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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. Gee Zoeysmom, your description of Porsha sounds like somebody else we know. Old #45.
  2. Well shit! What that fucker Kim makes a DAY is more than what I make a YEAR.... So don't put me in the "poor widdle kimmie" category. BTW, I manage to pay the mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, keep the yard up and be sorta happy. Of course, I have to go to work every frickin' day (M-F) and put up with a buttload of crap.... Can she just get off the show completely. Girl makes me tired. Already tired. Don't need anything else that makes me weary. Thank you Bravo.
  3. Still trying to figure out why the old bone collector and shit stirrer, Sheree; hasn't let it out that Phaedra was the one who started the whole f'ng thing. She never gives anyone ELSE a pass, just throws it out there to see if it sticks. Strange.
  4. So Renee kicked the boyfriend to the curb. She needed to send his ass packing. Gabby & Baby Daddy also went their separate ways. Good. Then, they showed a snippet of what's next. Family Bootcamp. Guess who's on with her mom..... Yep, Kendra Basket. Can this girl not get another job besides being on reality teevee? Man, she is thirsty.
  5. I just went on a cruise (Harmony of the Seas) and cannot imagine having Whitney or anyone else, with a camera crew on board. How awful for the rest of the passengers! Crowded enough as it is.
  6. Well hell... It MUST be time for a restoration service for these ATL women! They need SOMETHING!! Still can't quite grasp how Porsha decided to bring EXTRA CRISPY Todd with her as HER plus one. What a circus! LOVE LOVE LOVE "Extra crispy todd!!!!!
  7. Yeah, can't quite figure out why Porsha is on the hate Kandi train. She's either turned into a nasty little bitch or she was always a nasty little bitch but we're just seeing it now? Who knows.
  8. I work in rehab at a LTC facility and we have knee, hip, rotator cuff patients all the time. Whit would DEFINITELY need a hoyer lift to get her out of the bed and some of them safely only lift up to 350 lbs. Over 350, you have to get a larger hoyer and not all facilities even have these. We do where I work because we have some residents that weigh over 350 and can't (or won't) even TRY to get up out of the bed to go to the bathroom. Getting them to bathe or shower is also quite the effort for those caregivers! Trust me! I feel like Whit is headed straight downhill to a facility like mine because of her complete and total delusion that she's FABULOUS and somehow these physical problems can be DANCED away. I use the term "dance" loosely. More like shimmy. Jiggle. Wiggle. NOT dance. At some point, the crap's gonna hit the fan. Hope she's been saving some of that TLC $$$. Of course, she could always go to Dr. Now and graduate to "My 600 lb Life".
  9. There's no bead throwing in the summer because it's 99 degrees and 90% humidity! WHO GOES OUTSIDE THEN? Chucklefucks. And I'm seriously starting to HATE Katy AND Tequila Katy. Maybe it's just bridezilla Katy that's pissing me off. But she works for $30/hour for LVP, so does Tom really NEED a job? And does anyone know why their dog "Butter" had a cone on her head??
  10. Can't wait for Stanbury to hit the road and move already!! We can only HOPE she doesn't come back except for a tiny look at how crappy her life in Dubai is. Guessing the ex-pats there will adore being around her - NOT!
  11. Eden is either trying waaaaayy too hard or she is a frickin' mess! That house looked like one of Mauricio's empties that's on the market. I noticed there was absolutely NOTHING on any of the walls, ANYWHERE. Nobody lives there! The fact that she keeps trying to jump into the Kim drama just makes her look crazy or thirsty. And bravogods, WHY do we still have to be subjected to Kim anyway?? I'm sooo tired of her!!
  12. Good detective work on the National Folk Festival, ketzel. Just found the whole "pregnancy" foolish and totally unbelievable. The fact that TLC seems to be showing in previews that the joke is going to continue for a while, kinda makes me sick. I wish they'd just go ahead and tell the frickin' truth.
  13. So apparently, working at SUR is not even required to be on VR any more. We now have Kristen, stASSi, Muppet Baby, and Schwartz who don't even work there... Where in the hell are they going to film when the rest of them leave?
  14. I thought Kenya's father "worshiped the ground she walked on" according to her. So she HAD a strong father figure in her life. I agree, she's not had the best upbringing, but most people who are similarly afflicted, go to counseling. The woman is in her 40's. She's managed to make some $$$, has a beautiful home, is a beautiful woman and still; cannot find ONE GUY ON THE PLANET that she can get along with. I just don't quite understand it. Plus the whole "he's dangerous, he's craaaazy" storyline has just been played out. I'm really tired of it. Same crap, different person. It's DUMB and BORING.
  15. Has anyone else noticed that this forum is right below "My 600 lb Life"?? Serendipity? When I saw the commercial for the new season of Whitney is either preggers or gay, I thought,"Jeez. If this girl gains any more weight, she's gonna BE on "My 600 lb. Life". Goodness. Someone upthread already said it: go ahead and go see Dr. Now, NOW. And AZ Christian, I literally laughed out loud at your post about...... SHOES!! Too hilarious!!
  16. Yeah, I was wondering about the two dogs too. Guess they were too much trouble for the ENTIRE family.
  17. Yep, can Anfisa just go on back to wherever it is and put poor Jorge out of his (and our) misery already??
  18. Oh good grief. Vicki is just SUCH an ass, isn't she? I'm so tired of all her stuff! Can she just go away already and terrorize Coto?
  19. Maybe Jorge and Nicole can get together when Azan and Anfisa roll onto other people. Wherever they are. They both could be so happy!! Eating away, lots of PDA, and nobody needs a green card!
  20. I signed the dang thing. This chica needs some serious help. Being on this show is not helping her AT.ALL.
  21. Why is Veronica (V) so darn territorial about Travis?? She acts like she's the one he's gonna pick and the rest of the girls are just there to get in her way? What the...? And then she said something I thought was REALLY dumb: Something like "I've never had any white chocolate before" to Travis. Uh, honey? He's a white guy. Nothing chocolate about him. Maybe coconut??
  22. Looked @ the "GoFundMe" page to read the comments and noticed that they had raised a whopping $143. Boy, let's hope City of Hope has some other stronger fundraisers out there! I can't imagine that they would even agree to participate in Vicki's sham for selling cancer insurance. Also, if you buy cancer insurance but already HAVE cancer, does it still pay off?? I'm guessing not. Wouldn't that be like selling life insurance to dead people?? Just a question.
  23. I can't figure out why Rob gets all "I don't want anyone to see me in public!" and won't go anywhere and YET his fat face is on a freaking television show!! We see that he only wears one outfit EVERY SINGLE DAY. WHAT an idiot. Ugh. #doofus
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