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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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"Can't stop the signal..."


qwertygadoo asked:
Have you heard that Olicity made it to the elite 8 on an eonline vote for TV's best couple Can u give a shoutout to vote not just because its olicity but because its the show Arrow?!

I’ve been retweeting on Twitter.  :)

dumplingnooona asked:
Hi Marc, are you aware that Olicity is one of the pairings in E!'s TV's Top Couple Tournament 2015 and the Olicity Fandom is voting their asses off? We are put against Once Upon a Time's Captain Swan and it's hard to keep the lead cause CS has a HUGE fandom and they're hella competitive. SO! It would really mean a lot if you could like.. i don't know, tell our fandom to keep their spirits up and keep voting?

Keep your spirits up and keep voting!

Seriously, this is totally awesome and totally awesome that you guys are fighting the good fight.  #downwithcaptainswan


Edited by tv echo
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unfortunately I can't vote for the rest of the competition. I honestly don't think we'll make it. 


Regardless, I'm proud of standing beside you guys :) We achieved a LOT. HOpefully we'll be placed higher than the other losing couples. Maybe top 5? 

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Yeaahhhhh…I think we're gonna lose this, especially if MG answered an ask about it on tumblr. That's just inviting all the Olicity haters to vote against us. Who thought that was a good idea?


Anyway, to hold our own against the OUAT fandom is pretty impressive. I mean, I don't watch that show but I know it has a HUGE following. Well done guys. It's been…enlightening! Haha.

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In the end OUAT gets like 8 million viewers per week and Arrow barely hits 3. It's damn impressive if you ask me! :D Regardless, in the end, Captain Swan shippers had to rally 5 other fandoms to help them out, we didn't (except apparently some Steroline shippers who wanted to help). I call that a noble loss and a less than noble win. Oh well, there's always next year! Idk if y'all will be around, but hopefully you will! IDK I have a soft spot for all of you :')

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JFC. It just dropped .4% while I was waiting for my tabs to load.


I guess it does say something that Captain Swan had to recruit and resort to this, but it's disappointing. Their couple is TOGETHER and front and center every week. 


OTOH, E! or any other media outlet could request an interview with Stephen and Emily at any time and they haven't. Having to resort to winning a poll to get a crumb like that is sort of humiliating.

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If we do lose, we should ask Kristin to interview Stephen and Emily together anyway because of how many votes their ship got. The hook would be a much smaller fandom, and look how close they got to CS.


While it would be nice to win this, I'm really in it to send a message to MG to get them together.

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Thanks, wonderwall. 


I was thinking about strategy.  I'm going to stop for a while now, and let the CS shippers think they've won so that they pull back. Then I'll start up closer to the deadline.

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Win or lose, the poll was a good distraction from thinking about the actual show for a while. (I like to speculate as much as anyone, but we were kind of going crazy over the limited spoilers.) And it united Olicity fans, who were kind of quiet and fractured after the last episode.

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I want to win, but I don't take these polls too seriously - and it's not over yet (although the outlook is bleak).  It's (obviously) not life or death.  It's not even like a poll to determine whether your fave show will be renewed or cancelled.  And it does say something that the opposing fandom had to recruit help from other fandoms and use shortcuts in order to pull ahead.  In any event, as a long-time fan of Joss Whedon, I'm comfortable being on the side of the underdog.


Reposting voting link:


Edited by tv echo
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I'm actually a bit confused by how quickly it's dropped just when I started voting again in the last hour. Something by like .5%. How are they doing that?! Crazy. Eh. 

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That's actually a great idea statsgirl.

Win or lose we did fantastic considering all the tricks Captain Swan had to pull out to win. There's no way we could really compete with Once's numbers if they got seriously invested so to still be basically neck and neck is ridiculously good.

Eta: and really the olicity fandom does not show signs of giving up if you take Twitter and tumblr into account

Edited by Delphi
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Keep on!! I'm not giving up. Our fandom gets NOTHING in terms of otp interviews. SA is saying Felicity is with Ray, can't remember the last time EBR said anything remotely positive about Olicity. We can't give up

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I'm not so sure about that. I'm working right now and assume others are to give an hour or so for everyone to get home and we'll be voting en masse while psters are still at work

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Hi all of you! Greetings from Spain where it's about 10:30 p.m. now. O.K. right now don't look very bright for Olicity, but I'm willing to invest one more hour of voting (after skipping lunch for sitting at my PC typing captcha codes...). I'l gonna try this new "Chrome method". If things change a little bit for the better, I'll continue into the night. Let's see what we can manage! :-) *Waving hands from across The Pond*

Edited by Kordi
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Smaok and Arrow is posting some very good motivational tweets. This is the one that is sending me back into the trenches for the last bitter hours.

Paraphrasing a bit

"Are you you thru your Aww phase and to your I am not done fighting! phase yet Olicity fans? Good! Get mad and vote."

For that, I'll go strap on the keyboard for a little while longer.

Edited by BkWurm1
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I'm gonna keep voting when I can until the poll is over. Don't give up just yet! I think we've done amazing, especially as we're up against a show who has basically double the viewers we do and all their actors have retweeted the poll on twitter. We've not had any of that. 

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MG has been tweeting it as well as the ArrowProd guy. But then it was realized that it attracted the haters as well. Smh. Other people who RTed the poll was Charlotte Ross and Orlando Jones. 


Whereas I think Colin O'Donaghue, OUAT twitter, ABC (I think?), Christina Perri, and other actors on the show pimped the poll out. Not to mention that they had like 5 other fandoms voting with them... 


So I think all things considered, we did a fantastic job! I thoroughly believe we would've won if we were on an equal playing field. 

Edited by wonderwall
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Is it bad that I want Captain Swan to go against Steroline in the next round? I want the Steroline shippers to thrash them. 



Lol, no. It's frustrating when you've been voting a lot and the number is just sliding and sliding. You start to feel a little petty sometimes. 


I'm actually wondering why none of the actors on our show retweeted the poll. I mean, I know it's only a poll but this is also a way of fans showing how much they like and appreciate something and a little recognition of what fans are doing would have been nice. Eh. 

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Lol, no. It's frustrating when you've been voting a lot and the number is just sliding and sliding. You start to feel a little petty sometimes. 


I'm actually wondering why none of the actors on our show retweeted the poll. I mean, I know it's only a poll but this is also a way of fans showing how much they like and appreciate something and a little recognition of what fans are doing would have been nice. Eh. 


I think it's because of the situation... They don't want to show favoritism which would make the lauriver lovers pissed

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I think it's because of the situation... They don't want to show favoritism which would make the lauriver lovers pissed


Oh, I'm sure. But that's bullshit really, when you think about it. Oh, let's not upset the Lauriver shippers but here's a middle finger to those fans that have been voting and drumming up support for like a week now. One tweet wouldn't have hurt, especially as I'm told MG said something about it on tumblr. I'm basically pointing fingers at SA and EBR here. There's no way SA hasn't seen it going on. 


Eh. Whatever. I'm shrugging it off now. 

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Is it bad that I want Captain Swan to go against Steroline in the next round? I want the Steroline shippers to thrash them. 

I'm with you. I don't have a problem with Captain Swain, but the fandom has me pissed off. Getting other fandoms to vote with you and looking for haters to vote against Olicity. Its the part of the fandom (all fandoms) that I don't like. And frankly, I hope it bites them in the butt.

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Oh, I'm sure. But that's bullshit really, when you think about it. Oh, let's not upset the Lauriver shippers but here's a middle finger to those fans that have been voting and drumming up support for like a week now. One tweet wouldn't have hurt, especially as I'm told MG said something about it on tumblr. I'm basically pointing fingers at SA and EBR here. There's no way SA hasn't seen it going on. 


Eh. Whatever. I'm shrugging it off now. 


Yeah if SA tweeted it I'm sure it would've helped A LOT. And the fact that he was pimping another poll where he was against his 'sister-in-law'? Smh. Sometimes the minor backlash is worth it. I mean, this season has been advertised as the 'Olicity season' where Oliver's love interest changed from Laurel to Felicity. The poll wouldn't change anything that's going on in the show. And if Lauriver shippers are pissed off at that, then they should take that up with the writers and not SA or EBR. I'm sort of pissed at SA tbqh. If he could signal boost his poll with Italia Ricci he could've signal boosted this one. 

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This is my point really. If this was s1 or maybe even s2 I could understand them not promoting the poll because Olicity wasn't really a thing. But they pimped those two out before this season started, their relationship is a big focus and Oliver has even said "I love you." They're even using them to sell comics. It doesn't matter if they go back to Lauriver in the future or whatever, the main romantic relationship on this show this season is Olicity. So a little promotion wouldn't have hurt. I think it's pretty crappy tbh. I'm disappointed in them. SA more than EBR because EBR seems to be in her own little twitter world most of the time. But SA is always on the ball. 

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Well, you know Stephen thinks Twitter is useless, even when his fanbase manages to get him on a few late night talk shows he's dreamed of being on since before he hit it big using it. So I'm not surprised he didn't do anything, really.

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A lot of people on tumblr are kind of pissed at them apparently. The shippers spend so much time trying to make their show relevant (I mean this is the most talk the show has gotten ever since the 'who's gonna die!?' spoiler) and talked about and not forgotten, the least they can do is help out or be thankful? The Oliciters spend so much time and energy on this show, yes sometimes they're crazy, but they're super dedicated. I just can't believe they've never really gotten a shout out for their hard work.


Don't mind me. I'm sleep deprived and bitter. 

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I'm not surprised tbh. The show wouldn't be getting anything out of this poll. The prize of an interview was for the fans. And the show only promotes Olicity when it needs viewers. Rest of the time they could care less. Haha, I'm a little bitter too.



Well, you know Stephen thinks Twitter is useless, even when his fanbase manages to get him on a few late night talk shows he's dreamed of being on since before he hit it big using it. So I'm not surprised he didn't do anything, really.



Lol, that sounds even worse. 'They got me on a late night talk show and I achieved my dream but ugh, twitter is the worst!' Omg. Haha.

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Lol, that sounds even worse. 'They got me on a late night talk show and I achieved my dream but ugh, twitter is the worst!' Omg. Haha.


Yeah, he's tweeted about how useless Twitter is since his appearances on Seth Myers and Jimmy Kimmel's shows, even after both of them said during their interview that the reason they took notice of him was because people were tweeting at them non-stop. It's like...really, dude? Haha. 


And yeah, I think he was promoting the social media thing he was up against Robbie's fiancee for because it was an individual thing and he could claim that he "won," since he's uber competitive and something like that probably matters much, much more to him than the E! thing, so he can claim he's the best or whatever. 

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Half the time I think the reason the show doesn't promote these types of things is because the fans do it for them. And then they bait us some more with things like "it's a 10" scenes and "the greatest Olicity scene ever" and we talk about the show even more. They don't have to do the work because it's being done for them by the fandom. And we do it in hopes of getting some recognition for the hard work we do. 

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This talk just makes me so bitter. This is the first time I liked MG more than SA. MG was great about the whole poll thing tbqh.

We don't really know if he understood that it was an important poll.  There are constant fan generated polls popping up, I can give him the benefit of the doubt for not understanding that this one held some significance. 

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I just spent over an hour voting in this poll and our number just kept dropping. If someone had told me three months ago that I would vote over 500 times against Captain Swan, or in any online poll in general, I wouldn't have believed them, but I have a soft spot for underdogs. Sorry, guys. 

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We don't really know if he understood that it was an important poll.  There are constant fan generated polls popping up, I can give him the benefit of the doubt for not understanding that this one held some significance. 

I don't think he's dumb enough not to know that E! Is a reputable source (well sorta) so he should've at least grasped how important it was just a little. 


I just spent over an hour voting in this poll and our number just kept dropping. If someone had told me three months ago that I would vote over 500 times against Captain Swan, or in any online poll in general, I wouldn't have believed them, but I have a soft spot for underdogs. Sorry, guys. 

You did the best you could :) That's all we can ask for!!!


Honestly, I just hope that we get a good spin on this poll :) We worked our butts off, hope it gets acknowledged

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Well that’s not how I expected to spend my day home, lol.  I was up ‘til 3 voting, actually fell asleep at my computer until 5, went to bed only to find out my nephew needed ride in the morning  which translated to me not getting any more sleep.  I got home by ten am and since I was wide awake, voted until after noon when I crashed for a few hours only to get up and finish my day voting.


So here’s to solidarity with all the Olicity fans and to a hard fight against impossible odds. Here’s to a new appreciation for words like waste and face and any other left hand only spelled words.  Here’s to eventually figuring out that if I just scrolled down on the far right side I wouldn’t get bogged down in The Royals ad which I mistook for a Rimmel of London's mascara ad until about two hours ago. 


And finally, here’s to not having to repeat this insanity in the fabulous four or the terrific two round.  I’m pooped.  Is it ok that I’m kind of relieved we’re out of the running?

Edited by BkWurm1
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Eh, I feel like if so many people hadn't gotten involved we would have won this round and as a result wouldn't have had to participate so actively. The hardcore olicity tumblr people would have taken care of it for us and we'd have won.

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Apparently some of the CS fans on Tumblr are gloating and sending things to some of the more vocal Olicity fans on there. I haven't seen any of it, but people I follow have. Makes this entire thing... worse imo? It was all for fun, and CS already has their canon ship (who are actually together right now). I really do think the Olicity fandom needed this win. 

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If you have to recruit 5 other fandoms to win you don't get to gloat...

I think shippers take this shit way to seriously. It would have been nice to have gotten a joint interview but, it didn't happen.

Hey people should ask SA/EBR to do a Facebook Q&A that would be better than an eonline interview IMO.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Apparently some of the CS fans on Tumblr are gloating and sending things to some of the more vocal Olicity fans on there. I haven't seen any of it, but people I follow have. Makes this entire thing... worse imo? It was all for fun, and CS already has their canon ship (who are actually together right now). I really do think the Olicity fandom needed this win. 

omfg what's your url because I got hate!! YOU MIGHT BE FOLLOWING ME. Let me follow you back, yo

 wouldn’t get bogged down in The Royals ad which I mistook for a Rimmel of London's mascara ad until about two hours ago. 

I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO THOUGHT THIS?!! It got super annoying imo

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