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Everything posted by wayne67

  1. Baby Shereen may have been licking or pressing that doll against her face for long periods of time. Children aren't overly hygienic. I'm going with the headcanon that it's unlikely to be transmitted through contact with physical objects as that'd make it super easy to transmit with medieval era understanding of germs/cleanliness. Stannis may have figured the one new thing in Shereen's life was the cause of the baby's illness as she had no other contact with obviously infected people but who knows.
  2. Anyone thinking that Kill the boy is a hint about Ramsay plotting against his baby brother ? Or just me ?
  3. Theoretically Dany and Hizdar marriage alliance could produce offspring that would have ties to Mereen nobility, or at least one of the richest and the oldest families as well as having the possibility of a new dragon King for the next generation if the child is a boy that's a true Dragon. It's not a bad proposition, Hizdar appears to be willing to change to suit Dany's agenda and when she's gone she can appoint him to rule over Essos while she reclaims her original birthright. I don't imagine it'll work out because oddly enough the only marriage that is doing well is the one being Roose Bolton and Walda Frey? If it did though Dany and Hizdar's children would have the pick of all the minor kingdoms of the world to rule over and the Mereenese would have increased prosperity as a result due to blood ties. Presuming that the White Walkers don't eat all of Wessos due to all the infighting. Also I'd imagine Greyscale is transmissable by skin to skin contact which is why Jorah was very careful not to touch Tyrion's skin during their little exchange, hence no mouth to mouth or face slapping... Dany was losing me with the burning people alive who may have been innocent before winning me over with a bold and crazy plan to marry into Mereen. I guess Hizdar has a nice firm back... lol Ramsay Snow/Bolton was this episode's MVP for me, wildly unpredictable and violent and a lovely back view. (Yes I'm shallow) Jon Snow surprisingly was in the top 3 for me by being the only one in the entire kingdom focused on the GIANT ARMY OF DEAD marching towards the realms of men instead on personal grudges and self aggrandisement. I think I might be having a stroke? I actually like Jon for a change.
  4. Is it wrong that I side with Peekaboo in that scenario ?
  5. Yeah I feel like if they are going to shelve all the good fantasy elements of this show like Dragons, Evil Mages, Elves and White Walkers, then they should just pare it down to Starks vs Lannisters and not mention the other stuff. They introduced the White Walkers in the very first episode as a dangerous threat and they've done nothing dangerous other than convert a baby and get killed by Sam. If the Big Bad doesn't do anything dangerous in 4 seasons why should I consider them a threat. Even the Qarth warlock was more scary and dangerous in 2 episodes than the White Walkers have been the entire show.
  6. It seems more Whack a mole ? Except it's more like whack a Stark. Every time you think you have murdered enough of them one shows up to pour your wine or lives in Winterfell fostering quiet rebellion and marrying back into the North's ruling power structure again. What's funny is that the Starks and Lannisters are breaking even in fatalities... Remaining Starks Sansa, Rickon, Bran and Arya and maybe Jon Snow depending on whether he's Ned Stark's offspring. Surviving Lannisters Tommen, Myrcella, Cersei, Jamie, Tyrion Myrcella has been targeted by the Sand Snakes and Tommen is too soft to rule over Kings Landing without substantial backing. The Starks may edge into the lead soon.
  7. I miss the White Walkers. This story lacks a decent antagonist. I don't know who the protagonists are supposed to be. The pacing on this show seems off. It's taken 4 episodes for Tyrion to end up wherever. 4 seasons for Arya to make her roundabout way to bravos. 3 seasons for Sansa to get back to Winterfell. 4 seasons and counting for Winter and White Walkers to do something... There is only so much death you can see before it becomes repetitive. Half the time when someone dies it takes me a while to remember who they were and tick them off my list of relevant characters. It feels like this saga is trying to tell 10 different coming of age stories at the same time with a backdrop of supernatural something or rather. What are the White Walkers doing? What are the Red priests doing? What is greyscale all about? What is Dany planning with those dragons? Are there wizards about? Are the second rate elves going to do anything ? It very much feels like this show has hit a holding pattern. One major character dies and 3 more minor characters are introduced and a few no name characters also die... per episode. Maybe it's just me though.
  8. While this episode had a lot more excitement as characters I actually knew were in danger... It still feels like a lot of the time, there isn't a clear storyline just pieces being rearranged on a giant chess board for a grand finale at some point. Maybe I'm just not fond of all the time spent on road trips that peter out into nothing. I used to love Dany but I'm growing impatient with the learning how to rule storyline. It feels like the entire season will be about that and it's yet to be very interesting. Foreign occupations are dull.
  9. wayne67

    Barry Allen

    Barry is a superhero who means well... He will probably never have to account for all the unintentional death and chaos he causes with his incompetence as a rookie superhero. Eddie doesn't even seem to remember Barry trying to kill him that one time. I'm counting at least a couple of possible cases of negligent homicide. That time where Captain Cold killed that usher because Barry was too slow to react in time to a normal man pointing a gun... The time he let the cloning guy drop to his death instead of speeding out the building to catch him... The guard Barry let die in the background while he saved Joe. Then there's the attempted homicide of Eddie, the reckless use of super fast fists against Peekaboo who as far as we know had no super strength or durability. Barry is guilty of lots of crimes but vigilantism is cool so noone is upset with him. Including reporters or cops who should be more interested in incidental chaos caused. Oh well it's not like cops to care about property damage.
  10. Do you think Oliver will pick up a Super STD from one of his 'conquests' and will need to get treatment from a Super Science medical doctor for treatment? I'd actually like to see that, there would be such potential for comedy gold. Though I don't know how metahuman the villains/heroes of Arrow are so it's probably unlikely. Anyone else thinking that Barry would have to use a special type of condom for sex to prevent breakage? Yes I've officially spent too much time thinking about Barry's sex life now. Now off to think about whether Cloud would classify as an Omega Mutant or not.
  11. At least with Smallville they varied who the mutant freak of the week was obsessed with so that there was variety as to who was going to be kidnapped and held captive from Lex, Lana and Chloe. Iris is only in a relationship with one of those people and the other people are grimy perverts... :P lol
  12. There's really only one STD that is untreatable so unless he's having lots of unprotected sex I'm sure his daily blood tests by the Team Flash would catch any minor STD's and he'll be treated before he spreads it too far. At least it'd give Caitlin something to do again. She could snark on Barry's sex life. That'd be fun. Or she could use her super science powers to make an immunisation shot. That way Cisco wouldn't be the only one making improbable advancements in science from spare parts in his spare time. She could create an immunisation against all known STD's leaving him free to run wild. It's not like he's using his super speed to engage in 20 different sexual relationships at the same time, I really doubt him having an active sex life would leave him any more susceptible to STD's then the women of Sex in the City who engage in way more sex and never seem to have that issue. I only watched a few episodes though , maybe it came up. The use of condoms to prevent the spread of STD's is seldom ever mentioned on tv, condom use is only mentioned in regard to pregnancy scares. I guess American shows like their attractive 20 year olds to engage in lots of love triangles without mentioning anything about safe sex.
  13. Well from what little we've seen, his healing renders alcohol which is effectively a toxin inert within seconds even when it's *cough* 200 proof... Also he ate what seemed like 30 burgers in one sitting judging from that pile of wrappers, so his metabolism may work super fast to digest that food as he never had to go to the bathroom. Of course his powers are poorly explained. I don't think they have ever mentioned speed force as the reason why other people don't melt in his arms or why his face doesn't need to be covered. If only this was true my life would have been so much easier. People who engage in gay sex are frequently made the target of people who want to make us ashamed of our sex lives, be it bible bashers who claim it's an abomination to straight/gay people who aren't getting as much sex as you are, or people who deem 'open relationships' slutty. Seriously I'm a guy and I've been called a slut countless times and if you hear it enough from people it really does start to wear on your self identity. From friends, lover and even random people. Women aren't the only people who get called out on their sex lives. I used to have a saying whenever anyone called me a slut, "I'm not a slut, I'm just popular."
  14. Is 8 women a lot for a straight man to have relationships with in a 5-10 year time period ? If so I'm glad I'm not straight :P lol Admittedly I stopped watching the show when Summer Glau showed up on the show. I got bored of the corporate angle and PR handling so I don't know what Oliver is up to but last time I remember he looked really good doing shirtless chin ups and he was a billionaire playboy so 10 women finding him appealing doesn't seem that excessive. JMO As for Barry he's been involved in a relationship with one woman and that didn't really last long. Are we slut shaming males now ? Is that okay? I find it more distasteful when really soapy shows like Melrose Place and Days of Our Lives have their characters with interchangeable love interests so that at one point it seems like every single person that isn't related has been in love/ had sex with every other person of the relevant gender. It makes it so hard to keep track of how many children are related to each other and how their parents are especially with all the secret paternity tests and baby swaps. I hate the retroactive hook up like what happened between Mulder and Scully, half a decade of build up and then their relationship whatever it was happened off screen it was lousy and I didn't even ship them. P.s Can Barry even get STD's with his rapid healing power ?
  15. Ophelia and Liam are so vanilla together. Ophelia only shines with Eleanor, otherwise she's super dull. I had a second of liking her when she was using the bow and arrow to threaten a guy for Ashlocks vehicle and then she shot Ashlock and then the moment was gone. UGH. This show seems to be spinning its wheels.
  16. I'm surprised that noone mentioned that those twins dragged off that swimmer for some unconscious sex. I guess female on rape is comedy? And a guy using blackmail to intrigue a royal prince is romance? Ophelia is dull. This show is straddling the line between offensive and unintentional slap stick.
  17. That would be so awesome. I felt like the 2 guys in the love triangle in Tomorrow People should just hook up because the woman in the middle of that triangle got everyone around her killed and was somehow dull even when she was ostensibly kicking ass. She managed to come off worse than the main hero whose secret life as a double agent was transparent to anyone with eyes and/or ears. God that show was awful. The non chosen one was dreamy and endearing and he got sidelined so much. Reminds me a little of Eddie in that way.
  18. I agree. It feels like a lot of time on the show is spent walking places or getting to places and half the time it doesn't really add much in the way of excitement. There is often witty dialogue but as far as the plot goes... Nudity, gratuitous violence or sex scene and maybe a death or 3 of minor or major characters. Per episode, rinse and repeat. It's why I find it hard to get into 'epic fantasy', there is so much emphasis on the boring details of their travels and lots of characters that contribute little to the overall plot. Winter is super slow in coming. It's been 5 years and the White Walkers are still beyond the Wall doing whatever they're doing and Dany is still on another continent. Pacing is slow. The ride is getting less enjoyable for me.
  19. I'm not opposed to IceMan being gay. My problem is that it's Past IceMan being told he's gay by Past Jean Gray who also says that Present IceMan is straight. What would have been far better would be Present Iceman seeing his younger self and being confronted by the fact that the easy going mask was a front to hide his confusion about his same sex attraction to insert character here at that time. Then you could tell the story that some people spend years questioning themselves before settling on a sexual identity and he could be either straight, gay, bisexual or other. This just seems like it'll end up with Present Iceman telling Past IceMan that it was just a phase he grew out of. What would be better is if Present Iceman showed agency and admitted that he might be somewhat attracted to some guys. It just seems super clunky and will be treated like his power set. He's alpha level, Loki upgraded him, he's infrequently displaying a higher level of power verging on Omega, Emma Frost has hijacked his body for months and shows he's capable of class 5/Omega power and Emma Frost declines to teach him for reasons... Then he's depowered by M Day until he's not and it turns out to be all in his head or something. UGH That's why I'm not fond of comic storylines, it's all super dramatic and meaningful until someone resets time or reveals a secret clone or something stupid.
  20. It's not that I mind if Bobby is gay. It just feels clunky that in 5-15 years of being around the most powerful telepaths in the world that someone would have mentioned it before now. It also feels like there's an easy out if it proves to be an unpopular decision by handwaving it by saying that he's an alternate time line version. I have a terrible feeling that Bobby's gayness might even be erased as 'just a phase'. Which contradicts Jean's claim that he's full gay. How does one become a full gay ? I really do hate time travel plot lines because it's so often a cop out for poor writing..
  21. I'm not sure how relevant this subject is... But has anyone seen the latest news about Marvel Comic legacy character IceMan is now gay? This development leaves me befuddled as this is a past version of the character and his future self seems to not be. The fandom for Marvel comics is firmly divided. Some consider this to be pandering, others seem to think they should have just added another gay mutant to the roster instead of subjecting the character to Sudden Sexuality syndrome. Continuity isn't Marvel's strong suit so I'm not sure how I feel about this retcon. It doesn't help that it's time travel and it'll probably end up with an alternate time line version of Bobby like the AoA version. Anyone with any opinions about the Sudden Sexuality trope ?
  22. Speaking only for myself as an Australian male, I have no cultural bias towards WOC because our national heritage has other issues entirely. I have issues with the character having no mother, a father who pays more attention to her foster brother than her, no friends that aren't associated with her foster brother and being left in the middle of yet another boring love triangle that plays out like more or less every other love triangle. "She loves them both but she can't make a choice, let's drag this out for as long as possible." As for other forums and articles and such. I don't subscribe to those fandoms so it's hard to comment on those places being racist. I subscribe to this forum, because there are usually well reasons argument for and against certain plots and characters. I find it annoying and limiting that often any criticism of the characterisation is labelled as covert or overt racism against the actress. The problem becomes that the insistence on talking about things that aren't even happening on this boards makes it hard to have a conversation about it because a lot of people won't have seen what you have seen because they don't subscribe to those forums. It's hard to engage with a topic when you don't even know what the other person is referring because there are no links to those articles or even references to ways to find the articles/reviews mentioned. I don't like being lumped into a group of covert/overt racists simply because I liked the character in the first half and after the 'love confession' she's been bogged down in increasingly problematic plot lines. Half the time it feels like I'm not allowed to have an opinion on a fictional character because someone will feel offended because of the actress's skin colour. Most of the people here agree that there has been terrible writing for Iris as a character in the back half of the season. I don't know. That said. Iris bugs me far less than Barry. I loved him in the first half but the second half seemed to turn him dumber so that Team Flash would have something to do and became way too blase about the super secret prison and disclosing his secret identity to everyone (but Iris) for my liking. I'd totally be down for a Barry Cisco slash pairing. They can just have a super villain turn everyone gay for an episode to add a little spice to the show.
  23. Well technically Dany has 2 dragons chained in the basement and a third AWOL. I do wonder if Dany would support Stannis and his God of Light (who seems to be more about fire and shadows) or Arya's true God of Death. Dany does tend to bring fire and death in her wake.
  24. I stopped watching after season 3 of Smallville but I still remember that Lana ran a coffee shop somehow in highschool and acquired extreme martial arts skills offscreen. It also bugged me that the millionaire who kept getting assaulted or kidnapped never bothered with bodyguards. When there's insufficient build up for a character acquiring skills it does cause a sort of dissonance regardless of their real world racial heritage. For instance I found Iris's progression from failed cop to student/waitress to blogger to journalist poorly paced and poorly executed. I wouldn't have minded as much if the writers corrected a few scenes to show that she had the right personality for that career or if there was a previous interest in the field. For instance if the writers cut that 'joke' about her making up quotes for her journalism supplemental or took out a note pad when Flash was facing off against Captain Cold and Heat Wave or noticed that The Flash looks eerily similar to her best friend. Or actually knew how many pulitzers her mentor won for writing, or we had any indication that Iris conducted research in person about any of these apparent sightings, or had any interest in journalism prior to blogging. Or googled lightning psychosis.
  25. I stopped watching this show after Barry locked Peekaboo in a glass prison then pushed the button and had steel come down over it and continue talking about his love life as if sentencing someone to life imprisonment in a glass cage was irrelevant. I wanted to see if maybe I should start watching again because I originally loved Barry but it still seems that they've kept most of the things that bugged me. Super prison that makes no sense, Disclosing Barry's secret Identity to everyone but Iris, Crossover characters that alter the dynamics of the show and Barry being incapable of winning a fight without being told to run faster...
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