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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Well as long as we're talking about objectionable stuff. I think this show glorifies vengeance and violence to an extreme level. There is just so much murder. Even babies turn into mass murderers on this show (craster babies turning into White Walkers) and or murdered. Not that I have a problem with that happening in a pseudo historical fashion but this show seems to suffer from excess in three areas; characters, violence(sexual and otherwise) and gratuitous nudity alone. What I'd like to see more of in the show going forward is some plot progression. In this episode there was an attempted rape, a convoluted kidnapping attempt ending with female nudity and an antidote to a poison and a bunch of slaves were pitted against each other in a death match that made no sense and an unappealing sex scene with Sam and Gilly and it all comes over as sort of overwrought nonsense. ETA Jorah just presented Tyrion as a slave fighting to the death? maybe this will spark something interesting happening in 3x08 in mereen.
  2. Except Locke didn't return and there is no confirmation of their death so it's a wild card. Not that either of them would be much of a threat on their own but they'd be puppet rulers that could be used to rally insurrection against the Boltons.
  3. I don't know if I can deal with this show any more. I keep waiting for the protagonist to be proactive about the whole Blaine harvesting teens for profit but there seems to be little forward momentum and I'm so over "keep the love interest in the dark" nonsense. Major is chasing zombies and endangering his life because Liv and Ravi who are supposedly his friends won't tell him the truth.
  4. I'm guessing that candle woman is the only other person than Myranda to have any interaction with Sansa. I doubt Ramsay would believe that Myranda would turn on him since she loves him and know what he does to people who bore him or insult him. I think the idea is to break Sansa psychologically, deprive of her all human contact that he doesn't control and regularly brutalise her so she is simply a compliant broodmare. Though I am confused as to what the Boltons plans are for dealing with the Stark boys. Sansa is not as important as people keep making her out to be.
  5. I'm not sure Cersei's schooling is the issue. Even chess teaches a player to think more than one move ahead and she has relied on the Lannister name without having much else to recommend her. In a way all the Lannisters rely very heavily on their reputation rather than on their own skills. Tywin died because he expected Tyrion to back down because he theoretically was in power forgetting that a man who has nothing to lose is extremely dangerous to provoke. Jamie lost his hand for being a smug self satisfied git because he assumed his family name would protect him. Joffrey expected being King to excuse all his many failings, it didn't. Cersei acts out of pettiness more often than not. She armed religious zealots because she didn't like her Daughter in Law gaining power and influence over her son and Kings Landing, she kicked Selmy to the curb because she wanted to install someone in her pocket, she had Ned executed because he found out her dirty little secret, she conspired to have Robert killed without dealing with the loose end of Lancel. Cersei reacts, she doesn't plan ahead so that she can deal with the consequences of her actions, hence Myrcella in Dorne, Joffrey dead, Jamie maimed and that serving girl thrashed. Jamie is equally an idiot who doesn't appreciate consequences but at least he's not so PETTY which is the most irritating thing about Cersei. All of her schemes and power plays are so shallow and poorly thought out which undermines how awesome a ruthless character she could have been. Instead we merely laugh as her chickens come home to roost...
  6. Yeah I'm kind of sick of waiting for the checkov zombies introduced in the first episode of season 1 to DO SOMETHING. Its been like 5 years ... I'm reminded of that old joke when I think about the Stark motto "Winter is coming" that even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  7. Seriously the Royal security blows. Can the Security Chief be fired now ? Cyrus is a class 1 ass but he's technically the ruling monarch of Britain and no one comes to check on the sounds of violence ? LAME
  8. The problem with Cersei is that she think she's smart but she's reckless and ignores the flow on consequences of her actions. There is no upside to Cersei's petty revenge. If she gets Margery killed, Tommen looks like even more of a wimp and opens up the kingdom to further insurrection and external threats eg Littlefinger and if Loras dies she will have made a powerful enemy in the Tyrells who are RICH and LIKED against her armies which have suffered from years of fighting and probably won't be getting paid from the Iron Bank for much longer since they're also backing Stannis. Olenna can't attack Cersei directly because she's technically ruling at the moment through Tommen. However Olenna doesn't fight directly, she uses proxies to disguise her actions eg Joffrey's poisoning to achieve her objectives. I imagine that conversation was only the opening gambit for Olenna appealing to Cersei's reason, which failed because Cersei isn't thinking rationally of consequences. I imagine Olenna is going to back littleFinger in whatever long term plans he has or will simply bribe a guard to free the captives and will march home with her relatives and ditch Kings landing to it's rioting. Then again with this show, all the Tyrells may die except for Granny Thorns and she'll plot and scheme and bring Westeros to its knees as retribution.
  9. Maybe they'll hatch a new scheme where Margery reveals that she's carrying the King's spawn and they'll have to let her go because the King will grow some balls at long last once the news is revealed. Once Margery has the child she and her grandmother can off the remaining Lannisters with LittleFinger's help and he can rule over the North with Sansa as his bride while the Tyrell's rule the southern Kingdoms. That'd be fun.
  10. When he took out the slavers he was well fed, well rested, armed and had backup in the form of two highly skilled and trained soldiers against ill prepared and poorly trained guards. Here he was infected with Grey scale, been walking all day for however many days, had only roots and berries for nourishment . That and he wasn't particularly well armed enough to take on 6 armed pirates with Tyrion to guard, I'd imagine subconsciously he might even want to be given a quick death in the form of the fighting pits than suffer a long debilitating illness like Grey Scale. As for Sand Snakes the only display of prowess they showed was killing an unarmed, incapacitated man, I guess it's more difficult to kill someone who is armed and fights back. I kept waiting for one of them to stab Myrcella and be done with it.
  11. Did anything good happen this episode ? All I can remember is that Myrcella seems to like the Dorne prince and Sansa got to verbally dismiss Myranda and her unsubtle attempts to poison Sansa against Ramsay. That's all I can come up with from this episode.
  12. Well that was a slow beginning and a brutal ending with a convoluted middle... Seriously can anyone go on a road trip in Westeros without being wounded, injured, kidnapped or being killed. Cersei continues her attempts to undermine the monarchy's power. She arms an army she can't actually control that arrests an heir of the second greatest house then arrests the Queen on the testimony of a squire while the King does nothing about it. If either of those Tyrell dies, House Tyrell will pull out of Kings Landing leaving the populace hungry and angry and Kings Landing will experience rioting and chaos and House Lannister HAS NO MONEY. I'm guessing that Littlefinger does know about Ramsay and is positioning Sansa to hate the Boltons and help him undermine Winterfell's defenses. I'm not sure how he'll get past Stannis if his army is victorious. I'm so bored of all these road trips and the torture porn. I was kind of hoping that one of the Sand Snakes would do something interesting in that battle but alas they probably only poisoned Bronn.
  13. You know what would have been more interesting is if Liv took the shot and Blaine died and she had to figure out what to do about that whole zombie undersupply issue because she never bothered to ask Lowel who turned him ages ago. Honestly I'd rather the good guy had a bit of blood on their hand due to action than inaction. It's like how I always end up blaming Xavier for Magneto killing all those people because he never really tried that hard to do anything about him because of who he used to be. It's hard to accept a good guy as a good guy if they bail out whenever things become too difficult. I really hope the next episode she feels some guilt over her inaction otherwise I'm going to bail.
  14. No flashlights or candles in the entire house ? Personally if my sanity was being questioned I'd find some way to prove I shot at someone... How did giant Candyman get into the house ? was the door opened or something ?
  15. That Candyman is fairly bulky and boxy himself and we have no idea how much time elapsed from shots fired to Major calling Clive. I'm guessing less than a minute and while he waited anxiously for Clive to show up I doubt he wanted to spend time with the corpse. So I don't imagine he would have known he was wearing bulky armor or not as he wouldn't have patted down the body. Also this is presumably the first time Major fired a gun at a person so he may have clipped the guy or the bullet may not have exited out, reducing blood spatter. Lots of rational reasons that don't involve zombies or hallucinations. What really confused me about that scene other than Clive being all like noone could have been shot. I work with a pale psychic who has visions and I don't believe in anything odd.. WHY DIDN'T THEY TURN ON A LIGHT? Seriously they just stood in a dark room discussing how Major shot someone. Neither of them thought to turn on a light. As for Clive being all dismissive of Major. Um dude ? you didn't find any of those bullets Major fired... you didn't turn on a light to see if there are any signs of blood. No wonder you need a pale psychic to help you solve cases. YOU SUCK.
  16. I've always hated that last one. Which is why I couldn't stand Smallville after a couple of seasons of all the teenagers infected with space rocks being killed by the writers in ridiculous manner so Clark wouldn't have to bother... I'm fairly sure they were going with the concept that Liv didn't take the shot because of her hypocratic oath not because of PTSD... Anyway sniper's wife said HE couldn't stand watching any more of his friends die (or something of that nature) which is why he bailed on Afghanistan. Though I could be wrong, I pay very little attention to the episodes as they are fairly formulaic with the Case of the Week plot arcs. This show reminds me a lot of Dollhouse with the main character going through a different personality every other week... It's kind of a jarring premise when you don't know who the main character is because you're not sure how much remnants of past brains is effecting her.
  17. I think the appeal of gratuitous nudity and violence is wearing thin under the sprawling 'epic tale' that appears to be dragging on. At least for me. It's like watching a bunch of toddlers racing towards a distant iron chair, the tantrums and tears are amusing for a while in a sadistic fashion but then it's like someone do something already, the novelty of toddler racing is wearing thin. I don't really know how well that metaphor works ... At this point Jon snow is off on another journey North of the Wall to have a chat to Wildlings House Stark is scattered throughout Westeros with no discernible end goal except maybe the complete slaughter of House Lannister, Frey and Bolton House Lannister is scattered and weakened with Tryion somewhere in Valeria (sp?), Tywin and Joffrey in the Westeros version in hell (probably) Cersei running roughshod over teen king Tommen in Kings Landing, Myrcella and Jamie Lannister off in Dorne with high potential for death by Sand Snakes House Bolton is creepy and holding their ground in Winterfell House Ironborn has lost their male heir and Yara is somewhere doing something after her failed rescue attempt House Frey is probably biding their time on their little moat fiefdom or whatever Stannis Baratheon has murdered his brother with a shadow baby birthed by a psychotic redhead mistress priestess and has plans for the Iron Throne but has to make his way through Bolton armies and whatever is left of the Lannister army. Dany wants to claim the Iron Throne but is currently embroiled in a long tedious campaign to stamp out insurrection in her goal of removing slavery as practice for dealing with the difficulty of HOLDING the Iron Throne. Unfortunately this is bogged down by grounding 2 of her dragons and having one loosed on the world and her terrible decision to use mercenaries and soldiers as cops and peacekeepers with no real end in sight much like several real world equivalents. I don't even know if there are any real major plots worth following... Anyone help me ? Are we all waiting for the Dany to go batshit and burn all of Essos down before proceeding to Westeros to burn everything else to the ground? Kind of feels nihilistic enough to end this epic saga of fantasy sword fights. Or are people hoping Arya, Sansa or Bran warging a dragon revenges Ned ?
  18. This is what bothers me a lot about quite a few American shows. The hero doesn't care about the activities of the villain until it encroaches seriously on their personal life, family friends or lovers. That teenager she met a few weeks ago and whose murder led her ex to be beaten quite severely... MEH... Doesn't impact much. Death of lover? might prompt some action eventually. Threat of brother being eaten super smack down time during season finale... most likely. That cop should owe her quite a few favors after the 9 cases she helped him solve with her 'visions' , perhaps she could have included him in investigations of the ZOMBIE King... or at least clued Major in as she knows he's still pursuing the death of that teenager. It's all so incredibly frustrating. I'm not sure how many more episodes of her enjoying her zombie high life while more teenagers are slaughtered I can stand. This plot line needs to be resolved sooner rather than later and yet I have this horrible feeling it'll be dragged out... She still had the rifle in her hands after Lowell was killed and she did nothing...
  19. The same sniper brain that made her highly skilled at hiding and setting up ambushes for paintballers didn't involve any tactical planning for the military concept of SNAFU? I hope she becomes more proactive otherwise this show will end up in the scrap heap along with The Flash. I'm not fond of stupid protagonists who are supposed to be smart.
  20. The sniper rifle wasn't dismantled into component parts it was only mildly disconnected as she was cradling the dam thing post Lowel murder. I would have been fine with her being shocked for 10 seconds before standing up with a repaired gun with Blaine nowhere in sight. I don't mind so much that Blaine survives to kill again but it bothers me that the 'hero' is so passive when it's important. Instead using her power to randomly assault murder suspects/ murders with zombie strength. It's not so much that I want Blaine dead as I wanted Liv to do something in that situation instead of baulk and cower out of sight. I want my protagonist to DO SOMETHING. I'm not fussed what as long as it's something mildly interesting. Waxing lyrical about the hypocratic oath when you're dealing with a zombie who keeps deliberately infecting people to increase his power base with the brains and lives of dead teenagers is FRUSTRATING AS HELL. I took Ravi being bitten as another sign that Liv is very passive in the search for a zombie cure. Instead of lying in bed staring at the ceiling she could be working overtime monitoring the rats while he sleeps. True Aang's re avatar ness and energy bending was a deus ex machina solution but at least Aang spent half a season trying to figure out a way to save the world without killing Ozai. He put thought into the problem, he weighed his duty as the Avatar against his own moral stance and he consulted with past Avatars for their counsel. Liv on the other hand came up with a half assed plan exposing her bf to risk if it went wrong and lost her nerve at the pivotal moment and after her bf died did nothing. Maybe next episode she will be motivated to hunt down Blaine with a better thought out plan but I somehow doubt it based on her character history.
  21. I'm still annoyed with Flash not sedating the prisoners so they wouldn't have to endure the tedium of empty cells with no sanitary facilities. Damn lazy set designers/producers. It really would have been better if Liv went to some effort to create a plan other than get Blaine to her bf's place and shoot him in the head. That wouldn't have solved anything because she should know that Blaine isn't alone... *sigh* such a frustrating plot.
  22. Seriously Liv has been holding the Idiot Ball since she met Blaine. She never asked who turned Lowell, she never bothered to see what the drug dealing zombie who turned her was up to since she discovered him associated with presumed drug dealers and she didn't put any effort in helping Major find those dead runaways. Liv is an idiot. There is a third option between killing someone and letting them wander free without consequence for mass murder it's called neutralisation. Aang a 12 year old pacifist protagonist in The Last Airbender did it with energy bending, the humans in Xmen 3 did it with the Cure Weapons and Book (a shepherd aka priest) did it to Niska's security personnel in Firefly . Liv it's called kneecapping... Shoot him in the knees, he's immobilised you can interrogate him about all the zombies he's created and how many people he killed for his menu and you can spend the rest of the season trying to dismantle the network of zombies he created. You don't have to kill people to take out a villain, typically that's a fast direct method but incapacitating them will do if you have moral qualms about murder or if their absence would be problematic. Really really stupid. UGH. If that wasn't bad enough she saw her lover shot in the head and hid behind a wall afterwards. No attempt to even injure Blaine. Moral pacifism in these circumstances often comes across as extreme selfishness... It comes across more like I don't want to get my hands dirty with murder than a deep moral stance. It's like Liv is saying "I would really like to stop all those teenagers getting killed but I don't want to pull the trigger because it'll make me feel icky inside..."
  23. I don't think he's quite suitable as main villain as he has no overall goals for anything in particular except his own amusement but his unpredictable evilness makes his presence on the screen captivating as you're never sure if he's going to chop Reek into pieces or start licking him because he's acting erratic as part of his plan to psychologically dominate Reek. Littlefinger is probably the real overarching villain of the show but he's more of a schemer working behind the scenes over a long time to gain power eg like the Siths. The Boltons are necessary villains as they're the ones doing all the dirty work at the moment in Westeros. The Lannisters aren't really doing much of anything with most of them dead, incompetent or elsewhere. Walder Frey is reprehensible but he seems content to chill out in his little fiefdom. The Sons of the Harpys were a threat in episode 4 but they'll probably fade back until the end of the season where they'll do something violent to the Essos crew. The White Walkers and Wight army are great existential threats but haven't done anything really scary or evil in ages. At this point the Boltons are the most evil family at this point. The Tyrells are ambitious but generally sympathetic even when they commit regicide. The Starks are scattered and some are embracing the dark side. The Lannisters are scattered and some are turning towards the light... The Freys are essentially irrelevant until they have some sort of comeuppance. That said I still have no idea who I'm supposed to root for. I loved Dany but her propensity to kill people without trial is tarnishing my affections for the character.
  24. Personally I don't care who Jon Snow's parents are. I'm much more interested in what characters DO than who they're related to. Which is why I don't care that half a season has gone by with neither Bran or Rickon Stark being on screen because they don't sizzle on screen with their walking/travelling plot lines. I'm hoping they skim over Arya's training as I find her one of the least interesting characters on the show. JMO teenagers with hit lists aren't novel or interesting to me. Unpopular opinion I love Ramsey and I hope he lives for a while as the show's propensity for killing off villains often feels like it undercuts the stakes of the Game of Thrones. Sure it's joyous for a moment when bad guys like Joffrey or Tywin but they leave GIANT HOLES in the narrative. Heroes are only interesting when they have someone to strive against that is a challenge. Lannister toadies were murdered by the boatful by Robb and it meant nothing in the end.
  25. I'm so bored of Ophelia and Will. They are the world's most boring couple. Gemma at least was entertaining ripping into Ophelia and being blunt with the Queen. As for Eleanor. Way to make baseless accusations and destroy stuff to achieve nothing. I'm over her. As for Ophelia's father, you're a sucky head of security for letting the King wander about at night unprotected. At the very least there should have been some skilled MI5 agents doing some discreet surveillance. This show is circling the drain for me. I don't really care about any of these people. At least Cyrus as King is mildly amusing.
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