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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. Right there with you Anne Thrax!! Shall I bring the wine & cheese to the corner? And all that Vicki and the cancer charity stuff just makes me want to throw up. What an idiot. I wish she'd just go away already!
  2. All I can say after this stupid 3 parter reunion is..... THANK GOD IT'S OVER!!!!!
  3. So I suppose the really BURNING question now is: Who brought the green bean casserole to Icky after she got home from the ER?
  4. So Jim & Amber are going on Marriage BootCamp next?? Man, what attention whores!! They'll do anything to stay on teevee!
  5. James is an idiot. We can all see that now. Clearly, if he wins AFP $$, what little gameplay he's displayed was worth it. I kinda want screechy Nicole to go on out the door next week. Just to piss her off. Could be old Mr. Aggie Corey (gig'em!) will vote her out just to give himself a better chance of winning. Who knows?? I'm rooting for Victor.
  6. Wait. If Whitney went on DWTS, wouldn't she be FORCED to wear SHOES???
  7. First of all good luck to zoemom, I hope you can find a way to stay healthy! I'm thinking about you! Second, I'm just gonna say a couple of things about ""Twit" (love that!) She seems like she has NO desire whatsoever to DO anything about her bigness. I guess because TLC is paying her a buttload to be fat and fabulous. I don't think she's all that fabulous. The other thing is, does anyone else find it ironic that after her show on TLC they proceed to show "My 600 lb Life"? I think old Twit's gonna be Dr. Now's patient before long. Finally, I think it would be really good if the girl could find some frickin' SHOES, for cryin' out loud. She looks hilarious sitting there all made up with NO SHOES ON. JMHO.
  8. Yep, Beden, I saw that too and it really underscored to me what a dumb ASS Vicki clearly is!! She almost stood up and gave herself a high five after telling Jeana no to a loan. She also didn't even MENTION that Brianna's MERCEDES was HER doing. Sort of like her gifting a house to Brianna now. I figure if Brianna wanted to buy herself a CAR, she ought to be able to pick it out herself. JMHO.
  9. I have to agree with those of you who think the whole Brianna move is some sort of way to get someone, ANYONE; to film with Icky. Besides Gina Keough... (nice facelift, though!) Icky is just the same as she's always been. The whole "I WORK" business is just so lame-o at this point. We all know she works. But why would she leave her poor, suffering daughter alone with two small boys, immediately after getting out of the hospital?? Can't she just call in dial-a-housekeeper,babysitter, whatever person to come over and watch the kids? And seriously, Icky.... We all know you did NOT BUY BRIANA A HOUSE!! You may have put the down payment on it, but you sure didn't BUY the whole dern thing. Just a damn joke.
  10. Whitney really has painted herself into a big old corner of her own making. She's gonna need to have bariatric surgery or she's just gonna fall out. I thought the skiing fiasco might have made her think, but no. The not being able to get in Lennie's truck? Nah. Feel sorry for her parents.
  11. How in the WORLD is this Mexico fiasco gonna go down with NOBODY for Bethy to pick on?? Or is she gonna turn on somebody? I'm sick to death of the Bethy show and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to tell Bravo. I think these chicks should have to take every single cast member on these frickin' Bravo paid for trips. It's not fair to eliminate Sonja just because Bethy's pissed off with Tipsy GIRL. I think Bethy thinks anything with the word "GIRL" in it is hers! Forever! Ugh. I can't with that beyotch.
  12. Big old hip hip Hooray!!!!! The "journey" is frickin' over. Ahh... Now we won't have to see Brandi anymore either, right??
  13. I still think it would have been completely possible for them to stop at a truck stop or something to use the friggin' restroom. There was NO reason for anyone to have been pissing in a cup!! And what the hell did she do with said cup after? Prolly threw it out the window @ some unsuspecting motorist on I-35!! And then they went to the 4 seasons??? Goodness. Not sure ANY of them are gonna be invited back to any CHARITY events in Dallas!!
  14. I really hope this show is paying batshit crazy LeeAnn a LOT of $$$. She's not going to be the grand dame of "DALLAS CHARITY" anymore! What with the threats to maim, kill, or generally take somebody out, the whole shit in the gift basket story (which I LOVE btw!) and her overall lose her shit at the drop of a turd... Oh hell. I hope this show is one and done.
  15. Oh wait! Did I just read upthread that smartypants Landon's FABULOUS new art & travel, travel & art website, is HIRING??? Hiring what? Interns? Like Sonja Morgan on RHONY? Or is she looking for INVESTORS who can also WORK for her, a la JD & Craig? Or.... Daddy's given her enough $$$$ to actually PAY somebody to help his little special tongue-tied snowflake for a month or two? WHERE can I sign on??? LOL!
  16. Totally agree that the lucite crib is hideous! And I can totally see how dingaling Kimye have it in their house. Oosh! And it looks like a baby could hurt himself if he rolled over too fast and hit that damn lucite face first! Landon is a complete and total douchebag. That whole "arts and travel" bull..... Help me. I just can't with her.
  17. I'm just kind of disappointed that it's basically been "The Bethenny Show" and everyone else is just in her world. Ugh. And is it me or does Sonja look a little different this year than last?
  18. I don't know about these chicks and I'm a Texan! OK,so I'm a native Houstonian transplanted behind the pine curtain in east Texas but seriously?Jesus Juice?? Doodoo all the livelong day?? Charity,charity,charity ad nauseum?? Ugh. And that LeeAnne just skeers me!
  19. Such a snoozefest. The whole 3 parts. Can't say I watched it all, maybe I was just "listening" part of the time. Put me right to sleep. Not sure WHY we were subjected to that idiot Brandi (all by herself!) and really, who gives a shit about what she says anyway?? I too suffer from the "No Ass Syndrome" and loved all the comments upthread! I will be anxiously awaiting my invitation to the Gala!! LOL!!
  20. Kathryn's stuck on stupid perhaps. Somebody needs to let her know that between her appearance on this show and TRav's $2500.00/month contribution, she SHOULD be able to pay not only the electricity but the water, the rent, and buy crap for the kids to eat. Just sayin'.
  21. Oh Lawd! TRav has already started drinking for his WWHL appearance!!
  22. What a bunch of weirdos. Kathryn wants some bigass house for her "family" and Landon wants to open a members only bourbon club. Are they for REAL?? What the hell happened to getting a UH..OH.. J-O-B?????
  23. Already completely tired of the Bethenny show and her little friends who kiss her ass. Just so boring. And sleep inducing. Where's old crazy Sonja when you need her??
  24. Good Gawd Almighty!! This woman!! IS SOO FULL OF IT!!!! I just can't with her. Seriously, anything she says regarding her health IN ANY FORM, FROM ANYTIME IN HER FREAKIN" LIFE, I'm calling BS! Sorry for the yelling, but this is going from the ridiculous to the absurd!
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