldn't be part of his pack... Or am I supposed to think that Derek and Scott would risk their lives and everyone else's not to join the Alpha Pack but wouldn't put some thought or effort into taking care of Demon Wolf when half his pack had deserted him? Most of the resolutions to the Big Bads are fairly lame after season 1 YMMV
  4. And for both the cops and the hospital staff the situation would be sort of the same. You'll be constantly overworked and underpaid and you'll have a 90% chance of death and while working you'll probably be completely unable to handle 80% of the shit you're asked to deal with because you'll have no idea what's going on because the sheriff and hospital administrator think teenagers are more qualified than you are to handle life and death situations even though they have school to deal with between 9 and 4 so their response time to your life and death situation may be upwards to a few days. I hope you have life insurance and a funeral plan in place because you're going to need it if you work in either Beacon Hill's highschool, hospital or sheriff department. I'm guessing about 5 Eichen House staff members died in this episode alone. I did wonder why Scott was so concerned about Kira. She was the key to the Dread Doctor's plans and if they killed her they'd be effectively locking themselves inside Eichen House. Then again I'm not sure how much Scott knows about the defenses of Eichen House even though that's where he shoved Peter... so theoretically he should know some of it.
  5. I loathe Rachel. I find her tedious. She seems to want to claim the high moral ground while manipulating people and she has no enthusiasm for it. I prefer Quinn she's amoral and she's fine with it. Rachel comes across as one of those people who say they hate something or someone and yet they keep engaging in the same behaviour over and over again so they can continue to whine about it. It's pathetic. I just want Rachel to pick a position, any position and stick with it. Does she want Jeremy or Adam? Does she care about her 'girls' or does she only care about the show? I'm not a fan of fickled characters, they drive me nuts. Pick something and roll with it already. That said I was waiting for someone to figure out the note was faked as soon as it was introduced, then it dragged out for so long that I started to wonder that I might have been wrong and then the sister confirmed it and I was like "finally someone has a brain." But after the sister saying she knew it all went downhill for me. The sister knew they fabricated a suicide note and she didn't even try and get them to use the 400 k they were going to give the wifebeater on a trust fund for that child. If nothing else it would have been good PR for the show and studio to do something positive to offset the suicide on set of a contestant. Then Adam is standing right there as was a whole camera crew. Adam's response to that was " Hey crazy lady who just rocked up in my room and invited herself into my bed you're not a monster for forging a suicide note to cover your ass... " Frankly I find it creepy that Rachel feels like she can help herself to whatever Adam has, a shower, a bed as if it's her right. Honestly can't she just set up in one of the vacated rooms of one of the eliminated contestants. It's a mansion, there should be an extra room she can use to shower and sleep. It's so stupid. UGH. Adam you're a tool and Rachel is far too emo. Also why isn't Rachel concerned about the cameras catching her constant inappropriate visits to Adam's room ? Does she think she's invisible or something ? Boggles the mind.
  6. Considering the amount of deaths in this town you'd think the school would lock its doors shut after like 5 pm so that they can ship off these endangered teenagers off to their parents so they don't have to look after them any more. I'm amazed that there are teachers at that school considering how many students and teachers have died in the last 5 years.
  7. So Holly is now taking directions from Ghost all of a sudden ? I was just left wondering why Angela didn't just check his call history and see Holly/ Monica's number at the same time she was talking to him but I guess that would be requiring some form of competence. For instance why was she asking for how to clone a phone while Ghost is in the other room instead of prior to visiting him. *sigh* People used their brains a little this episode but everyone is still incoherent with motivations, Holly covering for Ghost, Tommy thinking that murdering a DA in public would go well, Tasha putting up with Ghost's whiny bullshit about her checking out the prenup, Santos being all cool with Ghost rifling through his desk, Greg covering for Angela still after spotting her going on a date with a potential suspect, Shawn being all moody about his dad being AWOL, Ghost being shocked that Kanan might talk to his son about stuff. I liked the soundtrack this episode. I find the sex dull and repetitive and a desperate attempt to mask the lack of plot progression and decent character motivations.
  8. I'm enjoying the slow burn world building and relationship building. I'd rather characters not get into speeches about why they do things they do unless it's entertaining like Fancy's dialogue which could be simplified to "I'm an asshole because it's sometimes necessary to do the things that other people would rather not do themselves." I don't need a justification for why Dutch doesn't want to kill someone she liked and who helped mentor her. I am way more curious about her previous handler. I kept waiting for him to lift his shirt and reveal some kind of body armor or something. Way to leave me hanging show :P
  9. I actually liked the episode even if the Evil Android was obvious. You don't lock up a good robot in a vault unless you're either really worried about it being stolen or you want to make sure noone damn activated it. I saw the Android as being insecure as the crew has been fairly meh about whether it continued to exist or not. Also she's a walking computer so she may be bored with routine maintenance functions and may want something to do that may be more mentally stimulating like conversation or investigating their mysteries. In a way having all this highschool drama between One and Two happen now makes more sense than if it was to happen later because they don't really know who they are yet and acting on hormones and instincts is basically what they're doing. If it happened later they'd have less of an excuse for surrendering to hormones. This may pave the way to awkwardness when Two finds out that One is the space equivalent of a Narc. I don't see 3 as being a good guy just because he happened to be stealing something from an amoral Corporation and was helping out a hot woman in an isolated cabin after he was abandoned. He's a mercenary on his own, hanging out with a sexy lady while he figures out some other plan. It doesn't mean he wasn't hired for jobs involving the murder of women and children and cute puppies previously. For all we know he may have felt some affection for her but had never said he loved her.
  10. Datak for the win. I do wonder how Papa Omec will convince the rest of his race to get along when he can't even get his daughter/girlfriend to behave for an hour without endangering their agenda. I think they are killing off too many characters and it's getting kind of hard to care about anyone any more.
  11. I didn't even get past the previouslies before I started giggling to myself. When the lead scientist was expositioning about how everything the leader (Christine) does the group will follow my mind automatically went to "Does that include creepy fluid sex with Junior?" Now to start watching the actual episode. lol
  12. I really enjoyed Lucy corrupting Ethan with the notion of independent thought and action. I do wish the boy robot would stop fainting all the time. It's getting tedious. It was nice having a break from Julie and her high strung brand of crazy. Unfortunately we still had to deal with General's Chief of Staff being all snarky about Molly.
  13. It's an interesting premise but done in a way that feels mishandled but is still amusing in a ridiculous kind of way like Season 1 of Under the Dome but it seems to lack any stakes for the main people so it's kind of coming off a bit lacklustre. Oh well I hope it doesn't end up going the way of Season 2 and 3 of Under the Dome where it's not so much comically awful as just awful. The bats attacking Antarctica seemed a bit pointless. I also wondered about that wolf. What did they end up doing with it ? Why didn't its pack try and reclaim their lost member ? Why did Alpha Manson lite just abandoned his tiny army of wolves ? I think what's really missing is a sense of urgency and impact. It really should be focusing on what the animals are up to rather than the humans talking about random stuff. Are the cats still plotting against children ? Are the dogs still active with their serial killing ? Are the lions murdering their way around Africa now ? If the virus/bacteria is affecting mammals then rats really should get involved in this. They already do millions worth of damage to crops so they should factor in at some point. Billy Burke is a crap scientist. If he's found a virus that affects the wolves and isn't sure it's the same thing as what's effecting the lions... THEN HE SHOULD CALL THE ZOO and get them tested. *sigh*
  14. He doesn't have to have someone kill him to take his power. Derek basically got a power down from healing Cora. Hell it could be an unintentional side effect of him taking away the pain of too many others in the hospital. It doesn't need to stop him being a werewolf but if he's not going to use his great power for anything it's kind of annoying loose plot thread that could be resolved by a power down. Then we could have a character arc for Scott where he tries to decide whether he wants the power and responsibility that comes with a True Alpha or whether he'd rather be a beta and have someone else make the hard calls. Despite my criticism of Scott's leadership, I like the actual character of Scott, I don't mind that he's a sweet guy trying to protect his friends the best way he can. It's just when he's acting as the moral authority for all the supernaturals for town because of his True Alphaness. It leaves me going who put you in charge ? and why should older more experienced supernaturals care about the opinions of some 17 year old wunderkid stomping around cluelessly? Scott may not want to be a leader but he forcibly stops other people from taking actions that he doesn't like. That either makes him the default leader with all the responsibilities that come with or a bully forcing his opinions on everyone else with his super strength. For instance he completely blocked Kira's strike last episode during a battle with an unknown and potentially lethal scorpion hybrid that could have resulted in either one of them dying. For all he knew that person who put someone else in a hospital the day before could rise up and attack them again, shoot venomous spit or whatever. I do agree with you about Donovan. It kind of reminds me of the previous season with the assassins. Just when one of the assassins become interesting and potentially dangerous they get killed off with little fan fare like Wendigo boy, Teen Hunters and NO mouth guy. I still miss No mouth guy. All those psychopaths murdered by other psychopaths so the good guys don't have to get their hands dirty. It's a theme. Is it just me or is it kind of pathetic that these teens who basically live in a horror movie don't ever carry any weapons (other than Kira) they should be able to get some mace/pepper spray, handcuffs from the Sheriff and maybe some of the anti wolf arsenal from Chris Argent and yet they wander around aimless and defenseless. I don't think Stumpy is evil. I think it's probably completely neutral from its description by people. It is a power source and a beacon to supernaturals. Sacrifices give it more power which probably increases it's ability to broadcast to supernaturals and it's effect on supernaturals. Previous to the Hale fire it probably provided a minor but noticeable difference to the supernaturals in the areas like maybe 1.1/1.2 times their power. Nothing major but a useful cumulative benefit to a wolf pack like the Hales. Then the wacky kids and their assorted hijinks provided more fuel for Stumpy which further increases its broadcasting strength and effect on supernaturals so you end up with supernaturals experiencing 1.5 times the power they'd feel anywhere else. Hence why the Dread Doctors are experimenting in the neighborhood to try and make use of the fairly varied supplies of supernaturals in the vicinity and the more pronounced effects. You also end up with the True Alpha making his home there and the premiere hunting family Argents and rare ancient Kitsunes setting up shop there. As its power grows the more effect it has on the supernaturals and the more damage those supernaturals can do on the humans. Parrish is just feeding the Dread Doctor's failed experiments to Stumpy and the momentum keeps building. Or at least that's my theory based on what I've seen and some general fanwanking for explanation for all the non stop drama in that town.
  15. I don't mind that Scott doesn't kill. It bothers me that he doesn't kill and he's never held accountable for letting all these serial killers and mass murderers wander about usually unpunished for their various crimes. Peter resurrected himself in Season 2 and he's been directly and indirectly responsible for numerous deaths since then and his current status is unknown. Scott hasn't even mentioned him this season as far as I can recall. I like lots of protagonists that don't kill people intentionally. Batman, Superman and Aang spring to mind but there are usually consequences for them not taking the direct approach to crazy murdering psychopaths. With Batman it's chronic Asylum escapes and really silly Villain deaths and a ridiculously high crime rate for Gotham. Superman has Lex Luthor repeatedly resurfacing to cause problems to Metropolis. Aang's forebear was too forgiving of someone crossing the line and it resulted in a hundred year war that killed uncounted people including an entire race of people. Scott gets to keep his hands clean, makes speeches about murder being wrong and never is held accountable for all the resulting deaths of that moral stance. Instead people are always going on about how much of a good guy he is for his INTENTIONS. Ignoring that those people he called victims still died because even when he is the same room as mass murderers he just stands there looking dim witted and useless. He wasn't even shown to chase the Dread Doctors or look for clues (admittedly that may be of their mind trickery but I'm not holding my breath on that one). Nor did he pursue Darach after she tried to kill his mom or Peter after he threatened to kill his mom. He's never even held to account that his actions resulted in the death of Allison's mom (indirectly) or Allison. After 5 years he can't even be relied to keep a teenager acting weirdly strapped to a metal table so it doesn't run loose murdering people. If he is supposed to be a leader he should be accountable for the actions/inaction of his group. If he's not supposed to be held accountable for his or their actions he should let someone else take over... The show seems to want to have it both ways. Isn't Scott so great, he's the werewolf Polyanna blessed with True Alphaness and has never killed anyone and his pack is so kickass. Even though he's only turned one person and only because he couldn't be bothered transporting him one flight down to receive medical attention and under his 'leadership' dozens of people have been killed. If he wants to be involved in the murder of the week, he has to take some responsibility for not doing a good job of it. If he isn't supposed to be held responsible for the massive death toll than he should abdicate his power to someone with the wisdom or intelligence to do so. Where the hell is Derek? Where is Danny and Coach ? Where is my the fun supernatural comedy from season 1? Is Scott still on the lacrosse team this season ?
  16. I'm really hoping they won't go with Parrish resurrecting the victims because that would further undermine the serious nature that death is supposed to have and often doesn't in supernatural drama and usually doesn't for a whole host of reasons. My theory is Parrish is offering the Nemeton burnt offerings as in the Old Testament. The chimeras corpses are burned at the site of the Nematon as a ritual sacrifice and with each sacrifice the Nemeton becomes more powerful. If all Parrish was trying to do was destroy evidence he could burn them anywhere... I'm not sure if Parrish is under the control of instincts he doesn't yet understand (like Kira who could just ask her mother about it already) or whether he's under mind control by the Dread Doctors or is obeying the instructions of the Nemeton. Personally it's not that I want Scott to become a murderer out of some sense of blood lust but because it's UNREALISTIC that the SUPER TRUE ALPHA who apparently has untapped wells of super strength that he still hasn't bothered to learn to deal with gets into supernatural fist fights every other episode of the show and doesn't kill even accidentally. He never accidentally punches too hard and kills someone, he never has a violent altercation that ends with the other person impaled on a piece of debris and it grates. His character gets a free pass against death. It irritates me because noone else gets to have the luxury of never having to worry about the consequences of not killing someone. For instance he let Darach and Deucalion go at the end of season 4a and they had both murdered people in cold blood and had no one to stop them if they did so again as Scott wouldn't be monitoring them at all. I wouldn't mind him not killing the bad guys if he had a decent alternative. Shoving Peter in the supernatural holding cell was a decent compromise between killing the campy creepster that's kind of lovably crazy evil and letting him go around unsupervised. I don't want him to kill, I just want him to THINK. For instance in season 2 he could have told Lydia and Jackson the truth that one of them might be the Kanima and incidentally killing people and restrained them until they could run some blood tests or something... Yet Scott vetoed the others suggestions as to killing one or both of them and instead of restraining or monitoring either of them he just let them both wander around and a whole police station was massacred. I still blame Scott for that. Threatening someone with a brutal grisly death doesn't hold much weight if you've never killed someone before. I find it ridiculous that Deucalion would be scared of Scott's empty threat. Deucalion is probably off recruiting a whole new set of werewolves and causing chaos in another town because Scott apparently doesn't care about anyone's lives outside his social circle. The thing that bugged me most about this episode oddly enough was Lydia and Stiles inability to follow the most simple instruction. DONT MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH THE SUPERNATURAL PRISONERS... So what did they do ? They looked into every single cage... *sigh* Then Lydia kept getting told to read the book... When she's supposed to be a super genius. UGH
  17. We must unite to overthrow this force for the good of the audience... I mean to save Beacon Hills from excessive shirt prices ? lol
  18. I enjoy the quiet moments where the characters can just be friends and the sometimes irreverent humor that comes with that. I find the sometimes frenetic piling on of bad guys kind of ridiculous. For instance in a recent episode where Lydia and Kira were helping Malia learn to drive. Just a nice quiet moment where the characters get to interact and there's a few laughs at Malia turning the wheel around and around... lol Though I miss Isaac, Danny and the Coach. They were entertaining characters sucked into the black hole of terrible contract negotiations... I also enjoy the gratuitous male shirtlessness. It gets a tad silly sometimes like that Taylor Lautner joke about how he has to be shirtless in every second scene he's in as per his contract.
  19. My biggest issue with this episode is that they decided to go ask a guy about a book THEY DIDN'T READ. Was there some great urgency as to why they had to see him that very night ? UGH The Mountain Ash has never made much sense as Scott used to go into the vets office all the time which apparently had mountain ash protection. Well one of the good good guys actually killed someone... and it was the HUMAN. *eye roll* You'd think with all the super power hijinks it would be one of the super powered teen that would have accidentally punched someone too hard in their supposed life and death battles. I am left wondering what happened to Peter after that guy did his eye trick with him... Then what happened ? I'm assuming all those security guards are dead because of Scott and his stupid pack. Also why didn't Malia and Stiles go together ? Scott lying to his girlfriend was annoying and typical. Why deal with a problem when you can ignore it until it proves fatal for someone else.
  20. I don't know how long I can put up with the main character's entitlement issues. "How dare you betray the partner you had for 3 days who withheld information from you." Seriously ? That woman is nuts. He doesn't owe you any loyalty, he's risked his life and his job like 4 times already for you and you've done nothing but lie to him since the minute you met him. Also why did she cheat on Peter Petrelli ? Why is Wes who threatened to expose NSA secrets to the public allowed to wander away after contacting someone who committed treason and only managed to ANNOY THE ALIEN. *sigh* Someone has been shot and is presumably bleeding to death and you're yammering on about how you want to know how to kill Drill FOR YOUR SON. Yeah we get it... You have a son who you sometimes remember exists and you don't want him talking to strangers or something... If I was Drill I would have taken away Henry's hearing as retaliation for their assassination attempt. Is anyone on this show remotely likeable except perhaps unbelievably loyal to blond woman cop partner ? I can't be bothered learning their names at this point.
  21. I'm guessing the pupils are supposed to indicate a change in neurochemistry that distinguish friend from foe. Without eyeballs/ eye sight the horses can't be aggravated by the sight of humans. So a symptom ... Of course if a human can only tell if an animal is hostile by looking deep in their eyes then they're good as dead if they're not a main character. What I find frustrating is that the shadowy head guy organises an entire strike force/ think team to deal with the animal kingdom revolution and yet apparently he has something better to do than help.
  22. I'd like to know what's in the vault. I really hope they get around to it next episode because I'm kind of over the whole poor amnesiacs storyline. Lead a revolution, Overthrow an emperess/emperor, hunt down the shadowy organisation that gave you superpowers. This whole aimlessly floating about it kind of a weak season arc.
  23. So much this. Remember in the FIRST EPISODE when Stiles read up on all things werewolf because he was fascinated. There is no way that given all the people they've come across that they didn't look into what the actual bestiary said about Kanima's, werecoyotes. They don't have to know everything about them but at least heard of them would be nice. There's Chris Argent who is apparently is on Scott's speed dial sometimes who has access to hunters, tomes of knowledge about supernaturals that he'd probably be happy to give away to the teens post Allison death. There is Satomi who they could talk to since I'm fairly sure she hasn't tried to kill any of the teens. They could have at least asked ONCE about how Peter brought himself back from the dead. There's Braeden, Deucalion, Deaton, Mexican Hunters and Derek to ask about stuff. Then there is Kira's mom who knowing her daughter is in danger from evil fox spirits or whatever doesn't bother giving her daughter a crash course in martial arts, sword play, world history. She is centuries old apparently and yet training her young to fight seems not to be a priority when the town seems to have daily murders. There are all these gaps between what is shown and what might be known by these teens. For instance when did Scott learn there was a supernatural holding cell for psychotic villains ? Is Lydia ever going to try and learn anything from that other Banshee ? Is she even alive ? Did her grandmother have any useful books lying around ? It's one thing not to be proactive in hunting down bad guys and protecting the town you live in because why should teenagers care about grisly murders... It's another to be completely indifferent to learn about YOUR OWN SUPERPOWERS. Kira has ninja powers plus lightning and maybe immortality and she's not even mildly interested ? WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back on topic though. Does anyone have any theories as to how these supernaturals are dying ? Are the dread doctors injecting them with stuff or drawing out the supernatural mojo to kill them ?
  24. I think that was more about him being in the same age bracket as them which made him more approachable than Derek who favored the tough love approach to training. It was so long ago that I don't really remember though. I miss the Scott and Isaac relationship or even the Stiles and Scott relationship. It seems muted as of late since they both have girlfriends and it seems that their priorities have changed and there are so many of them around now that I don't get the best friends/ basically brother vibe as much as I used to. It irritates me that Scott doesn't listen to his best friend/genius/ wannabe detective when he says there is something dodgy about Theo. If they are planning on replacing the Scott Isaac relationship, Scott should demonstrate missing Isaac before mentoring this new baby wolf. This episode like many others feel cluttered with bad guys and the character moments seem few and far between.
  25. I assume the Dread Doctors were the guys that Scott left Peter with at the end of Season 4. They are the only people that seem to have supernatural holding cells that might be interested in experimenting on supernaturals. I think Jeff Davis is cribbing from Buffy season 4 ? With the Initiative. The Dread Doctors are probably trying to create a super normal like Adam with book smarts and every supernatural advantage ever to either save the world or end the world. The Argents taken to the next level perhaps. Isn't the whole heroic arc supposed to be that the hero is from humble beginnings (asthma moron social reject), he gets the call to heroics, (the werewolf bite), he is reluctant to surrender himself to the cause (finding the Alpha), he gets pulled in to the shenanigans (Stiles, Melissa, Derek) and takes the call to heroics and defeats the bad guy (Peter). Except in Scott's case he is always playing the reluctant hero so it never really feels like Scott is progressing in any particular way. Every season merely resets his disinterest in the supernatural world that he lives in which is just confusing. If he wants to protect his friends and himself and only them, you'd think they'd learn everything they could about supernatural threats so they could protect themselves from shocks and danger. Then we could actually get some decent world building with bestiary research. They don't even do the bare minimum to stay out of danger like move out of town. As for Scott he doesn't try very hard to maintain his pack. Isaac, Jackson, Peter (which is fair enough), Derek, Cora, the shirtless twins, Brett, Satsumi. One of the twins dies to help protect him and his friends and he doesn't even try and convince him to stay and help out. If Scott doesn't want to constantly endanger his friends he could JUST GIVE UP BEING THE TRUE ALPHA. Derek gave away his Alpha power healing his sister, Scott could give up his super power to the other reasonable pack leader who's a buddhist and Scott would actually have a legitimate reason to be A) a sucky fighter after 5 years and B) not get involved. If Scott was the sidekick I wouldn't care that he sucks at fighting, at strategy, at detective work, he could just be the dead weight of the group and I wouldn't care but he is always being referred as special for being the true Alpha and as of yet we haven't had any clarification as to WHY that's so important. Other than a deeper well of reserve strength to draw on when he's constipated (in danger) than I don't see how he's particularly better than any other Beta or Alpha.
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