Lamb18 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 I couldn't find a thread for this episode so I started one. Tommy's soliloquy in the bedroom. He's just the plucky little underdog hero, girding his loins to conquer the Lord of the Watermelons. 8 1 Link to comment
Lamima September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 I think he really told them about Christie because he was mad at how they were trash talking her. Why else be all teary about it? He was fuming mad inside and wanted to say "hey, guys, she is a close friend of mine". 2 7 Link to comment
Lamb18 September 12, 2019 Author Share September 12, 2019 Then Cliff has his soliloquy. At first I thought it was a Winston Churchill speech, but it was more a Gipper speech. Yes! The little unicorn that could wins the POV!! 2 1 Link to comment
HighMaintenance September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Holy manifest! A Lucky Charms commercial? WITH marshmallow unicorns? Right after Nicole’s veto win? Holy spitballs! 8 Link to comment
PaperTree September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 The dawning of reality on Holly is hilarious! 1 2 1 Link to comment
JD5166 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 I like that Tommy has to lick Nicole’s boots to stick around. 2 2 Link to comment
PaperTree September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Holly the Jackson banger is suddenly concerned about "morals". lol 10 Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Well, Chicago area viewers got 45 minutes of storm coverage 😤 so see every tomorrow! 2 Link to comment
Lamb18 September 12, 2019 Author Share September 12, 2019 (edited) 2 minutes ago, PaperTree said: Holly the Jackson banger is suddenly concerned about "morals". lol Since when is the decision to vote for Holly or Tommy moral? Edited September 12, 2019 by Lamb18 1 2 Link to comment
JD5166 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Bye, Holly!!!! Jackson telling Nicole it was her decision mean he so done with her...get rid of her so you can play the game. That ball cap so low on your head can’t hide your smirk!!! I see you, Jackson!! Finally this show is interesting...bottom feeders unite!!! 4 Link to comment
Samwise979 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 If I was Tommy I'd say to Cliff and Nicole, if you keep me and promise to target Jackson next, I'll throw the HOH comp to you two. Then hopefully Jackson doesn't win veto, but hey if he does, Tommy at least saved himself for another week and gave himself another chance to win and helped in the destruction of the showmance. 1 5 Link to comment
kellog010 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 (edited) Just now, Samwise979 said: If I was Tommy I'd say to Cliff and Nicole, if you keep me and promise to target Jackson next, I'll throw the HOH comp to you two. Then hopefully Jackson doesn't win veto, but hey if he does, Tommy at least saved himself for another week and gave himself another chance to win and helped in the destruction of the showmance. Edited September 12, 2019 by kellog010 ETA: I think all of them have talked of every situation. Link to comment
North of Eden September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Wow! That was some of the WORST gameplay I've ever seen on BIG BROTHER. Tell people you've been lying for the whole summer AND you have a guaranteed jury vote when it could come down to a single vote? Seriously? And then actually considering keeping Tommy?! A strong player that everyone on a jury would vote for...instead of keeping Holly around who can't win competitions and would be the IDEAL goat to bring to the end pointing out that she was a coat tail rider the whole way? What drugs are these people on?! 4 Link to comment
willco September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 I really want to hate on Nicole for doing that, but I can't-- because she's not really wrong. The couple is dangerous, even though Holly can't win anything to save her life. But Jackson would probably protect her until he couldn't, i.e. if it was himself in danger, he would of course save himself. But I do think he'd protect Holly them most he could. So, yeah, Nicole's move wasn't bad, its just that I can't really stand Tommy and I do like Holly, so it's on a personal level for me that I hate the move. Tommy just seems to keep surviving, just like he said the other night ! Damn. It's like he just always does it. I do hope they vote him out tomorrow, but I'd bet right now that it will be Holly. And Tommy will then stand quite a good chance to be in the finals, because Michie ( even though he seems chill now) will not be happy that Holly got the boot. Tommy winning this game would be the worst outcome, IMO. I haven't liked the guy since the beginning & the thought of him winning just really bums me out. 3 Link to comment
Alice Mudgarden September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 THAT JACK COMIC COVER, THOUGH. 10 10 Link to comment
Samwise979 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 I agree Holly would be better than Tommy to be beside in final 2 the issue is, Jackson over everyone is most likely going to win the final HOH and he will take Holly over Cliff or Nicole. If they evict Holly, either Jackson stays and wins and takes either Cliff or Nicole or Tommy stays and wins and takes either Cliff or Nicole. At least they get a chance for one of them to make it to the end. 1 Link to comment
Lamima September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Plus next week, if Holly wins HOH she won't be putting up Jackson. And he'd also be likely to win veto. Be better to have Cliff and Nicole be the possible HOH and then if Jackson wins veto, Tommy can get voted out (though Jackson might vote out Cliff/Nicole whoever isn't HOH). If Tommy wins veto, goodbye Jackson (could be goodbye C or N but not likely). 1 Link to comment
tinkerbell September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 1 hour ago, Wandering Snark said: Well, Chicago area viewers got 45 minutes of storm coverage 😤 so see every tomorrow! Yeah, I came home, wanted to watch on my DVR, poured my wine, got a snack - and a bunch of stuff about how there's a storm that could turn into a tornado, weather maps, warnings, etc. DAMMIT! Link to comment
Callaphera September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Poor Holly - there was no time limit to hide the complete and utter suckage of her comp performance. It was on full display for everyone. Cliff beat her and he has a bum leg. Too bad Jess already left, she would have been a riot to watch in that comp. 5 1 Link to comment
Melina22 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 14 minutes ago, Callaphera said: Poor Holly - there was no time limit to hide the complete and utter suckage of her comp performance. It was on full display for everyone. Cliff beat her and he has a bum leg. On the bright side, she looked fah-bulous in her comic. She could have been Old Buzzard/Cougar Woman. Production took pity on her. 1 5 Link to comment
HerkyJerky September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 I could have sworn in Nicole's last DR in the last minute of the show that she said, "I know it's just the Final Four, but it's the Fucking Final Four!" I rewound it three times and it sure sounded like that to me. Did anybody else hear that or do I need to clean the shit out of my ears? 2 Link to comment
Tdoc72 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 1 hour ago, HerkyJerky said: I could have sworn in Nicole's last DR in the last minute of the show that she said, "I know it's just the Final Four, but it's the Fucking Final Four!" I rewound it three times and it sure sounded like that to me. Did anybody else hear that or do I need to clean the shit out of my ears? I heard freaking. 🤷🏻♀️ Earlier today Jackson told Holly that he requested the Backstreet Boys for Nicole and let her sleep in the HOH room and got nothing. I also noticed he wasn’t being as friendly and playful w/her. I knew it was all fake. I’m glad she’s seeing through it. I’m manifesting that from the time he gets out of the house until forever that when he hears a Backstreet Boys song, he just seethes. 😈 2 1 Link to comment
Nashville September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 3 hours ago, HerkyJerky said: I could have sworn in Nicole's last DR in the last minute of the show that she said, "I know it's just the Final Four, but it's the Fucking Final Four!" I rewound it three times and it sure sounded like that to me. Did anybody else hear that or do I need to clean the shit out of my ears? If that’s the case, then pass me that Q-Tip when you’re through; I came here specifically to post, “Hey y’all! Did you catch that F-bomb Production let Nicole slide past the censors?” 🤣🤣🤣 3 Link to comment
Pass the Tequila September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 8 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said: THAT JACK COMIC COVER, THOUGH. Lots of shade thrown down this episode. Loved it. 😎 1 Link to comment
HerkyJerky September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 7 hours ago, Nashville said: If that’s the case, then pass me that Q-Tip when you’re through; I came here specifically to post, “Hey y’all! Did you catch that F-bomb Production let Nicole slide past the censors?” 🤣🤣🤣 THANK YOU, Nashville! I know I'm not going crazy! 1 Link to comment
Melina22 September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 18 minutes ago, icemiser69 said: Holly is only thirty-one years old. She is far too young to be considered a cougar. I totally agree, but the show seems to think it's funny to label her one. 1 Link to comment
Rachel RSL September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 I'm so pissed at Tommy for telling them about his relationship with Christie. He denied us the joy of seeing them freak out at the reunion. Also, what kind of stupid game play is that? Why lie ALL summer and then blab and put a target on yourself at the most crucial point of the game? It also really pisses me off that Kat was seen as shady because of her possible relationship with Holly but Tommy is complimented on how good he is at keeping it secret. Like WTF? Conspiring bitches! 7 Link to comment
Nashville September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Okay - time to start breaking out the pocket protectors and slide rules*, and start geeking out on the endgame scenarios! Holly and Tommy are OTB, and Cliff & Nicole control the vote this week. Which would be Cliff & Nicole’s smarter choice? - Scenario #1: Both Cliff & Nicole VTE Tommy; leads to a Cliff / Nicole / Jackson / Holly F4, which permits the following F2 combinations: Cliff/Nicole: Cliff probably wins out, due to a slightly stronger resume (more times being on/surviving the Block), overcoming the Oldest HG stigma, and oh yeah - the Penis Factor. Cliff/Jackson: Jackson wins, almost certainly; he has a Jury House full of bros and hos who’ll vote for him regardless Cliff/Holly: ???. Ordinarily I’d lean towards Holly winning - 2 HoHs to Cliff’s 1 - but Cliff has survived the Block many more times, and (once again) has the Old / Penis things going for him. Think I’d about have to call this one for Cliff. Nicole/Jackson: again, an near-certain win for Jackson; if he makes it to F2, his resume + Jury support will be well-nigh unassailable. Nicole/Holly: Holly(?). This’un could very well come down to a popularity contest, and right now I’m not sure exactly who would win that contest with the Jury - America’s Sweetheart vs. America’s Nightstand. Jackson/Holly: Jackson, duh. Unless Holly can whip out a pair of hot-librarian eyeglasses and walk everybody through some heretofore unseen strategic manipulations of near-Machiavellian subtlety, she’s toast. - Scenario #2: Both Cliff & Nicole VTE Holly - leads to a Cliff / Nicole / Jackson / Tommy F4, which permits the following F2 combinations: Cliff/Nicole: let’s face it, in this scenario the only chance either Cliff or Nicole has at 1P money is versus each other; probably leans towards Cliff, for the same reasons cited in #1. Cliff/Jackson: Jackson wins with a far stronger game resume. Cliff/Tommy: Tommy wins with a stronger game resume, and much stronger Jury connections. Nicole/Jackson: Jackson wins (see Cliff/Jackson). Nicole/Tommy: Tommy wins (see Cliff/Tommy). Jackson/Tommy: good fucking question. Not one of any particular game significance to either Cliff or Nicole, mind you, but a good question nonetheless. Jackson probably has the better strategic resume, but Tommy has the better social game. Hmmmm.... - Scenario #3: Cliff & Nicole split their votes and force a Jackson tiebreaker. Whichever way Jackson breaks the tie - does it make enough of a difference to attenuate Jackson’s perceived strengths in any of the above scenarios? After serious consideration, I’m going with No. From the Cliff/Nicole point of view I’m going to have to say - their odds aren’t great under ANY scenario, but they have a lot better shot of beating Holly at F2 than they do of beating Tommy at F2. So I’d have to go with Scenario #1 and evict Tommy this time around. * How many of y’all even know what the hell a slide rule is? 😂 3 2 Link to comment
Nashville September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 2 hours ago, Nashville said: From the Cliff/Nicole point of view I’m going to have to say - their odds aren’t great under ANY scenario, but they have a lot better shot of beating Holly at F2 than they do of beating Tommy at F2. So I’d have to go with Scenario #1 and evict Tommy this time around. And just as an example of how quickly things can turn in the BB House - after reading this.... ...if I were Cliff and Nicole I’d now be more inclined to send HOLLY out the door - because sending a tearful Holly snuffling to the other Jurors about how Cliff and Nicole were soooo mean as to set Holly up and get her evicted on her showmance’s HoH...? Resume-building gold. 😂 2 Link to comment
iMonrey September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Quote The couple is dangerous, even though Holly can't win anything to save her life. Holly has won 2 HoHs. That's one more than Tommy has won. God, this show is painful to get through with all the repetition. How many clips do we actually need of people in the DR explaining why it's important that Tommy doesn't win the Veto? I was pretty solid on the concept after the second or third one, I didn't need the other ten. I get it. You don't want Tommy to win the Veto. Quote I don't think it matters. Unless the final two are Cliff and Nicole, I expect the winner to be from that huge clique. Agreed. I think Jackson has this pretty much sewn up anyway but the only way Cliff or Nicole win are if they are final 2 and I think that's highly unlikely. 1 Link to comment
willco September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 12 minutes ago, iMonrey said: Holly has won 2 HoHs. That's one more than Tommy has won. God, this show is painful to get through with all the repetition. How many clips do we actually need of people in the DR explaining why it's important that Tommy doesn't win the Veto? I was pretty solid on the concept after the second or third one, I didn't need the other ten. I get it. You don't want Tommy to win the Veto. Agreed. I think Jackson has this pretty much sewn up anyway but the only way Cliff or Nicole win are if they are final 2 and I think that's highly unlikely. You are right, of course ! I just forgot about Holly winning those. Probably because she did so poorly in this competition and the Fill in the Blank one that it seems like she's can't win for trying ! Tommy may be the nicest guy in the world outside of the House, but some of the things he's done in there, plus the fact that he just annoys the crap out of me with all his "over-the topness" just makes me want Holly to win over him. More personal than game play feelings on my part. That's how this game is to me most seasons, it all comes down to whom I like the best. This year, between those 2, it's Holly ( despite her somewhat poor taste in men ! Looking at you, Jackson,) 1 Link to comment
amazingracefan September 12, 2019 Share September 12, 2019 Tommy revealing his secret seemed a bonehead move, Jackson and Holly could use that. The reality is it should make him a goat as nobody would vote for him when he had that advantage, but in BB terms people probably just want him out based on them being fooled. Link to comment
Wandering Snark September 13, 2019 Share September 13, 2019 I had no idea this would be the time things got interesting, as I'd not looked forward to the combos if Nicole won... how delicious this could be. Locked out of that knowledge for a day (a 45 minute weather story kept me from watching) I didn't know what I was up for when watching! I want Nicole to take her shot and let it ride to the end hoping things fall her/Cliff's way. I'm guessing she won't but damn it would be classic. The "underdogs" never get this shot it seems and she has to take it. Those conspiring bitches in the jury house will still vote for Tommy or Jackson not either of the 'dogs so there is work to do... but why the hell not? Link to comment
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