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  1. I thougt, that the big bad in Hongkong would be Amanda because Ollie would like to kill her still. But then Ive seen the videol. And how could you bring catana in it. she threatens Shrieve.??? the one how freed Olli ????
  2. Could it be.... the when you look at 0.56 at sacrifice.... whas it Tatsu and Shrieve ???
  3. A different outcome: http://archiveofourown.org/works/3531284?view_full_work=true
  4. http://de.eonline.com/news/633485/tv-s-top-couple-tournament-2015-vote-for-your-favorite-pairing-in-the-elite-8-now PLeese help whe are loosing!
  5. Morrigan, do you think, the scriptwriters did not see the two first seasons and instead only reading the Comics ? The whole thing makes no sense. Merlin was never Grey... Ras was never only black..... and Olliver never that dumb. And that was before he was killed !!!
  6. Oliver Queen, the same Person, who tricked out Slade Wilson, convinced the loa this time not to kill, even earned Money with his cover Nightclub. The only Killer without remorse in this game is MM, and even is this script a plot to confuse the viewers, it is going to long. And if ist not. Which doctor remotes parts of Oliver Queens Brain ???? Or did he get too much concussions and a permanent brain damage? Morrigan youre right but would it make a difference ?
  7. And the new bad Boy is Ras al Ghul, the same bad boy who helped to save the City the last season with his nice followers. And who tolerates that his sister got in love with another women and set this women free. And Oliver knows this all, why didnt he fly to nanda Parbat, tells Ras the Story and helps him to find Malcom Merlin ? Instead of lying to him. Because lying is a habit for Oliver Queen and he is not used in telling the truth? And Malcolm is now the trustworthy one, because he has the nowledge. Of what, how to be defeat by the league of assasins?
  8. At the Moment I look at the show out of Habit. And that makes me bitter. I want to shout at the script writers. What do you want ???? it´s a complete mess. No fun left... And no fun, watching it, too. Are they trying to make a show for self destructive emotionally disturbed bullies ? I was really relieved that the last episode didn´t made me angry. But the old fun is gone, and nothing good hapens, instead the brought in a creepy Stalker with a strange suit. A super Heroine with unrestrained self-esteem. Who Needs most of the time to be rescued. Maybe I am wrong, maybe I should try some of Malcome Merlins dulling the mind pills. the same he gave to the Arrow. But I still remember Oliver Queen during the 2 fist season. And he was never such a complete brainless Idiot.
  9. Yes, Angel, you are missing a good script and something that makes sense since December. And I am tired of it, too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_uiU-QmbHs
  10. Season 4, maybe if no one insists on the Comic book canary...(((( Sorry Answer to Kymmi
  11. newbie

    S03.E13: Canaries

    Your are so right there is absolutely nothing cute about a stalker
  12. A terrible prospekt and a killer for the fun in the show. Who hates the viewer so much?
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