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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. I kind of hope we see the Omec fight the Votanis Collective on behalf of the town of Defiance if for no other reason than to ensure their supply of gualanite continues. The Omec are supposed to be super tough and scary so it'd be good to see them FIGHT someone they're allowed to kill .
  2. On my first viewing I thought he merely shot the guy in the shoulder as opposed to all the other guys he shot in the head. I may be wrong though, memory can be a tricky mistress.
  3. Well the issue for me is he say he cares about his pack but he's not particularly proactive in keeping them safe so what good is he really as their pack leader/True Alpha ? Well he poisoned Gerard and hunted Kate down to Mexico but then failed to do anything particularly useful in stopping them from being threats in the future so there are at least 2 crazy members of the Argent Family (human killers of supernaturals) with motivation and means to kill him and or his pack. Derek also said it was Scott's responsibility to look after the town of Beacon Hills and it was supposed to be some big character moment and he's still just loitering around town always trailing one murderer or group of murderous supernaturals too late to stop them from killing other people. Buffy at least was proactive with her Big Bads and killing the minor bads was just a form of supernatural weed control whereas Scott just waits for people to die before doing anything. As far as I'm concerned Scott is neither a hero or a leader because he seldom does anything overly heroic or actually leads anyone to anything but bad guys and death. Either Scott cares about people and want to ensure their ongoing survival and is doing a shitty job at it or it's not his problem/responsibility and he should stop interfering with those who are actually trying to take care of the situation decisively. If it wasn't for Peter the Darach would still be on the loose sacrificing people at some other Nemeton for all Scott cared. I find his ineptitude as a leader/protector frustrating in a protagonist. At this point he might as well as be the bleeding heart healer and just let someone else do all the heavy lifting. Also where did Scott's dad wander off to ? Beacon Hills still has an absurdly high murder rate and it doesn't appear as if the town is getting any additional resources to handle it. We don't even have a corrupt mayor or police force to cover up all these murders with an excuse of PCP gangs... I miss Isaac and Jackson and Allison and Derek and well I don't miss Cora because her story line never made any sense. Scott's werewolf pack consists of one beta he accidentally turned and a human, a kitsune, a banshee and werecoyote. None of which have bothered to find out how to use their powers from Deaton or parents or from a bestiary. It's been 5 years and none of the characters have shown much in the way of character growth in the form of survival strategies. Kira doesn't use lightning attacks, Scott doesn't turn wolf and even Stiles forgot to bring his trusty bat along. These people seem to just wander from one murder scene to the next without any of it affecting them. It's tedious.
  4. I was kind of curious why she was tearing up the place when I would have been where's a metal detector cop lady so I can find you this smoking gun. Also why did Greg let Angela go to the hospital to see James instead of doing it himself. Angela is so useless. Even if she gets a gun from Holly there is no chain of custody so there is no likelihood it can be used against anyone. For a lawyer she seems DUMB. I can give most of the other characters a pass on their stupidity because drug dealers don't need that much in the way of smarts but a LAWYER should have some BRAINS. Ugh. Holly is strange while Angela is just super frustrating for me. Ghost isn't much better when he said "I've thought of everything I just need to figure out my next move." I was like what the what now ? You either have thought things through and have a plan or you're making up shit as you go along. PICK ONE! Am I supposed to want all the characters to die in a gangland shooting style warfare? I don't like any of these characters, it's getting to the point where their stupidity isn't even amusing it's just dull and repetitive and makes them look like naive wannabe playa's .
  5. I was just confused as to what that had to do with Chuck's legitimate point about Pat running over his sister... Pat was driving and Wiley was a passenger... At that point I wondered what the hell her confession that he now had a brother had to do with anything. Other than he should have wanted his dad's mistress to come join him in the Mansion he apparently lives in. There's 7 billion people in the world at the moment and there is a finite supply of resources. Population growth rate may be declining but quality of life (consumption of resources) keeps increasing for those in the first world nations which is why everyone is apparently cool with ditching their phones every other year for a replacement and length of life keeps increasing for those around. Overpopulation is an issue but creating a virus to solve it is stupid. It'd be better to try and find a new world to ease off the pressure or consume less or increase birth control options or any number of things that will probably never be done because of politics. The soldiers who kept complaining about being put at risk made no sense. If you think you have an inoculation against the virus than why wouldn't you have taken that before hand. My response would be if you're so worried about the virus you take the inoculation. As for why it was spread it was apparently done so by a rogue scientist that had his pockets pickpocketed after death by Adam. As for why it'd affect the soldiers faster than the original adults is every single person under 21 is a carrier so they'd be exposed to multiple disease vectors and die faster or at least that's my headcanon.
  6. Oh look everyone continues to be stupid. Tommy when a girl says she's thinking of informing on your best friend to save your ass while you're handcuffed that is not the time to call her names. These people are all idiots. When grandmama was all like who would change the nappies I was thinking "Um tasha? A nanny? Shawn? Basically anyone who isn't disrespecting her in her house." Seriously if someone kept having a go at me all the time about everything they'd be gone.
  7. My problem isn't that Scott won't kill it's that he still hasn't come up with a better alternative than just making pouty faces at bad guys and telling them not to kill. Which isn't all that effective. Hence why we still have Gerard loitering around in an old folks home where he could still cause trouble with his hunters, Kate is roaming Mexico probably murdering people, Peter was allowed to corrupt that Banshee and Jackson was allowed to kill all those police officers. If he started quarantining bad guys in the first season I'd give him slack for not killing bad guys but his way allows the villains to come back any time they feel like.
  8. And yet they keep dying because Scott doesn't put much effort into finding or interrogating any of their victims. My biggest issues was when he was asking what they meant about condition terminal. I'm left thinking that he's a moron. Why didn't he interrogate the first guy that tried to kill him instead of just letting him run off without getting an explanation. This show does my head in with the failures in logic. It's like these 'heroes' never learn anything with their yearly run ins with bad guys. Find out who they are, what they want and get it done.
  9. Magic mumbo jumbo scienc-y eye drops of DOOM ? perhaps. Or they dose the water supply with some antidote of some bollocking nonsense. I'd imagine figuring out how to take children is both a practical way of limiting the human population and experimenting their kill techniques on smaller weaker humans. I keep waiting for this stupid show to deal with farms. If the animals started to have a revolution against us planet raping humans you'd think they'd start from rural locations where animal life outnumbers humans and they can kill all the farmers while they sleep. STAMPEDE of the COWS and CHICKENS :P. Then again that would cripple the agricultural industry and the humans would have to deal with cattle that charges them. Also Safari Scion ? should be a tad more concerned about leaving his mother behind in Lion rampaging country... It's odd how indifferent these human main characters are to the zooapocalypse which only really makes sense for the the french woman who probably wants her sister viciously murdered by rats.
  10. I do actually like Norrie this season as opposed to feeling bored or indifferent to her scenes previously and yet ... Where is her mother ? or other mother ? Have I forgotten her death due to chronic boredom ? It's just weird how every week of this 3 weeks of these morons being trapped in a giant magical alien dome that people are following a different psychotic neurotic nonsensical leader. Big Jim, Cop Woman, Drug dealer Woman and mother ? Julia Monarch, Barbie. These people switch allegiances every other day and they don't even do it for logical reasons like for better positioning in the food shelter rankings. They just come across as fickled sheeple...
  11. I think the show has gone from entertaining premise to entertainingly stupid to just stupid stupid . I think this will be my last episode. Joe's pretty isn't enough to save this for me. Christine's plan to regain the town drunk was to get his girlfriend to commit suicide ? Wouldn't that push him further away from mental stability? Ava decides to go meet her crazy coworker/boss in the same cavern that had her in a magical cocoon that filled her mind with nonsense because obviously she's not at all concerned about going back to that place again. Junior is back to listening to whoever randomly tells him stuff except for that one time where he ignored the Dome's instruction to kill Big Jim. Eddie decides to use a bomb as a diversion ? instead of just shooting him with one of the guns that anybody can attain in this town with a little effort (the police station is probably empty now) Why didn't he just bomb Barbie's motel room ? Apparently his military experience made him think that leaving a bomb in a trash can that Barbie might pass would somehow get him the girl. Big Jim suddenly has access to explosives? land mines ? that he sets as a decoy. Then he fails to resist one soldier and scientist as they lead him to a cage even when neither of them appeared to be armed at that particular second. UGH. It's not even fun to snark over :S
  12. Well during the last 2 seasons she's hooked up with 3 hot guys (opinions may vary on the hotness) while Molly has done so with 2 hot guys and 1 mediocre white guy (opinions may vary on their hotness) so I'm not seeing the problem. Of course Julie's guys haven't been the best choices one guy was married and her boss, one guy was some random she left to babysit a child/one of a kind robot prototype and the other is a nerdy cute underling. Maybe she's one of those people who think that all her problems are about one thing robo legs, being too smart and ignore the other issues with her actual personality like being wildly insecure, needy, workaholic and morally bankrupt.
  13. I honestly didn't see the race problem but then again I live in Australia and we have other issues atm mostly about illegal immigrants/ boat people. My biggest problem with this whole story line is how stupid it is. For starters killing Molly's alien baby doesn't actually help anything if anything killing him could actually make the situation way worse as his children would presumably scatter without a strong leader/father figure making them much harder to find. As for Aidu? or however he wants to spell his name of course he's indifferent to human life, 95% of the human race seems to be trying to kidnap him or shoot him in the head since conception. That's bound to screw him up with the whole empathy angle. As far as I can tell the military's plan seems to be kill the oldest alien baby (Molly's child) then use the Humanic super soldiers to kill off his children or Molly's grandchildren before they reach maturation. I just find it sad that NOONE thinks of telling Aidu that he could still repopulate his species without killing the surrogates by simply using the tech they used on Molly in the first place. His children would be c sectioned out a few days? weeks into pregnancy, installed in vitro chambers until they're self sufficient and in sufficient numbers they can breed with each other. That way there would be no human deaths. Hell they could just set up the alien hybrids on another planet since they have the space ships. Unfortunately the Military in this show seems locked into this whole aliens are evil and must all be destroyed which narrows the options done to humans winning or aliens winning or the robots killing the aliens then the humans who try and control them. Julie is a terrible mother to her robot children, wiping Ethan's memories so he's less able to process grief and effectively slut shaming her robo daughter.
  14. I thought prison guards inside the facility can't carry guns because of the safety issues that poses if or when a prisoner grabs a hold of their gun. Theoretically there might have been armed guards in the towers during normal prison operating times but I assumed the place was in lockdown for the death row guy's execution hence why all the other prisoners were staring at the wolf pack. As for the Warden we saw some cut aways of first wolf attacking him and it was intimated that the wolf was either ripping up his shoulder or his neck but the angle of the camera work made it impossible to be clear what it was doing. The wolf didn't even have a bloody muzzle 3 seconds after presumably killing a man with biting. As for 19th century man killing bisons... Those bison weren't fighting back. Killing someone who doesn't fight back isn't an achievement. Killing trillions of potentially affected animals who are taking murder human classes and are actively trying to kill humans would be an uphill battle. Especially as you would have tonnes of adults and children wanting to protect their pets from other humans regardless of reason because fluffy cute animals. The average person is going to have a hard time pulling the trigger on cute puppies or breeds like poodles, golden retrievers and siberian huskies. I'm not sure how guns would stack up against insects or rats or even cats as they move fast, agile, flexible and their bites are 80% infectious. What I want to see is the animals take over a nuclear power plant. In Whispers their nuclear power plant was infiltrated by a child.
  15. I liked that we got a bit more scope for the threat. There are more animal related deaths happening around the world and there are several species in play. Unfortunately I'm still annoyed by the fact that we never really see the animals actually do anything lethal. Is it too much to ask for one Direwolf like throat ripping scene in a zooapocalypse story? *sigh* Also a penis size joke ? *eye roll* Maybe now that the team has assembled, we might find out some kind of explanation for the animals turning on humans at this particular moment. Did radiation effect one animal and it started spreading from there ? Is it the MegaGlobalCorp (I still can't retain that company's name) fault for cost cutting measures ? I'm left wondering if those cats have forsaken their plan to kill those children at the day camp or whether they were just doing recon for a later mission. I'm hoping we get some species with fingers involved in the conflict so they can open doors for their animal brethren. Or rats. Rats number about 8 million in Paris apparently outnumbering humans by 4. A plague of rats could be more interesting than these referenced serial/mass murders.
  16. I'm really starting to hate Claire. It's her tone that bothers me. It's whiney and entitled especially when it comes to Wes. It comes off as "HOW DARE YOU INCONVENIENCE MY FAMILY TO PROTECT THE WORLD FROM ALIENS." Wes doesn't need to tell you anything about alien rocks, have you heard of things called professionalism, secrecy or being compromised. As for kidnapping Henry. His parents just abandoned him to commit what could be considered treason against the US government. They'd both be in Gitmo. As for Wes he really should stop letting his ex mistress guilt him into giving up classified information and allowing her access to her husband who is repeatedly a suspect in the whole alien invasion problem. I thought Sean's whole, the alien Drill was in my mind tearing through my thoughts explained his lack of memories and how Drill is so well informed about Earth and the movers and shakers. Sean effectively helped provide targets for Drill to use and or manipulate. He'd only need to use one child with NSA parents to update on the best plan of action. Yeah since Claire keeps using her past relationship with Wes to get info and access to the alien threat, it'd be nice to know why exactly Claire cheated on Sean, how long it lasted and whether it ended before her husband was presumed dead or afterwards. I found Claire whinging about not having a conversation with her husband tiresome. Where is her sense of priorities. The world is in danger and it's all so highschool. Also she's a lacklustre parent, destroying a one of a kind alien gizmo/meteor without having any kind of discussion with your kid or mother about the possibilities of government agents seeking retribution or monitoring the house for their return. So far I don't think I like anyone on this show which is a problem.
  17. Reminds me of Crisis where the parents were always committing acts of terrorism or undermining national security and after the second parent did it. It became so frustrating that the government officials didn't put all the parents inside a secure facility until the crisis was over. They should put all the children that they know are in contact with Drill in a supervised government day care since most of these parents are completely useless at supervising their children.
  18. I wouldn't call it keenly honed ability. Sure we can grab a book and use it as a weapon if adequately provoked but I fail to see how that would help against a concerted attack by animals against us. How will using a stick as a weapon help cattle ranchers when the cattle swarm the enclosures and trample cattle owners. Or when cute golden retriever puppies lure small children to be attacked by lions or pitbulls. Or when rats eat the food supplies, or squirrels attack power lines or birds pop out of every tree to peck out the eyes of the slow, the old or the fat. It's easy to shoot fish in a barrel but it's harder to aim and fire while those fish are slamming into your face in suicide attacks. Sure we could kill trillions of animals but I don't see it would help much. The chickens outnumber us 3 to 1 and they're omnivores who'll eat anything. Factor in their global hive mind possibility and the fact that most people in the modern age have no idea how to live without electrical power or could even survive without their various medications every moment would be racked with danger. Especially if the ants start swarming.
  19. I don't know. I'm not that convinced that humans are that great as a species at warding off physical attacks. Other animals have all sorts of specific advantages over us with sight, smell, physical strength. We have 3 main advantages, brain power, opposable thumbs and innovation. We have tonnes of weaknesses, poor collaboration skills, relatively frail bodies, long gestation and maturation times, increasing reliance on pharmaceutical and technological means to counter the myriad genetic and physical problems that are becoming more and more typical. If animals interacted on a global level pooling their individual knowledge and experience, the human race would be in trouble. Their individual intelligence may not increase but their collective intelligence would be staggering. Humans may innovate a way to detect or destroy all the effected animals but not without heavy casualties . Then again it's a tv show. I doubt the actual reality of animals developing sentience will really be explored. Otherwise they'd have to explain how we'd continue justifying treating animals as poorly as we do. As for the animals diets they might all eat humans for a short time and when the human threat has been dealt with they'll break the telepathic connection and go back to their interactions pre humans. It's not like knowing that something is sentient stops us from murdering each other in an endless series of wars. I doubt animals would have any trouble justifying killing each other when their actual survival depends on it whereas we murder each other for stupid reasons more often than not. At the very least knowing that every one of the 19 billion chicken in the world knows that you're planning on having it as a snack or lunch or dinner may cause the agricultural industry to collapse. I think it's a great premise but it's doubtful it'll explore the consequences of such a development or have much in the way of stakes . It'll be like 10 people who all have some sort of relationship with each other staging some guerilla warfare campaign against problematic animals. *sigh* As for dogs... If they find out about puppy mills through their telepathic connection I doubt bacon will stop them chewing off our faces...
  20. And then he will be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. Then again he deserves it for all the murders he's committed. My only real hope is Angela gets sentenced as well for conspiracy to commit murder as she travelled with him to wherever so he could try and kill some other woman. Accessory after the fact ? I don't know I'm just so sick of the pair of them I want them both to go to jail.
  21. "Oh wow, you DUMB BITCH" Holly you finally came through and proved you're smarter than the US prosecuting attorney. The waitress figures out Tommy and Ghost are dodgy and yet the lawyer doesn't because she's blinded by LURVE... I loved Holly's delivery of that line. Holly was amazed at Angela's stupidity. The reason your boss doesn't trust you is because you're all wrapped up in the case and you take so many shortcuts that undermine the entire operation. Not letting your boss know that the warrant on a suspect has been invalidated is a fairly big lapse that can be easily checked. *sigh* I really wanted to see Ghost be a smart drug dealer but he seems to be failing on all fronts, family, love, legit business and drug business.
  22. My explanation would be that insects communicate through chemical sensors or they already essentially rule the world and our presence has little effect on their day to day life no matter how many pest control people we have working full time. The actual reason would be if insects were against us we'd be dead in a day or it's too difficult to find a way to combat locust swarms or ant hordes. Have we settled on an explanation for the animals attacking? Is it an evolutionary reaction or an effect of the chemical pollution/ shoddy practises of SUPER MEGA CORP (I can't remember what the corporation's name is )
  23. I'm kind of curious whether insects are going to be involved in this global hivemind. Apparently there's an estimated 10 quinitillion individual insects in the world. They might be a problem, ants in particular. I wondered why there weren't any insects visible on any of those corpses, there should be maggots under the skin and flies and insects on top if they're in a bad neighborhood unsupervised. Maggots might explain the lack of smell from the dead flesh. I'm imagining these animals operating with their hive mind like internet with the birds serving as scouts observing from above, the dogs sniffing out for intruders and the insects infesting gun shops and food stores to deter potential human looters and monkeys/apes serving as armed guards. It'd be like planet of the apes but the animals working together to rule the world. I do wonder if they'd keep humans like we keep cattle.
  24. I kept wondering why people listened to Christine over people they actually knew their entire lives of Chester Mills then I remembered I was watching Under the Dome and noone ever does anything rational or reasonable. Considering the daily allotment of disasters this town has endured I'm amazed that the people haven't started to distill their own liquor to numb the pain of tedium, dictator of the day/week syndrome. Fight clubs are nonsensical compared to the more standard forms of coping strategies, drugs, sex and chocolate... Mmmm chocolate.
  25. I find the off screen deaths boring. For instance how did French woman escape 5 lions on foot when one swipe of claws would sever the femoral artery. It'd probably take about 30 seconds for 5 lions to take down 20 humans that way. It begs the question how did she escape to be hanging around conveniently to warn the son of the animal conspiracy nut. Also it's beyond convenient that the lions attack the only place with the son of the only guy who came up with the idea that animals may turn on humans. Or how about the doggies, did they rip out the human throats like a Dire Wolf or dog pile with teeth and claws into the midsections. I like details not broad strokes of off screen violence. Yeah but in 2 episodes we have 3 pairing of humans, 1 pair going from Africa to Tokyo to track down some flash drives instead of simply calling that guy up and asking him to Fed Ex the stuff.. 1 guy teaming up with French Lady to ... something something slovenian dogs. Then we have zoological pathologist and intrepid reporter disrupting a meeting of the local cats... Maybe it's just me but the reporter seems too biased about the Mega Corp and the African pairing seem to be going on an international road trip when they've yet to try calling that person to see if they have the things they're looking for and the French pairing has failed to convince me why they care about Slovenian dogs or Botswana Lions.
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