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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. Well, blueeyed, I'm with you in the suicide department. My husband committed suicide in 2007 and I still think about him every single day. I DID go to therapy for two years and that really helped. I'm so sorry about your son. I totally understood Dorinda's comment about smelling like a goat and the shower business. On to the Heather/Beth feud, I think Heather just needs to give up trying so hard to be friends with Beth. Just start ignoring the shit out of her and see how that feels. It might just work. Who knows? I feel like Beth is just doing this whole return to Howives as some way to sell SkinnyGirl stuff. So far, she's had every single item her company makes front and center a BUNCH of times! And that million bucks probably didn't hurt her feelings either. I actually enjoyed the first part of the ep when there was NO BETH for a few minutes! Seriously. I tire of her stoopid bullshit.
  2. Well, thank goodness. I hope we don't see her AT ALL and that she finally gets her shit together. She sure needs to.
  3. Oh puleez.... No more of Beth's problems! Be they eating, living situation, business, Howives she hates... No. Just No.
  4. If Satan Andy thought this season of RHONY was going to be Beth's resurrection tour, shouldn't he have TOLD Beth she needed to play NICE with the other Howives? Plus, I agree with the idea that 8 Howives is about two too many. It IS like Eight is Enough. Just lots worse.
  5. I feel I MUST vote for the baby dinosaur. For obvious reasons.
  6. So for what it's worth, my 2 cents. I DO think Kim was primed and ready to PARTAY on this Cabo wedding weekend. I think she's been there enough to know which pharmacia she can get some good shit and with no prescription needed. The fact that Minty didn't or wasn't ABLE to go just helped her ass out big time. It's seems really unfortunate that poor Kimberley is the one elected to watch over Mom and not one of her older kids. OK, maybe not Chad but why not Whitney? Or is Kim mad at Whitney? Or is Whitney mad at Kim.... Who knows. Can't QUITE figure out why in the world Kim put the FatBurger family on blast like the tabs reported. WTF did THEY DO??? And yes, when she shows her wrinkled tan face somewhere (probably at some airport) we'll start talking about her again. Until then, poor widdle Kimmie..... Finally, with apologies to the person upthread who originally said this: Man, old Minty on his deathbed is SERIOUSLY having some damn BIG FUN! THAT is the kind of deathbed I want!
  7. Chiming in here... Really TIRED of the "Bethenny" show. Ugh. So you had a crappy childhood. So did a lot of us and somehow we've managed to get through it, (some of us go to counseling!) and just resolve to not let it affect the rest of our lives. So go do that Bethenny, please.
  8. I tried but ugh, Kandi's family just makes me want to blow chunks. The OLG were just horrible and nasty. Can they just ALL get off my teevee? This is not helping Kandi's reputation one bit.
  9. I'm just glad they didn't win the million. Thought the whole going up the needle thing again to look for the clue was FABULOUS!!! Also, loved that they ended in Dallas. Waayy fun!
  10. It looks like a snoozefest to me but the thought of the coven getting stoned is enough for me to at least catch a little BIT of it. I floved when one of them said, "they're selling pot here like they sell....(wait for it) CHICKEN!" Now we KNOW they love chicken, so obviously... well who knows?
  11. Saint Kathy's about to get run over by a bus, I tell ya! A big, old BUS!
  12. After trying to watch this episode, I was wishing a big old BOMB would go off right over ALL their dumbasses! Can't really stand any of them anymore. Only one I sorta like now is Kendall. Khloe and those hideous fingernails, all that fooling with the hair constantly, that black lipstick, UGH. Just UGH. Kim and all her bazillion selfies are just blech. That painted stripe down her side which she considered "arty", that whole business with the redoing of her website..... Just another BOOM! BOMB drops. I'm SICK TO DEATH of Scott and his depression or manic depression or whatever the HELL is wrong with him. A PSYCHIATRIST can help!! GO QUICKLY! Kourtney is just a total dumbass. BOOM! I should probably find something else to do on Sunday nights, like cleaning out a catbox or something.
  13. Well, ITA with all you posters upthread calling bullshit on NeNe's "breakthrough". I think she just was tired of all the attention going to other people and she wanted the spotlight back on her! Ergo, throw a fit. Start shaking and looking down while speaking about her mother and father. I actually think she's kind of worried that if the new show with Kim doesn't pan out, she's gonna HAVE to go back to the RHOA tail tucked. Nobody will want to film with her. Porsha's already just a "friend" and there's no guarantee Phaedra's returning. Good God Almighty! THEN who wouldl film with her?? Totally appreciated Kandi's side-eye and also her general lack of ass kissing per the "breakthrough". I also USED to think Dr. Jeff Gardere seemed like a professional guy but this whole mess he's gotten into with the Howives has changed my opinion of him and not for the better.
  14. Could Dorito just go ahead and take the brat to the Doctor about that growth on her forehead? Also, could she get those EYEBROW caterpillar thingies on the brat's forehead looked at as well? Thank you in advance.
  15. But don't blood clots CAUSE amerisms, CooksDelight? LOL!!
  16. Wait.. Kim's in REHAB?? I just thought she went to Canyon Ranch to tan and get her extensions fixed. Maybe eat a couple of grilled chicken salads. Have some nice Chardonnay. REHAB???
  17. Damn, I WISH I had that hour back from watching the Dr. Phil interview!! It was just more same old,same old, with the idiot Kimmie, the poor widdle child star. Just about made me want to blow chunks. And then poor old Monty trying to help with all that #beauty#sunshine#BULLDOOKEY DUDE!! You guys are drug buddies! And just because you're fixing to check the heck out of Casa Dumbass, you COULD just go ahead and admit now..... You and Kimmie have done TONS OF DRUGS TOGETHER!!!! See?? It just makes me nutso to talk about this shit anymore. Suffice to say, I ain't gonna be watching RHOBH next season if the stooped bitch in on again. I implore you Bravo, get that dummy off my TV!!
  18. Why wouldn't Phaedra let BUN take the boys to visit Apollo?? Oh yeah, it snows in Kentucky in the winter and BUN rides a motorcycle. Never mind.
  19. Yes, I hope she avoids all stressers (and RHONJ) is definitely a biggie. She needs to concentrate on getting well. The fact that she has another malignant tumor cannot be good news. Poor thing.
  20. I'm guessing she's going to "rehab" to shut people up, including her children. I just don't think this arrest has anything to do with it. She's doing it because the kids probably said it's rehab or else. Too bad about Kingsley. I thought his very bestest friend in the whole wide world, MONTY, would have taken his lovely doggie ass with him wherever he goes while Kim's in rehab. And seriously, Kathy, that PERFECT sister, ought to be watching her back because I see a big old BUS heading her direction. Kim's already run over her daughter with it, it's only a matter of time before the perfect one screws up something. Not buying what you're selling poor widdle Kimmie. Not buying it.
  21. Kim AND Brandi get paid pretty well for being on this show don't they? I cannot IMAGINE them not HAVING health insurance, but what the hell do I know?? I only make a fraction of what they do in a year.... Honestly, I thought I'd go to work an hour earlier so I could get home for the Dr. Phil show Tuesday, but now I'm thinking, NOT! I think she's just going to try to blow her usual smoke up his big old Texas ass and when he won't let her, she'll walk away. I mean, where he usually sends people for rehab requires them to stay until they are fixed. And we ALL know old RumRaisin ain't ABOUT to do that! She's got a WEDDING, she's got MONTY, she's got her son KINGSLEY to deal with. NO TIME Dr. Phil. Just no friggin' time. Just go away already and be done with it!
  22. That fruity party Kenya threw for the screening of her "project" ! UGH! I guess she figured since her chances of wearing a wedding dress for real one day was kind of a long shot? But seriously, having everyone get all gussied up, the whole balcony "Hi Ladies", the fruity drinks, that ridiculous CAKE.... UGH, just ugh. And I noticed how Nene wouldn't let butter melt in her mouth coming out of the theater to see her "fans"..... Jeebus! Could she have been more fakety fake? I think she's ready to roll on this show and thinks she's actually going to have a CAREER ON BROADWAY. Really?
  23. A cow?? Nope. A pit bull puppy! She's IS Kingsley's mommy after all!
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