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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. OMG, WHEN is this bitch gonna quit ragging on LeeAnn?? STILL at it! What a loser!
  2. Chiming in here. Really great post EVS!! Hope you have great health in 2016!
  3. "Phaedra's fertilizer"!!!! OMG, yours truly; THAT IS HILARIOUS!
  4. I like the idea that one hour of therapy a day would be helpful for the ENTIRE family but I wonder if it would help at all? They all need to recognize that they are living in a complete and total bubble of Kris's making. Must be nice to have Mommy watching your back at all times. And seriously, if I have to watch them EAT any more, it's gonna ruin my appetite!!
  5. Pork flavored vodka! I forgot all about that! Hysterical! I was just gonna say, Vicks, you probably should stay out the health tweeting business for a while. Nobody believes you!
  6. Yep, Ghoulina, the "Condo of Suffering and Parasites" is absolutely hilarious!!! And I also enjoy "House of Lemon". Too Funny! Just one comment about the Hilton family, especially Kathy. Who in the world invites 2 of their nieces to be in a wedding while the others are not? I would just have had to say no to the whole wedding business. Farrah could have been a bridesmaid because she's a grown woman, but I would not have allowed Portia anywhere NEAR that frickin' wedding AT ALL. It's just so rude!
  7. ITA with everyone! SO GLAD Justin lost! He was just obnoxious throughout the entire race! Kinda feel sorry for Diana but she chose the guy, so...Plus, they've won trips out the kazoo and some $$. I think it's always so funny when the cabdrivers here in the US are the ones that end up messing up the racers. But then, that one cabdriver said something like, "I don't know where Belmont Park is and I'm going home". Tooo funny!
  8. Pretty much a snoozefest last night. Or maybe I was just sleepy! Anyhoo, I can't stand stankface Grayson. Not exactly sure WHY she hd to come back on my teevee. Ugh. Wish she'd just go home already!
  9. O.M.G. This poor woman. She's really got it bad, doesn't she? And would any of us be surprised that if The King is going to be single soon, old Brandi's gonna be sniffin' around him?
  10. Thanks, ryebread. Now every time I look at Lisa Rinna, I'm gonna be thinking ,"Shiny butthole". LOL!!!
  11. Yep. Agree with you guys. Yo needs a good old therapy session or a million. Something is VERY wrong. A good psychiatrist should be her next stop.
  12. Crooks doesn't have cancer, never has IMO, but the man really DOES have a giant case of the DUMBASS. And so does Icki. HUGE!
  13. I think she knew early on and just decided to stick it out thinking NOBODY would actually have the termerity to question the OG of the OC about ANYTHING. That's always been her MO. She's so SMART, she WORKS, she values MONEY, blah, blah, blah. She is full of shit. I think she's a complete narcissist. Only and always completely thinking about herself. No redeeming qualities except, OK; the grotto is good. I don't see anyone else WANTING to film with her because she's such a giant suckhole of neediness. She still wants the "girls" to give her a HUG for cryin' out loud. Hell, she probably wants somebody to come over and not only make her a casserole, but clean her house and wipe her ass. Maybe NeNe, Brandi, Kim and Teresas Guidice can all move into her house and they can be "The Real Shitheads of America" or something. Just a thought.
  14. Hate to show my age here but guess what? We had plaid miniskirts in the 70's too! And I LURVED mine!
  15. Yep, old Mount Rushmore head is really gonna scoop the shit on Sunday's part 3. I guess. BTW, anyone want to hazard a guess as to how many tranquilizers she took before filming? Never seen the OG so CALM... And she's askeered of Crooksie? Really??
  16. Did she dump him? Smart girl. Too bad she didn't figure this out before she had a baby with him. Guess she's not THAT smart.
  17. And according to some reports, that butthead stASSi is coming back. Please say it ain't so!
  18. Man, old Ryan and the whole OC thing sure didn't last long, did it? I've been to Truckee and it is beautiful! Cannot imagine what the doofus will do there for a j-o-b. Maybe Sarah can start another gun business??
  19. Ewww. I thought for SURE we were in the clear with the whole Brandi the skank business. Not sure how much of this I'm gonna be able to stomach. But I can still come here and read all about it!! YEA!!
  20. Eww, Bella Roche, i had forgotten she said that! What an idiot.
  21. Yep, been waiting all day for the shitfest. Already have the wine in the refrigerator! WOOHOO!
  22. I guess the thing that Vicki said that put me over in the corner of "Bitch KNOWS and HAS KNOWN FOREVER" was her dumbass remark in her talking head. The one where she says something like, "What if Brooks DOESN'T have cancer.. what's that got to do with ME".... WHAT AN IDIOT! Like she's been forcing Tamrat to fight her battles, she's lying about Heather and Terry and the whole IV deal. Shannon's been doing everything but pick up Brooks and take his ass to the City of Hope. Just ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. What a shithead.
  23. I'm looking forward to it for the most part, but like the rest of you, can't stand stASSi and would be very happy never to see her face on my teevee again. UGH!
  24. OMG, so many HILARIOUS comments!! "Keep your friends close and your enemas closer" is just ONE of my very favorite things I've read today. Glad I didn't have a mouthful of food or water when I burst out laughing! So, just to tag along with y'all... Yep, Oklahoma has absolutely NOTHING going for it. No parks, no nail salons, no hairdressers - NADA! Come on, Briana, get your shit together! Think anyone will be your friend NOW? Just stop it. And speaking of stopping, the Beador family doody bubble dilemma is one for the record books. No. just no. Somebody needs to find ANOTHER counselor. This one allows WAAAYYY too much crazy to go on. Vickie, just because you THINK Satan likes CONFUSION, doesn't mean Crooks isn't a Lying liar who lies.. So just go ahead and admit it. You royally f-d up taking this turd blossom into the "family home".
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